Crazy Murder (2014) Poster


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Don't Ignore The Homeless
shawnblackman24 September 2016
A disturbing horror flick that follows a homeless man and his exploits through the city. This dude is a mental mess. One of the first scenes is him rubbing his own feces all over his face. Other than being prone to pink eye he likes to stab random people to death.

Not much of a story to this one in fact hardly any dialogue other than his nonsensical babblings here and there. We see the fact of how homeless people are invisible when in one scene he has a body in a garbage bag thrown in a cart leaking blood as he pushes it along the sidewalk right by everyone with no one caring.

The film is very vile though as he always crapping and rubbing it everywhere (on pay phones) and eating it as well. It does get a little much with the bodily fluids in fact I thought Marian Dora was directing this fecal freak.

The violence is extreme as this guy kills over 30 people and there was a lot of did that just happen kind of scenes. Near the start of the film there is a message being driven home about homelessness but later on it seems we're just watching a guy crapping, killing and puking.
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My Review Of "Crazy Murder"
ASouthernHorrorFan16 April 2015
Doug Gerber and Caleb Pennypacker's "Crazy Murder" is a modern portrayal of the disease of the rotting Americana, a downward spiral of dreams and hope, and a disturbing reality check of human monstrosity. Not in the display of the subject matter or context presented here, but in the lack of show of our willingness to face and fix some very dark, emotional cracks in our society. Neglect is the horror that unfolds in such morbid, disgusting, and brutal honesty shown in "Crazy Murder". This isn't your daddy's horror movie, hell-I fought against my gag reflex through almost every minute of this twisted flick.

"Crazy Murder" will be a film that is as controversial, disturbing and may even be banned in some places as time goes on. It offers a putrid slice of American life, one hidden in the seedy underbelly of our culture and on our dark, shadowy streets. The story, however loose it is, follows the further degradation of a truly sick individual as he battles his demons along a path of feces and death.

The acting and direction of "Crazy Murder" almost feels too real to be comfortable. It unfolds in gritty, experimental forms of expressionism that is reminiscent of German/European avant-garde cinema. Only on the anti side where things get ugly and uncomfortable. There are scenes that I wish I could unsee in this film. I almost stopped watching several times, tried real hard to turn off the screen, but like a horror unfolding across the news or some leaked autopsy footage I could not pull myself away from the horrors that unfolded in "Crazy Murder".

The special effects and almost every other aspect of this film carry that same "too real" look and affectation. "Crazy Murder" will not be for everyone. I myself am on the fence about whether this is just gross exploitation or bloody genius! It is that kind of "instant cult classic" film. Watch at your own risk, not just for more sensitive fans but that caution should bold well for all horror and indie film fans. This is a one-of-a-kind experience. There isn't enough cleaner or drugs on this planet to scrub away what I have seen here, and I am not sure that that is a bad thing. It is like most art films, a piece that forces you to explore emotion and taste through experience.
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mrdonleone23 October 2022
Homeless people forming a danger to society... Where have we heard that before?? Perhaps in The Hitcher with Rutger Hauer, or in Hobo with a Shotgun with... was it also Rutger Hauer?? Anyway, here no Rutger Hauer but a simple nobody fitting his role as no-good trash of the streets very well. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the movie he's playing in, as the story itself is so water thin that there is nothing more occurring than a deranged psycho killing some people randomly... If this is your thin, fine; if it is not, welcome to the South side of Chicago. Really, this movie can and should be skipped.
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adisgolos24 December 2020
If you want to see garbage, feces, vomit and all other bodily fluids, crushed skulls, dozens of people stabbed and slaughtered in full detail all the time throughout the film, than this film is for you. It seems that authors of this peace of pointless garbage wanted to do something on a very tight budget and since they did not have money for script, camera, actors, lighting, sets, music etc they decided that their hero will wander along the streets mumbling and kill anyone he meets in a most gruesome and disturbing way possible. Believe me, if you see this it will make your day miserable and children might have long lasting consequences. "Authors" just wanted to get to the top of the lists of the most disturbing and weird films ever and to achieve cult status cheaply. So I won't give them that pleasure. No, this is not the weirdest or the most disturbing film ever. It is not at the top of any list. It is just bad and pointless.
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Turkey doesn't taste good anymore
nogodnomasters12 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A mentally ill man covered with blood, vomit, feces, and garbage walks around the city with his pants at his ankles, a load in his draws, eating garbage, and stabbing people in the neck with a knife. That's it. Acting was great, I will give you that, but the entertainment value is what I question. Is this for people who thought "Pink Flamingos" would be good if they left out all the drama and went right to the feces eating part? Kudos Kevin Kenny, unless the just found you in the street.

Certainly there is a statement here about caring for the mentally ill and not letting homicidal maniacs loose on the street, but I think the standard boring documentary would work better, because half way through I was hoping for a gang of hooligans to beat the crap out of the homeless guy. In fact I may go out a kick a few around myself.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Just disgusting filth.

