"The Walking Dead" East (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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A good episode, which begins the tension between Alexandria and the Saviors
MomentIMDB13 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
El episodio empieza mostrandonos a la gente viviendo en alexandria, mostrando tranquilidad, glenn y maggie tiene una ducha romantica, rick y michonne desacansan abrazados en la cama. esto es un buen detalle para mostrar el lio que se va a crear. el lio empieza cuando daryl enojado va por dwight, por lo que rosita, michonne y glenn van tras el. tambien carol se escapo, por lo que rick y morgan van tras ella. puntos buenos: el episodio maneja un buen ritmo y desarrollo de la trama. carol matando a los salvadores fue increible y totalmente badass. el cambio de carol me encanto y fue muy interesante, pero en la septima temporada su desarrollo fue pesimo y al final ese cambio fue un sinsentido. rick y morgan fueron lo mejor del episodio. ambos tienen gran quimica e interaccion. escenas entre morgan y rick faltaban ya que el trailer de la temporada mostraba conflictos entre ellos, pero al final fue con carol. en este episodio esta la primer aparicion de un personaje del reino. la despedida de rick y morgan fue como si fuera la ultima vez que se verian. daryl escapnado fue un poco forzado y fuera de lugar. la amenaza creciente de los salvadores fue muy tenso e increible. que va a pasar con maggie? la falsa muerte de daryl me parecio un cliffhanger innecesario, ya que la tension que habia para el proximo episodio bastaba, es como si no confiaran en que la aparicion de negan atrayera rating. The episode begins showing people living in Alexandria, showing tranquility, Glenn and Maggie have a romantic shower, Rick and Michigan rest hugging in bed. This is a good detail to show the mess that is going to be created. the mess starts when angry daryl goes for dwight, so rosita, michonne and glenn go after him. Carol also escaped, so Rick and Morgan go after her. good points: the episode manages a good pace and plot development. Carol killing the saviors was amazing and totally badass. I loved the change of Carol and it was very interesting, but in the seventh season its development was very bad and in the end that change was nonsense. Rick and Morgan were the best of the episode. Both have great chemistry and interaction. scenes between morgan and rick were missing since the trailer of the season showed conflicts between them, but in the end it was with carol. In this episode is the first appearance of a character from the kingdom. Rick and Morgan's farewell was as if it were the last time they would see each other. Escaped Daryl was a bit forced and misplaced. The growing threat of the saviors was very tense and incredible. what's going to happen with maggie? daryl's false death seemed to me an unnecessary cliffhanger, since the tension that existed for the next episode was enough, it is as if they did not trust that the appearance of negan would attract rating.
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There will be blood
LiamCullen628 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With only one episode left to go in season six, things are coming down to the wire: Carol is wounded and still missing; Maggie is having pregnancy-related issues; Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita have been captured; and Daryl has been shot. Evidently, this episode was filled with cliffhangers and plot-building for the season finale, which will certainly be an episode to remember.

In one of the first scenes after the opening credits, a Johnny Cash song could be heard: "It's all over, it's all over, my heart echoed it's all over...I was broken in a million little pieces..." These lyrics perfectly describe both Alexandria and our characters in this episode, and they most certainly will apply in next week's finale as well.

Juxtaposed with the music are the scenes unfolding before our eyes. We see nothing but peace and happiness amongst our survivors; they've almost forgotten it's the end of the world. Rick is actually deluded enough to think they're untouchable and impenetrable. The events which will soon take place will prove just how foolish this assumption was.

Carol is the first of our survivors broken in a million little pieces. Her hyperventilating returned, she had her rosary in one hand, and she began crying and pleaded with the Saviours to not force her to kill them - just like how she was two episodes ago when she had to kill Paula. Once again, she seemed so weak and frightened (like a nervous little bird) but, for the second time, she was able to ignore her moral compass and kill in order to survive. She had a trick up her sleeve and was able to kill almost all of them in one swift action. This demonstrates that Carol is a killer right to her core: even when her heart is telling her to stop, her mind is forcing her to act to save herself.

If I'm honest, this surprised me. In last week's episode, Carol admitted she could no longer kill for anyone, so I figured that she certainly wouldn't kill for herself if she wasn't prepared to kill for those she loves. Either that, or she was incorrect and she would be able to kill again. Plainly, the latter ended up being the case, further underlining that Carol's survival instincts supersede her own desires.

