
17 Reviews
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Mindless action with a plot
26 June 2001
Sure this movie is fueled by testosterone, sure this movie has plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon, sure this movie has about five people in the entire thing who are over 25, sure this movie has stupid moments that are supposed to be dramatic but made me laugh, sure the dialog is as cheesy as a cheese sandwich, but what can I say? It's just plain fun. It has some great action scenes and some great one liners. It's not going to win an Oscar, I can guarantee you that, but it will entertain and it never gets boring. It may be stupid, it may be un-realistic, but it has a reasonably good storyline and it's just fun to watch. It's a classic because of all its faults, so go watch it and don't be too judgemental, just enjoy it for what it is.
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Exit Wounds (2001)
Steven Seagal fans and Action fans will not be disappointed
17 March 2001
Steven Seagal is back with a vengeance and in many ways, he's better than ever. DMX did a great job in this movie, he can definitely hold his own. The semi-Matrix style action was some of the best I've seen in a long time. This movie is not only exciting the whole way through, but it's also funny. Steven Seagal fans will not be disappointed. Seagal lost 50 pounds to do this movie and it payed off. Sure, you can still notice that Steven's still a bit on the chubby side, he's still working on it, but that does not diminish his on screen presence whatsoever. Seagal was born to play these roles. He's truly one of the best action stars there ever was. Watch this movie, it's great.
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Good action movie
26 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
When you watch a movie like this you might think: "Well why is Seagal so famous, anyone could do it" But Steven Seagal has charisma. Just try to imagine anyone else as the main character, it wouldn't work as well.

Sure there are some things that don't make sense, like the fact that Seagal and friends can destroy half a shopping center without any police interfierence, but mindless, cheesy things like that are what make the movie good.

Talking about Cheese, this movie actually doesn't have that much of the cheesiness factor you will see in so many other action movies. The emotional scenes may not work for some people but at least they put good effort into it.

The acting in this one is decent with Seagal playing a tough, rough retired cop, John Hatcher, who wants to get revenge on this Jamaican gang once they try to brutally murder his familly. Pretty typical story that they try to make different.

But hey forget about the acting, or the story folks, it's just an excuse for the good action. And let me tell you you're not gonna get any more bang for your buck than in this one. Seagal delivers again, kicking @ss and looking damn good doing it. I wouldn't consider the action very extreme but compared to other action movies I suppose there is alot of blood and gore, which is good for the action fan. You've got the love the ultra violent, the bone crunching action, just the way Seagal just breaks everyones bones with such ease. I would have like more violence (I can never get enough) and Seagal to take more punches, but hey that's okay, still very entertaining.

The first few minutes in Mexico or wherever was a very good start, it almost takes you into another world. A world of danger and intrigue.

And it's not as typical as most other action movies, especially if you compare it to Chuck Norris and Van Damme. The writers actually try to be creative. The twist at the end was surprising and the final showdown was probably the best of the whole movie. I love the line Seagal says after finishing the job. If you haven't seen the movie the line will probably be a spoiler so don't read the next line

Something like, "Let's hope they're not triplets" That one had me laughing my head off.

The faults with this movie? As I said, I would have liked even more action and more violence, but that's just me. I would have liked it if they would have re-shot some of short sequences where Seagal's acting wasn't at its best, like in the Confession in the Church. It would have also been better if they would have actually tried to freak out the audience a bit with the voodoo, but what makes these movies so good is that they're mindless and have some little faults like the ones I mentioned. If all the women didn't right away want Seagal's character, hey it wouldn't be a Steven Seagal movie.

If I had to rate the movie I would give it 7 out of 10. Not very high but I didn't expect this to be a masterpiece, never expect that in an action movie, so I liked it.

