She Would Never Know (TV Series 2021) Poster

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Needed more romance
PalmBeachG11 July 2022
This was a one-sided love mostly throughout so there isn't much romance throughout the first half of the series - thank goodness for Rowan who played Chae Hyun-seung because he is the one that made the series watchable. There could never be such a nice guy in the world anywhere and I was so wishing that the main lead female could have been just a little nicer to him please frustrating throughout how awful she treated him. By the end, I was really wishing he would just walk away. So I would have liked to rate it higher but I can't and all my stars go to Rowan who was the perfect actor to play this role of the handsome nicely perfect boyfriend and no one could have done better.
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Should have picked a different female lead.
woonila18 July 2022
Interesting drama with superior OST, feels more real life than most, well-acted by almost everyone involved.

Just quite frustrated that the stunning male lead who lacks nothing gets treated like a doormat by the plain female lead. The pairing could have been done better. Somewhat redeemed at the end but hardly satisfying.

Other than that, really enjoyed most of the side characters, everyone did such great job and are actually more interesting to watch than the female lead.
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Watchable but not a lot happens
phd_travel2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A smart cosmetics career woman is loved by her junior colleague. Turns out she has been dating secretly her boss. But the boss is hiding the fact he is engaged. When the engagement is partially exposed by the younger guy the younger guy pursues her. The dynamic is familiar in some ways. Older woman like Something in the Rain. It is fairly interesting to see how the love square will pan out and the complications because they all work together. But can there be any doubt who the right choice is? The boss is older and cold looking and the younger guy is a head taller boy band type. The cast is watchable and the production is attractive. It's very 2021 with men dealing with makeup. The secondary romances are fairly interesting. Interesting enough for a not too melodramatic romance show although it's slow moving.
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LOVE This hidden gem!
hanalisss17 March 2021
Loved this drama. I could feel the emotion and attraction of the main couple, Rowoon was spot on with his character showing every feeling and emotion, and I discovered a very funny and clumsy side of his acting ( which I enjoyed a lot) great chemistry with the kid and his sisters in the drama. My favorite thing about this series is that is just so real, no dumb clichés or characters that doesn't exist in real life. The bad one is not that bad and the nice one is not that nice, they are humans, making mistakes and living the consequences. Also there's a few very taboo stories that are very relevant in today's world. Really great job with it and under appreciated unfortunately, hidden gem! I hope loads of people get to wAtch it!
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Excellent drama perfectly done
elizabetharden22 April 2021
Beautiful drama overall. Rowoon has done a splendid job. He has huge potential and talent and all of it shows in his beautifully played character in this drama. I wish him best of luck for his future endeavors and can't wait to see him soon in his upcoming projects. Saw him for the first time in this drama and am already a huge fan.. Best of luck Rowoon. You've got all that it takes!

Loved the story the rest of the cast and the direction.
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Attractive couple, characters and story is lacking
RomanceNovelist5 May 2023
You have an attractive couple but the writing is lackluster, which creates lack of chemistry in the leads. The female lead's main character is too aloof. She's almost even joyless. The problems in this show I blame on the director and writing, not the actors or actresses.

Jae-Shin, her boss is treated unfairly by everyone. He doesn't score many points for hiding his engagement but I feel like his parents were awful, the chairman was awful to him , and even his best friend and fiance was absolutely awful to him. But he was also awful to himself. He was a social climber who allowed people to walk all over him When he walked away it was too late.
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A hidden gem!!!
ruthmolla20 July 2022
So, this is the going to be my first ever review because the movie was so Good. First, for those people who like slow romances and butterflies, this is it. I don't understand how people think that the movie is not romantic enough. Second, for some people complaining about the female lead, I believe she did her best act as a "sunbae". I don't think anyone else would have done better. Third, Rowoon will set your standard high GIRLS!!!! He is so caring and everything that a woman wants (imo). Finally, it covers many topics and is a very realistic movie; marriage issues, long distance relationship, teamwork, love, friendship, everything is there. I can rant about this movie all day long but it is a masterpiece and I wish it received a better recognition.
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Every characters are practical
tanushree-raha101917 July 2021
I love this drama!

Not too melodramatic romance.

