InnSaei (2016) Poster


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Gentle, thoughtful exploration of what it means to be human
mixmore20 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I feel compelled to write a review of this film based on all the haters who vehemently discredit it. I find the comments super the guy who wrote that he found the scene of the filmmakers watching Grand Theft Auto rape scenes disturbing. But GTA IS disturbing. It's deeply disturbing, especially if you happen to be female. And kids play it. So it isn't THE SCENE that disturbed you, it's being smacked by the reality of GTA by the scene. Do you really not get that, reviewer guy? Anyway, this is a very gentle, thoughtful film. It doesn't draw any epic conclusions. It makes a case for trying to be more connected to the planet, each other, our own feelings, and less connected to electronic devices. It could be a better film but it sure doesn't deserve all the hate.
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To See Within.
duttawrituparna29 April 2018
We often discard and don't pay attention to our intuitions. Mostly driven by data and not experiencing what is around us and hence living in a self-created closed world is limiting us to explore our true potential. What the data-centric world is doing is conspiring us to decide our next plan of action and that is the worst we can do to us i.e. getting lured by the materialism without a purpose. I don't know how to break this shackle and it is a daily struggle. This documentary is an alarming tickle to the mundane thought process. Finding purpose and attending close look at the sea what this Icelandic concept Innsaei is all about. Do watch.
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All valid but missing some pieces
barbarahildt30 April 2018
This documentary is well done and full of important ideas and practices. I just wish someone spoke about the intuition as a receiver of wisdom and inspiration from our higher consciousness and even messages from our spirit guides.

I would like to see a second film that goes into other domains such as revelation.
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sandyw-2044519 February 2017
Excellent cast of contributors adds to the scope of Innsaei. A rich awareness can be gained by a quiet spirit- reflectively and introspectively without measured methods. Innsaei carefully takes the "reader"/ "interpreter" to a portal of discovery where a revived sense of discovery and peace is both possible and ready. Could not recommend this movie more passionately.
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I had higher expectations for it...
raejay-039778 February 2017
I wanted to like this documentary. It made some insightful, scientifically supported points--it's good to stop and smell the roses, to be more empathetic and present in the moment, and kids and adults alike can benefit from more time playing outside and a little less in front of a screen. Unfortunately, that wisdom wasn't enough to make up for all the flaws.

Some of the...spiritualism?...was corny and over-the-top, and many of the ideas represented were based on hype, ignorance bordering on delusion, and popular myth rather than fact--a risk of over-reliance on intuition that one interviewee points out in the beginning of the film.

Some of the less accurate content in the film includes:

-the assertion that modern cultures are just too darn logical! (though anyone paying attention to political trends might think the exact opposite--that perhaps emotion is often reigning with little oversight)

-that nature just wants to nurture life (ignoring the abundance of necessary and unnecessary violent, painful death in nature--seriously, watch a nature documentary or hang around out in nature for a while some time)

-somewhat outlandish depictions, some bordering on "noble savage" romanticism, of ancient Polynesian culture with some facts mixed in

-the implication that modern Western culture, so lacking in intuition and full of violent media, has led to more gender-based violence (despite the fact some traditional cultures that value intuition are also known to oppress women and that gender-based violence and violence in general, while still an issue, has been decreasing for the last several decades during the development of our logic-focused, violent-media-laden culture).

The documentary has some good ideas worth considering, and perhaps more of a focus on the science or facts related to those ideas, rather than on half-true popular myths and mysticism, would have emphasized those merits. But, in attempting to promote the value of intuition, the film ends up embodying many of the issues with intuitive reasoning absent critical thought; it does a disservice to those trying to demonstrate or understand the tangible, far-reaching benefits of empathy and awareness.
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I loved this beautiful film
vicsadreamer10 March 2017
This is a film that spoke to my heart. I have a greater awareness of the beauty around me and the calming effects that nature has on us humans from watching this film. We live in a very busy and rushed time. This film urges you to take a step back, breathe, and recognize what is going on around you and most importantly, within you.
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Mostly Fake
pagenoah22 February 2017
This movie is a shining example of how people are tricked into believing that ridiculous off the wall stuff is science-based. They claim throughout that science backs up what they are saying but never explain how or show the outcome of any scientific research. And they jump from one intriguing topic to another quickly in hopes of distracting you from the fact that they've failed to back anything up. Based on some of the other reviews I've seen, this was very sadly effective.

I was very interested in this subject matter. I wanted very badly to enjoy this movie. But I am so sad to say that I just couldn't. This movie felt strange in so many ways. Opens with the common mistake of including the story of the documentary film maker's life, which (surprise) turns out to have nothing to do with the rest of the movie at all except that by the end of it she has decided to make the movie we are now watching. It's unnecessary to spend what feels like 15 minutes explaining to us that the movie we're watching is the result of someone's interest in the subject discussed in the movie. We already know that to be true of every movie ever before we start watching. That trite trope is the documentary equivalent of starting an essay with the Merriam Webster dictionary definition of a word.

