"The Big Bang Theory" The Stockholm Syndrome (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Adieus Big Bang Family
msvbalaji1517 May 2019
There's no better way to end this series. It was so emotional and amazing. Sheldon's acceptance brought tears in my eyes. Thank you so much for all the people who made this show possible and such a wonderful cast. It's not an easy to carry the show for 12 years. They have done an amazing job. I am going to miss everyone of the gang. The most important part of the show is ending. You need to give a satisfying ending. It's an end of an era. They didn't miss anyone. All the characters had their moments in the finale. Thank you so much The Big Bang Theory team for all the memories and laughter.
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Thank you Big Bang
burhan236617 May 2019
There could not have been any better way to end this beautiful TV show. So emotional, powerful, hilarious, exhilarating. It can be said that the best TV show ended with best end. Miss you all and thank you for being part of my life. Love you.
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12 years invested wisely
7twan17 May 2019
I have spent 12 years watching this amazing show and I will miss it immensely To watch the growth of the characters all this time culminating the humanisation of Sheldon has been amazing. Can't believe it's over 😢
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joeyportelli-9307817 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that I witnessed the last episode of one of my cherished series.. In all it's simplicity, it managed to stir up all the emotion and feels. A standing ovation to the cast and creators for giving life to one of my favourite characters ever (Sheldon Cooper). The final scene where Sheldon gave the speech hit me right in my feelings. I will miss the show after all of these years that managed to always make me smile!
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english-arrow17 May 2019
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Everything in the episode was perfect and witty. Change to the better does not happen overnight, even with the help of our closest friends. I love that Sheldon and Amy won and that the show ended with all of them having dinner together with the theme of tbbt playing. The episode had some inspiring and wonderful speeches as well. Amy's "if anybody tells you you can't, don't listen!" made me so proud and teary. It's bittersweet to say goodbye to one of the greatest shows ever. A show that inspired many of us to do better and learn some hard science words like Penny did!
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A heartfelt send off with the Bare Naked Ladies theme song...but Raj deserved a better send off
Ed-Shullivan17 May 2019
Mrs. Shullivan and I enjoyed this series ending episode, and as expected, we were able to anticipate how the series would close for each cast member, except we both thought that Rajiv was deserving to have his own "it" moment in the sun.

We were glad the series ending episode was extended to a full hour and that some of the quirky issues that were a mainstay such as existed in Leonard and Penny's apartment as well as in the apartment building hallways, and with the Wolowitz's family, this episode provided the "big reveals".

Thank you to the producers as well as to the vocal group, The Barenaked Ladies, for 12 years of clean family entertainment, we just hoped that Rajiv would have also had his own "IT" moment.

Thank you TBBT for twelve (12) wonderful years! It has been a most enjoyable ride!!!!!!! A PERFECT 10 for 10 !!!!!!!
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'It All Ended With A Big Bang - BANG!!'
BinkyBee17 May 2019
Well done to all. Absolutely brilliant end, one that felt heart wrenching and heart warming all at the same time - and all in the same timeline -sorry Sheldon, no multiple universes for these multiple feelings!! From watching the first episode and waiting for Sheldon to win the Nobel, this couldn't have ended in any other way. My happy, and sad, tears haven't dried yet and I'm already hoping Chuck Lorre has it in him to do a one off catch-up where we can see how they're all coping with 'grown-up' life. (could say more but I hate spoilers).
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Thank you!
jjlike-3046217 May 2019
This is such a warm ending. Thank you for all the fun you've brought us for the past 12 years. Really love this show and I believe it'll stay a unique classic in my memories.
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jtkirk16117 May 2019
Now that is how you end a show. Qudos. I will miss you all but there will always be re-runs.
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Amazing show
kika_260117 May 2019
I have cried so much. Very emotional last episode. 😭
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Will be missed
idrincon17 May 2019
It's sad to know we won't see Sheldon's career, character's relationships, Penny's son/daughter, Raj's quest for love, Amy's many exploits... you name it. What makes the series such a great show is the characters are relatable and I can imagine being friends with each one of them and meeting in 30 years, look back and say "what a wonderful life you've have had." I guess the beauty of a series finales is that it gives closure to one phase of their lives while leaving us free to assume what happened next.
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Raj deserved an ending...
prutticlaudia15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
...and he did not get one. I was always interested where his story is leading, well it lead to nothing.