Something to bear in mind, though, is that Carol left her rosary behind. TWD writers love symbolism, thus, this could mean that Carol now truly has reached the point of no return and will no longer be able to kill. Additionally, the fact that one of the Saviours picks it up marks a change in power and foreshadows the impending doom that is Negan.

Morgan and Rick have been battling it out for the entire season. Both have been keen to preach their philosophies to the Alexandrians, and each are eager to see their own philosophy embedded in the constitution of Alexandria; however, up until now, both have been totally at odds with one another and in utter disagreement over which is more effective and better for survival. But in this episode, Rick seemed to change his mind. He chose to put his faith in Morgan and his philosophy that 'all life is precious' by returning home and allowing Morgan to go after Carol on his own. This is a big deal for Rick, as he points out: "You don't even know Carol," whereas Rick and Carol are family. I fear that this is the worst possible time for Rick to trust Morgan, though, as with Negan coming in next week's episode, we'll all soon learn that there can be no room for doubt.

What surprised me the most was that Daryl went after Dwight and not Carol. This is very telling for his character as it indicates to us that his mind isn't where it should be, and that he - like Carol - is in a million little pieces. He's letting regret get the better of him and now his feeling of regret will be even worse as his refusal to return to Alexandria has put the lives of even more of our survivors in jeopardy.

And what was with that final cliffhanger? I mean obviously he's not dead as it's too ambiguous, but he's certainly severely wounded. This marks the lowest point for Daryl in the show so far, as he was foolish in the first place to believe Morgan's philosophy and allow Dwight to get the better of him (when Daryl first met Dwight and he was robbed and left for dead by him), then in last week's episode he failed to kill Dwight (by the train tracks), and in this episode he was too stubborn to see that he wasn't thinking rationally and was putting everyone in danger. When Glenn urged him to turn around, he simply said:"I can't." Never have we known Daryl to be a slave to anything, but right now he's a slave to his regret and emotions, which has just put them all in grave danger.

Symbolically, Daryl's actions make it impossible to identify which philosophy works. He exercised Morgan's initially, but when that failed he implemented Rick's, but that failed too. As a result, now they're all screwed. This seems to suggest neither philosophy is entirely flawless, but that survival perhaps lies somewhere between Morgan and Rick's competing ideologies - or somewhere else altogether.

Finally, for anyone that watched the preview for next week's episode: holy sh*t. That's Lucille.

Be afraid; be very afraid...
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World For the Taking
ThomasDrufke28 March 2016
Part of the problem with The Walking Dead, or any show for that matter, is being able to reach the endgame in a way that both meets the amount of episodes the network wants, and also in a way that feels right narratively speaking. "East" contained solid character drama, but it also just felt like the writers had to create an episode which set everything up with no real explanation or intelligence when it comes to character choices. Seriously, did everyone just forget how to think correctly?

It all began with Carol leaving last week. She set off a chain reaction for people leaving Alexandria for no real reason. Daryl left to immediately seek revenge on Dwight for killing Denise, which set off Glenn, Rosita, and Michonne to go after him. Meanwhile, both Morgan and Rick went after Carol. This all left Alexandria incredibly vulnerable in a time where they should know battle is upon them. Sure, this gave the episode of sense of urgency in going out in finding their friends/family, but it never really felt like a penultimate episode.

I particularly took issue with Glenn going out there. It really seems like the writers want to put several of the big names out in the field to make us guess who will fall in the season finale, but really, Glenn had no reason to be out there. His wife is pregnant and didn't he say a few months back that he will "never leave her side again"? On the other hand, Rosita seems like a likely choice to be killed off next week in the finale. Abraham has moved on and Denise's death shook her to the core as well. So it's likely just her or Daryl and I have to believe they wouldn't yet kill Daryl off.

Which brings up the other big issue with the episode. The ending. No that couldn't have been Daryl dying. But I do believe they wanted us to think that. It's just another ending for TWD that seemed to be done with pure shock value in mind. Plus, is Dwight just okay now after getting bit by Eugene last week?

The huge positive this week was Carol. Her hyperventilating act worked yet again as she managed to kill quite a few Saviors who were on their way to Alexandria. Although, it sure seems like it's not really an act at all. Carol legitimately didn't want to kill them, which makes the gun-through-the-coat kills even better. With Carol seemingly gone in the woods somewhere, I don't think we will see her till next season.

