"Barry" starting now (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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This is not a comedy anymore
FirstNameLastName2413 June 2022
Bravo Bill Hader. I don't know what I expected when I started watching Barry in season one, but it's definitely not this. What an incredible end to an incredible season of television.
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Story is not over yet but felt like a series finale
Peanutman202013 June 2022
Wow. This was probably the best episode in the whole show and one of the best of all time. So much happened so quickly and had some extremely good acting. I really wonder where they will go for season 4 because I would never be able to guess.
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Do You Love Barry Berkman?
bbevis-4795413 June 2022
Yes I do. Barry never disappoints with finales. The whole cast(and crew) did a phenomenal job, especially Sarah Goldberg. I can't even think of a coherent sentence to write because my mind is still blown from what happened this episode. Bring on season four!
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Just about the most intense episode of television that I've ever seen.
aidan-callari13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
'Barry' is so, so good. The first season was a great debut that got better as it went, and the second season was consistently great and reached new heights.

So, of course, expectations were sky high for the third season. And boy, oh boy did the show deliver.

This season hit the ground running, with two superb, half-comedy, half-drama episodes helmed by Hader, who quickly displayed his ever-evolving talent behind the camera.

Through the middle stretch, the comedy was precise and great, the drama had a great added heft, and the show was in great form.

And then the last three episodes elevated the whole season. Before them, I may have considered this season to be a teensy step down from season two, but now, this is the best offering of the show so far.

Episode six, '710N,' was a firecracker of a half-hour, deftly balancing bizarre, surrealist comedy with excellent action sequences in an air-tight script from Duffy Boudreau.

Episode seven, 'candy asses,' smartly follows the shocking cliffhanger from the previous episode and sharply builds the stakes and characters into the final episode, leaving every viewer in nervous anticipation for what would come next.

Episode eight, 'starting now,' may just be the best episode of this whole show. Last season's 'ronny/lily' will always hold a special place in my heart, but every element here is red-hot and right on target.

This may be the best direction from Bill Hader. No, there aren't any dazzling action scenes or long tracking shots, but visually, this episode manages to look incredible while also communicating through visuals so (seemingly) effortlessly. That last frame through the window will be reverberating through my brain for some time.

The script here is perfect. Every character feels so true and the ways in which every plot line builds to a shocking, crushing conclusion feels so natural, essential, and perfect.

And the performances here are all absurdly good. I will die on the hill that Bill Hader, Henry Winkler, and Sarah Goldberg all deserve Emmys for this episode alone. Anthony Carrigan is also super great, and I started getting emotional watching Hank being so terrified.

So, where do we go from here? I have absolutely no clue, but if I've learned anything from this season, it's to just trust Alec and Bill.
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It is not even remotely a comedy anymore
lemmonsjack13 June 2022
This episode was so dark and twisted and shocking, I'm still processing what happened. I think it's without a doubt the best episode of the series yet and an absolutely triumph in storytelling. This episode felt like a horror show it was so dark. Season 4 can't come fast enough!
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Here we are. End of the line
nyxstrix13 June 2022
So... I'm floored.

For starters, the sound design in this episode was insane. Made the strangling scene and the Hank scene absolutely terrifying.

I haven't been so disturbed by an episode of TV in a long time.
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Barry's version of Breaking Bad's Ozymandius
jaredvasquez13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know that's high praise considering the masterpiece that is Ozymandius, but consider all the twists and turns this season has brought us with Barry. The reveals, the betrayals, and heel turns were something out of a Breaking bad episode. To be honest, I haven't been that held and captivated by an episode of television since Ozymandius. Hader is proving to be a natural director with his framing and natural instinct with holding moments and steering away from them, too. What a ride this season was. I really can't wait to see where they come from here. You know Fuches and Barry will meet in Prison. Season 4 should provide even crazier highs.
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DjDarkrai1014 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Every single minute of this episode was depressing, bleak, tense, and hard to watch yet the episode felt like it only lasted 5 minutes it flew by so fast. Bill Hader put everything he had into every single scene and has proven himself (in my eyes) as one of the greatest directors to ever grace television.