A very practical drama where characters are very much real and no dumb clichès.

Everyone has their own struggles in life and according to that they react, which means the bad is not always bad and the good one is not always good.

Some points about this drama which I like the most are:-
  • The importance of self love and how to heal yourself and open about it to your loved ones rather than hiding your pain.

  • Divorce is not a taboo, if the marriage is going nowhere then there is no point to hold on to it.

Take care of the child while separating as divorce hurts children the most so,they needed our support at that time.

  • Time is the best healer and medicine.

  • Family support is the most important thing in life.

  • Not being a judgemental idiot.

  • A healthy friendship with the collegues which is quite rare.

Still, somethings are shown unnecessarily and dragged but overall a very healthy series which will make you smile at the end.

Khamsahmnida!!! 💜
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Quality Contemporary KDrama
aylwardpaul14 July 2022
This is a quality contemporary Korean romantic drama about the relationship between two co-workers consisting of a younger man and slightly older woman. Really, the difference in age is hardly an issue, but she is his senior at work, which means they must use some discretion.

This series doesn't quite reach the highs of similar series like Something In The Rain or One Spring Night, but it probably maintains a more consistent pace than both, and makes for pleasant viewing.

It wisely includes additional stories involving three other couples formed by the secondary characters in order to maintain the interest, and thankfully flashbacks are kept to a minimum.

As you'd expect from a romantic KDrama, the cast are nearly all attractive, and the acting is fine.

It distinguishes itself from the KDrama pack (like the two aforementioned series) by making all characters seem sympathetic and real. There are no goodies and baddies (except perhaps the grandfather).

This is well worth a watch if you liked other KDramas such as My Mister, Encounter, or the other two series mentioned above.
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FL is rather mean to ML for mist of the series so it is hard to feel good about their romance
leahcubed3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
7.5/10 is my rating. This is a 2021 South Korean romantic drama series with 16, 65 minute episodes. It is based on web novel "Senior, Don't Put on that Lipstick".

First I provide a unique synopsis then review


Yoon Song ah (Won Jin-ah) feels she has reached the top of her game as a marketer for a major South Korean cosmetics Brand, Her and her boyfriend, Lee Jae-shin (Lee Hyun-wook) are approaching their two year dating anniversary and she is sure he will be popping the question. Her success has led to her recruiting and training Cha Hyung-seung (Rowoon). She feels completely blind sided and betrayed when Hyung-seung reveals that her boyfriend is not only cheating but about to get married. As is often the case her initial anger is not as much at her cheating boyfriend but at the messenger. It is fairly clear that Jae-shin thought she never needed to know about the wife and he could just have her as side chick. Upon revealing her boyfriend's deception, Hyun-seung decides to confess to her, perhaps to make her feel better but it has the opposite effect., She suspects his motives and initially tries to drive him away. Will Soon ah see Hyung-seung's real feelings. Can she get revenge? Will true love develop from a rebound relationship?


This starts really slow and I found the first episodes to be only minorly interesting. It picks up when she is dealing with her boyfriend of two years and his cheating. Then it is all about lead guy winning her over. If you like romances that are heavy on the drama with few comedic, suspenseful or mysterious moments then this might be one you would enjoy. There are some characters with deep flaws that have only minimal character growth.


There was a huge disconnect between the way that the characters were acted and portrayed in the first part of the drama, and the way that they were acted and portrayed in the next part of the drama. It was not simply character growth as it happened too suddenly and radically, For instance Song ah was completely against going to Europe. They made a point of Song ah saying how much she enjoyed her company, and that it was like a part of her. It seemed to be true and also seemed like she was portraying to him that he was mire important than Europe. Her ex gets taken off the project and her mentor takes over and suddenly she could not do without Europe. And suddenly she could care less how Hyeung-seung felt about it. That was an odd reversal. In the first episodes, the ex pledged he would never give up trying to win her back then went never mind. It was even more odd that he gives up on lead girl, throws it all in with sugar mama rich girl, then decides to strike out on his own and suffer. That was such a complete reversal that the loss if his dad, who he professed to not care about, could not account for it. Also, the lead female character's mom was very child like and selfish but she has a sudden denouement and becomes a social butterfly doing a complete flip flop from being desperately clingy to hard to reach. Peopke can change but not fundamentally and not typically in such a short period.

