Soul Reaper (2019) Poster


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Soul sucker
gurumaggie3 September 2021
If you enjoyed school of the damned you'll enjoy this. For anyone else 90%+ people it's crap, I wonder if Netflix got a job lot of crap films thinking the pandemic would make us lower our standards.
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Not finished yet, not sure I will bother
raven_guest8 September 2021
Where to start? I'm about 40 minutes in and most of that was wasted. The characters are unlikable, the sound track is shockingly jarring and bad... We don't have cabins in the woods in the UK. You might find a caravan park or chalets, but we don't have Evil Dead style cabins like that here. We don't hate Americans (unless they're rude etc) and our small pubs generally welcome customers as they're all in fear of being shut down. Was this shot in America with a few Brit actors or shot in the UK with people who hate the country? There just isn't anything to like so far APART FROM (No spoilers) a hilarious scene with hammers - though I'm not sure it was supposed to be funny or menacing? The tone is all over the place, the script is terrible and ripping off a lot of much better horror movies. Is is supposed to be a 'so bad it's good' low budget horror is were they just bad at making it? I don't really care anymore, it's not worth the hassle.
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Absolutely horrible!
siddhartha-ghosh-in5 September 2021
One of the worst horror movies I have watched recently on Netflix. From bad acting, to a script written by someone who probably either never visited the UK, or bears a particular amount of malice towards the country. Come on mate, our pubs aren't really that unfriendly to begin with. And I say this having actually gone to some pretty remote parts of the country. Pubs are quite welcoming, and no one hates Americans!
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Live a Little
nogodnomasters17 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Plot Spoiler. The film opens up with Will and Poppy showing up early for Charley's bachelor party in a remote cabin in the woods. They are a cute couple of opposites and disappear in the first scene. Seven more people and Charley show up at a cabin that is less than rustic. We watch them whine and try to have fun. Charley explains the plot at a campfire about midway explaining beasts within the earth made it. There are 9 portals and every nine years they need 9 people to toss into the portal. That's it. With the special effects not being the strong suit, they needed to work on personalities. Unfortunately, that was a flop.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Not scary, not funny, just superfluous.
johannes2000-112 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's clear that the makers aimed at a "Cabin in the woods"-clone, and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as it's (at least in some way) involving and scary. Unfortunately the cover-image here on IMdB is the only scary thing in this whole wannabe-horror movie.

The story is lame and goes all over the place, the characters are all totally non-descript and unsympathetic, there's hardly any gore, and worst of all for a horror-flick: there's nothing even remotely scary happening. Everyone wanders aimlessly through the woods, is sooner or later knocked unconscious, and in the grand finale (just being ironic!) they are sacrificed to some vague ancient evil, by the exceptionally lame and boring way of shoving them all in a ridiculously bad CGI-crafted pit. Add to all this the bad acting of all involved, and intended humor that failed miserably. The result is a definitely superfluous waste of time.
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Two stars for the bad entertainment
hamburgerin-8805730 September 2021
I'm not sure if this film was meant to be serious. They act so badly that you might think they did it on purpose.

It's so bad I kept watching. God it's so bad.
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A new low
markbreen-7257218 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Genuinely one of the worst films I've ever seen.

The soundtrack must have been found in the same bin as the script, as there's no other reason the music would've been chosen for this - so unbelievably jarring to the almost present tone of the story.

The characters are unlikeable. The 'twist' at the end wasn't even a a twist - whoever wrote this execrable mess was obviously too stoned to remember that the character had already said this in the hammer scene.

A film so bad, it's just really awful.
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Oh dear
smilingontim9 September 2021
It's difficult to know where to start with a film like this. All aspects of it are absolutely abysmal. It's only redemption comes by default which is the laugh out loud moments it delivers when the tension should be at it's peak. If you want a lazy script full of clichés, delivered by a bunch of unlikeable characters, over an awful soundtrack that didn't fit in, with 10 bob special effects then this is for you. Personally I found it an insult to the genre I love.
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A mess which had potential
Pairic10 September 2021
Soul Reaper: This film had potential: an English pub called The Jolly Hangman, full of odd locals; a gathering at a cabin in he woods. A well meaning Psychotic killer dispatching people with a hammer, Occult Rituals. Even a Gateway to Hell. But the whole thing is a mess, just does't hang together and the effects are wanting. Somehow it kept me watching until the end. Directed/Co-Written by Bob Pipe. On Netflix. 3/10.
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My soul has just been reaped....
eve_connor11 August 2023
2 hours of my young life that I will never get back...Always one to enjoy a B movie, I fear I may never stray away from Blockbuster movies ever again. Who the hell sanctioned this? How did it make Netflix? The actors must be mortified....

