The Institute (2022) Poster


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hampersnow-4136923 March 2022
I only watched this for the male lead who at least tries to act and has many nearly nude scenes. The females have some total nude scenes, and I mention the nudity because this film offers little else. At times it seems to border on an adult film, but it's just a dull and lifeless mess, in which characters only act in the way they act in bad movies. There is no horror or scares to this at all. Poorly filmed, it was obvious some scenes were filmed with a green screen and badly, as the actors were strangely outlined. Not worth anyone's time.
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Not a lot of redeeming qualities
DerangedPika24 March 2022
It's not easy to make a good movie so I feel bad being this brutal but this movie has a lot of problems.

First of all, I was immediately turned off but the opening scene CGI which wasn't great - to put it kindly. The odd thing is there was nothing really like it in the rest of the film. Thank goodness. At least there are some more practical effects that show up closer to the end of the movie that were pretty decent. If you can't do good CGI you should probably just avoid it. (Pro tip from someone who's never made a movie!)

Secondly, the acting could use some work. Some of the performers sound like they are reading their lines from a teleprompter. The male main lead Daniel gave a decent enough performance. Marie was good at being topless... I'll leave it at that.

I liked the concept behind the movie but the plot was only okay. I could basically guess what's going to happen most of the time, so I feel like they needed to add something more unexpected for the story to remain interesting.

There's a few decent bits of cinema photography but other times it looks a bit like cheap video. Perhaps it needed some atmospheric lighting? I don't know.

In the end it's more of a background movie to watch while you doom scroll on Twitter or watch cat videos on Tik Tok.
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Another low budget mess from Gravitas
stevelivesey6723 March 2022
Badly acted, directed and written.

The plot was fairly interesting but the execution was poor due to lack of talent and budget.

Gravitas seem to make these movies with a 50 quid budget and the are perfect for millennials who are scrolling through tik tok whilst not paying attention. Avoid.
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It's an indie
If you watch the trailer before watching the film you can clearly see that this is an ULB (maybe even no-budget) feature. As such you have to grade features like these on a curve. Does it trip up? For sure it does, but it's clear that a majority of the errors are budgetary. Look at their IMDb and you can see this was created by a bunch of first time feature filmmakers and knowing that I've seen A LOT WORSE. I hope these filmmakers get to make more movies.
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It's all natural
nogodnomasters3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Marie (Victorya Brandart) had an incident giving child birth and appears she can't have children. She has poor quality CG nightmares. They find a place called The Lands Institute located in New England that specializes in fertility with unorthodox treatments. They go as a charity case. Husband Danny (Ignacyo Matynia) distrusts the doctor (Mark Lobene) who is cult-like and we soon discover has cameras in every room.

The film didn't build properly for the ending. Managed to stay half engaged.

Guide: F-word. Sex. Nudity (Victorya Brandart)
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The Institute
BandSAboutMovies23 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first full-length movie from director and writer Hamza Zaman, who also plays Yogi, The Institute is about Marie (Victorya Brandart) and Dan Sullivan (Ignacyo Matynia), who find the remote clinic of Dr. Arthur Lands, who they hope can finally help them to have a child. His methods are bizarre, but are they sinister?

Of course they are.

Why else would be watching this movie?

Actually, the baby making on display in this movie is basically tripping out in a roomful of strangers while lights flash and a radiation machine does its scientific magic, which seems quite out of the blue, but I was there for it.

What I really love is that the official site for this movie is really for the Lands Institute, located in the gentle hills of the Ipswich mountains. Far far away, behind the mountains, far from the teeming diseased cities we lay our plans, says the site, which stays in character.
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Other votes are way too high
erlibbio25 February 2024
This movies reviews are suspect.

All positive reviews are extremely generic, while bad reviews are much more in-depth (and close to what I observed).

This movie is hard to watch; boring and with terrible green screen keying.

Just don't watch this movie if you're not into watching weird people speak in a boring way for two hours while standing out from the background like sore teeth.