Lots of strange editing choices were made, which makes me wonder if the editing was overall the main problem. At times the images accompanying the spoken commentary seem to be totally random pieces of pretty or artsy footage spliced together in no particular order.

The content itself is also lacking. Numerous subjects are mentioned quickly in passing with no elaboration. This is especially true when it comes to the science that supposedly backs a lot of this stuff up. We're quickly told that a lot of research is being done on something and before we can hear the kind of details that would reassure us to the validity of some of these ideas, they've moved on to some Icelandic guy singing in a cave, which (again, while very pretty) seems sort of unrelated. It feels like a dodge. It left me with more questions than answers. And with such a short running time, it's curious why no one thought, "We could make this a normal length movie if we elaborated a little bit on all of these subjects." Some parts of it feel factually incorrect, like when it is suggested that modern pollution and violence in video games begat violence against women, when everyone knows women have been oppressed and mistreated since, gosh, prehistoric times (even if you try to pretend, for a moment, that the relationship between pollution and sexism isn't questionable enough on its own).

Or consider the extended segment on meditation in schools at the end. It's neat that kids are learning mindfulness, but it seems much less related to the subject of intuition than say, the Polynesian navigators whose prowess for detecting land masses from afar defies all logic, which is explained very briefly in comparison.

The interviews are the best part, but even they often feel like poor choices. There is a moment in the movie when Iain McGilchrist (who provides probably the best content of the entire thing) describes the feeling of meeting someone who seems totally normal on paper, but gives you the funny feeling that they can not be trusted. That is an apt description of about half of the expert commentators who appear throughout the movie. Some of them feel very unreliable, but maybe only because you start to question the judgment of anyone willing to appear in this film. Maybe they would be more believable if there was just a little more information to back them up.

And why do you let a performance artist who makes a living creating shoes made out of crystals and other equally zany pieces of abstract art explain the neuroscience of how she can look someone in the eyes and affect their brain waves? This is like asking a palm reader to explain to you how she can see your future. It lends her no additional credibility. I want to hear it validated by an independent source, preferably a scientist or doctor of some kind.

The fact that we would want that kind of objective point of view on most of the stuff they cover feels so obvious that it seems like the film maker is purposely keeping it from us. My guess is that a hard scientific look at some of these subjects would discredit much of what we've been presented here.
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To dismiss this film on scientific conjecture alone misses the point of this film
martin_beard3 September 2017
While the science is open to conjecture to focus on it solely misses the point of the film entirely.

Mindfulness is about the experience and the benefits it brings.

I have seen some very disingenuous comments attacking the science alone but this ignores the actual truth behind mindfulness.

Having taught people of all ages meditation as part of martin arts I can vouch for the benefits.

We have to continually practice as martial artists just a scientists do, why? Because we never truly master matters of the body and we are far from having all the answers, yet!
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Great Glimpse of Possibility!
LoveWatching10 March 2018
Thank you to the creators and participators of this film for sharing content that the society I exist in needs more exposure to. The point of this film was not lost on me and it was documented beautifully. I was encouraged by seeing young children communicate these brain parts and functions in relationship to everything as well as mindfulness mediation for everyone in the classroom. This is preparing them for future! These are the minds of our future world changers and I do mean "Minds." Science has proven in the last 20 years that the heart contains a 'second brain' capable of independent memory and personality from the brain which is in our skull. Therefore these kinds of lessons are important to mental health, behavior, critical thinking and innovative creativity right now. Moreover, it's believed that when the big and small brain are synced to harmonic frequency that rapid information recall and intuition to a degree modern humans aren't accessing is possible. I have no doubt that future civilization will master that harmony and because of it the entire globe will be a loving, beautiful, inclusive, welcoming, naturally sustained heaven on earth. It's lovely to see children being prepared to make the most of coming times. It's a reassuring glimpse that this globe will be in good hands and everything is going to be fine. "Shiloh's future goal is impressive." Bring on the golden age.
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Contains dangerous, misleading, anti-rationality agenda that claims to be backed by "science"
hauskkia10 March 2017
I regularly practice mindfulness meditation and completely see the benefits of being aware of your body, mind, and separating your thoughts from your self in the present moment. I really wanted to like this movie, and tried so hard to keep watching but got so angry halfway through that I just couldn't handle it anymore. This movie uses cheap, "scientific" visuals, and claims to be backed by "credible scientific evidence," when the psychological ideas behind it are decades old and complete bulls**t (i.e. Left brain, right brain). The idea that thinking rationally is somehow "bad for your whole being" is a dangerous idea to be promoting to people looking for self-help, and influences them to not think about their actions, and to believe whatever their mind comes up with on its own. Your mind comes up with random, completely irrelevant information on its own, much of which is very beneficial and healthy to ignore. Also, what is intuition? The movie never once directly told me what it was spending hours referring to... please please keep thinking rationally and logically, do not stop being critical of any information given to you, or that you give yourself. Awful movie.
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A missed opportunity to discuss some very interesting ideas
i_time_bomb19 March 2018
I found this documentary to be so obsessed with the idea of ignoring rational thought and 'opening our minds' to intuition, that it manages to lose nearly all substance and fails to discuss or describe any of the concepts in any detail.