Morgan and Rick's trip took a similar approach. It seems fitting that Morgan would be the one to go after Carol and so that's the side arc I'm looking forward to the most in the coming episodes. Morgan's goodbye to Rick almost felt final. It would be weird if they didn't see each other again, but with Morgan leaving everything out on the table as he told Rick about the Wolves prisoner he took, it's leaning towards that being it.

On a side note, what was going on with Maggie there? With no doctor left as Denise is dead, could this send her out on the road to get help from Hilltop? So overall, it was an episode that seemed to do exactly what it wanted to do in order to set up next week, even if it meant sacrificing all logic and consistencies. I expect next week to end with a bang or two and hopefully lead us in the right direction for season 7.

+Character drama between Rick and Morgan

+Carol killing it

-Not much logic in sending that many people out?

-Too much set up

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He'll be alright....
Blakegilham28 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The go-home show before the finale had its amazing moments, and its head scratching moments.

We begin the episode with virtually every major character leaving Alexandria. Half are in search of Carol, and the other half is chasing a vengeful Daryl. This is one of the head scratchers, because it makes no sense that every big name would leave Alexandria basically defenseless. However, there has to be a build-up to next week, so this is what it is. It isn't bad, it just didn't make sense.

We follow Carol as she is almost taken by Saviors, before she kills them with a concealed gun. She cries almost the whole time. I have read reviews in which they complain about the character development of Carol. That she is a "whiny old lady". I completely disagree. Carol started the show as a weak woman, and grew into the most bad@$$ woman on the show. However, now semi-safe behind the walls of Alexandria, she has a moment to slow down, and realize what she has become. She looks in the mirror and does not like what she sees. this week was proof however, she will still kill when necessary. I am interested to see where she goes.

Rick and Morgan for the first time in a LONG time, exude that chemistry I loved from earlier seasons. Rick finally seeing a glint of truth in what Morgan has argued about not killing was very good. And the line about the protein bar was hilarious.

The cliffhanger. MAJOR SPOILER. We see Daryl get shot. No question it was him. Then they insert the "He'll be alright" as it fades to black. Without this line, the cliffhanger is amazing. We all believe Daryl is dead. This wasn't like Glen's cliffhanger, because we wont wait all season to see if he is alive. We will know next week everyone's fate, for the most part. So to throw the sentence in, kind of takes away excitement. Maybe Dwight wasn't talking to or about Daryl, but most will assume he is, and that takes away excitement. Still, I jumped off the couch when that trigger was pulled. My mouth stood open for several moments. So it was good in the moment.

All in all, the was a perfect set-up for next week. Negan is Coming...
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Daryl Down?
ginaolson28 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Emotions were high in this episode for everyone, even Gabriel, but probably no one more than the usually calm Daryl. Daryl is feeling as though he needs to avenge the death of Denise is cute and all, but his actions, or lack of actions, also caused certain events to transpire and it has finally caught up with him. Normally the calmer and more rational side of him would have better planned this out, but throw in the fact that Carol left also, well you have a destabilized Daryl prone to making some mistakes. Note to self: never get emotional during any crisis especially a zombie apocalypse!

Tobin finds the letter left by Carol yet somehow Daryl knows about it before Rick. Chasing after Carol is certainly NOT a good idea especially alone, but there Daryl goes. No one realizes that she left even though they had people on watches. One theory is that she had to have pushed that car far enough as to not be heard, although, you would hear something! We get it; Carol is having a major identity crisis and is breaking down. She obviously knows she has to kill since she sewed that massive gun into her sleeve, so who is she trying to fool? The take-downs of the road fools were awesome and even gave me some hope that maybe Carol can pull herself back from the brink. BTW, did you notice just how much this group knew about Alexandria including that it's less than 8 miles (12.75 klicks) from where they were? I'm not sure, but don't you think that someone should have been able to hear all the gun shots?

The Rick and Michonne, Maggie and Glenn scenes almost seem like foreshadowing. We know something big is about to happen with the anticipated entrance of Negan in the next episode. Lucille will most likely get her appetite sustained by the blood of someone. Happy people usually don't stay happy for long. Glenn had been spared way back in episode 7 by Enid but now he currently has been captured by Dwight and his crew along with Michonne. Coincidence? We shall see soon enough! Glenn and Michonne were exceptionally loud in the woods. No wonder they were caught. Is Michonne getting a little too domesticated playing house with Rick? Hmmmmmm Did you catch the etching on the gun that Carl picked up? A barbed wire bat!!!!