So watch it and enjoy the entertainment. Enjoy the action and anything else you can get out of this one. It's an escapist movie and it succeeds at entertaining you and entering you into the world of John Hatcher.
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Maximum Risk (1996)
A good movie that could have been great
22 January 2000
If Van Damm would have made some changes and a few finishing touches, this movie could have been great. Still entertaining though. Tipical Van Damm movie. The part which is STUPID and almost laughable is when Van Damm is listening to his brothers voice on the tape recorder. His brothers voice seems that of a bored, tired person and he says "When I saw your picture it gave me hope but I didn't want to contact you because everything I touched I poisoned." Now how stupid is that. A guy sees his own picture and it changes his life? And he didn't want to contact Van Damm because he would ruin his life? If everything he touched got poisoned than why is it that that gorgeous girl was JUUUST FINE? Well it's not that bad but it just left me wondering "where that came from". Basically it just needed a little more effort. It's a good film for 4 months of work and a low budget but not that great.
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8 January 2000
Next to some of the Indiana Jones movies this is surely one of the best adventure movies ever made. I've seen this movie atleast 10 times. I just love adventure movies about finding treasure, fighting bad guys and discovering secrets, all while rescueing the babes. That's why I also liked The mummy(1999). Alot of people are saying that this movie tries to copy Indiana Jones, well that's just not possible because even though this movie was made after the first Indiana Jones, the book for this movie was written first. The book is actually considered a classic. Sure the movie may have been made because of Indiana Jones popularity but it's still a great movie. The second one just doesn't live up to this one, though it's still fun to watch. I wish that they would make the rest of the Allan Quarterman books into movies. It would really be great. They should really make more movies like this. It's just that it's so hard to make a good adventure/treasure hunting/fighting/shooting movie.
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Fight Club (1999)
This is one screwed up movie. It's Great.
24 October 1999
This is one screwed up movie. It will blow your mind. No other movie has depicted human desire and self hate in this way before. It's a must see movie, it's a masterpeice. It's one of the best movies ever. It's not just about fighting and violence, it's about what we are as humans. It's about materialism and power. It's about insanity and misery. It's just wicked, it's un-believable. SEE IT, you will never see things the same way again.
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Dick Tracy (1990)
A good movie. Nothing more.
11 October 1999
This is a good movie. It's worth watching -but only once-, to see the different type of movie and cinematography. The whole world which Dick Tracy lives in is uniquely like a comic strip. Very well done. But If I were him I would have gone in with the criminals. It could have been better but this is it, so if you haven't seen it watch it.
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An Okay ACTION movie. Maybe the novel is better.
19 September 1999
This movie was Ok. It lacked alot though. It lacked, good acting(especially from Antonio Banderas. The first time he spoke in the movie I laughed out loud), balanced action, character development, depth of story and a decent ending. I mean come on. What kind of an ending was that for any action movie. The guy with the horns comes down and dies, just like that. He was never even a threat, a challenge. They just hit him off his horse as if they were playing baseball. And the story itself was too corney. The part where Antonio Banderas learns the Vikings language in one night really didn't make any sence. It was stupid. When you think about it, the story was good, so was the plot, but it just wasn't done right. It's as if it was put together in the last minute by a teenager in highschool I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I haven't read the book, but I've heard it's MUCH better.
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A very logically realistic Vampire movie
26 August 1999
This movie is touching, never too much, never too little. It makes you think about the logic of being a vampire and living forever. Of course you CANNOT feel what Loui(The main character) felt because it is too hard to do so. How can you possibly imagine living that long? What you would feel after such a long time? In this movie and the equally thrilling novel by Anne Rice, Vampires are presented, not as hating, evil, blood thirsty creatures, but as creatures with logical human or animal type emotions and cravings. One example of this is how many of them are said to commit suicide, becoming too bored with eternal life. This movie is a must see for anyone who has ever been interested in vampires.
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The Funniest Movie Ever... A comedic Masterpeice.
15 August 1999
