Spaghettiman (2016) Poster


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B Movie so good I feel like I should review it as a full length film
skylermoore24 October 2020
This superhero spoof caught my eye on Amazon Prime for being a wacky "crappy" movie. After watching this movie I genuinely think it was better than tons of movies with a thousand times it's budget in 2016. For being this genre and no special effects, it has great camera quality and some good cuts and shots and transitions. On top of all that it was a funny enjoyable movie. Plenty of funny one liners and cheesy superhero cliche's that make you laugh. For that, as a "B-movie" this is a 9/10 easily. But as a full feature film which I believe it can be compared too, these kind of movies have been done better. At times the pacing seems too fast then seems too slow. The sound can be too quiet at times and the climax of the movie seems too short. With all that said, compared to any theater film from 2016, this is just slightly below average. However it's an easy 9/10 B-movie flick. I would love to see, though it's been 4 years now so doubtful, someone give this director a bigger budget so the writers can go crazy in a sequel. Or maybe a new story similar to this and it could easily be lightning in a bottle.
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Student films, the Review
farismatthew-5307426 February 2018
You know it was always my dream to become a writer and director when I was a kid. As I grew up I slowly learned that my talent wasn't in making movies but rather, reviewing them. whenever a student film pops up I take the time to watch it and while I might be hard on large franchises I have a soft spot in my heart for student films. I know the struggle that many go through in order to get their ideas out there and become known in the movie industry; and you know it's hard being the little fish in a sea full of sharks that's why small creators have to pull out their A game when they make movies. For this movie I am proud to say that they hit a lot points spot on. Some of my major issues were the cinematography and the fact that some of the comedy was flatter then my wife's ass, but all other points were spot on. The beginning of this film is where the directors talents shine but near the end it begins to fall of hard which was disappointing to me as I was really getting into the story and the characters they had. I it feel would be a disservice to the director if I didn't mention is the excellent use of practical graphics. Most movies you watch today and ask yourself why something looks so awful is because usually it is practical effects. As movies became more and more CGI many practical graphics began to look out of place compared to the perfectly computer generated counter part. In Spaghettiman this doesn't happen because the director realizes that you can't combine CGI and practical graphics, and for that I applaud him. Overall if you want an excellent film which major companies like Marvel and Disney can learn from watch the beginning of this hilarious super hero film.
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You said you wanted to repay me. How much money do you got?
nogodnomasters27 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Clark Kant (Ben Crutcher) is a lazy hippie living with Dale (Winston Carter) an ambitious obese desk cop. Following a microwave spaghetti accident, Clark gets "superpowers" being able to shoot spaghetti out of his hands like Spiderman. Armed with all the power and might of a wet noodle, Clark dons a paper bag and saves people from bad guys, asking for money from the victims. He gets leads from Craig's List and works with a camera man.

The film started out funny, but wore on. The spaghetti fighting was fun, but couldn't carry the film. The bag gag got old too. The twins song was funny. The last half needed work.

Guide: No sex or nudity. Don't recall any swearing.
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Time-wasting superhero spoof
Leofwine_draca8 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPAGHETTIMAN is an awkward superhero spoof made on a tiny budget. It's about a regular guy who accidentally eats a bowl of radioactive pasta and turns into the titular superhero, using his new-found pasta powers to fight crime in the city. It's a film as cheesy as it sounds, packed with lame humour and little else. The jokes feel laboured and in one fight scene he actually turns into spaghetti. It really is a waste of your time.
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Despite practically no budget and an insane concept, the film made me laugh...
planktonrules1 September 2016
"Spaghettiman" was a welcome relief tonight. All day, I watched films that turned out to be incredibly serious and incredibly depressing. What a wonderful change of pace to find a film as original, funny and deliberately stupid as this one! Because it's so stupid...and weird, it's my next installment in my "You ain't seen nothing' yet" series...films so odd, so unique and so demented that you just have to see them...or not. But I suggest you see this one.

