Disaster L.A. (2014) Poster


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arfdawg-129 October 2014
The Plot:

After a meteor shower strikes Los Angeles, toxic smoke is released across the city causing people to physically change and become violent.

A small group of survivors plans to vacate the city by heading to the coast.

Isn't that always the way?

The REALLY good news regarding this movie is that it's not one of those first person cam films that are so played out. However, much, if not all of it is filmed with a shaky cam which I so hate.

The first quarter of the movie is well done. It's a good build to the disaster and the special effects are not cringe worthy, so it's cool.

The move to finding out about the "zombies" happens slowly leading to a build in tension. But then comes the first zombie attack and you start to think things are about to go south. Everyone is way too calm in the face of the flesh eater.

So roughly a third into the film your thinking this is going to start sucking. And you start realizing the acting isn't all that great.

And it isn't. Things rapidly go down hill.

Could have been a really good movie with some extra thought.
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Not THAT bad...
viciouslollipop19 October 2014
This was actually fairly decent for a movie done by pretty much one guy-Turner Clay- doing all of the directing/producing/effects/score...it had a decent enough, if overly used, plot and passable low-budget effects...the characters, who make some really questionable decisions, were decently drawn out enough for me to want to see how they ended up...I'd put it on par with a well-done SyFy flick pulled off with maybe less budget...all in all I had fun with it and appreciated the effort put forth by the director and cast...being a big fan of Zombie flicks and "B" movies I have sat thru some REALLY bad stuff and this doesn't even begin to reach that level of despair-if you're just looking for a fun little Friday/Sat. night popcorn horror/sci-fi type movie you could do much, much worse than this little film:)
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Not the WORST I've seen
RichardFitswell10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First thing you should know about this movie is it is a one/two man outfit, a guy named Tyler and a guy named John, also the name of the main characters. Now you know the above, the movie gains an extra point for that, so in my eyes it goes from a 3 to a 4 purely because its been made on a low budget and by one/two people only. I'm a bit of a fan of B-movies, as generally, they try harder than the Hollywood classic-rip offs we have all grown used to.

The effects are minimal, there is a small amount of blood, the plot/storyline makes little sense considering this is a zombie film. These are running zombies too which have the ability to open door knobs when it suits them but apparently cannot push open a shower door?

The action is slow paced and dull, the characters are honestly misfits you wouldn't want around you during a zombie apocalypse. There is no character build up, characters die and I find myself not caring one bit because I could hardly remember their names.

Decisions made by the characters seem stupid and not very well thought out, nothing is explained and the ending was abysmal, perhaps a small after credit scene showing survivors on the coast or a rebuild going on, the meteors taken away under cloth or something by the army?

There was a lot of potential for this movie, and if this is the directors first movie making attempt I feel it is good in its own right, but it wouldn't be something you'd spend a good bit of money on.
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Low budget Zombie film opens promisingly and quickly runs out steam.
epic-428 September 2014
"Disaster LA" ('14) one of a seemingly endless barrage of zombies on the rampage features opens well enough with some impressive digital effects but rapidly declines from there. After a heavy night of partying a group of friends wake up to find random meteor strikes decimating large portions of LA. Via newscasts we find out that these "ice meteors" carry spores which when inhaled turn one into a zombie. Shot largely at night in empty garages our cast races around LA trying desperately to get out of Dodge. Nothing new here, it's been done before (and better). Cast contains the usual stereotypes (nerds, jocks, spoiled rich kid) and to be honest I wasn't rooting for any of them. Makeup which is so important for a picture like this ranges from fair to embarrassing with the balance of the production values just OK for a low budget quickie like this. Just for the record for for a feature that promises hordes of zombies I think there were just under a dozen, tops. Steer clear of "Disaster LA". It's a disaster all right. JK
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Cloverfield wannabe
wwillis2-135-81178816 October 2014
This isn't a "movie" movie, it's more like a movie produced and shown on the SYFY channel.

Cheap budget, crappy acting, writing = what you probably expect. It's also not scary, it's more disaster scenes/sad. I would recommend Diary of the Dead,REC, and maybe Mimesis if you're looking for zombie movies after Shaun of the Dead and classics.

The story begins very very much like Cloverfield. I think it's suppose to be an ode to Cloverfield, I'm not sure, but you'll think it's just plagiarism.