I have to add this to match the required length: it seems obvious to me that quite a lot of friends and family of the actors/producers helped it to get as much visibility as possible. Sadly, you cannot turn s#it into gold like this.
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Ultra Low but aims high
info-9939725 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone who attempts to make an ultra low-budget horror film or thriller hopes to make the next "Night Of The Living Dead" "Paranormal Activity" or "Blair Witch Project." "The Institute" falls a bit short in that ambition. Although another reviewer likened "The Institute" to "Rosemary's Baby" this film is more reminiscent of the films "Island of Lost Souls" which was based on the H. G. Wells novel and remade two more times under the original title as "The Island of Dr. Moreau" with actors Burt Lancaster and Marlon Brando no less playing the evil doctor.

Writer/Director Hamza Zaman who also has a cameo as the Yogi has put together a well shot and edited film that slightly misses the mark.

Amram Bauman's cinematography is very good and the lead actors Ignacyo Matynia and Victorya Brandart portraying Danny and Marie are also good, and for the most part so were the supporting characters with the exception of the actor portraying Dr. Lands; he was not very convincing. The character of Sebastian, (apparently an early attempt at creating a modified human with for some reason fishlike appendages), comes off as extremely cheap visual effects, although the actor under the makeup does his best with what he's given to work with. The music at times is somewhat overbearing and unnecessarily loud and Mr. Zaman should have directed the placement of the music better.

That said this film moves at a good pace once the actors arrive at the institute. The opening scene is a nightmare sequence as Marie is being chased by some bad visual effects. There are some well shot sex scenes, and an orgy that comes out of nowhere and ultimately goes nowhere.

The film builds to a very good chase sequence where Danny and Marie are being pursued through the woods and fields surrounding the institute. Again good cinematography and editing keeps the audience engaged throughout this pursuit. The character of Buck who Marie meets when pounding on his trailer door looking for help is somewhat stereotypical but well played by actor Benjamin Curns. The last shot would have been really creepy around 1977 but ultimately falls a bit flat in 2022.

One hopes that Mr. Zaman gets more opportunities to work with higher budgets where he can flesh out his characters more and not rely on subpar visual effects.
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Well, that was something
jimcancook23 March 2022
I thought the actors portraying our protagonists, Daniel and Marie, did a reasonable job. Some have commented that the rest of the characters were not well acted, but I think it was a conscious decision on the part of the filmmakers to have most of the characters appear to be "wrong" in one way or another. The head of "The Institute" appeared somehow divorced from his emotions. I've seen worse ways to spend 90 minutes.
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cjkfinchley26 March 2022
I enjoyed this movie much more than I'd expected. The other reviews don't mention how much FUN it was. Yes it's an independent film but the premise and the actors were pretty good. The Couple worked well together and The Doctor was suitably creepy. It was certainly entertaining :)
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A Parenting Horror
BryanRibeiroKey28 March 2022
Certainly a great attempt at using horror and creating a family. Interesting setup!

Some moments of real interesting execution. A fun campy film if you can see it that way.
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Great Independent Film
pauly-626553 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Institute is reminiscently similar to the eerie themes and imagery associated with movies prod uced by such film makers as David Lynch and Fredrico Fellini. From the trauma of the miscarriage to the deformity of the doctor's children, the movie is setup for a film buff to explore the surreal motifs associated with independent movie making. Victorya Brandart's lead role leaves the watcher wanting more. A perfect blend of chemistry, method acting, and a hint of darkness characterizes what beneath the absurdity of the plot is a wonderful performance.