In regards to the situation with the sister and her husband, the chef guy, his befriending the sister, and the entire circumstances of the relationship between the three was just a confusing addition to the story . He didn't really go after the husband in a way that made it make sense that he would cause such a rift in the relationship. The husband was a little cold and distant but it wasn't like he sees the chef and is like oh right I was in love with him. The storyline with the chef only revealed this weird subject from his college days that he was very conflicted about. It did not show him feeling attracted to the chef or other men so him hurting his wife and little girl whom he obviously loved to continue his journey of self discovery was pointless. It was like they wanted to explore the topic of suppressing sexuality due to social pressure but they weren't brave enough to go any further. They did not give him a gay romantic interest so it just created this weird ambiguous situation. The little girl was nine so all they would have had to do was wait until she reached adult hood and he could have continued his self searching without breaking everyone's heart. A perfect ending to that story would have been him with a partner, her with someone that romantically loved her and the little girl happy in this blended family.

They built the little girl up to be wise beyond her years. It seemed like the purpose was going to be she would respond to her parent's break up in a very mature way. Like yeah I knew daddy was unhappy and was interested in men I was waiting for him to realize. Or I am glad you are separating now you can find someone and be happy. But she broke down and was surprised like any kid would be. It made the whole build up of how mature she was pointless.

Maybe the cutest side romance was lead guy's sister and the grandson of the company. He saw her and it was instant infatuation. Him moving heaven and earth to get the lipstick she liked remade was such a compelling romantic gesture. I felt like it got Netflixed a bit when she proposed to him instead if the other way around and when she was the one paying so little attention to the details of the wedding. Has to have those feminist undertones if it is on Netflix. I thought there was missed opportunity for him to favor the lead guy in the company. Like when the other manager was sabitaging the launch of the new product lead guy developed, they could have discovered it was that corrupt manager behind it, and it could have been a big reveal to him that lead guy was now an extended part of the chaebol family. It would have been fun to see him grovel. But they just dropped that story line.

I liked the way the romance between the rich sugar fiancé and lead girl's ex played out. Tgey became friendly again but did not get together romantically. They both had serious mental issues. Her emotionally black mailing him with suicide if he was not with her was such a toxic thing I could never see them having a healthy relationship. Him just using her for what she could give him financially was also a non starter. So I liked that he finally refused to let her emotionally manipulate him. I also liked, when he was back, she had moved on.

Many reviewers say, and I completely agree, that lead girl was just mean to him. I get the "shoot the messenger" aspect if him being the one to reveal the affair so she directed her initial anger at him. I have seen that happen often in real life. But she took it beyond that and seemed to enjoy him fawning over her and returning his devotion with near disdain, But the whole Europe thing to me was unforgivable. Thatvwas after she confessed and they were in that over the moon phase of a new relationship. He asked her not to go and she ignored his heartfelt request and said she was going anyway. Then when he chose to accept it and try to make the distance relationship work she did nothing to bridge the gap instead she continually chose work over him. Then she breaks it off with him in the cruelest way possible when he came to Europe to see her. She knew his past relationship and how that ex had treated him but showed a total disregard for his feelings in much the same way. I think she broke up with him then not because she was hurting him as much as she felt guilty and wanted to pursue her selfish goals without remorse. Then she cuts her Europe assignment short professing it was because she realized her error and missed him but that did not seem genuine either. It showed her mentor essentially using her like a lackey and little joy in her work there. So it seemed the oversees job was not as wonderful as she thought so that is why she came back. After that I really did not like her and was not happy when they reunited. He at least made it a little hard for her. And what happened to his ex that proposed to keep trying to get him back? I would have liked for leadvgirl to experience some heart break seeing him with someone else and I thought perhaps that would be the case, he would get back with the ex. But she just dropped out of the storyline. I thought, in terms of attractiveness level, that he was several levels above her so for her to also be unkind to him so often it was hard to believe he would've put up with that when so many other women would've been interested in him.