The characters are very....simple? Yeah. The tough guy is tough, the douche bag new boyfriend is just that,

the weakling is weak, and the Mary Sue protagonist is heroic and invincible.

It has the same crappy ex-boyfriend/girlfriend scenario like in Cloverfield-so good luck watching this.
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Worst zombie flick in a long time - wanted them to all die
stettlerbrad15 October 2014
This is by far the worst zombie movie we've reviewed in some time. Though the movie comes with a halfway decent budget with stable acting the creativity of the movie went in the trash. The Zombies are far and few in between, the concept of what creates a zombie was all over the board and simply annoying. If they took one more break in the movie to reflect on what they should do next and discuss their feelings I was going to lose it. Honestly after 20 minutes of the movie all I wanted was to see the entire cast turned into a zombie smorgasbord. Many zombie movies are dumping onto the scene, many new concepts are also arising - Disaster LA is simply that, a DISASTER! Don't waste your time with this one.
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Don't waste your time
tunnelric25 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The only spoiler in my review was the spoiled evening watching this garbage.

Everything about this movie was bad. The writing, directing, cinematography...just bad. The characters are all void of any common sense. Since we live in a "zombie culture", I think everyone out there has a mental plan of what they would do if the "zombies" ever came. Most of these plans have some sort of purpose and common sense. This is a story about a group of people totally not like that. You watch it and think "Are they stupid? This is stupid." and then you realize it's a movie and this was all written this way...on purpose. I have to say, I read all other reviews and I can't help but wonder how many hits of acid did "tvsgael" take before watching this movie. Bro, 7 stars, good CGI...really?
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Half of the movie title sums up what this movie was like...
paul_haakonsen20 December 2015
I do enjoy zombie movies, but unfortunately most of the zombie movies that flood the market are just not worth the effort. I bought "Disaster L.A." from Amazon based on the praise and rating it had received. However, this movie was nowhere near my expectations.

Let's start with the good things; zombies. Yes, anything with zombies is good. And there was a consistent and coherent flow to the movie. The best part of it all would have to be the music, though.

Sadly, the bad parts far outweigh the good parts. First of all, you see maybe ten zombies throughout the entire movie. Seriously? In a zombie outbreak taking place in Los Angeles and you see ten infected individuals, no, no, no... It just reeks of low budget. And while we are on the topic of zombies, then they succumbed to the classic error of low budget zombie movies; putting make-up on the face only and forgetting about the rest of exposed flesh on the zombie actor. It was just so bad. And those contact lenses, seriously?

The story was also flawed. Especially with the fact that the US military bombing Los Angeles without having exhausted all other possible options. It was just stupid.

What I hated the most about "Disaster L.A." was the awful camera-work. The frame was constantly in motion, swaying back and forth, which was a major nuisance. Had they opted to use proper camera rigging, there would have been such a better production value to the movie.

"Disaster L.A." is a zombie movie that came and went without even leaving the smallest of dents, except for a small one on my wallet.
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Oh my god
Brendanflynn511 November 2014
I have seen some bad movies in my time but oh my god, who wrote this sentimental drivel. Zombies everywhere or so you would think in a city of 3.8 million, a day after a zombie outbreak and you see a massive hoard of about 12 zombies on the streets. The characters kept stopping to tell each other they loved each other every 5 minutes on the empty streets walking everywhere in a city of ohh 3.8 million cars they could not find one car and keep it for longer than 1 minute. They ran around with no weapons except their love for each other. In a city full of ohh 3.8 million guns. Two of the lovely heroes attacked 3 zombies one with a 2 by 4 piece of wood and the other with a walkie talkie. Walking dead eat your heart out. There was helicopters everywhere in the sky but not one cop or soldier on the street. Just hooded zombies and two zombies in what looked like surgical gowns. They must have shared the wardrobe. I think it was the only movie i saw that i was hoping the whole cast would die. I think its because they deserved to die coz they were stupid. Nuff said.
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Stupid, but good
joshuadrake-3948027 April 2015
DISASTER L.A. : THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is really stupid, but it is good.