This was the funniest movie ever. It just MAKES you laugh. You have to laugh. It doesn't have as many funny scenes as some comedies, but the scenes that are funny are UN-forgettable. The thing the makers of this movie did, was they brought on one funny joke after another, so while your busy laughing your head off and hitting your chair as hard as you can, you miss the next joke. It's great. Not only are the jokes as funny as hell, but at the same time there's a very interesting story to watch. This is a cult classic comedy. Better than any other Romantic comedy(Most of which are very predictable and boring). If any comedy can be called a masterpiece, than this is it.
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THE BEST animated movie ever better than any Disney film
14 August 1999
This is definately the best animated/cartoon film ever. The drawings aren't as nice as say Disney, but the story is incredible. It's just one of those stories that you love. The good thing is that it doesn't have any singing or songs, so it's just the great story and plot that makes the whole movie work.
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A good, fun movie with a sad end
14 August 1999
This movie is fun, wild and yet sad. It's entertaining and interesting the whole way through, but somehow you know that something is going to happen to spoil it all. I guess it's moral is that life is precious, so Enjoy it while you can.
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Worst movie I ever saw
1 July 1999
Now I've seen some of Chow Yun-Fat's Hong Kongese movies and I can understand why he's so popular there. Some of his movies are really good. BUT this. What the heck was this movie anyways. The worst movie I ever saw in my life. It had no plot, no real story, just something even I could have made up in 5 minutes, no good action , no acting, NOTHING. It sucked. If you like PURE action and nothing else. And I mean 'nothing else' then watch this. But let me warn you. I'm very tolerant with movies. I love many action movies with no meaning at all, but this movie sucked too much. And the action scenes also sucked. IT SUCKS.
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The most beautiful love story ever
30 June 1999
After watching The bride with white hair, I just couldn't wait to watch it's sequel, The bride with white hair 2. I thought that number one was Great. But after hearing the negative reviews most people gave the bride with white hair 2 , I became discouraged. But It didn't matter. I had to see the sequel and see what happened to decide for myself. I'm so glad I did, because this movie was the greatest, most emotional love story ever. It was better than number 1. It had more action and more humour. Much more EDGE OF YOUR SEAT suspense. It wasn't as meaningful as the first one, It had a lot more action. But YET AGAIN the Cinematography was spectacular. The best ever. Both Directors did a marvelous job. And the visuals and music were great. The music really added something. If you haven't seen this, then see it. Every movie goer should. And the ending. What a great ending. The best ending for any Romance movie or ANY movie. It was so beautiful. That one scene is one I can never forget. I just wish that they would have tried to put both the bride with white hair 1 & 2 in the theatres here, in the west. What a shame. Oh well. Just watch it and Enjoy this BRILLIANT MASTERPIECE
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A Chinese period film. Tragic, Romantic, Great.
27 June 1999
This movie is a masterpiece in some sense. The cinematography is very well done. It's not the best Asian movie ever, but one of the best (I thought). The genre isn't common in movies(not as far as I know). I saw the "full" genre to be action ,romance ,period ,fantasy ,drama. But that's what good about it. It's different and in some sense "rare". They should really make more high quality movies like this. I thought it was always entertaining the whole way through, non-stop. Interesting to watch. It was a tragic romantic movie. Good action scenes and superb acting. I loved the way the characters interacted with each-other. The thing about this movie is that it's not a movie you just watch and forget about and say "That was a good movie". It's something you really should think about. It has a great meaning.

It's quite sad at the very end. But it does a wonderful job in making you wonder what will happen next in the sequel(The bride with white hair 2). If you're looking for something different than all these Western movies, than watch this one for sure. And If you're going to watch it, watch the subtitled version. It's much, much better than the dubbed as with most foreign movies.
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The Mummy (1999)
Great Movie
10 May 1999
After seeing this movie, let me tell you that it's GREAT. It's not pure Horror or pure Adventure or pure Action or anything like that. Read the description at Imdb, right here. It's a great combination of all of those. It's way better than Indiana Jones. I wish people would stop comparing them and saying that Indiana Jones is better. This is way better. It's a non-stop action, fast paced, un-predictable, adventure with a pinch of funny one-liners. It's Magnificent. Don't miss it. And don't watch it expecting pure horror or pure adventure or Indiana Jones 4, because it's not like that, but it definetly is, arguably the best adventure, action movie EVER.
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Ninja Scroll (1993)
10 May 1999
This is the best Anime ever. It is one of my favorite movies ever. The plot and characters are all great. It's just Wicked.
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