Immaculate all around I can't wait for season 4!
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Best show on television!
crinkledfrog13 June 2022
I have been in love with this show for years, but with this final episode of season 3, I have no doubts that this is the best thing on television. This episode was perfectly acted, paced, and written, and there is absolutely nothing like Barry on TV. If you are not watching it, you are genuinely missing out on one of the most quality pieces of television ever made.
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Barry's To'hajiilee
tristan_1913 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Starting now takes the drama in the show and enhances it drastically. It is one of the most thrilling episodes of television I had the chance to witness. To the opening words 'I need you to do that to Natalie' to the quiet and somber last shot at Jim Moss, the episode is absolutely relentless. The transitions add to the experience. They are on the nose and in your face, like if you were turning a new book page. You know the stakes. It's about to go down in every scene.

Sally's near to death experience was so stressful. You really believe she could have died at that moment. Same thing for Hank, or anybody else really. Hank's comeback and rescue of Cristobal was so well shot and filmed, and started with a prisoner being ripped to shreds in the room next to Hank's. There was more chance Hank would die than make it out alive, because of the chains.

Robert Wisdom's acting in this episode is marvelous. The scene with Jim and Gene is tense all the way through, you wouldn't dare move a muscle. Gene's manipulation of Barry was a total cheap shot, and it worked. Bill Hader's acting when Barry is confronted by Albert is out of this world. Just so good and exhilarating.

But the last shots when Barry drives, and you just follow the road in the night, in silence, are almost reminiscent of To'hajiilee. You could cut the tension with a knife. Gene is there to betray the protagonist, and Barry is cornered. Jim knew it, and he is just there pouring himself a glass, knowing all too well what is going to happen. Barry is doomed, just like Walt, at that moment. The police force is there, and there is nothing he can do. He has nowhere to go, and has to give up and let himself be taken.

What is Sally going to do ? You almost want Barry and Fuches to team up again for an escape and wreak havoc against Gene and the rest of the world for Season 4. But I don't know how this would happen. It seems Season 4 may be the last ? The cliffhanger is just insane. I would just like to open up S4E1 and press play, starting now.
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A Perfect End to a Perfect Season.
The_Coffee_Frog2 July 2022
I discovered HBO's 'Barry' a few years ago, and I have become a huge fan, I actually think that it could be the network's most underrated show, so, I already absolutely adored the show before this season, it's easily in my top five TV shows of all time, but this season took the show to a whole new plain.

'Barry' has always been quite dramatic, almost like 'Succession', how it always surrounds the show's darkest moments with pitch black comedy, but this season took its darkness to a new level, and therefore, punctuated it with dryer, darker humour.

This season we follow Barry, as, once again, he attempts to redeem himself for his violent actions, though, this time, the series' view on redemption takes a much more realistic and bleak view, mostly due-to the events of season two's finale (which I won't spoil here), and, this season doesn't just focus on Barry's darkness, but several other characters' too.

The direction this season has been sensational too, particularly in the episodes directed by Bill Hader, himself, there are several shots this season that I still think about frequently, and some of the staging this season reaches to prestige cinema status. However, I think was truly makes this season is the writing; 'Barry' has always masterfully balanced the art of balancing drama and comedy, but this season takes that to a whole other level, not only is this season's drama heightened to the highest degree, but, the comedy, in turn is much darker and sarcastic, which, isn't necessarily better than previous seasons, but it certainly works more for this season's tone. The acting is phenomenal too, Bill Hader, Sarah Goldberg, Henry Winkler and Anthony Cardigan were all sensational, though, Hader and Winkler were the standouts, in my opinion.

This episode in particular, was the perfect culmination of the entire season, brining together all of the aspects I adored from this season together and topping it all off with some genuinely shocking twists.

'Barry' continues its remarkable strong run, and appears to just grow stronger with every season.

Episode Rating: 10/10.

Season Rating: 10/10.
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I couldn't breathe
tkraemer8113 June 2022
Tense and anxiety ridden, and deeply uncomfortable, the season 3 finale delivers the goods with powerhouse performances from the entire cast. If you need a new minutes to catch your breath, we won't judge you.

The Gene Couineau masterclass indeed.
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What's with all the 10s?
krupocin-113 June 2022
I give this show a solid 8 maybe even a little better so I consider myself a big Barry fan but I am honestly shocked that this is the highest rated episode of the show. This might've been our least fav episode of S3. Had a few great scenes but just didn't really connect emotionally. The one thing that might have was NoHo Hank but the whole jungle cat thing just came off as a joke that didn't work.

