"Euphoria" A Thousand Little Trees of Blood (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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"Stand By Me"
CulvertonSmith14 February 2022
This episode was as emotionally resonant and powerful as the show usually is, and everything with Rue's family and her addiction was incredibly effective and my favorite part of the piece. The rest is really good too, with the Maddie/Nate/Cassie dynamic being quite engaging and entertaining to watch. The brief moments with Lexi and Fez are once again a highlight, as the duo prove to be one of my favorites from the show. I love the raw emotional resonance of Euphoria, and I can't wait to see what it brings in these last two episodes. Great stuff!
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Felt like a szn 1 episode
mattrabbi14 February 2022
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This season overall has felt pretty crazy (in a good way), but it was nice to have a change of pace in this one where we advance the different storylines and character relationships going on. I dunno if the season 1 vibe comes from that or just from a return to Nate being the literal worst human being to ever breathe. Also props to Sydney Sweeney for playing a pathetic and hopeless teenager really well LOL.

To contrast all of that, we have some feel good moments in this episode such as dinner with Ali and Rue's family. As dark as the subject matter is, the feel-good factor comes from the truth that Ali speaks. Also Lexi and Fezco's scene on the couch, damnit i just couldn't keep the grin off my face during those. How do these two characters work so well together it's MIND BOGGLING.

Can't wait for next week.
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I think people just don't understand the addict.it was a meaningful episode
mpboylanjr-5403814 February 2022
I see a lot of people who understood this episode and many are saying it was filler or flat or unrealistic after what they saw from Rue in the previous episode. The answer is simply that yes, Rue as most addicts can go through a day or any period of time that they are completely out of control or searching for their drug so as to not be sick, and turn it around quick when they either hit bottom or get their fix. In this case it was both and she was given medication to not have withdrawal symptoms so she went back to her normal self. I think people that don't understand addiction say that she was so bad to people she loved that that is just how she is, but that is not true in most cases. She was being controlled by the need to do her drug and would stop at nothing to get it, but that is a symptom of addiction and not oneself.

Besides that it cleared up the whole Jules and her disk being out there and Nate and Cassy seem to be as dysfunctional as Nate and Maddy were in their own way. Fezco and maddys sis seem to be getting close , but it looks like the cops are going to raid him in the next episode or finale.

So I disagree that it was a flat episode or filler. It actually sets the stage wonderfully for what Rues future is going to be as far as her addiction. Remember at the end it looks like she will not be able to enter an in patient rehab because she already went through withdrawal and is on a anti withdrawal medication like methadone. This could potentially be catastrophic as an addict needs time in a rehab and not just a few days and some medication to really have a chance at getting clean. So much happening it's hard to say this was a bad episode or not on track with the story. I say excellent depiction of drug addiction and it's effects on a family.
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Another great episode
Trey_Trebuchet14 February 2022
Things have taken a much more reclined turn for the most part since the last episode. Rue deals with the aftermath of her 'Good Time' esque episode and while that isn't the main focus of this episode, I liked what they did with her family and Ali as well. Brings me back to some of the talks and meetings we had about my own sister when she was using...

Seeing more Lexi is always a pleasure and Fez as well. It'll be interesting to see where their relationship goes in the next couple of episodes with everything going on.

Nate interacting with his mom was pretty nice to see. We didn't get a glimpse of that dynamic in the rest of the show, and how they treat each other makes a lot of sense. The last act of this episode was very gripping too! I personally don't see what all of the complaining about Nate is about. He's obviously still going to do horrible things if he feels he has to. I didn't feel like he was redeemed or anything.

Kat gets a whole scene in this episode. I can't help but feel like her issues and arc were very wasted this season. Unless something big happens with her in the finale, which I doubt. I'd be interested in hearing why she's barely in this season.

I like this show because it makes you at least understand where these characters are all coming from, even though they do crappy things and live ugly lives at times. If Sweeney isn't at least shortlisted for an Emmy next award season I'll be very shocked. She's excellent.