I feel the producer/director watched the epic "The cabin in the woods" and took a vague and pitiful punt at recreating a great horror.

My god... There was no storyline, too many innocuous characters and far too many shots of random red trees. The effects of the random portal/hole thing in this day and age had my partner howling.

Have a word with yourselves.
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Best Movie I've seen
mutzbauermelina22 July 2023
If you want to watch a really bad movie, this is it.

It has a lot of great animations. The whole story is just so on point. It has twists you'd never expect. The acting was just great. And the music was the best. I was so scared all the time I could'nt barely watch it.

I can't watch another movie in my life because nothing will ever compare to this masterpiece.

If you really are a fan of horror movies you have to watch it now. Best 87 minutes of my life. It also curred my depression because watching it made me laugh so hard.

I would give this Movie 1000 stars if I were able to do.

Just watch it. Trust me.
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Small Budget Horror With a Lot of Soul
dominik-8260225 November 2020
In the middle of the British nowhere; a prankster's bachelor party is supposed to take place at a rotten cabin. Instead weird, creepy things start to happen to the guests. Only doomed fools would think it's all a prank...

SOUL REAPER is a British low budget horror movie that has to deal with some of the usual tropes and limitations of indie horror. Yet, this is one of those pleasant surprises that's able to capture the audience's interest beyond all limitations.

Filmmaker Bob Pipe gets the best out of story, cast and crew, all peppered with some WTF-ideas like a male character appearing in a wedding dress, unexpected weapons, twists and turns in the film's story and some well chosen songs.

It's an indie horror film worth checking out and a good calling card for Pipe who made his feature film debut here after his award winning short THE MONSTER (you can check this one out on YouTube).

I'm curios to see what's coming next from him (beyond his great segment in the Christmas horror anthology DEATHCEMBER).
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Worst horror movie EVER!!!
josearmando1420 October 2021
Wait... horror? Not to close!

Close to ridiculous I say! Not even a sense of British humor (someone wrote it). Amateur, low budget, horrible effects, plot and cast.

One star cause there isn't 0 on IMDb!

Don't bother!!!
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So bad we turned it off after about 40 mins
karentindale25 September 2021
Just awful. Not aur how we lasted 40 mins. Almost hilariously awful, but then that might have made it worth watching. It wasn't. The acting was so cringe worthy, it was painful. The characters were the most mundane clichéd set of people going that clearly no imagination was used. Script was dire. It's not even B movie worthy. More like Z. Could be used as a tool in interrogation it is so painful to watch.
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oh Dear... bad movie, too much topics.
mayromerop10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Movie full of topics. The cabin in the lake, the weird isolated pub with odd customers/owners, group of friends getting to the cabin for a bachelor party. This 9 group of friends get there to celebrate a bachelor party (Charlie's, the bachelor). In their way there, they met the weird people of the pub, an odd 'hatman' and Ian, who monitors the cabin. To not make this very long, after some ominous music and scenes, it seems Charlie has a twin brother, who is in aiming to sacrifice 9 people to the Old Ones, by pushing them into a hole (kinda port with some reminiscence to Dr Who, very psychedelic). You have to watch the whole movie, as the plot is only coming at the end: The group is being pushing to the hole by Charlie (the bachelor) , his twin and Ian (the cabin monitor). However Charlie is in love with one of the girls so he try to save her, until Ian tell him that if he saves her then he needs to throw himself into the hole. While screaming 'ladies first) he push the girl but then it seems to be Ian. (yeah, confusing part). Anyway. Everybody but the girl is in the hole. The hatman appears and warns the girl they've to close the port, otherwise the Old Ones will surge from the hole and kill everyone. And that's the end. Girl there and the hatman also there. Honestly, if you have the chance to read this, the movie is not worth it. Really.
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qrsfwfp15 August 2022
I've never seen such a bad movie in my life. Nothing makes sense. The characters are so annoying and just not likeable and the scripts are literally awful. I've wasted to much time with watching that movie.
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Ok, I see what's happened here...
sicklittlebunny27 May 2022
The writers thought no-one would notice if they mixed and matched a few different films together.

