Pet Fooled (2016) Poster


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Learn How to Read Labels on Pet Food
chaedy25 August 2019
Some people are very passionate about their pets. When it comes to training and food, some people can come across looking like zealots, with information looking like it's based more on beliefs than on facts. What makes this documentary interesting is that it helps teach the viewer some of the history of the pet food industry, how certain products have evolved and come into being, and how to read labelling on pet food packaging so that you can pull out the information you need to make an informed decision, and (perhaps more importantly) to identify the BS terms pet food manufacturers use to present their products as being more than what they actually are. For every vet that presents one idea, there will be another vet that will claim that said activities are dangerous because of x, y, z. Unfortunately that means that the onus is on pet owners to find vet that they trust the opinions of to help them to make informed decisions on what to feed their pet(s). This documentary (along with The Gruen Transfer's episode on Pet Food) should be essential viewing for all pet owners, especially given that the Pet Food Industry is not regulated at all and thus they can say what they like on their labels.
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Love your pets with life sustaining better food
fusion1214125 February 2017
Amazing how pet lovers have been bamboozled by alleged good pet food. I had no idea that wet food is best vs dry kibbles that dehydrate pets. Was often told that dry was best for teeth. I am going to set out on a journey to find good food. May try or look into the wet fresh food that is showing up in some grocery stores in refrigerated displays. I think they said pet food is a 60 billion dollar industry in the USA. Most likely I will have to buy the authors book to research what they have studied--it is going to take me some serious re education. I have emailed by friends to watch. this is a solid movie but makes me frustrated/sad that pet lovers have been sold a bill of goods for years/decades with buzz words that make the packaging appealing, when in fact it may not be good pet food at all:-(
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If you care about your furry friend, watch this film
arm-2569927 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know we all care about our fur-babies, but I really had no idea about the pet-food controversies that have plagued trusting, ill-informed pet owners (like myself) that have been victimized by an unrepentant pet-food industry that cares nothing about you or your pet babies, weather they are sickened for life or grotesquely poisoned with industrial waste to suffer excruciatingly painful deaths as a result. They care only the bottom line. At least the big multi-national conglomerates like Mars, Nestle, Colgate-Palmolive (Science Diet), etc. Unbelievable how they take every opportunity to deny they have done anything wrong when there is hard evidence pointing directly at their culpability. What I still don't understand after watching the film is how these companies haven't been sued out of existence yet for the crimes they've committed against families all over tis country (and indeed the world). I have started transitioning my pets off the toxic garbage I've been feeding them their whole lives, and am hopeful that it will result in mitigating the health problems they've been struggling with that is so hard to witness as a concerned pet caretaker.
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Should be required viewing for all vet students!
michellelcalvert17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fantastic eye opener that exposes what is actually in your processed dog food. Do your research. It discusses raw, unprocessed foods that animals are genetically optimized to absorb vs highly processed foods that have very questionable byproducts and grains and strong preservatives and chemicals. And while several reviewers slammed this as just advertising for raw food companies, it's not. Raw food diets are something that anyone can make from scratch at home. However, research needs to be done to ensure that correct nutrients and ratios are given to pets. Holistic vets are happy to give advice on raw diets, and there are lots of resources and books for making your own food. I once popped into a holistic vet clinic near me and wasn't even a customer, but asked for food recommendations and they happily answered my questions and gave me handouts for deciding on which foods are healthiest for pets.
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MUST-SEE Expose on the Pet Food Industry
darinconnecticut10 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a kid, I dreamed of growing up to become a veterinarian—I even worked as a vet assistant for three years during high school. Although I ultimately chose a different career by the time I reached college, I've remained a passionate and dedicated dog-owner ever since my parents finally relented to years of my pleading for a dog by adopting our first Shetland Sheepdog when I was 8 years old. In the last 30-something years since that time, I've remained actively involved in personally researching issues regarding optimizing my own pets' health, with a special focus on what and how I feed my dogs. In recent years, I've followed Dr. Karen Becker's Mercola Healthy Pets website and videos with interest, including sharing them with friends, family, coworkers, and on social media, especially her list of "The Best and Worst Foods to Feed Your Pets." A common reaction I get, when sharing that particular video, is, "As I watched her videos, I felt almost stupid… like, it makes SO much basic and common sense, I keep asking myself, 'Why didn't I ever think about this before…?'" By the way, for full disclosure: although I'm not professionally involved in the pet industry or the makers of this film in any way, today I feed my dogs on a rotating diet of different types of raw human-grade meat, eggs, sardines, salmon oil, and pumpkin, mixed together with a nutritionally-complete, FDA-authorized human-grade, all-natural dehydrated dog food.

