Vol. 1 Dream the Name Is Rogells (Ruggells) (2011) Poster

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Is Your Life A Dream?
lorrgun21 November 2011
This is ambitious for a non studio film. That said, I would say it delivered. This is not a film that beats you over the head with its message. Lead actor Luke Flynn was interesting, fresh. He is the grandson of Erroll Flynn. Nice! The acting was good. Solid. I Would pay to see more of him for sure. Rachel Warner she can carry a film, Direct and Write it too! Ambitious comes to mind once again she is a knock out in her own right, I'll give her that. I would like to see more of her work on-screen for sure. Overall this movie looks like studio film. When I looked at it though, indeed it is Independent. So there you are cool Indies out there you just have to look for them.
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Life Is A Dream
jimipeerson20 November 2011
What a concept. I found this film on Twitter and then I watched it on Amazon. This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. First the whole movie had sort of this Godard vibe very free flowing some jump-cuts and a the characters all had their own quirkiness. So I liked all these strange uptight, pot smoking say it like it is real life people. Classic. I don't think this film was meant to be funny but often times it was hilarious. The conservative out of touch father to the outrages pothead brother. Great scenes. Yes I would even watch again because some of the ideas introduced simply have never been on-screen. Literally. I loved the Matrix so I was an easy sell on the plot line. I would rally for this film to get to a wider audience. Another thing I noticed were the many locations, the beach... The Florida houses and the strange inhabitants... Funny. Luke Flynn looks like a real movie star his acting was spot on and Rachel Warner is equally captivating. These two together and their chemistry I found more interesting to watch then some of the top notch stars these days.
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This is a cool film
stevejacob21 November 2011
A friend recommended this film. And all I can say is what WTF! This is one of those films that will haunt you. You'll remember the lines, because some of the dialog is effing amazing. If you see the film you will know exactly what I mean. This film is in a class all its own. It is gutsy. Few filmmakers get to make the film they really wanna make. But Rachel Warner made the film she really wanted to make that's my hunch. There was no compromise in vision. There could have been more skin they are both hot in that "commercial way." But the film was about, "What makes this world real?" ...So T&A didn't rule. The film looked kind of racy on the cover and storyline but it was more like be careful it might go over your head. Well done.
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Remember the crush you on that guy in school...he's back
lucidi211 April 2012
How much fun was that? Okay let me cover a few bases before I begin. A.Production Value Top notch. This film was shot in some really interesting locations. Mansions, Beaches, Schools, Factories, and really weird places I could not begin to describe, then there are the most bizarre cast of characters. Classic. A. Who in God's name came up with a story like this? B. Who found these great actors? C. Where the hell do you find locations like that...sorry I was a scout on a few films and let's just say it's a million dollar waiver just to shoot for a few hours on public property and I see the film was shot on way, way less. That alone was impressive. The script. Great. Really I am into films like Memento, Matrix, and Inception. When I consider the budget of those films and the one I just watched. I had to give it up and rate it a 10. This would be impossible to create on that budget anyone would agree. Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Not an easy mix. Great lighting. Spot on acting. This film took on a life all its own and you have to really pay close attention. The movie was shot out of sequence, so the story is not straight forward, not predictable, the car ride is a constant metaphor which ties the film together. And the teacher he opens and closes the film. Tight. If you like gun fights and T&A, it ain't here. But the movie struck a chord. A good one. I had a good time the first time I watched, then I watched it again. It's a keeper. Check it out.
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The Lucid Dream
paulsoledd27 November 2011
One of the things that struck me when I watched this film was the dialog. Not an easy task to pull off two grown people searching for a bridge and a higher state of consciousness in the midst of desolate beach and a deep forest no less! But they did. They were completely raw and real. The shots and angles were refreshing and unique. Example, shooting through a window and zooming out to a girl on a side walk. The shots were set up exceptionally well using various visual metaphors. Often in Indie films sophisticated shots like these are lost and it just gets sloppy due to time and budget constraints. That's the difference between a guy with camera and an auteur creating a vision. This film lent itself to some of the greatest filmmakers of our time notably, Tarkovsky, Godard, Fellini. Very Impressed.