Morgan came clean about the whole wolves' run-ins and explained how all life is precious to Rick. I'm waiting to see how he can square that circle with the Dwight character and Negan. This group would have found Alexandria anyway, make no mistake about that. All of these groups including ours are doing the same thing; scouting. They just may all be scouting for different things.

This is now the third time that Daryl has underestimated Dwight and his group. I'm not sure about you but symbolism means a lot to the writers. Will the three strike rule apply to Daryl now? What about the BLOOD and Dwight saying that the person will live? Did Daryl get shot? Was that his blood? Or did we just partially witness Daryl's speculated death? Oh, next week can't get here fast enough!!!!
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Good Setup - Cold have Been Better ***WARNING - CONTAINS SPOILERS***
alex-dhaliwal199727 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Personally, I felt that this episode was a mixed bag of greatness and contrived plot lines, making it the worst episode of this half season. First off, I'll start with the negatives... 1) Even though I support the writer's decision to have Carol experience PTSD after all the horrors she has witnessed (i.e. the death of her daughter, the deaths of Lizzie and Mika, and the death of Sam) and show a shift in character because of it, I hope the writers make this feel more organic come the finale or next season. However, the scene with Carol getting lost in her own train of thought, when Tobin was talking to her, was a step in the right direction! 2) Glenn should not have left after Daryl, given the fact that his wife is pregnant and an imminent attack is not out of the realm of possibility. The fact that Glenn was captured and ever left Alexandria was the dumbest piece of writing I have seen all season long. I'm sorry, but I cannot defend this at all... :( 3) Make the ambushes of our beloved characters a little more believable. Again writers, make the story feel more organic. Now, for the positives... 1) Having Morgan heading off after Carol was believable, as he feels responsible for Carol leaving. Rick heading off with Morgan, although questionable, brought about some good dialogue between the characters (I.e. The wolf confession and the fact that Morgan said the exact same thing to Rick that Rick said to Governor: "We can always come back" - good touch writers!) Even though Rick leaving to begin with was questionable, I'm willing to forgive this as Morgan told Rick to go back as he searches for Carol alone - brings about a new storyline b/w him and Carol. 2) The Carol killing scene - badass Terminator ... nothing more needs to be said about that (definitely the best scene in episode). 3) The lone saviour surviving - is he heading after Carol or heading back to Negan? Builds suspense - good, organic writing. :) 4) Daryl leaving after Dwight was completely reasonable as he feels responsible for Denise's death. Builds upon the interesting dynamic b/w rivals Dwight and Daryl - NOW DARYL CANNOT DIE IN THE FINALE, as this rivalry b/w them is too goddamn good. 5) The end scene with Daryl getting shot was a GREAT cliff-hanger as we know Daryl isn't dead (Dwight said "You'll be alright after Daryl got shot). This ultimately signifies how arrogant our survivors have become, thinking the Saviours are a joke. Little, do they know, they are screwing with the wrong people... Overall, this episode was decent at best but was brought down by Glenn following after Daryl, even though Maggie is pregnant, and our best survivors (behind Rick)becoming almost completely deaf... SERIOUSLY GIMPLE... ENOUGH WITH THE CLIFF-HANGERS AND BS Story lines... I hope the finale is amazing and that season 7 becomes better in overall story-telling quality. Because of this, I give the episode, a 7.5/10 rating
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"East" is a gripping episode that sets the stage for the dramatic events that will unfold in the season finale
fernandoschiavi18 March 2024
While on the run, Carol encounters a group of Saviors. When she warns them to leave, they mock and threaten her. She kills them in self-defense, and is injured in the process. As she leaves her disabled vehicle and heads cross country, a surviving Savior pursues her, seeking revenge.

After Tobin informs Rick that Carol has left Alexandria, Rick takes Morgan go in search of her. After finding the carnage she left behind, they follow a trail of blood. Eventually it leads them to a barn, where they encounter a man who is fighting a small herd of walkers. Rick, believing it may have been one of the men Carol fought, prepares to fire upon him. Morgan knocks Rick's rifle barrel down, giving the unknown man a chance to escape. Afterward, Rick and Morgan argue about the incident. Morgan then reveals to Rick that he had kept the Wolf leader alive in his home. Morgan's belief that all life is sacred had eventually, in a roundabout fashion, saved Carl's life after his eye was shot out. "It's all a circle", Morgan says.