When meteors strike Los Angeles, the massive destruction they cause is the least of the city's worries as it's inhabitants begin to fall deathly ill from the resulting smoke. But when the dead begin to reanimate and feed off the living, five friends make a run for the coast before they can be killed by the infected - or worse, by government forces who will fight to contain the situation at any cost - in any nightmarish no-holds barred thriller.

That is just the plot and this movie is just super stupid, but it is really good and just fantastic and was really amazing.

The direction of the movie is directed by Turner Clay, who also does the music, editing, cinematography and also executive produced this film. His direction is so incredibly scary that the dialogue he writes is just very scary and intense.

The music is over-creepy as hell and the music has a great memorable feel to it that makes you believe that this is going to be a zombie movie. The acting is dreadful in a few areas, but hell, the actors really tried. Justin Ray, Jerod Meagher, Stefanie Estes, Ron Hankks, Michael Taber, Dennis Leech and Morgan Jackson plays the characters in the film and some of them does seem to drag in a few areas.

The make-up for the zombies is really gory and scary, but this movie did not have a very large budget and that's what I like about some of these movies, is that with a few action movies, scary films, sci-fi, comedy, drama, musical or teen movies, that you don't need a very, big huge budget to make that kind of movie genre film that you wanted to do.

The editing is awkward in a few areas, but it works for this kind of zombie flick and it really does show a lot in this feature presentation. The visuals, set design, story and plot is really amazing as hell, a little cheesy in a few areas, but it really does show as well.

Overall, DISASTER L.A.: THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is just stupid, but also creepy and really good. My sister Shaliyah, who is a twin to the other sister, Aaliyah, says that this film is not stupid, but the other two movies involving zombies, ZOMBIELAND and WORLD WAR Z are stupid, but also really, really good.

I give it a 4.5. out of 10.
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fantastic...considering a very low expectation
louischamoun1826 October 2014
The film had a gripping storyline, that much did well considering an obvious low budget.

When you're restricted by budgets, then you don't do too much.....which is the general gist of this cleverly done masterpiece in film making.

The character development, although fairly generic, worked well.

The camera work was the only thing I had a issue with - I'm not a big fan of indie cinema.

Some people may critique this given its non fixed genre, but multi-genres are always the most memorable.

Watch it with an open mind and you'll love the film.
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Entertaining Enough
david-friederick23 March 2020
Nothing special, I had an idea of the type of movie it was going to be and I was prepared for it.
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Strongest Opening of Any Zombie Movie Ever Made, But...
blakematthewtompkins5 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film had one of the strongest starts to any zombie movie I have almost ever seen. It commits to a good realistic and believable shock and awe tactic, and does great at holding off zombies until the perfect moment, not too early in the film, and not too late. It really shows the epicness of disaster in the making. After the first 10 - 20 minutes, however, this film slowly and majorly begins to get ridiculous and silly. The characters act like they don't even know how to fight or survive, which a teen/college man living in the US would surely know how to do - it seems not one character in this show is even barely smart in terms of surviving or fighting. I don't think there is even one scene in this movie that one of the main characters actually steps up and takes a zombie down before it attacks. Every scene there is a zombie fight, the survivor always just lets it attack them and doesn't even barely try to stop it. Also, from the opening, the plot and the story becomes highly screwed up in a lot of ways. Also, what the hell is with all the unneeded sacrifices? 2 or 3 characters die in the same way, by departing the group and fending a hord of zombies in a act of "saving the rest of the survivors" when every single instance every survivor could have easily made it out just by running without needing someone to stay behind to save them. Not to mention how worthless and unfulfilling the ending is. So, they get to the beach, then it just ends, like so what? Just because they are on the beach they are safe? They are within walking distance from a skyscraper... I don't know. I have to say, that this is a decent movie none-the- less, and is worth watching, even if just for the opening. Even for a low budget film, at least they show decent looking explosions and effects. Most low budget films like this one might just display the sound effects.
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izombieeu28 February 2015
I am an avid Zombie movie fan (among other genres)and i can say that this movie is a huge step backwards for the zombie movie culture. There wasn't an original thought process in the movie (the new normal for Hollywood), the three or four zombie effects makeup were poorly done at best. The characters weren't interesting nor did they do much. I had hoped that this movie would have been great instead i doubt i'm getting my money or my hour and thiry minutes back for it. I might suggest much better zombie titles that would be better spent for your time. Anything by Romero (Dawn of the dead 1978), Lucio Fulci (Zombi 1977), Zombie dead, Zombie lake, night of the comet, night of the creeps, night of the living dead, day of the dead, Land of the dead, cannibal ferrox, shockwaves, alien dead, 28 days later, 28 months later, return of the living dead movies, and on and on
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Almost lives up to its title...
MrGKB5 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
...in that it very nearly is one, but auteur Turner "State of Emergency" Clay deserves at least a few props for this lo-fi effort, if only for his apparent jack-of-all-trades labors. I wish he'd worked harder on the script, which although structurally functional remains bland and uninvolving, not to mention a direct crib from "Cloverfield." The characters---played earnestly by a cast of relative unknowns, not that there's anything wrong with that---aren't memorable enough to engage full attention, let alone audience involvement, and it's mostly the fault of a mundane screenplay that offers neither emotional catharsis nor intellectual engagement. Thankfully, it wasn't done as found- footage.