I'm a strong believer in mindfulness and reconnecting to our surroundings and the earth on a spiritual level and so I was expecting the really enjoy this film. I did not.

The real irony here is that this film presents some great ideas worth considering, but they are lost in the noise of the presentation.. there's a lot of strange visuals and worryingly unsupported 'scientific' studies, and not a lot of actual discussion to fill 75 minutes.

If you believe you can alter peoples brain waves by staring at them then you'll probably love this film.
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funguymon17 October 2017
At first my intuition wanted to give this movie a 5/10- but then the left brain kicked in.

The Pros: Certain interviewers such as the man from Harvard Business, the British researcher on strokes, and the section about married couples had intriguing things to say, but not worth a whole 1.5 hours. There were nice feel good things in this movie, however nothing of real substance where I walked away learning anything on intuition itself.

The Cons: This documentary is very strangely put together. The part with GTA V and the two women staring at the rape scene- forever- that was discomforting. The other 1/10 reviews hit all the points on the mark including Mel Jel's 5/10 above. So I don't feel the need to elaborate on what has been said.

Why 1/10: I could see why someone could rate it 5/10, but I have to give it 1/10 because if someone wanted to watch this, I'd strongly persuade them it is not worth a minute. The topic of intuition is intriguing- but the strange array of "experts" were terrible choices. Poor narration and nothing thought provoking- it ended with the feeling of a big waste of time. Sadly it took until the end of the movie for me to figure this out..

The Movie's Message: To discover your "intuition" frolic in nature, and avoid CNN and Fox News.
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EU should not finance stupidity
in-imdb-12 July 2019
This documentary received financial support from EU. Why is that? I could barely watch it longer than 10 minutes as everything I heard was anti-scientific and pure nonsense. Basically, the author decided the problem of the world was that she had too much work and this was exhausting. Yeah, laughable at best. Her ideas that will revolutionize society in a nutshell: stop using logic and reason, and use your intuition instead. I hope next time she needs a surgeon they will not follow her advice and rather study their field properly.
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Horrible, horrible movie.
liwijoy23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I got absolutely nothing out of it, all I remember is the creepy man in the cave singing about some nonsense (which had also no relevance to what was said in the movie at the time). Full of random images, strange sequencing and editing, it was a waste of time to watch.

This film could have been so much better.
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Intuition. That feeling in your gut. That deep down sensation that you feel it and not think it. Thats it.
roberterpi18 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary doesn't follow an idea. It has a lot of theories squeezed in 1.5 hours just to justify the European funding. First of all, the economist/psychologist lady from the beginning (specialties that cannot mix) has no understanding of intuition... everything she is saying is about thinking, being rational. Only the Harvard professor and the British old guy understood what intuition is and where somehow able to put it into words.. The main idea is Just be! Just flow! Not trying to practice anything or think or anything else. Being empathic, being compassionate will come as a by product of you being in contact with yourself. Feel! We are human beings not human doings!! Everything else doesn't matter. The lady who taught those kids about mindfulness is wrong. In her own selfishness and ego, she took the black kid as her own project not really helping him but putting ideas in his head about the amygdala and other things as such. The kids can't make sense of this stuff, they don't need theory! They need to learn to feel, be more in tune. First of all she could see that the kid was really unhappy but she cares only for her little project that she has in her head. Very incoherent and misleading documentary with no proof. Intuition its just what it is, it's intuition. That feeling in your gut. That deep down sensation that you feel it and not think it. Thats it. Recongnize, feel it, listen to it and you'll be fine. Otherwise leave by the society's rules and be a zombie unhappy and disconnected.
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I should have trusted my intuition.
alexmisch25 June 2018
I stopped watching this movie after about 5 minutes to watch something else because I just didn't like it even before they gave any deep info about the movie.

Eventually, I came back and watched more later. I was proven right by my intuition. Probably the best argument for the description of this movie and no, none of what I just said is explained throughout it. It was terrible. Don't watch it.
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Reinventing the wheel while we have electrical cars
nicholasdem26 October 2018
I stopped watching after 12 minutes just to acknowledge that i don't need to reinvent the wheel, cars already exist! The Icelandic lady decided to do this documentary with her friend because she realized she was disconnected ... and wanted to justify her existence ... oh wow welcome to reality of grownups! I guess if we all spent hundred and thousands of resources to do our own documentaries to justify our conditioning and our awareness of our self ignorance we might make this world a better place. NO it won't.
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