Morgan asks Rick to return to Alexandria, as he is now to important to have out in the wilds risking his life. Morgan vows to find Carol on his own, and tells Rick not to come looking if he doesn't return. Rick hands Morgan a gun.

Back at Alexandria, Maggie asks for Enid's assistance in getting a haircut. As they finish, Maggie suddenly doubles over in severe abdominal pain. She is horrified, thinking that she might be about to have a miscarriage.

Rosita, Glenn and Michonne arrive at the spot where Dwight killed Denise. They find Daryl's motorcycle hidden underneath some branches, confirming Rosita's hunch that Daryl came back to kill Dwight. They later catch up to Daryl in the woods. Glenn tries to stop Daryl from going after Dwight, but Daryl refuses to stand down. After they split up, Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita are captured by Saviors. As Daryl attempts to rescue his friends, Dwight sneaks up and shoots him.

"East" follows the group as they prepare to launch an attack on the Saviors, unaware that they are walking into a trap. The episode is notable for its exploration of the characters' motivations and the consequences of their actions.

One of the most memorable scenes in the episode is when Carol decides to leave Alexandria in order to protect the group from the dangers she believes she attracts. This decision has a profound impact on the group, particularly on Daryl, who sets out to find her and bring her back. Overall, "East" is a gripping episode that sets the stage for the dramatic events that will unfold in the season finale.
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claudio_carvalho28 March 2016
Carol decides to sneak out of Alexandria early in the morning to leave their friends. Then Daryl decides to hunt Dwight down to revenge the death of Denise. Carol's car is intercepted by a group of Saviors in a pick-up, but she succeeds to lure and kill them except one that survives. Meanwhile Glenn, Michonne and Rosita decide to go after Daryl. When Rick and Morgan learn that Carol left Alexandria, they also decide to seek her out. Morgan convinces Rick to return to help to protect Alexandria. When Glenn, Michonne and Rosita find Daryl, they do not convince him to come back with them. Glenn and Michonne agree to return to Alexandria while Rosita stays with Daryl. But something unexpected happens with them.

"East" is not a bad episode, but Carol and Daryl leaving the compound and Rick, Morgan, Glenn, Michonne and Rosita going after them is unreasonable. The protection of Alexandria mainly depends on Rick's group, and seven of them leaving the compound vulnerable at the same time is an unacceptable attitude. Carol is in an existential crisis, but what is her objective leaving her friends and Alexandria? Daryl's feeling toward Dwight is acceptable but his friends should have been more careful in the woods since they have a dangerous enemy. Dwight has not killed Daryl since he says that he will be all right. He might have shot him in the hand, arm or other nonlethal part. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "East"

Note: On 26 April 2016, I saw this show again.
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They should have known better
Nicole_Proschek30 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As some of the reviewers before me I also think Carol leaving Alexandria doesn't really make sense and could have been explained better.

And of course you don't send out half your military force when you expect an attack. Especially since we all know that Carol copes well on her own.

In my opinion it would have been better if they had made an "A-Team-Montage" showing how they prepare for the attack.

All they have is a steel fence and some corrugated metal plates, no booby-traps, etc..

And of course why did Glenn and Michone hang out chatting in the woods in enemy territory? I also have to agree that the cliffhanger was really lame.
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Taking no chances
TheLittleSongbird3 August 2020
Did find myself underwhelmed by the previous 'The Walking Dead' episode "Twice as Far". Didn't hate it sure, but having liked to loved all the previous episodes of the second half of Season 6 (starting with "No Way Out") and half of its first half it just didn't live up to expectations. Had heard mixed reviews too for the season's penultimate episode "East", though generally it was better received at the same time so watched it with both keenness and apprehension.

"East" was not a return to form for 'The Walking Dead' and is a long way from being one of Season 6's high points, but it doesn't see it going backwards either or see the season or show at its worst (somewhere around high middle if anything). While still finding that it had a lot of room for improvement, "East" was a much better episode than "Twice as Far" in my view and for all the flaws it has it also has a lot of good things that are enough to make it worthwhile.

Will start with the not so good. The story is a bit contrived, the whole thing with everybody leaving Alexandria was not particularly easy to swallow. Perhaps the episode takes a little too long to get going and it does affect the pace a bit, it probably didn't need to be as much set up as it was.