A good episode overall. I think the last two are gonna be even better.
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Riveting! I absolutely love Sam Levinson's directing he's easily one of my favorites
UniqueParticle14 February 2022
It's so good when multiple characters take huge a bulk of the episode and with some of the best acting for a series focused on young folks. Season 2 of Euphoria has been better than season 1 which is glorious/rare. The flow of every scene is crystal smooth with all the characters dialogue, hangouts, and drama is perfect! I bet the cast will all gain even more success from this. I'm excited for how the next couple episodes will play out.
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Another Great Amazing episode
agentsofsword14 February 2022
Two great episodes in a row with no nudity

great characterization this episode and a very emotional end and I absolutely loved the Bennett family scenes with Ali it was sweet and comforting.
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Building up to something massive
kikilangmore31914 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Every scene in this episode was so emotional, there's a lot of unspoken feelings with this cast (Gia and Ali in particular). It's so hard to not have strong opinions with these characters, and it's shot as beautifully as ever.

There is tension coming from all directions as we get to the last two episodes. Every character's fate seem to be building to something really big. Different from the last season's more gloomy finale, it seems that a lot of various conflicts among various characters will converge at the end.

I'm very excited to see where these characters are going, and I think that's the point of the show. You may not love all the characters, but you're eager to see where they go. Nate, is evil, but I'm so curious to see where his future takes him. Cassie is off the deep end, but aren't you curious what she does next? This show doesn't define characters by their choices, and rather than trying to "redeem" the bad ones, it shows us that characters aren't "good" or "bad" but simply human. We all sometimes make bad choices when nobody is watching, and this show is just honest about it. When a character does something bad, they aren't doing it in spite of our presence, but because they have no obligation to do the right thing behind closed doors. We have moody, intense teenagers living intense lives and you're bound to find at least one person you can sympathize with, even if it is someone who makes choices you don't agree with.

Overall, this episode is a great representation of what the show does best... developing characters. The point is to have us relate to/feel for these characters so strongly that at a certain point their actions can influence their moral compass, but not the person we know them to be. No matter what rue or Cassie does, they will always be the ones we became attached to in season one, and we come to see their struggles as hurdles to life rather than these irredeemable character developments.

We care for these characters as if we knew them personally, and that's such a great thing for a TV show to do. I cannot wait to see the back half of euphoria.
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Yes, it's official. I'm in love with Lexi.
peerawat201014 February 2022
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I'm one of those people who have been rooting for Fez and Lexi since the season premiere. Fez might be not be as normal as other boys his age, but who can blame him? Lexi is just the kind of girl I would date. She is the only girl in the group who does not have any problem nor does she hurt anyone. We finally got to see them again in this episode, and it was really cute. I could watch them talking and laughing for hours.

Also, it is very likely that Nate is about to become a good guy which I think is great though it might take sometime for him get there ,considering everything he's done.
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fortnitethomas14 February 2022
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This is the best episode after episode 5. The whole episode was scary and anxious. Even though Cassie and Maddy didn't fight, it was still really good. Thanks Euphoria.
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Is this even a real episode?
danielnunez-8151814 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is it just me or is this episode sus? It felt like Rue's life made a complete 180, which was jarring to say the least. I was entertained and intrigued, but I can't help but feel that this episode felt strange, like the entire thing was a dream.

I had a theory the entire time that Rue is in a coma and this is her coma dream in narrative form. This is what the episode felt like. Too many things went right, yet none of the relationships are progressing, which I'm not sure if it's genius writing or not.

The worst thing that happened this episode was the ludicrous way Kat dumped her bf. The Nate thing also felt bizarre, not sure where his character is even going after this. At least it's setup for a crazy final two eps.
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The first season was mid but this season got me hooked
staylor-1888714 February 2022
I thought the first season was stupid unrealistic an over dramatic but this second season got me hooked as a mf an it keeps getting better an better it's one of the best shows on tv rn an it could go down in history as one of the best.
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Didn't expect it to fall so hard after last week's episode
vbgnqgyxjq14 February 2022
Let me preface by saying that I love this show and last week's episode was one of the best hours of television I have seen in recent memory. However - loving the show doesn't mean it's absolved from critique or opinion.

