There are many great films on this topic, this one may be the worst
9 October 2013
I am a huge fan of documentary film making. I watch as many documentaries as I can. I am also a biologist, and am already on side against genetic engineering of plants/animals and patenting of life and the general nasty attitudes of the chemical companies who have a stranglehold on our food production systems. So when people say "preaching to the choir" I am indeed a member of that choir.

So why did I hate this film? I am a fact seeker, I am looking for solid information, backed up by evidence. I find hysterics and badmouthing for the sake of badmouthing to be a turn-off in the documentary medium.

This film's first 20 minutes have several talking heads, each and every one of them delivering hysterics, no facts, no plan, no content, just a bunch of crazy flapping lips.

This kind of documentary does a disservice to healthy food politics. It's a real shame. The horrible cinematography and the choice of flapping hysterical lips was so so irritating that I had to shut it down. If it's horrible for the choir, imagine how unconvincing it is to those who need convincing!
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