#SheWouldNeverKnow #SeniorDon'tPutOnThat #WonJinAh #Rowoon #LeeHyunWook.
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Loved It!!!!!
mehreenrehmani22 May 2021
Hands down one of the best korean romance dramas i have ever watched. Highlight of the show: Its main male lead actor Rowoon.
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Rowoon is top Warning: Spoilers
It could have been so nice with a different, more appropriate leading lady.

Unfortunately, the main actress isn't convincing at all, you keep thinking, what does he find in her?

You want to hug him all the time.

Rowoon plays convincingly, lovingly and from life.

His sisters are great and the little niece just adorable. This was the only KDrama so far where I hardly cried and just wound many scenes.

Bottom line: the two main characters just don't go together, she was just selfish, flattered and he would do anything for her.

The end was the way it had to be, it wasn't because of Rowoon, he's just great.
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I 💓dramas of all genres and cultures...but
ccline-5171411 July 2022
The leads must have chemistry, although I liked FL in Just Between Lovers, here she falls flat for me. She's plain, but that's ok, if she has charisma. Ravishing beauty not needed if sex appeal (charm) in place. She's a good actress but needs to bring out the woman a bit, especially one on one with her lover.

Hard for me to believe she has two men vying for her. ML has nothing to work with here. Side stories more interesting. FL needs spark.
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100 point to 100 point
waw-9870015 June 2022
I really like this romance drama. Amazing Actors , perfect story line.

Especially, Lead roles WonJinA & Rowoon chemistry is deeply. I can't stop smile while watching every episode . No. 1 my favorite drama in 2021.

Highly recommend 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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It's just mwaaah!!!
odumaodumah20 May 2021
This drama is just amazing. I love the relationships portrayed in the drama: the relationship between the main actors, the CEO and his love interest and the siblings. I also really like how they shine a light on importance of self love and being a healthy human being mentally. I LOVE IT.
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💄Selfish vs Selfless Love & How to Know the Difference °7.3° °VG ° 💯%🔍
50fiftillidideeBrain1 November 2023
SWNK sticks to the formulas that work. It goes on smoothly and leaves a warm feeling that lingers, like a nice night cream. The color palette is urban and mature, but there's a freshness to the lineup that pleases consumers. Take a look at the following free samples⤵

Chae Hyun Seung (CHS) is a trainee at Klar Cosmetics. He's in love with his senior, Yoon Song Ah (YSA), his "sun'-bae". For those of you not familiar with Asian dramas, that's a HURDLE - Status is everything. (🤔However, with that round pretty face, powerful looking physique and perfect skin, we can't exactly call him disadvantaged). She keeps her comment cards close, but he is certain that YSA is very available. Hoping to start a conversation, he follows her outside during the company dinner, only to see how very unavailable she is: She's secretly dating Mgr Lee. After many months with hopes up, his world caves in. CHS heads to his sister's business (a bridal salon) for consolation when the cave-in suddenly 💥: Manager Lee shows up for a dress fitting with his fiance - the chairman's granddaughter - NOT Sunbae. This product line hasn't launched yet!

⚖ He seesaws on how to handle this. Should he tell Sunbae? He and Sunbae end up on a crazy ride where they are compelled to act as BF/GF. He's delighted. She's irritated and mostly horrified. That's what she tells herself, but it's obvious that she doesn't mind his company...

SWNK, AKA: Sunbae, Don't Put That 💄 On, is a 2021 release that is rated 89 on AWiki. It is 16 65-minute eps. With more than a dozen features to his credit, the lowest rated at 6.1 and the rest north of 7.7 on MDL, Director Lee Dong Yoon's body of work is solid. The throaty Won Jin Ah, whose most popular feature is Just Between Lovers, is FL, YSA. YSA's jr - ML Chae Hyun Seung/CHS, is played by Rowoon. He's fabulous in The King's Affection. At a whopping 8.9 on MDL, his highest rated show is Tomorrow. He's got the goods🦋 His lovely baritone voice is warm buttered caramel sauce. Lee Hyun Wook plays Mgr Lee & BF of our FL. Seeming a mostly decent guy in an impossible place, they avoid going too cartoonish with his role. Yang Jo Ah does a great job as co-worker, Yoo Jae Kyeong, who is "on" to them early. The ubiquitous mother, Kim Mi-kyung, makes an appearance in ep11. Her schedule must be brutal; she appears in 3 -8 things a year. Our FL 's roomie, played by Kang Hye-Jin, is adorable and this is her only credited show! I hope to see her again.