I highly recommend this film for a skip, or an example of "what not to do" for film students.


Abit of Let's Kill Ward's Wife, opening credits from True Blood, then into American Werewolf in London, set in Shrooms, with Cabin in the Woods as a ghost story. Throw in a handful of whatever monsters they could borrow costumes for, and end with a cross between...spoilers sweetie, and a little Dragonslayer, or Krull. NOT a good combination, but a fun game of Spot the Plagiarism.

I'll clear up some of the nonsense claims made by other reviewers. Everyone hates Americans, not just here but the whole world. Because they do things like make snide remarks about driving on the wrong side of the road. We do have isolated cabins in the woods, they're just expensive holiday rentals, not the American log hunting cabins like the one in the film (because we have farming to get our food instead of chasing it round the woods like Neanderthals). Pubs have no reason to particularly welcoming to Americans because, as mentioned above, everyone hates them.....and they are the lightest of light-weights so there's no point welcoming people who will manage a half a shandy each and annoy the other customers. And there are lots of small town and village pubs with only a handful of regulars who are a little suspicious of stangers. Also, the characters in the film weren't customers, they walked in and asked for a "bathroom", no landlady would take kindly to that. The cider was over the line though.

This absolute load of tosh appears to be written and, embarrassing, performed by Brits, since I recognise Alex as "Wesley Presley, from that London" from Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps and the director and co-writer Bob Pipe appears to be english. But it's very clear, from a couple of very telling comments like "the further you get from London, the weirder these pricks are" that the writers are also from that London. It takes a very specific point of view to label the Cornish as a backward cult of lunatics in this century. At least I'm pretty sure that's where they're supposed to be, it seemed Cornish was the accent they were aiming for, the Jolly Hangman is a real pub in Cornwall and they are somewhere south of London.

It is also abundantly clear that this film was written by two separate writers, who may possibly have discussed the character names but that's as far as the collaboration went. They were each writing their own film then just crammed it all together and hoped for the best. The different ideas clash constantly, sometimes it's a supernatural thriller, sometimes a low budget slasher, but always a poor attempt at imitating better films.
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Soul drenching
kosmasp26 September 2021
So I sometimes (more often than not) am being too soft and I reckon cut certain movies a bit too much slack. I imagine some may think this is the case here too and I won't argue anyone saying just that. If you have seen as many movies as I have you may understand that there are other movies out there, that are far worse.

Also if you take into account the budget this probably had ... or the money it didn't have ... it is quite decent in its overall effort. Acting is ok too - yes no Oscar worthy performances, but I've seen far worse too. Cinematography for such a low budget movie is ok too. Again always be aware what you are watching and what they had at their disposal to work with ... otherwise don't even bother watching ... because yes predictable and yes a bit too long. And CGI won't really help the case either - no pun intended.
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Oh wow....
david-brun10 August 2022
Can't even begin to describe the levels of sucking this cheap ass B side improvised flick has reached.

Acting is BAD from the get go, the first two lines from the first two characters are already horribly delivered and set the tone for the rest of the movie.

What follows is a script so badly written that you're constantly thinking "wait, what?", while the acting goes from bad to worse. Then there's the "special effects" which are CHEAP, look amateurish and just plain laughable. All of f that backed by the horrible horrible horrible soundtrack. Yeah, these people couldn't even get the music right for this one. What a mess.

I only give it one star because I can't give it a ZERO. Really, on a scale from 1 to 10, this movie deserves a "NO".
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When your soul is reaped, all you have left is utter boredom...
paul_haakonsen8 September 2021
When I sat down in 2021 to watch the 2019 horror movie "Soul Reaper", it was because it was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen. And given the chance to watch it, of course I did. And I have to say that I actually found the movie's cover to be interesting.