This season is messy. Kat's character assassination has been ridiculous. Other characters' motivations have changed for no apparent reason. Major plot lines abandoned. Cassie is screaming, crying and being dragged out of rooms every episode at this point

I also think it's a misstep that Rue (as a narrator) knows all the inner workings of Cassie/Maddy/Nate's relationship and their motives (which she wouldn't actually know any of that), and then begins to give the viewers an update on Jules/Elliot but then abruptly stops - because she's mad at them for events that unfolded previously in the season. So is she narrating from a different perspective, or is it her own? Having conflicting points of view like that is confusing to the viewer and to me is covering for this season's weak(er) writing. That entire short narration scene was not necessary.

Not much else to say about this episode other than it's getting a bit harder to keep watching because I don't think it's going anywhere. As always, the music, cinematography and the acting were top notch. Those are some of only a few things keeping me invested.

I'm not on the "Hate Sam Levinson" train at all, I just think this season has been very inconsistent at best.
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I'm at a loss
rossbaker-947-24609214 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What was the point of the previous episode..? The entire episode was about Rue leaving a trail of destruction behind her as she desperately tried to escape withdrawals. Even aside from the things she said and did that hurt those around her, she also committed like 5 different crimes including fleeing police. The couple whose house she robbed saw her face, as did the police when she first started to flee.

I just don't understand how you can make a compelling episode like that showing the consequences of addiction, then just throw it all by the wayside having Rue welcomed back home and cared for through her detox.

Everything that happened with the rest of the characters was pretty decent, but that gets completely overshadowed by how the plot was completely derailed and the previous episode amounting to nothing more than filler.
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STAN culture ruins everything
Whofan21017 February 2022
Learning more and more that STAN culture is the main driver behind the reviews of this show! If someone doesn't like what they see with a character or doesn't prefer the storyline of their characters they just think the show is bad.
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Heating up
juan_buenafe14 February 2022
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Finally an episode where pretty much all the issues were tackled. Rue's continuous addiction, Cassie vs Nate vs Maddy, Lexi's play and Fez, Kat and Ethan. Although, my favorite was actually Nate and Jules' short but seemingly important scene bringing back the topic of the videotape. In my opinion, we're gearing up for a great last 2 episodes. Just had some minor issues on the dialogue and acting but I do think a point of the show is to display the immaturity and pettiness of teenagers.
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ahmadfattal14 February 2022

The character development in this series is just amazing.

Every season in euphoria starts mild and ends severe.

I loved how they gave each character his or her time needed, it kinda reminded me of season 1.

This episode also shows why these characters are doing wrongful actions, not showing them as innocent, however making us viewers feel what each character is feeling and going through.

Another thing, to everyone who stated that this episode is not good after episode 5 (a hit). It was expected not to be that intense; this is what i love about the show it's REALISTIC.

It doesn't show by each day that passes there's gonna be a more intense situation, instead it shows that life has its ups and downs, not every day has to be worse than the other, if you wanted to see Maddie and Cassie fight then watch another show, because this show shows the realistic reaction when someone cheats on his or her bestfriend.
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Yes! We're back baby!
learningbreezee14 February 2022
Normalcy!! This is normal life right here and I love it. This episode is a turning stone for this second season. I was about to stop watching after episode 4, but thought might as well finish off the season. I love the creativity of the show, but also enjoy the simplicity of it as well which this episode shows.
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Good episode with some minor faults
tpcatoz-9065016 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A very good episode that had me entertained from start to finish. It felt like a season 1 episode since it focuses on a few story lines rather than a million.

But I noticed two things with the episode. The first being Kats and Ethan's storyline. For season 2 we have barely seen Kat or Ethan. For this episode was finally see them and they're breaking up already. I would have liked to see the interactions between them leading up to the break up rather than hearing Kat mention her displeasure for 30 seconds two episodes ago and then jumping straight to breaking up.

The second thing is Fez and Lex relationship. So we saw them first interact with each other in the first episode of season 2 and they clearly had a thing for each other. The next episode we see Lex visit Fez at his store and then from that point on we didn't see them together at all. Then in this episode we seen them hanging out and Lex venting to Fez about her life and then they sing "Stand By Me" as they hold hands. Did they interact at all before this? It just seemed odd to me they had a short interaction at a party and the store and now Lex is venting about her life to Fez.

