Zombie Undead (2010) Poster


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Utter piece of crap!
tomrunelian3 June 2011
After 45 minutes of "Zombie Undead" I fell asleep. Woke up 10 minutes later, renamed it "Directors family & friends in extremely bad make up" - and didn't bother to rewind, as the 10 minutes of sleep probably saved me from further agony. I just wanted it to be over and forgotten as soon as possible - just as the careers of anyone who had anything to do with this "film". Listening to paint dry is more entertaining than this, having my left arm ripped right out of the socket is less painful than watching this, watching snails crawl across a piece of cabbage is more exciting than this, a fart in outer space has more impact than this, a deaf hamster with one eye and a wooden leg can act better than this...etc. etc...you get the general idea? Just stay away...
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bad acting, boring, directing disaster.
gabppl1 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The female lead showed very inappropriate amount of "fear," if you can even call it that, at different times. The male lead was decent/good most of the time. the plot was boring and most of the "acting" was bad. However, I also blame the director (or lack of?), it seemed like the actors were reacting poorly to the situation, i think they even acted too soon in at least one scene (water closet / bathroom). I've seen many low budget zombie and/or undead movies, but this was one of the worse. I only sat through it because I'm a fan of the genre.

There were obvious plot holes at times, for example: they get outside the building for the first time but it's a dead end / no way out, they entered an enclosed area that seems to have no street access. But, why is there a bicycle rack and a few bicycles? Also, why are the words "no parking" painted in huge letters on the wall if there is no street access? I suppose people could have driven their cars through the building and illegally park in the enclosed area.

Overall, skip this movie.
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A boring mess which zombified me
existential-tom5 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As much fun as a zombie film set in Leicester sounds, if you're expecting a modern-day Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue from this low-budget indie film, I'm afraid I've got some disappointing news for you. Yes, despite its amusingly tautological title Zombie Undead is an amateurish and punishingly dull addition to the world of morti viventi cinema.

The movie opens with a terrorist detonating a dirty bomb somewhere in Leicester city centre (which is presumably the cause of the zombie virus in this film), before cutting to our heroine, Sarah (Ruth King), and her badly wounded father being driven to a hospital on the outskirts of the city by Steve (Barry Thomas). Upon arrival it's clear that something is amiss as the hospital's patients exhibit all manner of exotic flesh-wounds and seem to be bringing up blood left, right and centre. When Sarah's father goes into cardiac arrest, she faints at the sight of a surgeon ramming a hypodermic syringe of adrenalin into his chest.

Once she awakes the hospital seems deathly quiet, and she wonders around for a while before being confronted by a long-haired zombie who overpowers her. Luckily for Sarah, a survivor named Jay (James Corden-lookalike Kris Tearse) appears from nowhere, machete in hand, and returns the shuffling cadaver to the land of the dead. From there, the two of them spend a very long time indeed wondering around the hospital looking for fellow survivors and occasionally bumping into the odd zombie or two. Eventually a party of survivors is assembled and the group attempts to battle its way past the hordes of walking corpses on their way out of the building.

There's little more to say about the film's plot, although there's an interminably boring segment tagged on at the end which sees Sarah fleeing the hospital and ending up on a farm owned by the world's chattiest farmer before the movie ends abruptly (and inexplicably) with footage of a group of soldiers being attacked by zombies.

Now, I know what you're thinking: it sounds good, doesn't it? Sounds like it'll be an utter trash-fest, reminiscent of Bruno Mattei's Zombie Creeping Flesh. Well it's not.

There's so little action in this film it makes Oasis of the Zombies seem positively fast-paced, and what little there is suffers from a case of the Andy Milligan 'swirl-camera' technique every time a special effect is deployed. The characters are boring, flat and underdeveloped and spend absolutely ages standing around in rooms or lifts exchanging dialogue like: "We've got to go, now! Do you understand?" "Yes, we need to move." "Let's go, we've got to keep moving" and so on, to the point of absurdity. Every dialogue scene is stretched out as long as it conceivably can be, presumably to pad the running time out to 80 minutes.

The film is shot on what looks like digital video, which isn't a bad thing necessarily, but the result looks so cheap and washed out that it doesn't even have the production values of a TV soap opera. And the direction? It's hideous. The first few minutes of the film play like a crummy music video, with frantic coked-up editing and eye-straining fades, wipes and dissolves (Homer Simpson's obsession with 'star wipe' leaps to mind), and as I've said above, any scene which requires anything other than a static shot of the characters is clumsily handled and fumbled through, presumably to disguise the lack of SFX available to the makers. And the acting, while not terrible, is very am-dram. A great many scenes reminded me of theatre workshops I did in GCSE drama lessons.