As a zombie apocalypse film, it delivers next to nothing, let alone anything novel or unique. In these days of "The Walking Dead," that's trouble. I hope the investors didn't take too much of a bath.

Eminently skippable, unless you're friends with the folks involved.
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A Bore Fest I also wanted them all to die
ilovealicia678 November 2014
Well let me set it off. The zombie make up was not realistic, in fact it looked like one zombie had a bunch of wet paper towels on his face. Even if it's an independent film have the decency to throw money into it because this film was crap. I was not scared and there was not really any excitement. Half way threw the film we turned it off. I do not like zombie films to begin with and Disaster la definitely did not win me over. This is indeed a boring film. I had to slam a lot of wicked red drinks in order to place the disk in the tray but I did it. I wanted them all to die, the friend died in front of them for some reason but the other characters didn't seem to care. I found out that before renting the film that 1 guy does everything in the film. It was all for a waste sir.
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Watch Z-nation instead
authorcamilson-499-15685821 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Disaster L.A. follows a group of friends who have just celebrated their first year living in Los Angeles. The mood quickly changes when on the following day, a group of glacial meteors strike the city causing chaos and panic to spread. Unbeknown to them, the smoke that covers the city carries a foreign amoeba that causes people to turn into zombies.

Another zombie flick for the taking. There is a lot wrong with this film that I don't even know where to start. In a city of millions, there is, at best, a dozen zombies. the SPX was poorly done

I really cannot say much for this film, and to be brutally honest, the film was dry, dull and boring that about an hour in, I skipped to the end to see how it ended….. Which was not much.

This film could have been done much better.
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Really pretty good....
dadatuuexx26 October 2014
This movie is kinda odd,it starts off like one of those "Meteor Movies " with a sci-fi things happening at first ,then shifts to action/horror.Like a good made for SyFi channel movie ,the acting is o.k. ,the story is basic enough to not get lost in ,the people that did it ,on such a low budget ,did it with decent camera work,lighting ,and sound...all o.k. ,with good production values.Not a whole lot of gore,it still has some sauce splashin around ,with the zombie action.Nothing fancy ,just what goes with this shoddy little survival story.A few lame moments were forgiven ,and it ended like i could tell it would.Basic ,by-the-numbers Sci-fi -action /zombie /meteor movie, with very little (if ANY ?) cursing ,or nudity.It might have got a 4 from me if it had a different something going for it...like say , Dead Shadows did ,that one rocked .....
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This movie is truly a disaster
shaunephillips2818 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am all for a small budget movie. Sometime the best movies are the ones that are not meant for Hollywood and then, there are movies like this one.

Generic plot, check Terrible love sub plot, check. Actors closer to 40 than 20, check. Overacting to the point that it looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel, check. sleeping through multiple explosions, check Debris falling from ceiling, but nothing on the floor afterwards, check. Running, check. More running, check. Still more running, check. Lead actor telling other people what to do, check. Finding out the guy does actually have a wonky eye and it's really annoying, check. Freaking about where your brother is, instead of calling right away, check. Panicking far too much, check. Brother not understanding the importance of the situation because it's party time, check. Ugly green tinge to the film, check. More debris falling, glass breaking, still nothing on the floor, check. Going outside, really?, check. Zombie girlfriend needs a shower, OK?, check. Really, really, really bad zombie make-up, check, double check, triple check.