I find myself not caring at all about the Jim Moss stuff either, even though I love the actor and Bunny was a top 5 Wire character for me. I do think he will be extremely good in S4 though so I'm very happy he's here, but I don't know this final did not do it for me at all as well as the people I've watched it with.

I'm looking forward to S4 bc this season was pretty amazing other than this ep and ep2 but I do hope it doesn't go full drama bc Barry is at its best when the dialogue is played more for comedy than drama, but the action scenes are played 100% seriously. Just one person's humble opinion though...

Also, I have to say it, comparing this show to Breaking Bad is heresy...please with the Ozymandiws/To'haijallee comps!
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What Happened to my Excellent Comedy Series?
mdc227518 June 2022
I am a huge fan of Barry, since the very first episode of season 1. I loved the blend of comedy and character study. The show even had memorable characters that were killed off in the very first episode, or in one or two other cases, sometime in the first season.

NoHo Hank was and is obviously one of the main sources of comedy in the show. Barry himself was always a little aloof, disturbed, and overwhelmed with inner conflict.

But even he and Sally had their funny moments, especially early on.

Barry getting sucked into an acting class by pure chance was a great source for still YET MORE comedy, with all the characters in that class. And I still miss the as mentioned character that lost his life in the very first episode. Especially after the 3rd rewatch of season 1.

Season 1 was strong all the way through. Season 2 was more of the same if a slight downtick to the more funny elements, with several characters left to still add that dead pan wit, and other absurdities from a variety of characters.

After the long, long wait for season 3, I could not have been more relived it was finally back on the air.

And season 3 started off well enough, if a little lacking in that comedy and character study balance that was nearly perfect in season 1, and nearly as much so in season 2.

As season 3 rolled along, I was starting to fear that they had used up most of their best ideas for the characters funny moments in the first two seasons. That said, they STILL had good ideas, some of them funny, fewer of them actual compelling drama... scattered among most, not all, of season 3's episodes...

There was still enough clever ideas, compelling... enough story lines, and characters I cared about enough to keep watching. But these were sandwiched between many moments that were just not compelling.

The magic, while not at all gone by any means, was somewhat muted in this 3rd season.

Nothing though, could have prepared me for the finale of season 3. Not a bad episode per se, but certainly all the charm and wit was gone.

Seriously, this show had charm and wit. Where is it? The dark turn toward heavy drama was not the breath stopping deep dive that others here seem to be under the impression of. Obviously, in my opinion.

It was all so serious in this episode, and none of it was particularly original or engaging. Which they tried to make up for in heavy handedness.

Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to season 4, as I sure that even a weak season of Barry is still a welcome change of a TV show, even if it can no longer reach the dizzying highs of the first 2 seasons.

I watched seasons 1 and 2 three, maybe 4 times by now.

I will be shocked if I feel at all compelled to rewatch season 3. Ever.

Anyways, still, bring on season 4! I guess.
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"Starting now."
CulvertonSmith13 June 2022
Barry continues to be a highlight of my week, and this episode once again proves it to be one of the best shows on tv. Bill Hader is one of the most talented people working in the industry, and his performance, writing, and direction are all top-of-the-line. The tension within here was absolutely masterful! Season 3 was phenomenal and was completely worth the three year wait, Season 4 can't come soon enough!
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Best TV episode . . . EVER?
liamwargin13 June 2022
I was litterally on the edge of my seat the entire time and I wasn't able to breathe for a few scenes. I am litterally blown away right now. I genuinely don't know what the hell is going to happen in season 4 and beyond.
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Cheesecake300127 June 2022
Everything in this episode is perfect. The actors deliver strong performances. Scenario, direction, camera, sound, editing are on point.

One of the strengths of the show is the storytelling technique. In this episode, they've left out the jokes and quips. The result is a dark, gripping story that is honest, rather than exaggerated or melodramatic. That honesty is what keeps the story interesting. You can't help but feel for the characters.

I'm really looking forward to season 4.
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Let me just say that I was a bit worried at the beginning of this season. It felt like a complete departure from what made Barry so great in the first two seasons.

But boy the second half of this season makes up for it. "Starting Now" wraps this season up to perfection. You see Gene finally get his revenge, Sally decides to leave, Hank saves Christobal, and Barry gets what he deserves. This is 100% the best of the season and one of the best of the series. 10/10 !!!
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Best season finale ever
mhedricklca13 June 2022
There have been better episodes of tv, many of which are series finales.