SWNK has a quiet competence. With the sheerist of coverage, they keep it light. The viewer can ride along and catch the breeze without getting caked up in heavy drama. Shows like that have their place. When the inkling that it's getting bland surfaces, something catches the attention. There's just a touch of glitter, and no glaring flaws, though there is poor coverage in places. One oddity is when the always-in-slacks YSA purchases a 👗 in ep7 (her roomie actually buys it for her when they're shopping) but we never see her wear it! It's like applying 💄 over the lip line - sloppy. Some of the characters are rudimental, with an IQ more befitting a kids show. The company president, Lee Jae-Woon (Lee Gyu-Han), is an example... he did make me smile...

"When I'm with you, I don't care about falling. I don't care about crashing or getting lost. I'd welcome it all if I can be with you," Rowoon practically croons in one scene. Here's a tough question: Why do you like person-X? We could list certain qualities, but we don't like everybody with the same list of qualities in the same way, so that answer gets no credit. There's a myriad of things involving the subconscious, and all the senses, that culminate in those 🦋 🦋 🦋 in the stomach. "Unrequited love is nothing more than a selfish thought," we hear. This is more true than not. I'm formulating the theory that a crush is about our projection onto another person, but if it's meant to be, it's °always° mutual. A heart can never be taken or forced, but even beyond that, we still understand very little about the nature of attraction. Research indicates that it could be based on SMELL most of all! Most certainly, we have little control over whom we like, but we do control how we approach a relationship and what we bring into it.

Some people enter relationships with selfish purposes. They drain all the nutrients and never replenish them. Those people only take and never give. In SWNK, Manager Lee's father only sees his son as something to use, which causes tremendous strain. It has, in fact, directed his son's life: Manager Lee is not free. Manager Lee is not honest with YSA for selfish purposes. Manager Lee's fiance has forced him into an engagement for selfish purposes. CHS's ex wants to get back with him for selfish purposes. Our FL 's mother is selfish in her love. She tries to control her daughter while warding away outsiders. SWNK examines the downside of me-first relationships. "We must only desire what we can have. We must only challenge what we can handle," spouts the chairman - Control is what he taught his progeny. If you find yourself in a one way crush or an uneven relationship, it's best not to hang on. Let go, and work on yourself. The more we grow and improve, the more satisfying our love lives will be. Other people will not fix our deficiencies - only determination and hard work do that. The one sister had to learn the hard way. The tighter she held on, the more her mate wanted freedom. "Thank you for calling it off. If you hadn't, I wouldn't be living my own life," she later concludes. She had to become fully formed on her own. A friendship that has never been on even footing takes a nasty fall. The two were later able to make peace and forgive. They had to each stand on their own in order to be fully formed. Now they can rely on eachother once again.

Managing fear is part of this. "These people always do that. They tear your heart out and leave you for someone else. Then they come back as though nothing has happened. What's more appalling is that they think that they can undo what they've done," says YSA to CHS. They each endured relationships in which the 'other' used them instead of treasuring them. It's worthy of reflection. Examine your relationships. Gloss will never be lipstick, and a selfish person will never be the optimal mate. CHS describes himself as a greedy person - He's greedy for a deeper love relationship with her. That's the right kind of greediness and the right kind of selfishness. He wants to show love and to make °her° a priority.

"I want to give more." Due to her workload, YSA isn't giving as much as she's receiving in their union and it's weighing on her. That's the message. Humans are designed to get fulfillment by giving and helping. Temporary imbalances are unavoidable. As long as she's aware of the deficit and will pay back the debt one day, it's okay. All too many would slowly presume s/he deserves that special catering, which leads to taking our partners for granted. Next, love turns selfish and the relationship suffers. One couple works out an amicable separation because one of them is gay and had entered their relationship as a way to deny it. Amicable or not, their child is devastated. For the sake of the kids, I wish separating parents could declare a ceasefire and live in a duplex or on the same street until the kids are grown - I know; someday, over the🌈. This couple manages to divorce without bitterness. Our decisions don't affect just us, and we should consider the impact on others before we declare war on our child's father or mother.