Clark (Ben Crutcher) is a complete loser. He is about the worst possible employee and loses job after job--including one as a pizza deliveryman because he was delivering pizzas half eaten! His one friend Dale (Winston Carter) puts up with this and even give him rent money...and you really have to feel sorry for poor Dale. One night, Clark falls asleep while a bowl of spaghetti is heating up in the microwave. When he awakens four days later, he finds that he has a new amazing super power...he can shoot spaghetti out of his hands! And, oddly, he also bleeds and urinates spaghetti. While it's not much of a super power, Clark's ambitions aren't all that lofty either. Instead of trying to rid the Earth of evil like a typical hero, Clark is pragmatic and when faced with evil, he expects the folks he saves to pay. Otherwise, he just minds his own business! After all, he sure ain't doing it for free! So, while wearing an old paper bag over his head as a disguise, he collects $40 here, $17 there and he's finally able to pay his rent. But when he meets a videographer, he realizes he is able to hit real paydirt and might even be able to save a few dollars! But Spaghettiman's dreams of financial solvency appear to be dashed when a motley crew of villains arrive to put an end of his reign of semi-goodness...and extortion!

While no one would call this a great film, director Mark Potts as well as writers/actors Winston Carter and Ben Crutcher have created an utterly ridiculous winner. Sure, it's low budget, sure it's silly as well as a bit uneven. But, it's funny and made me smile...and I think it will make you smile provided you don't expect great production values or a plot that makes much sense! And, at the end of the film you learn that they are planning on making another Spaghettiman film! And who knows...if the film takes off and makes money...perhaps we'll see Stan Lee in a cameo in the sequel!!
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No budget, no sets, no problem.
13Funbags15 April 2020
This movie was much better than I expected. They took a ridiculous concept and made a low budget masterpiece. This is a must see for fans of real comedy. I pray that they do a sequel.
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Can I Sing a Song to Your Kids?
thebryanosaurus23 November 2016
I can't describe the level at which this film made my strangest fantasies come true. A bearded slacker, Ninjas, and Pasta - definitely not your Plain Jane super hero flick. Don't let the independent status fool you. For an indie film made with next-to no budget, the story line was stellar. The practical effects were done well, not corny. The comedy kept me laughing the whole way through, and didn't feel like an open mic night. Plus, the soundtrack was killer. You can see that a lot of heart was put into Spaghettiman. The bar was set very high with this one. Worth every second. I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for more Mark Potts films.
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jackfabulous16 July 2017
Sure, it's stupid, the acting is B- at best, and the budget is clearly in the 3 to 4 digits, but Spaghettiman is a really enjoyable movie, that once I started, I needed to watch to it's grin inducing conclusion.

Spaghettiman is equal parts creative and cliché, improved substantially by the fact that nobody involved seems to have any misconceptions about what they are making. Once it's low standards are set, the movie enjoys exceeding them. Clearly filmed in Los Angeles, the producers access to the vast filmmaking resources of the area are clear - it is well shot, well edited, well produced, and even has a few "pro" special effects and stunts to boot.

Aspiring to little more than to entertain for an hour or so, Spaghettiman is a triumph.
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Don't Expect Special Effects
elkabong-dd16 April 2017
Don't expect great special effects, but the story behind Spaghettiman is awesome.

The tagline is "Clark doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about the world. He barely cares about himself", but in the end, Clark DOES care.

And we end up caring about all of the (admittedly limited) characters in this movie. Spaghettiman is just right at 80 minutes or so, and a good family laugh. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but the characters are likable, and the story holds our interest.

Wish there were more movies like this!
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Funny Movie.
arfdawg-14 March 2017
The Plot.

Clark doesn't care about you.

He doesn't care about the world.

He barely cares about himself.

But after an incident with an old bowl of spaghetti and a malfunctioning microwave, he becomes a superhero that can fight crime with the power of spaghetti.

However, you have to pay him.

It's actually funny. I liked it. And no, i had nothing to do with this movie.

But it's really original and keeps your interest. Considering that the budget was like nothing, it really deserves way more than the current IMDb number!
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Superhero!! or Supper hero?
cekadah23 October 2016
Another no budget flick that hits the mark with plot and characters. If you can't laugh with this movie then you have lost all sense of humor. Director: Mark Potts and Writers: Winston Carter and Ben Crutcher bring to us one of the silliest superhero's to date - but he's so likable you can't help cheering him on in his quest for justice and a little bit of cash!