But this is a mid show pause, as the crescendo builds to a fourth season that will finally unravel it all.

This is unmatched in the setup of one last ride.

Reduce the world to ash.
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Hader deserves tons of awards for this.
RyeHirsch13 June 2022
Such a mind-blowing episode. I gasped so loud at those three last minutes. Alec and Bill are definitely two geniouses. Henry, Anthony, and Sarah were breathtaking as well.

Definitely an Emmy sweep for them at this year edition.
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Sally Berkman Did This
MamadNobari9713 June 2022
What can I say except that it's a near masterpiece?

This was one of the most intense episodes from any show I've ever seen.

One of the things I admire about Barry is that at no point can you guess and predict what's gonna happen next. And this episode is no exception.

In every scene, I'm expecting everyone to either die or kill themselves, and in the same scene or the next I have my jaw dropped to the floor, that's how much the show is good that surprising you even after 3 seasons.

And it's not like all of those predictions are always proven wrong, I should call them "possibilities" instead of predictions, because at least one of them, that is about Sally, happened in this episode as many have guessed. And I'm not gonna talk about it because this is a non-spoiler review.

If I had to guess (because I don't really remember season 1, because I didn't find any comedy in that season), this episode was probably one of the darker ones and had no comedy in it, and I think this was the first episode in season 3 that I didn't laugh out loud at some scenes. Each and every scene was as intense as it gets.

I don't know what to say more because I can't talk about the scenes without spoiling them, but I can say this, this episode changed every major and even minor character in the show, in just 30 minutes! I don't know how these writers do this but it always feels natural and not rushed. Every character either has hit a new low or did something drastic and intense that is definitely gonna change who they are and well, as far as Fuches go, he's only getting worse and it's no surprise.
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Episode 308
bobcobb30115 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't love this show as much as many on the internet do, but it was a good finale. Quality final scene and you have to wonder how they can write Barry out of that corner for a 4th season.
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Down the toilet in the end
amoksi13 June 2022
This used to be the best thing around and pretty good start to the third season too. Unfortunately they blow it in the end. I just didn't understand why rhey wanted to eff up like this - got tired of writing? The last 3 episodes were fast-forwardingly boring...
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Season Three Review
southdavid14 April 2023
It was this season of "Barry" that was actually on the Guardian's top TV of 2022 list. Naturally we went back to the start and watched the first and second seasons first and in quick succession. Whilst I enjoyed this, like the second run, I don't think the show has quite recaptured the perfect mix of comedy and drama that the first season was.

With Sally (Sarah Goldberg) now preoccupied with her new role as star and show runner, her relationship with Barry (Bill Hader) has suffered. Barry himself is very depressed and taking hitman jobs from Craigslist. Jean (Henry Winkler), having tried to tell the police that Barry is responsible for Moss' death, decides to take matters into his own hands, but the decision has wildly unforeseen consequences for all of them.

Certainly, from a visual standpoint, this is perhaps the most impressive the show has ever been. There are dream sequences and long edit free scenes, alongside even more nicely staged action parts, a number of which we directed by Hader himself. Performances are great, I don't think perhaps that Hader himself has gotten the credit he deserves for the nuances of his performance.

I do think that perhaps we've drifted a little too far away from the comedy, particularly with the three secondary characters (Hank, Jean and Funches) that were so good in that first run. This season keeps them apart from each other, and from Barry, and that lack of interaction perhaps explains why it's not quite as funny. There are still some comical moments though.

As with my review of season two, I don't want to go overboard with the criticism as I still enjoyed this quite a bit, just not quite to the level of that first run.
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The show lost what made it so special
jackjtatum13 June 2022
What I loved most about Barry is how it took a serious dark topic and made so funny and entertaining to watch. Season 3 has scrapped much humor of the humor and entertainment for darkness. No better example of this is Noho Hank, the shows most entertaining and hilarious character who got the least screen time out of the main cast this season. The show also made rooting Barry nearly impossible as he acted like an off the rails maniac with little to no redeeming qualities unlike past seasons. The acting was of course brilliant but the writing and future direction of the show made me enjoy this season far less. I miss the hilarious Noho hank scenes of past season season and having a protagonist who was not terribly unlikable.
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