SWNK has quality details on display. Almost every ep ends with them looking into eachother's eyes, and any exceptions send a message. The wardrobe is gorgeous. I Feel You, by SANDEUL, is Spotifiable. 💄 broadcasts our FL's state of mind. Supposedly a color expert, when she's dating Mgr Lee on the sly, she dons bright scarlet. I think she can get away with that color red, but it is very bright and, perhaps, a signal of trying too hard. As of ep7 her hairstyle and look soften as she softens up to CHS. Next she goes so soft, mid-show, that she's almost colorless, which reflects her pain. She sports a perfect color balance in the latter eps. 💄 connects the 2ndary couple as well. It's love-at-first-sight for him, so, when he hears the clerk tell her that the 💄 she wants is gone #for good# he says, in effect, "AU CONTRAIRE, I am the company president. I will give you what you desire!" Kron-ih-'kah, if what you desire is a simple romantic escape, SWNK has you covered.


What moves a person is your sincerity.


📣7 📝7 🎭7 💓7 🦋7 🌞7 🎨8 ⚡3 🎵/🔊7.3 😅3.5 😭4.5 😱2.5 😯4 🤔5 💤2.5 🔚8.5

Age + Pr!(k × 2 + B@$t@rd "see' kia" is often translated "punk" but here it's stronger.

Re-📺? Probably not, but it's worth watching once for the romance fan.

In order of light and trite to heavy and serious, you may also like: Start-up 7.5, Her Private Life 8 Touch your heart 8.2, A Witch's love 7.8, Romance is a bonus book 7.9, love to hate you 8.9, Love Struck in the city 7.3, Hospital Playlist 9 (it take 2 or 3 episodes to get rolling) More than friends 8, It's okay not to be okay 9, My Mister 9.5, I'll see you when the weather is fine 9, Something in the Rain 9,

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An Incredibly "Pure" Love Story
aggiemanalac26 April 2021
I so did not want this series to end. Everything about it is so pure, so real. I felt Song Ah's and Hyun Seung's emotion.

Perfect cast, perfect script, wonderful cinematography, great production values.

This is one series that I am certain I will watch over and over again.
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Okay But Far From Great
phone-man-126-94028316 February 2023
This show is okay but far from great. Actress Jin-ah Won and and actor Kim Seok-woo are excellent thought. If they were then what's the problem? Too many other romances, stories and character's issues going on. So many that it detracts from the main character's romance. It was hard to keep track who loved who, who hated who. There is just not enough time given to the main characters' story and romance. On the positive side the show does give us an interesting look into the world of a cosmetics company and its employees. I have o admit that I liked the ending. Korean shows (Kgramas) are known for their non-definitive open ending. This show at least shows what happens with the main characters.
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Not swoonworthy enough
shareen_shany18 July 2022
It's a good romantic drama. It's not swoonworthy enough. Loved Rowoon, his expression in difficult emotions are fantastic, you can feel the sadness, bitterness & happiness. But the female lead cast Jin-ah Won is a little bland. Can't really feel the love chemistry that makes you feel love. The kissing, hugging not swoonworthy enough, feels like there is something lacking between them.

The supporting couple between wedding dressmaker & KLAR CEO is sweet, they look actually cute together.

Normally there are lots of office gossip but here it's to the very minimum & supportive colleagues.

Not many women can & able to behave & act like the Hyun Seung middle sister after finding about her husband. That's so matured, brave & cool.

The loved, supports & maturity from Hyun Seung older sister is so awesome!
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Emotional and romantic love story
riniiba14 October 2023
This is another typical Korean drama. But I loved the series specially because of the acting of the cast and direction

The story was banal but direction and script was good. The attires c were very professional, elegant, chic and stylish, Except for the story, everything else was done masterfully. Jin-a quite artfully displayed her character's emotions, flaws, and resolution. She made her flaws appear humanly. On the other hand Rowoon was as usual brilliant. It really shows up that he researched and well thought about executing the role, if not he is gifted. His micro expressions were amazing, perhaps he is a method actor. I really hope he comes out his comfort zone of being "chocolate boy" and pursue some serious roles.