Daryl is one of my favourite characters on 'The Walking Dead', but this was a rare time up to this point of the show where his decision making was frustrating and came over as rather forced which did undermine what makes him so great a character. Carol's, another one of my favourite characters and one of the most consistently acted, character development took a step backwards in "Twice as Far" and again generally she is a pale shadow of the ruthless Carol we knew and loved in previous episodes. Oh and that cliffhanger ending is little more than gimmicky shock value.

There is a lot to like about "East" however. It looks stylish, the gritty and menacing atmosphere perfectly enhanced by the photography. No repetition or self-indulgence here. The music has a haunting presence but still succeeds in not being over-scored, obvious or too constant. The direction is alert to tension (if not in as claustrophobic a way as with "The Same Boat" for instance) but doesn't let the momentum rush.

Furthermore, while there is still some character stupidity and the pace isn't perfect, the script is much better (tighter and significantly less juvenile), there is much more tension and although it is a set up episode there is a lot more forward momentum and more of a sense of plot and character progression even if imperfectly executed. Apart from a totally killer moment with Carol, which is a more than welcome return to the Carol we know and love, the episode is most successful in the scenes and chemistry between Rick and Morgan, very intriguing and entertaining. The acting is very good, the best performances coming from Andrew Lincoln, Lennie James and Melissa McBride.

Altogether, not great but a well done penultimate episode that was not on the same level as the best of the season, but better than the previous one and a heck of a lot better than what came after. 7/10
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Shock ending to an episode of setup and foreshadowing. Warning: Spoilers
If the big moment from end of this episode turns out to actually be what it appears to be, I might have to raise my rating. As it is, I'm pretty sure it's just another fake-out like Glenn earlier this season. On the one hand that kind of annoys me, on the other it was very well executed here. As a comic reader, the show rarely stuns me. This was one of the few moments that have genuinely shocked me. Even if it does turn out to be a lame fake-out, I have to give them some credit for that. The rest of the episode is mostly setup and foreshadowing, but the pacing makes it work.

Daryl leaves to find Dwight, and Carol leaves for her own reasons. Rick and Morgan search for Carol while some others go out in search of Daryl. This makes the central focus of the episode the parallel search. It is broken up by an action scene in the middle that is wonderfully foreshadowed and executed.

There is a great development scene with Rick and Morgan. I like the idea of how they're developing Carol this half-season, but these writers don't have the chops for it. I like Melissa McBride's performance, but it doesn't quite match up with the character properly.

The episode is also packed with foreshadowing. The group are almost painfully naive about the whole Saviors thing. Rick has a monologue in this episode showing that he really doesn't understand just how much of a threat they are going to be. This season has also made a big deal of showing the group living happily. They're really setting us up for a big fall when Negan shows up. And speaking of Negan, this episode had a ton of foreshadowing as to who Negan will kill. I like the way this episode handled the foreshadowing, because it threw in some potential foreshadowing imagery for most every character in this episode, meaning that we still have no idea who will be the one despite this show's total lack of subtlety.

I really didn't know whether I liked this episode, but it grows on me the more I think on it. It was a well structured setup for the finale with a scene that I won't soon forget.
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Decent episode but a lot of things don't make sense
callcooldude29 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, the 'new' Carol is really confusing. While I don't mind some character development and this one does make sense, her leaving Alexandria because she doesn't want to kill anymore is just STUPID. If she leaves, she would have to kill a lot more people (as we saw in this episode) as it is ultimately a lot less safe outside of Alexandria with Dwight/Saviour's/etc around.

Secondly, WHY did half the group leave at different times? First it was Carol, then Daryl, then more people followed him and so on... It's just stupid. It was obvious that something was going to happen to them.

Thirdly, Daryl leaving without any warning or without telling anyone was ALSO STUPID!!

That being said, there was a lot of foreshadowing in this episode which I enjoyed. It got me hyped for the finale next week. Maggie's haircut, what was the significance of that? Rick and Morgan going their separate ways, is that the last time we'll see them together? Will Morgan die?

The cliffhanger at the end was an OMG moment which I loved. Is Daryl going to die or will he 'be alright' like Dwight said? I think he'll be fine (for now anyway).