Note to self: Never use a public phone
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This is Insulting To Homeless People.
DarkSpotOn21 August 2022
Everyone is saying how "Oh, this is a movie that should bring homeless people to light?" If anything, this makes homeless people look horrible. This movie is an insult to actual homeless people, and I truly know that there are a lot of amazing homeless people, and this is an insult to shock movies and movies in general.

How is somebody allowed to make/release this? I mean seriously? The fact is, I don't care/mind about the shock scenes, gore/scat/vomit that's not the case, the movie itself is what's making me ask this...

I'm watching a man that has the brain of a toaster being stupid. It's like somebody wanted to re-make Hobo With A Shotgun, except make it more disgusting and plotless.

I can safely say I hated this movie. The people that gave high ratings to this are the same people that like The Vomit Gore films, Begotten and Dogtooth. There's no way anybody can give this thing a higher rating than one.

What am I supposed to rate? Sure it has some messed-up scenes sure. And that's all. Nothing here works. No characters have any story or build-up. There's no plot. What plot?

I enjoy extremely disgusting movies. But, I want it there to be a plot. See, you can be disgusting and extreme, but you forgot the main point of a movie, a good plot, and interesting characters that you can care for.

The only thing I cared for in this movie was praying for when it was going to finish. If you are into shock films and want to expand your list of shock films you have seen, that's the only reason why you would go and watch this... I would rather watch all three Vomit Gore films, than ever see this pointless thing ever again.
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hoeyec16 March 2023
The only reason I felt compelled to give it more than one star is for the dedication of the lead actor, and the intensity of the energy he maintained. Otherwise, there was really nothing of value to the whole production. It is shocking, and super gory, but has no point and is ultimately completely empty. The effects were not done well, which only made the violence comedic, not to mention the ridiculous number of victims he manages to get away with killing openly on the city streets.

There couldn't possibly have been a script, but it might have helped the actor say more than just one word salad after another. It was impressive at times, but got old real quick. I'm not certain what the filmmakers wanted to say with this one, but I wouldn't bother looking for it....
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Nightmarish Four Seasons of Madness
ricardoagulha6 May 2015
"Crazy Murder" is about a mad homeless man in the streets of New York City. Like other people said , is not a film for everyone. Indeed, it isn't. I didn't believe in everything I heard about this movie. But it really surprised me. It did the impossible.There's a lot of bizarre here. Feces, blood, spit, meaningless monologues and even some funny moments, but not enough to light up the sad movie that it is. The score sounds perfect mixed with all the surreal imagery. I found some 'Lynchian' touch all over the flick. If you have enough stomach to go through it, you must go. It's a strange experience that leads us to the limits of bad taste and to transcendence of trash turning into art. A symphony of destruction. A grotesque poetry about the lost of humanity. I think it's a amazing movie. It belongs to the Pantheon of Extreme and Weird Movies, aside A Serbian Film, Salò , Martyrs and Subconscious Cruelty. In the year of 2015, when it seemed everything was already said and done, this is a actual achievement.
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Wonderfully Nasty portrait of human potential
deadbull-9517115 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe the best statement on self annihilation anywhere. The star spends every homeless moment in an escalating series of attacks on himself and anyone available. He eats garbage and s**t, his own, mutilates himself, and I lost count of the people he stabs and bludgeons to death at random. In the city, no one pays attention or cares about what he's doing with the exception of a street hawker he forces himself on, to whom he makes a present of one of his turds, before slaughtering her.

Production values are minimal, to say the least, but very calculated and smart, and this one picks up where Combat Shock and Wasted left off. It manages to be genuinely disgusting and graphic with less than perfect effects, but was often obviously filmed in vivo, right on crowded streets, and turns heads. It's relentless from the opening scenes and is a vacation from any film that has an artificially complex story, expensive pretentious effects, pretty teenagers making millions a day and worried about their cell phones.

For those who have, in real life, seen it all, done it all, and have dealt with all the people they need to for ten lifetimes over, this is the ticket. It isn't about survival, it's about death and continual terminations, though the hero of this tale stops just short of killing himself, even after severing his own genitals. In fact, he amps up the frequency of slaughter following that scene which would be more than enough of a conclusion to most films.

Is this a stupid exercise in gratuitous gore and grossness? No, decidedly not. It is a statement about extreme nihilism, alienation, and uses excrement, self destruction, and murder as tools to express a baseline of savage endemic traits that we all, excepting those with non-human DNA, potentially have if pushed to the edge. Most people presumably would off themselves before allowing themselves to sink like this, but then, it's established early on that this person is schizoid or beset by demons from the get go, so there is no restraint or escape. His dreams are as poisonous as his experience awake. This is what exists under the pretty veneer of civilization, the hideous substrate exposed, with its perverse false values and morals and theologies. Of course it's amped up and fictionalized, but not too much, and case histories abound to back that up. This is a great movie and absolutely not a write off, or a rip off.
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