In fact the whole thing plays very much like a student film, which is perhaps what it began life as (one of its principal shooting locations is De Montford University in Leicester). Sadly what we have here is a pretty crummy film wrapped up in tantalising advertising and boasting a juicy title, much like The Astro Zombies from decades ago. There's nothing to recommend this film, really. It's not funny, not even unintentionally so; it boasts so little gore it's a wonder the thing received an 18 certificate; its plot is threadbare and padded out to the extreme and, ultimately, you'll be pining for your DVDs of classic Italian zombie gut-munchers before even half the running time has elapsed. Though, that said, the disc makes a great coaster
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as rotten as a zombies armpit
patvoid30 June 2011
according to the DVD case"Romero cant wait for this"so i can only assume that he hasn't yet seen it...lucky bugger.

the great mans work might not be up to par these days but he doesn't have to worry about the competition on offer here,he could have wrote and directed better with his milk bottle glasses off.

but don't go thinking this is the new"Birdemic",its not even that good,if this was to get a midnight movie release it would be to counter insomnia.

i cannot say anything good about it,low budget is no excuse for a mind-numbingly awful script and since anyone with a pound of butcher meat and a make up kit can produce a half-decent zombie,that is what was needed for this to have any chance of standing out.
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There are worse zombie movies out there...
paul_haakonsen10 August 2013
Funny how this movie scored such low rating. I am a huge zombie aficionado, but I must say that "Zombie Undead" is not amongst the worst of zombie movies that I have seen. Yeah, this was low budget, and yeah it was amateurish, but the director did a fair enough job, and the actors and actresses in the movie seemed to have fun and seemed to be in it for the love of zombie movies.

Story-wise, then "Zombie Undead" is as generic and textbook as it comes. A group of people become trapped in the hospital during a strange outbreak that causes the dead to come back to life (well, sort of) and with a ravenous hunger for living flesh.

Everything in the movie was straight out of the 'How to make a zombie movie for dummies' book, I will say that much. But still, it was done with a clear ambition and a clear motivation for the zombie genre, and that was what held the movie afloat.

Yes, there were flaws in the movie, obvious and bad flaws that should have been caught in the editing room. For starters, the woman being devoured in a hospital room blinked in one scene. And also in the lavatory scene, you could clearly see the camera man reflected in the metallic hand dryer apparatus on the wall. And also Michael, Jay's younger brother, well you saw his eyes fluttering underneath the closed eyelids, even when he was supposed to be dead.

But still, the movie was a well-meant attempt, and I think they pulled it off nice enough. Sure, this isn't the kind of movie that you will watch a second time around, as the movie just didn't have that much to offer. But for a low budget movie it wasn't too shabby.

There is a fair amount of blood and gore in the movie. Mind you, that the effects here were well-meant, but came off a bit questionable and not overly believable.

There are far worse low budget zombie movies out on the market. And "Zombie Undead" is worthy enough of a watching late at night if you are having a zombie marathon and is starting to run out of major Hollywood produced zombie movies.
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Amateur at best
rex-1703 June 2011
I cannot for the life of me begin to understand why i watched this film in it's entirety.

The acting was so bad that i'm left wondering how this even passed for a film.

First 15, i hated the lead character and felt she was simply pathetic.

Next 30 i was getting extremely bored and well, i was extremely bored.

The rest i just thought to myself, this is BAD, BAD, BAD and BAD.

It is obvious that the extras in this film voted this up to a 5.9 because i'm sure that even the actors would not have voted due to it being BAD.

1 out of 10 for film and, oh stuff it, 1 out of 10 is all your going to get, if i could vote negative 10 i would.
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I am 36 years of age and have never seen worse
razorback-73-625166 June 2011
I managed to watch this for 40 minutes only... and that was with a great deal of determination and hope that things would improve.

I know that there are many ugly fat stupid people all over every country, but I do not want to watch and listen to these people in a movie. I am sure somewhere along the line, people thought they were bringing a touch of realism to this genre, but it is only realistic if sheer bad luck saw a bunch of absolute no hope reprobates thrown into this situation.

If I wanted to be exposed to this kind of human idiocy, I would watch reality TV or British Soap Operas.