It is interesting how Penny didn't want a child and somehow the writers thought she has to have one.

In the latest seasons the Bernadette-Howard relationship was quite toxic so I don't know how their marriage gonna continue.

Sheldon-Amy storyline was perfect. It was Sheldon's destiny to win a Nobel and become a better person.
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Sweet ending with a sour aftertaste
scarbez3 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While I did enjoy this last episode (this actually applies to the two last ones), there is something that bugged me. The Big Bang Theory once in a while presents the idea of women struggling in the STEM world as it is one dominated by men. The female doctor characters mention this as well while they feel proud of being highly recognized in their respective fields, especially Amy winning the Nobel Prize, when she feels she can be an inspiration to all young women to pursue science. All these great ideas get a bit shot down, in my honest opinion, when Penny gets pregnant, as it reinforces the idea that women need to become mothers to be fully fulfilled. A science career. Yes that is great, but motherhood is a must for women. She did not even want to have kids in the first place and that would have been OK. Couples with kids, couples without, Raj single, real life options. Would it not have been a happy ending leaving everything as it was and just do the Nobel Prize and Sheldon's realization? Apparently not. The pretty girl had to get pregnant, as that is the ultimate role in life for women, right?
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Simple yet exquisite
Abz_ik17 May 2019
The ending couldn't be more fitting. It's been a wonderful 12 years. So long Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Howard, Raj, and the rest. You'll all be dearly missed.
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Epic Syndrome
abhidevvaishnav17 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Starting with amy's new look along with penny's pregnancy news to sheldon's speech everything was epic. And the most funny part was leonard slapping sheldon. Thank you guys so much for the show and kudos you'll.
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Thank You, Chuck Lorre
notom-2301217 May 2019
This is not so much a review as a general 'Thanks....' I'm 69 years old - and I know that few of my contemporaries get this 'new humour' - but I do. It's been an absolute pleasure watching this series - the interplay between friends, rivals and additional Sci-Fi star was enthralling. As someone who has read Sci-Fi comics since the 50s' and been a avid reader of the Sci-Fi / Fantasy greats (Heinlein, Asimov, Iain M. Banks, Terry Pratchett etc...) it's not too much of a stretch of my mind to get this... after-all, pretty much everything is derivative. ;) At 69 - I'm still looking forward - when, sadly, so many of my peers look back... I'd still like to climb that tree and see what ahead... hoping that humanity finds a way to deal with its darker side - but I've come to the realisation that I won't get that gift. It's been a delight, really - I've seen and experienced so much tragedy - yet we DO learn from it... though the learning curve seems to be oh, so steep... we prevail. Tough times are ahead - far tougher than we, as a species have ever encountered - but I have FAITH - not in some BS omniscient being - but in humanity... I have to, because probability hints at the fact, that we may be alone. I do NOT fear death - all things change - it truly seems to be the single inviolable constant - I DO fear the death of a race who's individuals can die rescuing a dog, run into a burning house to rescue a child, set themselves on fire to prove a moral point, refuse to bow down before tyrants and monsters - who can show levels of heroism far beyond any comic book Hero on a daily basis - and also, sadly, can show their wanton lust for power, for sadistic acts and for absolute evil. Humanity - you truly are beautiful - and I desperately hope you stick around long after I'm gone.
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Going through finales is tough, this was tougher.
sksethi6817 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Big Bang Theory started with a plain concept of introverts being taken out of their inert zones to learn that there's more to life than just science, and that discoveries shouldn't be all scientific, but pertaining to one's life as well. Through the show, we saw every character transit from what they were, and the directors made sure it was smooth, and still not letting go the personalities which each character possess when they were introduced. . The finale, Everything that had kept hanging until the last episode, fell, and fell into the right places. The finale was induced with every possible emotion : Anger - when Sheldon shook off the initiative to react responsibly to Leonard and Howard.

Realization - When Penny explained Sheldon how change was the only constant ; When Sheldon realized that the Nobel Prize was more of a team effort than a sole accomplishment.