Overall, a decent episode. 7.5/10
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I was excited
alexkatin24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After No Way Out I really was looking forward to seeing more of the saviours - they looked unique and different to other villains and negan seemed like a legitimate scary character behind the group. However, after these last few episodes the Saviours don't seem as unique as I previously thought they would be. They don't seem scary or menacing they seem stupid and weak. It makes me feel like Negan is going to be dealt with very easily. But I have heard good things about the next episode so I'm going in with high hopes. Apart from that the plot seems far too weak for a season finale. Like the stakes are wayyyy to low for a show that has provided such high ones previously.
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Poor Judith and Maggie
snoozejonc29 January 2022
Carol and Daryl both leave Alexandria for different reasons causing separate groups to go after them.

This is a solid episode with some strong character moments, but feels somewhat contrived.

I think enjoyment of this episode depends how much you can tolerate the depiction of characters who supposedly "don't take any chances" taking some pretty awful chances. If you can suspend the disbelief and go with the flow it is fine. If watching Rick (along with various others) leave Judith, Carl, Maggie to chase Carol (who made it very clear why she left) annoys you, it's best avoid this one. Additionally, the usually very likeable Daryl is also frustratingly written.

All that aside there are some great moments. One scene involving Carol and some antagonists is very well done. Plus the banter between Rick and Morgan is all strong.

Some quite dramatic situations shown are left unresolved so it is hard to make any judgement on these.

All performances are excellent as ever, particularly Melissa McBride, Lenny James and Andrew Lincoln.
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evanbro28 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was thinking about not writing another review, however, it raises my ire when all I see is reviews praising this show and not talking about the flaws riddled within. Where to begin...

Let's start with Carol's character development. Her character development has made absolutely no sense whatsoever in the past season. We started watching this show seeing her as a frail lady always in need of a savoir, someone to protect her. Then as the show progressed, we watched her become a strong, independent lady who would never think twice about pulling the trigger against remorseless killers who deserved it. Then this season happened. We have now watched her regress back into a frail old lady who sits around all day and sulks and cries whenever she has to make the decision to kill someone. Yet somehow she remains to be a deus ex machina? Like am I supposed to believe good old Carol was able to blast a truck full of people away all because she packed a mini uzi in her coat? Please, its beyond my level of comprehension at this point. And somehow she leaves the incident pretty much unscathed but for a minor wound. I just find Carol being this Deus Ex machina a little bit redundant a this point.

Then we have almost every single important character in the show leave the safe confinement of Alexandria just to search for Dwight of all people? This was just a horribly contrived point in a sad attempt to have them capture Glenn and Daryl for the next episode...

And Daryl... I'm really upset that this show has made it a point to tease deaths on and off at this point. I mean, if your going to tease a death, at least make it believable. Don't have Dwight say to Daryl after he shoots him "You're going to be all right baby boy". These cheap fake deaths are just a way the show writers keep the internet discussing the episode for another week and to increase viewer ratings for the next episode to see the result. I mean, it's not like they all ready honeyd*cked Glenn's death on numerous occasions throughout the season.

However, with all of the flaws being pointed out, I did enjoy the downtime b/w Morgan and Rick. You have two moral opposites discussing their code of ethics and just what each other has become.

All and all, this is what I thought of the episode. This will most likely be flagged down as not helpful by the walking dead fanatics who can't take any sort of criticism. Well if you read this, I thank you for your time.
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Don't Worry, You'll be Alright
twilight-9071027 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With only 2 more episodes remaining in this season of The Walking Dead, us viewers are looking for something to grasp to for a closing of this season, and with the lack of forgone main story, this episode makes the last few episodes look rather weak.

This episode has a much better pace to it than the previous 6 or so of this season. With a return of focus on main characters, we get a more solidified episode. Finally we are fully back to Rick, Michonne, Daryl and others that are established and a continued storyline can occur. I say this because many previous new characters have died and are nearly irrelevant to what is currently occurring. Denise and who she was isn't a prospect that matters now that she died. Most of the last episode can be seen a dead-weight to the main story, but to be fair, her death is a prompted event into current events. Anyhow, with our main cast in the spotlight we have a better dialog, we weren't as rushed to get into the action to kill everyone (I am referring to the first part of the episode that may have seemed slow), and my main point, we have a more established story, which will likely be used up next episode with a large cliffhanger ending.

I have mentioned before in other reviews that the show is rather scattered, and this episode was to, as it was jumping between 4 or 5 stories and perspectives, but given that the characters were more "relevant" to main story, I didn't feel like it was all that bad for this episode.