So writers Bob Pipe and Richard Sandling had every opportunity to impress and entertain me where with "Soul Reaper", as I knew nothing about it, aside from it being a horror movie.

But wow, "Soul Reaper" with director Bob Pipe at the helm, just failed to entertain me in every aspect. The storyline was just too cluttered and lacked to have a proper structured narrative to it. So it felt like I was watching a series of random segments shots individually and then put together to make a horror movie. It just didn't work. And it most certainly wasn't entertaining or enjoyable.

The characters in the movie were bland and very forgettable. Now, I am sure that the actors and actresses involved in the movie were putting on good performances, but they virtually had nothing solid to work with in terms of a proper script or interesting characters.

I made it to the halfway marker, then I just gave up on the movie out of utter and sheer boredom. Nothing interesting had happened up to halfway through the movie, and I doubt that anything interesting would happen in the last half of the movie. And truth be told, I just doesn't care if it does or not, because the script failed to capture my interest entirely.

For a horror movie then "Soul Reaper" was just a swing and a miss. There was absolutely nothing scary about the movie. Unless you consider a pointless storyline as being scary.

My rating of the 2019 horror movie "Soul Reaper" lands on a two out of ten stars. This movie just isn't worth the time, money or effort. And ultimately, the movie's cover was the best thing about the entire ordeal.
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Great film
connormckeown18 February 2022
God tier movie tbh. Never been more satisfied with a beginning, middle and end of a film. Would recommend to people of all ages. Definitely in my top 10 best films of all time.
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sianclement-5787929 April 2022
I spent so long trying to figure out whether this movie was satire or not it was such a bad job at a "thriller/horror".

All aspects of it are absolutely abysmal. My teeth hurt from the cringe i felt watching the "acting" by the most unlikeable characters in history. It was more like watching a really cliché school project performed by teenagers.

The script is lazy, the story boring, flops around all over the place with no understanding. The music/sound design is HORRIBLE. Doesn't fit at all and lends even further to the "school project by teenagers" feeling.

I would almost laugh at how bad it is, if it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. If anything its insulting to call it the horror genre.
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Just awful
wxprdhz9 May 2022
Quite possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen, hammy British accents, no character development or investment, dreadful acting, this is a high school project trying to be something meaningful and the result is just awful.
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Disappointing 'cabin in the woods' horror
Tweekums9 September 2021
Charlie, a Londoner, has invited a group of friends from America to join him for his bachelor party... in a rather rundown cabin in some remote woodland. In the prologue the first two arrive and are attacked by somebody, or something. More arrive later, after stopping off at a particularly unfriendly pub where an odd man warns them against staying in the cabin... obviously they ignore him. Once they are at the cabin they are joined by others who play a 'scary' prank on them... things are about to get scary for real though as unpleasant things start to happen.

While I didn't expect too much from this I did expect more than I got. It took ideas from better films; the cabin from 'The Evil Dead', the unfriendly pub from 'An American Werewolf in London' and made something that even for the horror genre felt unreal. We are meant to think the group are far from civilisation but anybody who knows England will know that nowhere is that far from a town or village and you don't find rundown cabins in the woods. The story was a mess, sometimes accidentally comical, the acting wasn't great and the special effects in the finale wouldn't have looked out of place in an episode of 'Doctor Who' from the '70s. Overall I'd only suggest watching this if you are a connoisseur of low budget horror looking for a laugh.
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Very low budget so I watched to support them
alexmirandarj18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Right off the bats I felt like I was back in the 00's when some friends would band together to do a super low budget movie for family and friends, this one have been one of the very best or become a cult in that category. I knew I had to watch till the end when I saw the guy in the blue tracksuit waving and the Pub scene.

Gotta admit I was surprised this was added to Netflix but I've been noticing some abnormal amateurish/low budget movies being added. Maybe to support smaller film productions?

Well, if you just want to relax, smoke something and have some laughs go for it. In the terror department I will have to say it's far from it.
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