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Your life is a dream...
guyjen888827 November 2011
You could say it is similar to Inception and it is only in a more intimate way. I felt like I could really identify with these characters and their human struggle with life's burning questions: fate a complex subject. Then the question of fate vs destiny, "Is there a difference?" Good question. That in itself is fascinating but more unexpected were the answers, you would have to be a mystic or philosopher to write a film like this one. Honest, organic and playful not an easy combination. Not a ton of effects. The content and visuals were satisfying. I did not miss the cars flying across the freeway or 'the usual' gun fights. This is a film meant to blow your mind in a quiet way.
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If your life is a dream...oh yeah
awilson10102026 November 2011
I have never seen a film quite like this before. I heard about it online from an Indie film critic. Of the billions of dollars spent on new movies and the stars yearly, wow this was so refreshing thank you for making it! It was a dreamy Godard vibe of a film... Two people sincerely looking 'beyond the veil' that society drapes over us. I love it! Especially with the state of the world now, very timely. Then they flash back to the car "on the ride of life' great metaphor. There were scenes that were really funny too. A movie that's funny, sincere, not even trying to be cool- like most films. If you really watch this film you see metaphor and symbolism everywhere a hidden gem, a sophisticated Indie film.
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Is this a dream?
simonstewart8818 December 2011
Can you say Never been done? Maybe, not like this anyway. I think of Napoleon Dynamite or Juno just really "out there" films. Different. I say leave your staid and serious self behind because you will have missed the point, an almost childlike mentality is required. It's free-spirited, free flowing, discovering- an ethereal world. Either you're down for the cosmic ride or your not. A younger audience may find this movie more ascertainable than adults who often take themselves too seriously. Much of the dialog is so good you almost want to hear it again like, "What makes this world more real than any other world your mind inhabits?" So I say let's go where no man has gone before! The inner sanctum. A clever well crafted story experimenting with the fabric of life itself consciously. It's a sort of Russian roulette utilizing the mind through dream. It's way too smart for the usual beat'em up and shoot'em up flicks. Diverse mise-en-sine you'll see thunderstorms in the afternoon, deserted beaches and Florida people- aren't they colorful? Flynn and Warner are engaged in a game, an unbreakable vow, to find and cross an invisible, secret barrier only to arrive at a higher more evolved state of consciousness. Going into trance meditations, getting lost in alternate realms, combined with time displacement; and the entry into a terrifying unknown place where the only escape is to locate and cross the bridge of illusion. The illusion makes up all the stuff of life including you and its effects. If you look at physics it's probably not too far from what reality might actually look like. This is a new paradigm, the human condition itself "as a query" in the most literal sense. And isn't that what films are meant to do? My parting words, thought provoking, deep and unexpectedly funny.
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Not A Waste Of Time
mjane390521 November 2011
There are so many films in theaters that I fully wish I had not wasted my time or money. This is not one of those films. I thought it might be some otherworldly love story. And it kinda was. It was touching and romantic and what makes it different are these two characters are involved in a game on a mission, the dejevu and the memory lapses create a sort of bubble that they are not in "Real Time" which made it more intriguing like where are they? Is it another realm? Is this guy dead, alive, a spirit guide, a memory? The romance interlocked with this game/mission, and Luke Flynn was sort of a bad guy. Ripping off a gas station and some other sketchy details. All in all it was refreshing honest and entertaining. Check it out.
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What makes this moment real?
kglasser198723 November 2011
I was engrossed in this film it felt like I was learning a secret or something, someone had never told me before! I had to really listen or I would miss it... Visually it was beautiful as well. Example there's a cool construction site in a light rain, they were talking about fate and destiny and it was surreal as the sky changing behind them. I love that idea that fate brings you to someone or destiny will connect you to who, or where you need to be. The questions were deep. Searching for "the bridge of illusion" the quest to find out "What is real?" "And what makes this moment real?" It has that LOST vibe to it. Fun film. I hope to see more like this.