That's a far as I could make it. I really do hope he got those car keys.
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Better Than Expected - Minor Spoilers
Diddisnap27 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I recorded this movie along with several others to watch at random right before Halloween. This is when I get in the mood to binge- watch scary movies. Many of these movies are low-budget, but that doesn't necessarily mean terrible.

It begins at a party with young twenty-somethings. Right away, it starts off with terrible acting, other than the main character, John (Justin Ray). He does a decent job. The worst performance is by the character, Turner (Jerod Meagher), who happens to be John's brother. I was hoping he would disappear soon in the movie because his acting is so spastic and distracting.

The morning after the party is when devastation begins. It's actually pretty scary, especially when they don't know what's happening. When things get serious, Turner begins to calm down, thankfully, or else I would have had to stop the movie. As a less spastic Turner, his acting improves, which I'm thankful for. Being an obvious low-budget movie, means no amazing special effects and no big-name actors. In order for this movie to stand on its own, both the story and the actors need to be decent. As this movie progresses, the acting among the group of survivors holds-up and the story continues be fairly creepy. It was enough to keep me hooked. Because of this, I have to give this movie a higher rating.

If you like survival movies, then you may like this one. While I wouldn't pay to see it in a movie theater, it is a decent movie to watch at home. Even my daughter, who was making fun of it in the beginning, was also hooked about 10 minutes in.
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A guilty pleasure of a zombie movies!
joshuadrake-9127523 September 2015
DISASTER L.A. : THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is really stupid, but it is good. Another guilty pleasure of mine! When meteors strike Los Angeles, the massive destruction they cause is the least of the city's worries as it's inhabitants begin to fall deathly ill from the resulting smoke. But when the dead begin to reanimate and feed off the living, five friends make a run for the coast before they can be killed by the infected - or worse, by government forces who will fight to contain the situation at any cost - in any nightmarish no-holds barred thriller.

That is just the plot and this movie is just super stupid, but it is really good and just fantastic and was really amazing.

The direction of the movie is directed by Turner Clay, who also does the music, editing, cinematography and also executive produced this film. His direction is so incredibly scary that the dialogue he writes is just very scary and intense.

The music is over-creepy as hell and the music has a great memorable feel to it that makes you believe that this is going to be a zombie movie. The acting is dreadful in a few areas, but hell, the actors really tried. Justin Ray, Jerod Meagher, Stefanie Estes, Ron Hankks, Michael Taber, Dennis Leech and Morgan Jackson plays the characters in the film and some of them does seem to drag in a few areas.

The make-up for the zombies is really gory and scary, but this movie did not have a very large budget and that's what I like about some of these movies, is that with a few action movies, scary films, sci-fi, comedy, drama, musical or teen movies, that you don't need a very, big huge budget to make that kind of movie genre film that you wanted to do.

The editing is awkward in a few areas, but it works for this kind of zombie flick and it really does show a lot in this feature presentation. The visuals, set design, story and plot is really amazing as hell, a little cheesy in a few areas, but it really does show as well.

Overall, DISASTER L.A.: THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is just stupid, but also creepy and really good. My sister Shaliyah, who is a twin to the other sister, Aaliyah, says that this film is not stupid, but the other two movies involving zombies, ZOMBIELAND and WORLD WAR Z are stupid, but also really, really good.