Some events this episode were fairly enthralling, Carol's encounter was exciting, and for me alittle surprising. There were of course some drawbacks from the events of the episode. I couldn't stand how these characters just stand about like idiots in the middle of nowhere and talk until some bad stuff happens (happened last episode with Denise). It happened with Michonne and Glen this time. For me this is where much of the "suspense" is from. The threat that these idiots will get screwed over because they are idiots. I want suspense coming from something truly suspenseful, not jump-scares. The Rick and Morgan scenes were nice, adding alittle more character development to Rick who is the alleged main character. There are some more examples of bad and good but I won't get into them, short review this time.

Now comes to addressing the elephant in the room. Daryl Dixon. If this were a different show, we might be discussing if Daryl is dead or not. But given that this is The Walking Dead, I'm debating if he shot Daryl in the shoulder or if he shot the Ketchup bottle beside him to make red stuff hit the camera. A sad proposition; but in all honesty a possible scenario. The more likely scenario, of course being Daryl being shot, also is a sad proposition, given that the last words of the episode being "You'll be alright". These words, I cannot express how unnecessary they are. Imagine an ending without them. We would be discussing if he is dead or not. The possibility of a Ketchup bottle scenario would be only discussed by crazy conspiracy theorists. For heavens sake these writers couldn't even threaten to kill Daryl Dixon, but can kill new characters in the blink of an eye. The inconsistency is the butcher of the show. Those three words brought this episode down from a six or seven to a sad five.

Well, I will end the review with that. Overall a better presentation of a Walking Dead episode. Many things improved, may things left to improve, and I suppose many unanswered questions that will leave us waiting till next week. 5/10.
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Stupid episode in an otherwise great season
astrofysiker1 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I love AMC's The Walking Dead. However, each season has been plagued by at least a couple of episodes where dead stupid things happen which makes me want to kill my self, like for instance the friendly suicidal engineer wanting to take everyone with him at the end of season 1, Lori driving off alone and crash her car, and now all the main characters running off alone or in tiny groups when they KNOW there are a lot of bad people out to get them.. It is okay that maybe 1 person do something stupid now and then, but this episode was just filled with unrealistically stupid decisions which people of their experience would never do. Also, Carol holding a machine gun with one arm beneath a thick jacket having perfect aim, shooting 3 guys on the back plus some guys inside the car simultaneously at a distance... WTF. If you are going to do a scene like that you have to make it more believable and better produced.

AMC, PLEASE do something about those writers who always have to make up stupid situations just to make cheap progress to the story line. Maybe Scott M. Gimple and Channing Powell need a vacation or something to get their inspiration back. If you need help with the storyline you can always call me, but it mainly comes down to not having characters flying off alone without a very good reason, which is just stupid and unbelievable.

I know AMC will mend the damage with some great future episodes, but sometimes because of episodes like this one I feel like watching something else instead.

Sorry for the bad English to my readers, it's not my native language.
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Carol is being silly
gedikreverdi30 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All are hostages of Dwight. They're all looking for Carol. There's sth wrong with Megan. Not much happened. Daryl might have been shot.
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He'll be alright.
TheDonaldofDoom30 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sets things up the season finale, but I'm surprised how few important things happened. It would have been nice to see Negan and that would definitely have been a better ending than Daryl's obviously fake death. About that, what sort of cliffhanger- if it can even be called a cliffhanger- is that? Dwight shoots him, the screen goes black and he says 'You'll be alright'. That's the lamest season-finale cliffhanger I have ever seen.

Daryl's anger at Dwight for killing Denise leads to all the characters getting caught and although Denise's death was still shock tactics at its worst, Daryl's reaction is realistic and relatable.

Carol's ridiculous character arc continues in this episode as she decides she has had enough of killing people (never mind that she burned two people to death in Season 3, which Morgan even mentions). She's been reduced from a badass to a pathetic crybaby. UGH!

There were lots of good moments though. The scene in which Morgan tries to convince Rick that it's wrong to go around killing everyone who might be a threat is particularly potent. Morgan's 'All-life-is-precious' storyline started out as annoying but at least it has led to this beautiful scene. I think most viewers will find themselves somewhere between Rick and Morgan, you have to kill someone who you know could commit evil acts but not someone who might be completely innocent.

Overall this is a decent episode with lots of tension and good moments, but it isn't as fast-paced and explosive as I thought it would be. We still haven't seen Negan and the capture of hostages seems to be repeating the events of a much better previous episode this season.
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