This film has no redeeming features whatsoever. Not a single endearing character, not one funny moment or even the slightest bit of insight or commentary on people exposed to this kind of disaster.

I have used IMDb for some eight or more years now, and have never felt the need to share my opinion strongly enough to sign up and authenticate and account.

Please watch something else. Watch ANYTHING else!

EVERY single person out there owes it to the rest of humanity, to NOT encourage the people responsible for this movie to ever do anything like it again.
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Worth than two
armadilla1710 July 2020
This movie was an all that bad I watched it was entertaining reaction was half-decent wasn't the greatest I don't know why everybody hates on it so much I wasn't disappointed I watched it let's put it that way
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The Zombipocalypse isn't here.
thecheesygrin10 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the worst zombie film I have ever seen and i've seen some horrors in my time; you could even consider me a connoisseur. I actually quite like bad films, they are often amusing but this wasn't even bad funny. It was just plain bad. It follows our supposed 'heroine' and a ragtag bunch of survivors as they attempt to escape a hospital - blatantly a school or uni building, would it have hurt to dress it up a little? Within minutes I was egging the zombies on, wishing they would eat them and get it over with. It was poorly acted, badly shot and had an awful plot/script. It has been said that this is what you should expect from a low budget Indie film; it's not. I find it hard to believe that this film made it into production and found its way into shops. I feel robbed. The only redeeming quality was the clips of recognisable landmarks; I got a kick out of that. I honestly find it hard to believe someone could make a film as awful as this.

The end is nigh for decent zombie flicks.
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a real shame.....
666lucifer66616 June 2011
I have been looking for low budget British zombie films for a while now and was very excited when i found this title.

However the script could have done with being redrafted at least once as there are some rank amateur continuity mistakes within the dialogue and time line of events. you will notice these yourself very quickly and for me they really destroyed the atmosphere of the film.

all of this is really annoying as the directing and use of the camera, given a clearly small budget is amazing as well as the special affects and make-up for the zombies. Even the actors (clearly fresh blood) are not so bad, i have seen an awful lot worse in films with far larger budgets.

a short film, mildly entertaining and if you are a zombie fan like me then give it a go trust me you will have already seen far worse!
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Spoilers follow ...
parry_na18 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The story begins as we meet a flustered paramedic Steve (Barry Thomas), level-headed Jay (Kris Tearse) and Sarah (Ruth King), who opens the film as the distraught daughter of a man clearly infected by zombie-type virus.

This is very low-budget, but Director Rhys Davies ensures it tells a story well within its means - although sometimes the blood-streaked heroes are difficult to differentiate from the equally blood-streaked walking dead. The setting is suitably drab and claustrophobic, and this doesn't open into anything wider until the very end, when we are introduced to the extent of the infection.

There are enough twists in the storyline to keeps things moving. In true 'Night of the Living Dead' fashion, even those who do everything right to escape their situations fail to succeed. There are some convincingly gruesome effects.

I really enjoyed this. The main thrust of the project seems to be that there is no hope, no hope at all. Although some scenes are interspersed with the end credits offer a crumb of positivity. But don't get too optimistic.
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Indi Brit Zombies
roderic-duncan31 May 2011
This is a zombie movie. There are zombies. People get chased and consumed. I don't think it is giving away much to say that.

On the negative side, the storyline is unsurprising and the acting is variable. Perhaps that is why some of the reviews and ratings of this movie have been negative.

But the impressive things are the stylish look, sharp editing and satisfying music. I liked it, anyway. I saw it in a cinema alongside a load of enthusiastic zombie fans, and we all had a great time.

If you get this movie expecting it to be Avatar, you are sure going to be disappointed. But if you get it knowing it is an indi Brit zombie flic, then you can sit back and enjoy the gore.
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bjjnedan23 July 2012
This is simply the worst movie ever made. A special education drama club would be ashamed of this. The music during the opening scene made me think I should just turn this turd off. The acting is horrible. Nothing anybody ever says makes any sense. The make up is laughably bad. The zombies appeared to be nothing more than..., well..., a chick that put her make up on while blackout drunk and roofied and stoned and just plain stupid. In a movie this bad, I can usually find 1 redeeming quality, usually a really hot chick, or somebody I can sympathize with in some way. But there is nothing redeeming about this. The lead woman looks like a true life zombie. The lead characters next to her are just plain stupid. Usually, in a turd like this, I can suffer through it just to watch the idiots die horribly, but not with this one. There is absolutely nothing about this movie that is worth half a s***. The 1 rating I gave it is just because that's the lowest IMDb goes. Seriously, if you have a choice between getting kicked in the balls and watching this, I'd say close your eyes, grit your teeth and take the foot to the junk.
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Umm...not good...
jas389218 January 2015
This website won't allow me to rate this film zero out of ten, but zero is the score it deserves. Zero budget, zero talent and zero effort by everyone involved.