One thing I really like about romantic K-dramas is they are actually romantic. It's not about lust /sex / physical attraction. They depict the bond of love tastefully, and makes the lust look like a by-product - which is how it should be.
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I Loved Even The Painful Moments...
Chaokage8 June 2021
This is by far one of the best romantic Korean series I have ever watched. Kim Ro-Woon's character was definitely the star of this series. His presence resembled the presence of a sage. For someone young, he is a person who knows what he wants, why he wants it and how to defend it. Throughout the whole series, he keeps proving over and over to Won Jin-ah's character, who is older than him, that his views about what is and what is not are actually the true way of things. Every time he opened his mouth, he created a special moment in this series. This series also features painful moments especially during the last chapter of the series. Even at that time, I enjoyed them. This shows the importance and impact of Kim Ro-Woon's character on the overall atmosphere of the series. A must watch by all means!!!
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Very boring drama
xwbrksfm11 July 2023
When i first started watching i had high expectations for this drama. But it was a very slow drama i couldn't even finish the first 4 episodes and i think that the problem was the female lead.if it was another actress I'm pretty sure that it would be a chef's kiss because the male lead was perfect, the story, the one-sided love, the betrayal,............... This drama already has different lessons, different stories. But as i said it was very slow like i watched the first the second episode and everytime i thought it will get better in the next episode but unfortunately no it's not for me . Maybe another person will find it good and will love the drama because we can have different opinions.
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This Show Sneaks Up On You
bng-6375813 September 2022
The premise here is not unusual. Yoon Son Ah is the sunbae (boss) and Chae Hyun Seung is the hoobae (subordinate who is learning). Son Ah has lots of experience and he has basically none. We are talking about a company that makes and distributes cosmetics of all kinds. However, this is really a tale that presents several couples, one of which is these two, who have what I would call an "unbalanced" relationship, in which one person clearly has more love to share and a bigger emotional investment in the relationship than the partner does. Because these two are connected in a working relationship, the fact that they are seriously attracted to each other develops more slowly than it might otherwise. She goes "kicking and screaming" and he is all in much more quickly. He just loves her. Just because she "is". Added to all that is the angst of trying to keep the relationship secret, and not open to the work group they are affiliated with. That of course, is a waste of time, as they all figure it out promptly. However, they are only one of several relationships in the drama which encounter the same imbalance. This is about real life, not some fantasy. Hyun sung has sisters, and they all seem to have the same issue in one way or another. Either they or their partner is much more emotionally invested in their relationship than the other.

Rowoon owns this show. He is entirely engaging, sweet natured, and loveable the entire time, and in love with a woman who has been seriously hurt in love - recently. He is patient beyond belief. He rarely asks for anything for himself, but always steps in as a protector when least expected. Jin Ah-Won is really good as the sunbae, Yoon Song Ah. She has a strong personality, but she is tiny compared to this "bear" of a man who loves and protects her. But the road to happiness for them has speed bumps. It takes her time, and some distance, to truly understand what a miracle has happened in her life, and what she must do to protect that.

I really enjoyed this and will probably watch it again. I particularly applaud Rowoon for a totally believable and on spot performance. I really hope to we more from him in the future.
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A Romantic Journey
doug2go12 October 2022
The writing , directing and acting are to be commended - I give the producer/showrunner much credit for not getting bogged down in minutia and kept several romantic story lines moving at the same time - I actually binged watched the last 4 - one hour plus episodes - I think intertwined in the expected Hallmark ending to this story was the realistic sub plot romances that showed the risk and reward for people falling in love - included was work place drama with both success and failures alike - The only truly confusing thing was the chain of command - I get the Director & BM but there seemed to be a confusing array of senior positions under the Business Manager - Yoon gets promoted to General Manager in Europe but when she returns she seemed to lose that promotion and was lucky to get her old job back - or so it seemed . It was like almost 2 years in Europe did nothing for her career - I do like how they get divorced in Korea - I suspect the lawyers don't :)
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Ignore the nebulous title! This is a great series!
Geeta35216 July 2022
This is a must watch, especially because of the ML, Rowoon. He and the support cast make the show watchable. The storyline is believable, and the chemistry between the main leads is so real. Their story could happen to anyone. Great show!
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