I love the show and I'm absolutely nit picking it here but I believe they should add some time to episodes to try and fit in some details for these other relationships.
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Good resolution
KkonaW16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I didn't have high expectation for this series when I started watching. I thought it was narrated by someone who is pretentious and self indulgent, and the topic is pretty pedestrian (drugs - sex - dysfunctional family, the holy trinity of KKona land's high school drama featuring a cast of people who clearly look mid twenties). And almost all characters are completely predictable. All except for one.

The one character that surprised me and kept me watching was the "bad guy". Nate Jacobs carried this series. And now when the story shed light on his complex motives, some people don't like it. They thought it made no sense that he could be sympathetic, they thought "b-but the writer didn't account for all the bad things he did!", "how can he be redeemed?" "he's like a new character!" while in reality, his actions are still completely within character. These viewers either miss the clues from earlier episodes or just aren't very good at assembling facts and drawing conclusion from them. Ironically these same viewers worship the previous episode in which a junkie going through withdrawal magically pulled off great heist, evaded police and escaped capture like Batman. The average viewers seem to be okay with just about any arbitrary amount of plot armor being slapped on the protagonist as long as it is dressed up with some kind of intense struggle :))

In that aspect I'm glad I am not the average viewer of this series. I consider this episode a massive improvement over the previous episode. And I think the narrator is supposed to be unreliable, maybe she's on drugs (again)
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Oh dear
bardy918 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Huge drop in quality from last week. I think euphoria is the most variable show in terms of quality I have ever watched. There was some stuff to love in this episode, Zendaya's performance is still top notch - the narration is still a fun gimmick, and I quite like Nate's conversation with his mother. Nate's scene with Maddie was dreadful - you could tell how clever they thought they were being with the mirror shot, but nobody can take Nate seriously and we know he wouldn't kill her so there is absolutely no suspense. Maddie's reaction was well acted, but it was the most melodramatic the show has become so far, forcing moments of drama that feel cheap compared to the legitimately tragic and realistic stuff this show does on drugs and being trans. I also hate Kat, she was so much more likeable last season and now she just treats her boyfriend terribly. I genuinely don't understand the point in this storyline now - hopefully the show proves me wrong. I also couldn't help cringing at the Fezco and Lexi scene, but I do really like their relationship / friendship.

Overall not great in my opinion, though I've seen lots of people praise it so I might have to rewatch a few times.
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lukakuka200014 February 2022
I just want to say that Sam Levinson is a complete genious, because never have I ever experienced so much emotions on tv in an hour.

Truly an amazing experience.
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Slipping on banana peels
cjonesas30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 6: Fifty five plus minutes worth of scenes, pics, good music and nonsense. The acting is good, the story isn't, the plots aren't and the "suspenseful" scenes are as suspenseful as slipping on banana peels.

In the Nate and Maddy scene, I was hoping the lampshade be splashed with his brain matter. That's how undeserving of Maddy he's and how fokin' unworthy he's as a person.
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sharonmarie-1515614 February 2022
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This entire season is lacking entirely in continuity and substance. It is disguised with too much emphasis on scenery and music to hide the enormous plot holes. I was riveted by the first season but the second season seems to lack a consistent storyline. Despite that this episode was more focused on the characters, it was all over the place and didn't follow up on the consequences of Rue's destructive behavior from the previous episode and the acting especially with the Nate and Jules scene seemed contrived. I am not quite sure I'll watch another season.
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A lot of theories
aboalhyjaa14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Quick question: why is there nobody talking about the camera recording maddy in the rich people house! ( digital watch ).

Could the whole pool scene and talk just to try to seduce maddy? The rich woman did say that she betrayed her best friend just because someone "showed me the right amount of attention at the wrong time".

Or or, could the plot is driving us to human trafficking with rue storyline and that drug lady woman?

Or hear me out! Was nates mom recording him?
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octavioleonel14 February 2022
I need more fights of Cassie and Maddy Please😈 I need more fights of Cassie and Maddy Please😈 I need more fights of Cassie and Maddy Please😈 I need more fights of Cassie and Maddy Please😈
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