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tera0999827 November 2011
I have to say that I could not predict this film. It opened as a pretty normal, average film. But this was far from average. In fact, if I was a studio exec I would take this film and run. You know why it's IN. This is exactly what people are hungry for right now. I'm a huge fan of the Matrix and the Vampire stuff. This was just uncanny. The way these two characters interacted. I was feeling like, "Hey is this another vampire film?", because if Luke Flynn had just wanted to suck her blood, this would be a huge HIT! In all seriousness, Rachel Warner knocked it out of the park. I found this movie on Twitter, I thought I'd give it a look. My parting words: Thought provoking, deep, and never been done before.
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This was a feel-good movie
lenmill223323 November 2011
So many Indie films are filled with blood and gore because they don't have any other real material, and at some point you just want to have a 'new cinematic experience.' If that's possible. This was awesome. My kid picked it off Amazon and it sounded interesting so being a movie buff I have to say this was a fun flick. My son is fourteen loved it. It's rare we agree on films. The first glimpse into this alternate realm was in this otherworldly school and the teacher was explaining the learning curve of life on Earth. Loved it. A whole new perspective on life. Life is school or a class. That's is a new spin for sure. The acting was great. The film took time out of sequence and the deJa vu helped to show time is not as linear as we think or experience. I'll buy that. A twist on the the meaning of life while making it entertaining. That would be a hard movie to come up with, someone did. Highly Recommend.
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I can't believe I didn't sees this sooner!!
lillyjay8523 November 2011
This movie is very cool. Looks like Luke Flynn has some good genes from the old grandad. Rachel Warner wow she is a natural and she's a girl's girl you can tell. Really liked them both. The movie: She picks up this hot mirage of a guy and he gets in the car and deju vu!! I love that! The story was really out there. She falls for the guy she knew in grade school. And he comes back into her life to teach her and she shows him a thing or two, lost in the woods on a vision quest she unravels this part of the puzzle -the puzzle is to become free of the illusion of the world. And they really care for each other but he is otherworldy. Oh so intriguing. Highly Recommend. More please.
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I cannot get tired of watching this film...
jhawkins3198724 November 2011
The first time I saw this film I thought wow this is great people really need to look outside of what they 'think' they know. And IT really bends reality for you. Meaning you'll think about it long after you've watched... I like the camera work, the angles, the lighting and the acting was spot on. I found this on you tube and clicked around the web and see there are plenty of fans for this film. Would prefer to see on the big screen. It would really impact you if you were in theater in the dark. Most people are watching on laptops and TV's. Heh.. Not quite the same. This is a really deep movie. So if you like fluff and typical movie goers favorites you may not like this film. This was shot on a budget with no name actors. But it really changes your view on reality, and I love that kind film. This is more mainstream with movies like Twilight or Inception. IF you like those two films you will like this one.
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Deja vu with a man from school
Lucy26117 March 2012
This was a Good Independent movie. Good acting for someone who just made their first movie and also helped direct it. To me that is talent to be able to do those two things at one time. The plot was good, but it is like Inception, you have to pay attention, or you can get lost in the movie. Great camera work. You should see this movie.. It was filmed in Sarasota Fl. So some of the scenes are beautiful. Sarasota, has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The story in this movie is a good one. I don't want to say too much, I will give away the movie. It brings two people together from the past. Then it gets exciting from that point. Also, Luke Flynn is easy on the eyes, very handsome guy.
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A whole new perspective
gsheen8823 November 2011
Wow! This was a good one. Some haters may miss the blood, gore and gratuitous sex. But maybe not, this satisfies a deeper need. "What make IT real?" You, your life, everything. I'm no scientist but this conjures the very physics of existence. It was shot in such a way that we really were down for a ride. A cosmic ride. And I felt really different at the end of this film. I felt like the point was to question reality but also to enjoy the ride -polar opposite to know, not know, and just 'be' and if indeed we are in a realm of learning a class known as 'human', okay. In a way I think this could be right on the mark. This is a very out of the box thought process. So that willingness to go for the ride has to be there. I say check it out.
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