"Mr. & Mrs. Smith" A Breakup (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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Fantastic Ending
jackp24623 February 2024
"A Break Up" has it all. It is filled with action, humor, and emotional moments. It left me wanting more.

The series as a whole was great. I went in expecting a simple action series, but I quickly learned that this show is different. At its core, it's a show about relationships and marriage. It became easy to be able to bond with each lead and actually relate with some of the arguments and discussions in some of the episodes. Donald Glover and Maya Erskine were both fantastic.

Overall, I'd give the show an 8.5/10 so far, and I hope that Amazon decides to renew for another season because it's clear there is more of the story to tell.
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"I like Jane"
irinaratcu24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First thing's first - killing Max was unnecessary. It made this final episode a hard watch for me because I viewed his death as a huge loss for Jane/Alana, almost like losing a family member. There's an emotional imbalance between her and John going into their final confrontation and it rubbed me the wrong way.

Now that I got that out of my system, let's get into the actual episode. 'A Breakup' was solid, very much in keeping with the spirit of the show. There's more action this time around which is always a plus for me. Some of my favorite characters from previous episodes return, we learn the truth about Hot Neighbor, we finally meet John's mother, and John & Jane are finally (and hilariously) honest with each other. It's good. But is it great?

I had my doubts when I first started watching the show. The pacing felt slow for me. There were many drawn-out scenes where our Protagonists talk... for a really really long time. Now, I don't mind slow paced things with good scripts. Sometimes the banter was endearing. But other times it was frustrating. The upside is that it never felt unnatural. And as I watched, it clicked for me that Mr & Mrs Smith may not be what most people expect. The plot doesn't carry much weight here. It's not a blood-pumping action extravaganza. It is a story about two special people in special circumstances who fall in love.

This really is the show's biggest strength in my opinion. I enjoyed watching these two bounce off of each other way more than I thought I would. Once it was over and I took a step back to judge it as a whole, I realized that Maya Erskine was the star of the show for me. The best way I can explain it is - Donald Glover is one insanely cool guy and you can see him infusing his character with that inherent coolness. Whereas Maya, to me, seemed cool without even trying. There's an effortlessness and a naturalness in her performance that took me completely by surprise. After hearing her voice performance in Blue Eye Samurai, I was excited to put a face to the name and I can confirm that yes, she's just as awesome on screen.

This show is not a masterpiece by any means, but it is a refreshing take on the idea we first saw in the 2005 film. If there's one thing I'm taking with me from this viewing is my new-found admiration for Maya Erskine. I sincerely cannot wait to see what she does next. And unlike The Rings Of Power, which crushed my Tolkien loving heart, I wouldn't mind a second season of Mr & Mrs Smith at all.
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Jane still doesn't listen to him :/
roshanrajesh-012256 February 2024
The ending is so ironic after everything that went through in the finale. Probably one of the most annoying endings I've seen. Not sad, not happy but just annoying. But it's probably the most accurate way to end it.

Other than the plot, the acting and cinematography has been top notch. The overall series was a bit bland and stretched out, but again this wasn't an action series and I was sure it was taking a different take on the original anyways. Donald Glover and Maya Erskine really did the job well and triggered the audience they intended to.

Paul Dano's cameo was genuinely perfect and a 10/10. He just makes everything better by being in this series.

Finally, the vagueness of Hihi and the whole thing with the Supe was infuriating but at the end it never really mattered unless they tend to go further with this.
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Hard to look away
pixierose2116 February 2024
This show completely blew me away. Its a brilliantly updated story. I love how it doesn't shy away from real world issues, like race, family, work/life balance. It embraces them in a way that's real and relatable-and relevant. It's introspective and yet playful. It's romantic without all of the sap. It's serious but broken up with well placed comedic moments. The leads are perfectly cast for their roles, though I had my doubts initially. The main characters are also so nuanced and well balanced, perfect foils of each other. I love this show and I need 10 seasons! My only regret is that I didn't watch this show sooner. Please release another season.
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damemyashkov5 February 2024
Literally amazing,

he series was great and the episode too. Really mad it ended ambigiously tho.

Here was a lot of depth to both characters and I love the dynamic between them.

This was truly a great show with an enticing plot, fun and complicated characters and amazing acting from both the leads. It's great how versatile Maya Erskine is in her career. It's refreshing to see her act in a different series. And Donald is also amazing.

I also do like the concept and how beutiful the landscapes, set and background were in many of the episodes.

I really enjoyed this show, even if I haven't seen the original film.
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Which way will it go?
goentropo14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the series as it has a lot of potential, but the ending annoyed me... reason coming and it's not what you think.

Though some of the story line was a little disjointed or missing key opportunities, it was easy to watch and also easy to ignore the bits that irked me.

For instance, one *cough* plot was so badly written and so obvious that the final ending with the second 'Smiths' was absolutely, totally and completely expected.

And so we come to my annoyance at the ending and my 5 Star review.

I feel the producers and financiers are waiting for these ratings to determine whether to make a second series. The 'Cliff Hanger' is yet again a device to either... 1. Cancel the series (They're all dead), OR 2. Continue with John #1 and Jane #1(they're loved! Let's continue into Season 2!)

Frankly, in my honest opinion, 1. Get better writers, 2. Maybe, this was a rush job after the end of the Writers Strike. So give the writers time to develop the characters and episodes properly OR 3. Don't ever again try to use an AI to write the scripts.

My vote? It has the bones to be brilliant. Give the writers the support and the time to develop this series into something the audience will love and watch.
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Could have been so much better...
chuck-7799714 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Instead of killing Max the cat you could have used him to galvanize John and Jane. So sad and poorly done. And as for the ending, c'mon, let's at least have a tiny bit of closure.