The zombies don't appear to have any kind of zombie make up at all, which gives you an idea of what the makers of this were thinking. Make something as quickly and cheaply as possible to con the public out of their hard earned cash.

Watching this film is like having excrement thrown in your face for an hour and a half.

No-one on screen has any acting ability - Do something else with your life.

In short, avoid this movie like the zombie plague.
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fjaye7 October 2013
The only IMDb synopsis was written by "rhys", whom I suspect is the film's director, Rhys Davies. Not a good sign.

"Zombie Undead" is essentially an unnecessary and pointless remake of "Night of the Living Dead" -- insofar as radiation creates the zombies (at least, it appears so in ZU; it's never made clear); they eat humans and their remains; they shamble a lot; the protagonists are claustrophobically confined to a hospital; and one by one they're picked off. Later, there's some open-field gunplay, too, thanks to a sharpshooting rifleman.

But Romero's classic moved quickly and promoted a deep sense of dread, with characters in constant conflict; this one just plods along, with scene after talky scene of the heroes wandering through the hospital and trying to escape. And just when you think you're in the final reel, it continues to drag its feet to an ending that just...kind of...IS. I felt no sense of closure or resolution.

Another reviewer noted the obvious foul-up of staging a scene in an area that supposedly has no escape route, but where no-parking signs and a partly filled bicycle rack are clearly visible. It's compounded by the fact that you can also see a low-set railing that abuts a street. Ah well.

On the plus side, the exterior cinematography looks good. And there's a very subtle (and perhaps unintended) homage to "The Last Man on Earth" very late in the film.

But if you are still tempted to watch "Zombie Undead," just...DON'T.
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jamie-683-4266004 April 2024
In the vast sea of zombie flicks, there are gems that shine bright, showcasing creativity, suspense, and genuine horror. And then there are films like "Zombi Undead," a murky and forgettable addition to the genre that does little more than shuffle aimlessly through tired tropes and clichés.

From the very first frame, "Zombi Undead" fails to ignite any semblance of intrigue or excitement. The plot, if it can even be called that, is a convoluted mess of half-baked ideas and poorly executed scenes stitched together incoherently. It feels like the filmmakers threw every zombie-related concept into a blender without bothering to craft a coherent narrative.

The characters, or caricatures rather, are as lifeless as the zombies they're supposed to be fleeing from. With dialogue that ranges from cringe-inducing to downright laughable, it's hard to root for or even care about any of them. The lack of character development leaves the audience indifferent to their fates, which is a cardinal sin in any horror film.

One of the most egregious sins committed by "Zombi Undead" is its utter disregard for basic principles of filmmaking. Scenes are poorly lit, camera angles are haphazardly chosen, and the editing is so choppy it's disorienting. It's as if the filmmakers were actively trying to make their audience feel nauseous, both mentally and physically.

And let's not even get started on the special effects. Or lack thereof. The zombies look like they stumbled out of a thrift store Halloween bargain bin, with makeup so cheap and unconvincing that it's more likely to elicit giggles than screams. Even the blood and gore, staples of any good zombie film, are rendered with all the finesse of a child finger-painting.

In conclusion, "Zombi Undead" is a film best avoided by even the most ardent zombie aficionados. Its lack of originality, poor execution, and overall incompetence make it a painful experience from start to finish. Save yourself the agony and spend your time on something more deserving of your attention.
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The Repetitive Says Everything You Need to Know
kuelee8 May 2023
The film has potential, but the writing and dialogue is dreadful. The repetitive film title says everything you need to know about the writing: "Zombie Undead"? More like the writers were braindead and had baited you into wasting an hour+ of your life.

First, there's a lot of unnecessary scenes - probably just as time filler. Second, the acting is a bit over dramatic. Third, the addition of the military is both pointless and campy.