In "Pet FooLed," film-maker Kohl Harrington and his team do a phenomenal job laying the foundation of why it's important that as consumers, ALL of us should be asking ourselves, "WHAT is really in my pet's store-bought pet 'food'?" and "What type of diet should I REALLY be feeding my pets for optimal health?" I appreciated hearing about Dr. Becker's background, and especially the contrast of how our society seems to understand that in a wildlife/zoo setting, we need to feed animals their natural, biologically- and species-appropriate diets, yet we as a society have fallen into the trap of a highly effective (and hugely expensive) marketing lie by Big Business Pet Food Companies who've effectively hood-winked a trusting public into believing that leftover refuse/by-products (the garbage left-over after human food has been processed and rendered) can be even further processed and packaged into "nutritious, complete, whole, healthy food" for our pets. The direct ties and comparisons to Big Tobacco companies certainly seems apt, and it is telling that virtually none of the larger companies chose to speak with the filmmakers on camera. Kudos to Kohl and his team for challenging this industry and demonstrating that it's alleged 'regulations' are actually a case of the fox guarding the hen house, with virtually no meaningful accountability. The tragic stories of those pet parents involved in lawsuits was as touching as it was upsetting. With today's announcement that pet food giant manufacturer Mars, Inc. is purchasing yet another Veterinary chain (VCM, after already owning Banfield, BluePearl, and Pet Partners brands), the implications for the glaring potential conflict-of-interests when food-manufacturing-owned Vet clinics and their employees are 'educated' to advocate and push for specific pet food brands becomes all the more concerning.

As someone who spends much of my spare time sharing my passion for pet health and optimal nutrition with my friends and acquaintances, I just want to say THANK YOU, Kohl, to you and your team, as well as Dr.'s Becker and Royal, Susan Thixton, and others who participated! I've been eagerly awaiting January 10th for this film to be released on iTunes, and I wasn't disappointed after investing the 70 minutes watching it on behalf of my furry family members' health. I'm already spreading the word to everyone I know, and even ordered a copy of the upcoming DVD (as well as my digital copy). As far as I'm concerned, the more people who see this film, the better!

If you've made it this far into my review, and you consider yourself a concerned pet guardian/parent/owner, PLEASE do yourself a favor and watch this film now!"
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Eye Opening Documentary
lilmiss-2541724 August 2018
A must see for anyone -- Especially pet parents, you may think you're feeding the best for your pet - but you have no idea. Trust me, you wanna watch this film.
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Several inaccuracies
lewis_pritchard12 January 2019
I'm not going to claim to be an expert on animal nutrition but I have to point out that there are several inaccuracies in this film that prevent me from recommending it.

First of all, dogs are omnivorous, it is fine for them to consume a small portion of their carbohydrates from plant material. The film compares them to wolves which are carnivores, but neglects to mention that a dogs digestive system has evolved in the thousands of years since dogs were first domesticated.

The experts they have are an intergrated vet (holistic medicine), a rehabilitation expert who specialises in falconry, and a lawyer. These aren't the best candidates, why couldn't they interview a standard small animal vet who would ideally be able to offer the best advice?

What it comes down to is the film suggests you feed a raw food diet, which is good advise for young pets. If you feed them raw food at a young age they can digest it easily but an adult dog or cat cannot simply switch from dry to raw. It is a slow process of substituting one food for the other to prevent problems such as diarrhoea or constipation. Not to mention that most people would prefer to feed raw but the cost is so much more than dry food that the consumers are kind of limited for choice.
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Omg...what are we doing to our pets?!?!!!
dmbrmb16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this and was mortified there's no regulations in place. I cannot believe how we have been CONNED by the pet food industry!!! I'm even more appalled that NO ONE is doing anything about these big companies and making them change the junk they're putting in our pet's food!

For years when I had my dog, I wondered if the stuff coming out of the plant was any good. We lived close to a Purina plant and it would smell DISGUSTING every weekend! I never bought Purina just because of the horrid smell coming out of that building. Now I know why it smells so awful!!!