Clark is a guy who can't keep a job and he shares an apartment with an obese guy who is a want-to-be policeman. Clark starts to warm up a bowl of spaghetti, he falls asleep for four days, and the microwave continues to run these four days. When Clark awakens he eats the spaghetti anyway and he discovers later his new powers from eating the over cooked spaghetti.

But he still needs money! And he goes out into the streets as a superhero to quell thieves but there's a catch if you want his help. Is Clark above corruption? Watch it and find out.
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Best Crappy movie ever made!
ssollis335 June 2019
Loved everything about this movie. The guys that made this are total geniuses and top notch cinematographers. Don't think I've ever seen a B movie or low budget film done this well!
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Very refreshing, funny and intelligent B-Movie
Zettelhead4 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the terrible "Dark Phoenix" this movie was really a relief. Yes, it is very much "B", but it was made by people, who really thought about the concept of superheroes and the nature of man.

Be honest: If you had superpowers, would you risk your life and help others... for nothing? Rather not. So here we have a normal Joe, doing what normal Joes do: thinking of the bills to pay and of a full stomach. And there is his best friend, who dreams of being an selfless, altruistic hero, fighting evil just for the glory of it, but who is just not able to do so, and turns into an envious, treacherous opponent.

Besides the wonderful and ridiculous "superpower" of throwing spaghetti, the central conflicts are relevant and well thought through. This is not the Attack of the Killer Tomatos Part 2 or just some other funny, crappy, cheap flick. This is a funny, crappy, cheap flick with a well written script that transports some essential ideas.
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Only thing B movie about it is the budget
uberdonkey630 July 2019
This is a good film. Well paced, amusing, simple but satisfying storyline. The budget is low, but no shakey footage with rubbish angles.. the directing is great and you're totally engrossed in the story. Made me realise what makes or breaks a film: the characters. The main character is a lazy bum but is played so well. The lack of shiney polish amd CGI just make it even better. I'd choose this over any consumer Hollywood movie. Don't expect an artsy or student film, it's just a good film in its own right.
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Second Best Superhero Movie of 2016!
poiuytblivet15 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy watching low budget films mainly because they can be more entertaining than big production films.

I truly enjoyed watching this movie. This was absolutely hilarious, very original. The actors took their role seriously and just ran with it, each really delivered a serious performance despite the corniness which probably made it even funnier. It was obvious that this movie was really thought out and the script was really well written and directed.

I feel that lately a lot of comedies are not well written. Perhaps the writers think that just because their movie is low budget, or because it's a comedy, they don't need to care about quality; so long as 100 fart jokes are thrown in, then it's comedy! Wrong! That's cheap comedy.

Yet that's not the case with Spaghettiman. It had so many wonderful elements, plot twists, witty dialogue, it's worth watching again. As a matter of fact, I would actually be willing to see a sequel made.
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Very Entertaining
noahcatcher13 June 2020
Quality acting for a B movie, entertaining plot. And great humor. the ending was slightly unfulfilling, but not overly
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This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while
coflorida16 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a good spoof movie. I couldn't get past that greasy paper bag.

then when tore it up he decided he wanted it so he tape it back up LOL

paper bags usually around 5¢ but that's what made it funny... spoofing low budget
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mcmanuskeegan27 July 2022
Everything about this movie is awesome. It's so original - making the main character someone who cares more about the money. I recommend this to all my friends. I'll be dressing as Spaghettiman for Halloween this year. He is my hero and idol. Spaghettiman keeps me going. Without Spaghettiman I am nothing. It makes me whole.
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It's just so funny
Jdrappi1 July 2020
Don't be criticizal. It's a intentional stupid movie that is just so funny.
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Spaghetti w/ AWESOMESAUCE!!!
saintbenjaminbenjam7 September 2020
This movie was absolutely amazing. It's basically a stupid college-humor movie that is entirely lovable & steals the show. I'd put it up in the same league as "Nacho Libre" & "Sock Baby".
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elizy-3309215 October 2021
The premise of this movie is goofy, and the movie embraces that all the way and doesn't take itself one bit seriously. It's fun to watch with the family or with friends. The main protagonist is funny, and they don't try to write him as likable. The movie even has a fun twist in the end.

The movie is highly underrated and deserves more appreciation. I'm honestly surprised at the lack of attention it gets.
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