This episode had a nice homage to the original but it fell short because we didn't get finishing components. This was such a fun series but the ending did more to frustrate than anything.

If we're going to have a Season Two, hopefully they'll do more to have John and Jane communicate. The fact that it took a whole episode to get through the whole 'did you kill Max' and 'did you try to kill my mom' was infuriating. C'mon writers...I know you can do it. Let's get it together.
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No tears, I'm breaking up with them too.
karen-heffernan23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm relieved it's over. I was really enjoying this series until the last few episodes - the constant bickering neither entertaining nor illuminating, just annoying. And how could she immediately think that he killed her cat and tried to kill her? If he wanted to to kill her, he wouldn't have shot through the window. She's supposed to be an intelligent spy for crying out loud.

Also, there was prolonged, sustained gunfire throughout the house, and no cops show up? Seriously?

Anyhow, it showed praise in the beginning until it started getting stupid in episode 5. I enjoyed the first half of the season, but I'm done.
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schneider-8860510 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Series starts interesting somewhat funny. Go downhill by each episode. By the final episode I'm hoping someone kills both of them. Both "assassins" are winy little idiots. Big fight scene in final episode neither one can hit the side of a barn firing at each other across a room. Spend thirty minutes trying to kill each other then fall back in love. Way too cute and idiotic. The characters spend eight episodes killing people feeling no remorse but they don't think they are sociopaths. Don't waste your time watching this series. Characters are lame and the stories are weak. Good concept no follow through.
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Action, Comedy, Crime they said.
oistreetpunk16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yet, writers tried to go full drama. First 4 episodes were fantastic. Chemistry and dynamic were great.

Understandable, Smiths must've failed their jobs at some point. But all these unnecesarry drama and psychotherapy, quarells. Meh. I didnt enjoy it at all. I couldnt wait to watch the next episode at start, but it went to..well, damn, nothing better to do, need to kill some time. Shame.

Writers - Francesca Sloane, Donald Glover, Simon Kinberg. I'll cautiously avoid TV series from them. Funny how they got Simon Kinberg on board with this one.

While I loved Smiths actors, I still think D. Glover should stay on stage, rather than writing scripts like this. 4/10 for series just because I liked actors. Was tempted to drop 1, because show annoyed the hell out of me in the second half.
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I'm Sorry But Horrendous Ending
cosby_don11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ending was POORLY executed, script, direction, acting, all the way down. I was watching and thinking this is so stupid, especially after the 2 solid episodes previously. The dialogue was atrocious, and the concept of them being drugged up and confessing to each other was extremely ridiculous. I guess they wanted to copy the Beef ending. Suddenly at the end they are missing all of their shots and can't catch each other? The fighting was horribly choreographed. And it was very obvious they that were improving the drugged up scene and it was like what the hell am I watching? And the scene after when those agents returned? Oh my, really sucks that the series ended in this manner.
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Predictable and unnecessary
mtorvie10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Gratuitous cat-killing just to give Jane a reason to be mad at John was unnecessary. And it was obvious to anyone that it wasn't him shooting at her (and missing).

Lazy, predictable writing. And, shocker, the ending was on a cliffhanger (which should have surprised no one). I found the characters unbelievable and shallow. There were so many plot holes and just "why??". Why did John leave the tripwire and explosive at his mother's front door, leaving instead to find and "talk" to Jane? Why did Mom suddenly drop in on Jane and start puttering around the kitchen that wasn't hers? Why didn't the writers not take advantage of the psycho-killer vibe from hot neighbor, making him a boring realtor? So many questions....?
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Ever seen the original ending of Clerks?
leaders-870-8429913 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At the end of the original version of Clerks, Kevin Smith has Dante shot dead, just after discovering who his real love is, and vowing to win her back. After the initial screening with this ending, it totally killed what was a brilliantly funny, upbeat comedy. Smith took that final scene out, and a comedy masterpiece was made (sadly spoiled by the dour part 3).

Why am I mentioning this? Because maybe the writers of Mr and Mrs Smith should have taken the advice Kevin Smith took. This was tonally a comedy. While there was the action sub-plot, it was essentially a romantic dramedy, filled with very good humour. And then, just as we are given hope through truth telling, they killed them. Tonally missed the point. The original film, which was far from a masterpiece, at least got that right - the Smith's survive and win the day after discovering their real love. It was a hopefully comedy with action.

This was a 9/10 for us, (my wife, son and I) until the final five minutes. My wife said 'if I knew that ending was coming, I wouldn't have bothered".

This ending made Game of Thrones final episode look like the ending of Se7en.
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Silly and badly done
akaslammin17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So they're both dead right and we can now put an end to it.

The 'are they or aren't they' quandary is a common troupe in the end of season episodes and usually it builds suspense and anticipation. But that depends on viewers caring one way or the other and usually hoping they aren't. But I at best don't care and at worse hope they are both dead.

Neither actors or their characters have the charm or are as likable as Pitt and Jolie in the movie. In fact they are both pretty annoying and seem pretty bad at what they do.

There are plenty of flaws in this episode and a few standard overused plot devices which make it difficult to like. No more so than, 'I assume you did something you didn't and that assumption will cause me to make uninformed and potentially fatal decisions'. Ie I assume you tried to kill me and while you missed you killed my cat. We know that it would all be cleared up if one of them says something like 'why did you kill my cat' when they meet which of course would be one of the first things you would say. It is so badly done it just becomes silly.

There are many more flaws no more so than; if you build and equip a safe room in assassins' house why wouldn't you stock pile it with all sorts of weapons particularly if they are already stored or hidden in every other part of the house. And wouldn't you build in all sorts of security measures you could contract from there.

The action scenes are very very bad and the dialogue seems a bit forced.
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