I give it a 7 out of 10.
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give this movie a chance
tvsgael2-218 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can see why Warner snapped up this one man written, produced and directed film before anyone else did. It's supposed to be a zombie film, but it's more of an alien invasion film because the people who are affected by the smoke from the meteors are mutated into alien like creatures. You have got to rent this movie! I was hooked right away with the characters alone, one in particular being the brother. It starts out with the typical party, so many others, but it's more incisive with the characters'personalities than most ....which are filler. During the party, there are two news reports, one of the president suddenly leaving a news conference, and another by the local channel describing icy meteors that will float by earth without any contact whatsoever. So they go outside to look at them as if they are entertainment. That lasts about 15 minutes, and then goes to a scene of one brother lying on the floor in the bathroom, hung over and not hearing the noise coming outside. But when he looks out the window, he sees mayhem everywhere and big meteor trails of smoke and burning office buildings, with military and news helicopters flying all over. The special effects are top notch, and very realistic. I couldn't tell that he wasn't in this landscape of mayhem for a second, it was that good. All the scenes of them running through the neighborhoods are the same excellent CGI. I haven't been wowed all year by any other film. I wished it had lasted longer than it's 82 minutes.
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One of the worst movies
mrtzmr21 July 2018
It is bad, it is cheap and it is almost offensive. Probably the worst makeup ever and bad actors. But the main gripe is the silly plot. It is just a stringing together of nonsense. There are so many other movies in the same genre and all of them are better. Waste of time.
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Do NOT believe any reviewer giving over a 4 star review.
namaGemo30 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even believe anyone is calling this FRESH or ORIGINAL. As some have stated, this starts off as a rip off of Cloverfield. The party scene, getting to know the characters that will eventually bore you to tears with sob story after sob story, that eventually comes about with each new death.

And speaking of death scenes, all completely unnecessary as it appears, multiple people decide to stop, tell the others to run. They sacrifice themselves for absolutely no reason, because in the time it took them to stop and explain WHY they were going to sacrifice themselves, they could have run away.

Next rip off, lines, seemingly taken directly from ALIENS! The "What are we gonna do" taken from Bill Paxton's role, along with others from that scene. I'm surprised they didn't throw in Burke's line about building a fire and singing songs.

This film wasted more time on emotional depth, and honestly, these characters weren't worth caring about. Even from the first scene where the girl becomes a zombie, the people watching her attack the first victim are about as emotional over this as they would be at a restaurant when they hear a dish break in the kitchen.

Example: "What's that?" "Dish broke." "Okay, and you were saying ...?" It's all pretty much, "Oh well, who cares?"

Yet another Cloverfield plot rip off, the lead character, deciding he needs to make sure his ex is safe, and then we discover her new man is a douche. It gets worse and more unexplainable as the douche steals their car, and SOMEHOW, gets pulled out of it and killed. The most interesting part is how did this happen in a zombie breakout with what amounts to a handful of zombies?

It all boils down into a lot of going nowhere and doing nothing. I'd just say to watch it if you're a fan of seeing how bad a movie can be, and I'm not talking "So bad, it's good", I'm talking, so bad I'll never get that time of my life back.
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A zombie apocalypse that induces yawns rather than thrills
TheLittleSongbird11 August 2015
After seeing some truly terrible zombie movies, I in all honesty was expecting Disaster L.A to be the same. Fortunately, while far from a good movie, it's pretty bad on the whole actually, Disaster L.A is a long way from being one of the worst zombie movies.

Unlike zombie movies like Vampegeddon, Zombie Nation, Zombie Night and Vampires vs. Zombies, Disaster L.A does have a few redeeming merits. The effects and make-up could have been far worse than they were, in fact compared to those of most other zombie movies they're impressive, the meteor effects are some of the better ones personally seen for a disaster movie. The acting on the whole is awful, but Justin Ray does make a real effort to give his role some charisma, while the opening scene is thrilling and the music score has some quite creepy moments.

However, despite starting well Disaster L.A is more yawn-inducing than fun, scary or thrilling. The rundown-parking-lot-like sets are incredibly basic, some of the movie is too darkly lit, editing is chaotic especially in the zombie scenes and a truly amateurishly staged confrontation in a car and the whole movie looks drab. Aside from Ray, the acting is awful, more underplaying to the point of somnambulance than anything else. A big dishonourable mention has to go to the unbearably obnoxious Jerod Meagher. The movie also really wastes the zombies, for characters that are meant to be the stars they are treated like fairly insignificant secondary characters. There's very few of them (only three at most), they are in so few scenes and when they do appear not only are their scenes staged in a lumbering way but they do not come over as very frightening and they acted towards the other characters very indifferently.

The script is to sum up in one word atrocious and constantly cringe-worthy, no unintentional laughs in sight, while the characters are cardboard and annoying, with no development or even redeeming qualities. The direction is so characterless it feels like there isn't even any after the opening sequence, and the story is a predictable bore with awkwardly staged zombie scenes and disaster scenes that are ridiculous to the extent that tension and suspense are nil.

Overall, has a few things in its favour, other than that Disaster L.A induces more yawns than thrills. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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