Happiness - The Nobel Prize winning news ; When Leonard and Penny figured out they were pregnant.

Joy - When Amy was the most joyous person on Earth when she got a makeover from Raj.

Maturity - When Penny and Leonard let the big news stay a secret so as to not upstage Shamy's big day ; When Howard & Leonard made the choice to stay for the ceremony even after how Sheldon treated them ; When Penny let Amy feel above her when her dress got in, and Penny's out (without letting her know) Lastly,

Pain - The viewers, fans, cast, crew, and all associated beings who bid goodbye to the Longest Running Multi-Camera Sitcom.

Kudos, TBBT !
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It's the best ending we could expect
zhangqinming17 May 2019
The writer did an amazing job, I cried so hard during this episode.
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The Perfect Ending
thomasdewitte17 May 2019
It has been a crazy 12 years with its ups and downs but they couldn't have ended it in a more perfect way. And even though we all knew how it was going to end, they did the right thing with taking their time to make sure everyone got the end they deserved. (Except for maybe Rajesh). I don't think anyone could have done a better job.

Thank you for twelve years of laughter and thank you for giving this show the perfect ending it deserved.
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danielryan-1552617 May 2019
Absolutely perfect finale. After 12 years I can't imagine any other way this ending could have been done better.
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It all started with a BIG BANG!
duckpool17 May 2019
That speech really gave me goosebumps. It's a perfect ending to a perfect show. Period.
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researcher_1126 May 2019
The authors of Game of thrones should have actually asked the authors of Big Bang theory to write a finale for them! This finale was what a "satisfying ending" mean. It was just perfect and flawless'!!!
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AsellusBorealis9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The big bang theory, although not my favourite sitcom, is a show that I enjoy quite a lot. But not this season. I thought this season was below average, almost like an eternal deja vú. Situations and dialogues we've already seen many, many times before. And to top it off I think the ending was pretty disappointing: I didn't particularly like what they did with most of the characters: I found it quite annoying that Penny was pregnant in the end when she had made it clear she didn't want to have kids, I thought it wasn't very skillful writing when they all seemed to get mad at Sheldon ( simply for being him one more time) just to justify the emotional final speech, plus, I felt like many stories like Raj's or Stuart's were left incomplete.

It's very confusing to me that while sooo many were soooooo harsh with GOT finale ( which I agree is not perfect, but greatly elaborate and smart) soooo many others find this to be a satisfying ending. Might it be because we hold comedies to lower standard? That's what seems to be the case, I think.
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Just okay
socrfan119 May 2019
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The writers just couldn't get through the show without getting Penny pregnant. It would be so nice to see a show that says you don't have to have kids to be happy.
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It All Ended With A Big Bang...
Robinson251117 May 2019
I've not kept up with this show over the last few years. It was a show I used to love and adore, until it lost meaning for me and I stopped watching, but I've dipped in and out over the past few years and always got the impression that it's simply not for me anymore. Despite this I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness when I heard the show would be ending with its 12th season, so I made an effort to keep up.

How can I put this? This finale is one of the greatest sitcom finales I think we've ever had. It ties everything up; not just plot but character development, and delivers a very satisfying sendoff that leaves nothing wanting. It doesn't end the show with closure, but rather gives us the end of a nice, comfortable era while letting us know that there will be more for these characters, and it will be just as amazing as what we've seen before.

It's so much better than the finale to Chuck Lorre's other phenomenon Two And A Half Men which was driven and infected by his own ego and resentment towards his fans which left a very sour taste with the episode. Here, the only thing he pours in is his love and dedication for these characters and this show in general. It's really something.

The humour is on point from start to finish and there's a surprisingly emotional vibe coming from every scene, probably thanks to the actor's realization that this is the last time they'll embody these characters.

Sheldon's speech gives the last 12 years meaning and going from that rather polarizing, off-beat and bizarre little sitcom in 2007 to this incredibly impactful cultural phenomenon is felt in one moment, as every single fan looked back on that day where the boys met their attractive new neighbor and started one of the greatest journeys in sitcom history.

Sayonara Big Bang...
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