These companies need to lose one of their precious animals and then maybe they'll learn the heartbreak we feel when losing a pet. THEY ARE NOT PROPERTY!!!! My dog was like my kid and for legislation to think an animal is property is appalling! We are not in the 19th Century anymore! We're in the 21st and legislation needs to catch up and realize people treat their pets as FAMILY!!!

I will NEVER buy from these companies ever again. After this documentary, I don't trust any of them and aid will feed my dog or any pet that I have a raw diet as I know what is in the food since I will hand pick it myself.
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Well Done Doc
frankphoto27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Read some of the reviews on here i think the negative reviewer did not watch it carefully, Regular vets were interviewed and opposing opinions or sides and the big names refused to participate. The example of the different jaws of animals was eye opening, and my corgi eats poop too! And has the sharpest teeth. I found my dogs preferred the raw food like the dogs in the video. And yes old dogs need to be introduced slowly. But i had to grind the chicken for an older dog it just got to habituated to eating mush and chocked a bit on the bones. Unlike a younger dog who would crush any bone. I dont think you have to get the boutique dog food. I Just got chicken quarters and ground them for old dogs or just let the younger animals go to town on the whole leg. My own vet was adamanet about not giving dogs dry food , wetting it at a minuim was a must for him.
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Anything to sell some copies
ersbel14 August 2017
Human nutrition is not understood. A 19th century classification glorified by half baked studies. Each nutritionist will belong to some sort of church and support the excesses in one category and the minimization in all others. And overall all apply 3rd century Christian morals: penitence for your pleasure.

Now, pets are far less important. When every aspect of human health leads to a new medical specialization, for pets it's hard to find a vet for reptiles for example, never mind finding a doctor for kidneys or a orthopedist.

And in all this ignorance, a journalist has enough moving space to get to the favorite subject of the conspiracy theory: how "they", the "capitalists" are some sort of demoniac force out to kill anything you care for just for the sake of the unholy "profit". Meaning back to ignorance and overall 3rd century understanding of the world of some illiterate crowds in the Middle East.

Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @
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Protect your pets
clarkdaw212 March 2024
Your dogs and cats are carnivores. Feed them scrambled eggs and any cooked meat. Do not trust your loved one to any can or bagged food. You do not know the pesticides or what kind of ingredients they are putting in the item. The FDA = Federal Dimwitted Asshats say kibble is healthy for dogs and cats. Lies, nothing has been tested for their tested health needs. Truly love your pet and feed them meat and scrambled eggs. My 4 year jack russell has thrived under my meat only routine for him. The vet is amazed how spry and healthy he is and teeth, breath, stool and coat are just wonderful to see! Give it a try!
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Just a way to get raw food diets into the homes of pet owners
silversansa13 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very bad documentary it is not even that. It is very one sided and only shows the good things about the raw food diet while ignoring the truth that raw food diets can be very dangerous. Real documentaries show you both sides of the argument and let you choose in the end. They "forget " to talk about all the raw food that have been recalled and caused pets to get sick and die. food.

This is just another publicity stunt to get pet owners to spend their money on a different kind of pet food, since this is a 60 million dollar industry they are trying to get people to spend their money one their pet.
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Do your research
lynnkay-616256 March 2019
I watched this 2 years ago and ended up switching my dog to a boutique food that is now all the rage to feeding dogs. The food industry is a multi billion dollar industry! There's no control and science behind all these dog food companies and dogs are now being diagnosed with DCM! Please do your research and save your dogs life. What may seem healthy for us to eat is not necessarily good for your dog. Don't be pet fooled into all the marketing!
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Commercial in Disguise
meekazoo2 November 2021
This is just a commercial disguised as a documentary. Talks about ingredients, but only to the point that it just tries to sell raw pet food.

'Everything is bad except our stuff that's good - oh yeah and the bad stuff is probably a conspiracy to make money but nothing that the raw pet food people sell is bad.'

This is the kind of fluff piece that big companies benefit from who want you to believe it is a revolutionary expose. It's more of a long commercial to get you to pay more money for fancier food without any actual proof that it provides benefit. Just read any raw pet food package at the store and you'll get the clif notes of this long form advertising.
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