
2 Reviews
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31 December 1998
Here we go again. All those self-proclaimed experts (U.S. or not) get to put on their director/producer/actor hats and take a shot at a movie. I know that you all would have done it much better if you had the chance. Yup, and I could have beaten Goliath if I had just been there. Now the real gripe... politics. Why does there have to be serious political underpinnings to every movie? How about a movie that was made for just watching and not to be pondered by every so-called political expert in the world. As far as the U.S. goes, it is the best place on the planet. All you people writing in and bashing the U.S. have deeper problems than can be addressed on a motion picture screen. Jealousy perhaps? I will think about you all when I'm out watching the next big British or Russian or Canadian blockbuster movie. HAHAHA.
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On the contrary
31 December 1998
I found the film quite enjoyable and have always enjoyed John Wayne movies in general. There were some noticeable technical glitches in the movie that could have been avoided. Maybe the budget wasn't much. Still, one can easily overlook the problems for the sake of enjoying the movie. The attack on the "A" camp was epic in proportion and really draws you in.

Now, with that being said, I would like to speak a bit to the political implications of the film. First, comments from someone not from the United States and who probably wasn't ever in Southeast Asia are just so much tripe in my opinion. There are many "armchair quarterbacks" out there that have all the answers. The film makes an honest attempt to illicit the patriotism needed at that time. Everybody loves to bash on the U.S. about Viet Nam. How about the Falklands.... South Africa.... Ireland?
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