I understand that this is a low budget film - probably a film student's final project. And it gets and "E" for effort. But it really had a lot of potential if the filmmaker/writers just stuck to the heavily stylized shots and a more simplified plot.
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Not a Good movie on my scale.
garycbelleville26 September 2012
I went into this movie knowing off hand that it was a zombie movie and that I should not expect a master piece or even an Avatar sort of movie. What I got was ...well. ..how can I say ...... man! I hate to be negative about somebodies hard work. This movie had me confuse and wanting to turn it off after the first 20 min. The script was really not good. The actors at times tried, tried very hard and at times a little too hard. It didn't seem natural at all. For a zombie movie the lighting was way too bright. The sound was terrible. it sounded like the sound was bouncing around. it was very echoing. Add techno noise to that for music and you just made yourself a headache. Looking at any actor, not a single one made there role seem convincing at any point of time except for maybe one guy who was playing a man dead lying on the ground. It's a shame he wasn't one of the lead actors. I'm not going to say that is was predictable or that there were plot holes cause after all I did say I knew I was going to watch a zombie movie. There pretty much all that way. Every once in a while however you come across one that is a tad different or is really well made. This is not one of those. Sad, very sad. Was this a waste of time ??? I'll let you decide that for yourself. All i'm going to say is if you want to watch this don't pay a fortune to do so. wait until you can either get it real cheap or free
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Watched for what it is
nigel-26930 April 2019
Brilliant indie film had me totally entertained all the way through.
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It bit me
nogodnomasters19 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie title appears to be redundant. Clearly the Brits do not understand what to do during a major Zombie outbreak, perhaps due to the poor showing of "Zombie Diaries." A dirty bomb goes off and the film concentrates on the life and survival of Sarah (Ruth King). She passes out then comes to at a country infirmary. Here she encounters live people and zombies. They make numerous mistakes.

First, you need to secure the perimeter and eliminate the zombies inside. This is common sense stuff, but the Brits don't do it. Secondly if you are in a building that has zombies, don't ride the elevator as you don't know what is going to be outside the doors when they open. When you suspect the zombie infestation is caused by a blood borne pathogen, don't leave infected blood on your skin. Immediately wash it off and disinfect with a 10% Clorax solution. Also according to the Homeland Security handbook, the people who will actually be infected first are old people, children, and those with weak immune systems. Not every bite transmits the disease, but you need extra precaution and a holding cell/ isolation room during the incubation period. Being in an infirmary, they were in an ideal location to survive had they followed common sense guide lines.

The characters and humor didn't make it in this film like other Brit films.

Parental Guide: F-bombs, no sex, hospital gown zombie nudity
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Solid low-budget zombie effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder2 February 2019
After a dirty bomb is detonated, a woman attempting to care for her injured father lands in a hospital with other survivors who are soon cursed to learn that the fallout has started a zombie pandemic that's overrun the building and must team with several other survivors to get out alive.

Overall, this was a decidedly decent indie zombie effort. What really works nicely for this one is the manner in which the film builds up the idea of the outbreak and the initial mass zombie pandemic. With the creation of the creatures through the idea of the gases released and all the chaos the hospital experiences at that point, seeing the emergence of the creatures and the general confusion that arises from a terrorist attack as such gives this one a nice, strong starting point that really works nicely overall. From there, this one really does good at building a continuous stream of zombie action within the building. The idea of confronting the overwhelming hordes that are found here, constantly putting them on the retreat as they go about trying to survive the different scenarios. From the first encounter where they try to get past the creatures and use the elevator to escape or trying to get past the zombies swarming in the lobby once they get off, the fact that the majority of the film details their experience trying to get out of the building overrun with creatures makes this a fun, fast-moving effort that works nicely with it's small budget. As this manages to make good use of the dwindling numbers to enhance the threat by the creatures as well as bringing about some solid gore, this section of the film moves along rather nicely to give this some solid positives as there are a few flaws to be found here. The biggest issue is a decidedly puzzling tactic repeated several times throughout the film of distorting and flaring the camera during moments when there's no need for any kind of technical flourishes. Not only do these flare-ups not make any sense for being included here at all but the moments when they choose to include this tactic as it's done when people are simply moving around trying to avoid being bitten which shouldn't have any kind of special enhancement that makes the scene look blurrier than they really need to be. That tactic also goes hand-in-hand with the film's low-budget look and feel. Not only does the relatively obvious one-location setting give this away as to what kind of film this really is, there's also the rather charmingly silly-looking zombie makeup as there's nothing more obvious here than dirt and mud smeared across them in places or the rather simplistic tone that just oozes off the film that carries throughout this one. With an underwhelming finale also getting featured, there are a few issues that do get featured here.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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