If you are not a connoisseur of avant garde and creative filmmaking, then it is not likely you will be able to appreciate a movie of this caliber. However, if being adventurous and perceptive in the way you evaluate and digest film, then I would encourage you to watch this movie.
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jttm-2039030 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dan looks like Ted from Schitts creek. Overall not a bad movie. Hard to find descent movies lately to watch.the dr and his minions were creepy and very robotic or alien to earth. Every time they went to the lab you could tell that it was in front of green screen. Acting could have been better throughout. Also how could they afford this retreat when they were complaining about hospital costs. The dr reminds me of the physcho dr from the human centipede. The ending is ridiculous. Could have done without the alien/mutant child with the crab hand attack. It had potential. Sorry to say did not rate high on thriller scale for me.
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This is a funny and interesting movie
john_mathon5 June 2022
I have seen a few of these Amazon and Netflix "sci-fi" movies. 9 times out of 10 they take place in one room and a bunch of people freaking out. This movie has locations, action and me and my fiancé laughed through the whole thing. It is like body snatchers. We enjoyed it. I bet you would too.
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Silly and unrealistic
thegodyoda19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Too many problems with this film, from the bad GCI to the characters. One minute they love each other (literally), the next minute they hate each other. Also, why on earth would a husband, who complained to his wife that the doctor seemed to "enjoy" examining her, be ok with sharing her with the other members, one of whom is a guy? If the entire point of the visit is for husband and wife to get pregnant and have a baby, it would kinda be counter-productive if the other man got her pregnant. Amirite?

Also, the fish boy looked like something that a high school drama class would come up with, just saying...
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Good movie
fluffchop12 July 2022
The scores are unusually low for such a good movie. They should have had a 4th act after she gave birth. There could have been more sex and nudity to flesh out the film. The first act was a bit superfluous and long winded. They could have skipped it and then continued the film after the alien child was born. I liked it.
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Talented writer
salsai-212 June 2022
Talented writer with a cool plot and a hot cast make this a winner! Really enjoyed it as very diversified casting . Good editing for a fist time major release.
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Excellent Movie with a ton of suspense and mystery!
I went into this movie expecting a lot after seeing the trailer which intrigued me. The storyline for this movie is very appealing because it's dealing with a couple who is having fertility issues and trying to have a baby. The writer/director of this movie did a hell of a job at keeping the audience guessing as to what was really going on and building this sense of tension and dread that things weren't completely what they seemed. The acting in this movie is very good-- there is strong chemistry and believable performances from the two leads (Victoria Brandart and Ignacio Matynia) who carry the film. Doctor Lands (Marc Lobene) is CREEPY and his presence becomes very unsettling as the movie progresses! He is definitely up to something nefarious and the writer/director did a phenomenal job by not telegraphing it and letting the scenes build on each other.

The two other couples who are at the Institute play their parts well and do a solid job with their acting. They created an environment that feels real as it's it's part clinic /part resort vacation. That pale attendant of the doctor -- she was also very good at being menacing and having an unsettling presence about her. She just seemed to pop up EVERYWHERE.

Overall THIS is great indie film making on a solid budget. I'm glad I bought this film and I highly recommend checking it out.
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Fun movie, especially for the 20-45 y.o. age group; has replay value
While the opening is a little slow, I liked this movie once it got going. The ending is totally worth it.

I've watched it a couple of times and there's definitely some replay value: I noticed a whole bunch of gross/hilarious things the second time around that I didn't see earlier. I imagine this will be a hit amongst the 20-45 year old age group, all genders included.
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Horror in a new style
marielaiv_11 June 2022
Enjoyed this film . Comical horror indie that is well written . Interesting story line. A film I actually watched from the beginning to the end, meaning it had my attention. Great job hamza and the team involved .
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Great Indie!
filmfan-623879 April 2022
If you are looking for a socially redeeming sob fest this might not be it.. while the topics covered could be sensitive the movie just goes straight for entertainment and eye candy.. in which it succeeds! Really enjoyed this!
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Perfect Blend
vxvyytp14 April 2022
I truly loved the mixed of a good thriller and a realistic topic that nobody talks about.


And my respect for creating such an amazing movie during the Pandemic and with informed funds 🙌🏽
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Great Film
jarredharper5 May 2022
This film struck a great balance of the thriller aspects while having you care about the main characters and their journey to find the solution to having a child.
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