Bled (2009) Poster


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checo_spiderman2 April 2009
This movie is just crap, I cant put it differently. Since the very beginning one knows is going to be crap.

The story, dialogue, acting, special effects, make-up, pretty much EVERYTHING sucks. I like vampire movies and I know they will never be Oscar winning movies but this one is not even worth seeing, I can't believe how somebody produced this thing.

It's not even about vampires, it's more about a dream/reality experience. The development of the movie is incoherent, the motivation of the characters is... Doesn't exist, everything seems like a big joke. Maybe that's what they tried to do, but I sincerely doubt it. I wish I knew what they tried to pull but it just backfired, it's definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life (and I've seen many bad movies, but nothing compared to this) Please, make yourselves a favor and do NOT watch this.

P.S. It's also full of clichés! P.S. 2 Bad Script, Bad directing, Bad cinematography. P.S. 3 I bothered commenting on this as a favor to everyone.
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Sarah is awesome!!!
imran_qadir2525 March 2009
simply i just watched this movie just because of Sarah & am also giving these 4 stars just because of her,on the other side This movie was easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Theacting was horrible. The script was uninspired. This was a movie that kept contradicting itself. The film was sloppy and unoriginal. its not like I was expecting a good film. Just something to give me a jump or two. This did not even do that.

he worst thing is that, the more I think about the overall plot, the less sense it actually makes and the more holes we keep finding. A real shame really, as I'm fairly sure that there was a good idea lurking in there somewhere...

I'm perhaps being a bit harsh giving the film a 4/10 but given the actors involved and again SARA obvious writing talent, this film really should have delivered far more.
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Smoking that stuff gives you one hell of a "whitey"
mesa147-112 April 2009
What on earth? Like watching an episode of Neighbours after drinking two bottles of cough medicine- nightmarish and making no sense at all. I was waiting for the clever part where everything fits into place and saves the film. Maybe it was there and i just missed it, or was lost on me.

My strongest suspicion is that it is a thinly veiled attempt to market a new drug thats about to hit the streets. I wouldn't say "don't watch it" but I will say its pretty poor on every level- like am dram in high def. Whack. Unless you drink two bottles of cough syrup. Then it's just dandy.
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I'm drawing a blank... this movie has erased my intelligence
Smells_Like_Cheese8 June 2009
Once again, I fell for it, in my roots I crave a fun and gory horror film, even a vampire one. Even if it's stupid, as long as I get my fun gore in the mix, I'm a happy camper, it doesn't take much. So I saw the cover of "Bled" over at Hollywood Video and was kind of curious what it was about, it looked kind of interesting, so I decided to rent it. Why? Why do I always fall for it? Not only did this movie not fulfill the satisfaction I needed for my gore and senseless violence and nudity, but I was bored out of mind. This movie has the kahoonies to say it's a vampire movie and it's really not! I'm so close to going back to the store and begging for money back because this is one of the rare times I actually turned the movie off.

An artist meets a vampire, I think, dunno, I'm still trying to figure out what the heck he was but his name was Reinfield, so I'm assuming maybe he's a cockroach eating guy who likes to freak people out? I think, I dunno. Anyways, he thinks the artist has a certain flare for darkness, so he gives her a drug to go into an alternate fantasy where a vampire exists and needs blood to become alive? I think, I dunno. So her friends get excited and decide they wanna try the drug too, I think, I dunno. So after they decide to try the drug, things get weird, the fantasies are real, I think, I dunno, and the vampire is now enjoying the will big breasted girls in scandly clad clothing. I think, I dunno. But a couple of the girls really end up being vampires? I think, I dunno.

Sorry for all the "I dunno's", this is possibly one of the worst reviews I'm going to write, but that's because this movie was just awful, boring, and confusing. I love just seeing these wanna be actors who you can tell are waiters looking for that "big break". Not too smart that they fell in the cliché of the horror genre, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, in this case, they really should have read the script. Because the movie, the look, the feel, the acting, everything about this movie was just bad, I really recommend that you just pass the movie if you see it at your video store. This possibly could have been an interesting movie with it's concept of a different dimension, but why did they pick this director to display his "creativity" if he even has any? This was a bad movie, just stay away.

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Do not watch this movie
jonathanhahn19 April 2009
This movie is probably one of 3 worst movies made in history. I rented this by chance, without reading reviews, and wow, do I regret it. Really has no plot, doesn't really follow the vampire genre. Just plain god awful. Watching this movie will taint your enthusiasm for vampire movies. I felt like the writer/director/producer went on this drug binge and had hallucinations and tried to recreate it on film. Whole time I wanted the movie to end.. but the ending was even more whacked.

If this review can save just one person from watching this crap, I felt my time spent on registration and writing this review was well worth it.
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I want my money + 95 minutes back please.
markiefaust20 June 2009
I rented this movie today... worst movie EVER. It was a total waste of time and a horrible story. The acting was horrible, especially by the actress of "Sai". She was so bad it was ridiculous. I can't tell if it was her bad acting or because the character was just that stupid in the first place. I can't even get my mind wrapped around just how awful and pointless this whole movie was. I'm surprised someone even thought it was a good idea to FILM this movie and bother to release it.

If you're looking for a good Vampire/Horror flick.. this is not the movie for you. Move right along! It's a waste of time and money. Heck, I wouldn't even DOWNLOAD this movie if someone PAID me.

This movie is so bad it doesn't even deserve a "1". I wish I could give it a "0"!
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Uwe Boll has competition
swearagen9 April 2009
Bled is a very apt title for this As you watch it you will feel your life being bled from you . The cliché in horrors is about people doing exactly what they shouldn't ( going down into the basement or going up into the attic) Then the trouble ensues Take heed then DON'T watch this film .Show the brains that victims in horror movies never do Stay clear Do not enter .And if you need anymore incentive This film? is as bad as the worst Uwe Boll film I mean ,The house of the dead bad. I have often thought about entering a review of a film on I.M.D.B. and ,after watching some based on the comments herein ,I discovered I guess everyone's entiled to his/her opinion. Please trust me on mine
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Boring as hell.
poolandrews22 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Bled starts as young female artist Sai (Sarah Ferooqui) meets a mysterious yet charming man named Renfield (Jonathan Oldham) & they end up back at her studio apartment where he gives her the bark of some sort of tree which is used as a hallucinogenic drug when melted down. Sai quickly becomes hooked as she is whisked into an alternate fantasy reality which involve Vampiric creatures. Sai's photographer friend Royce (Chris Ivan Cevic) becomes concerned about her as she drifts further from reality as she becomes addicted to the drug, can Royce her kick the drug or will it end up ruining her life & why did the mysterious Renfield get her addicted to the stuff in the first place & do the elaborate fantasy dream like trips have any significance?

Co-produced & directed by Christopher Hutson this anaemic arty Vampire flick is pretty much 95 minutes of tedium & is throughly deserving of all the bad comments. The script was written by the interestingly named Sxv'leithan Essex (how the hell do you even pronounce that anyway?) who is also credited as production designer & his unusual name is actually more interesting than anything that ever happens in Bled, I would guess that the makers set out to make a very serious fantasy based horror film with a strong moral message about the dangers of drugs, drug addiction & date rape drug at it's core. The majority of the film is spent on the drug issue with Sai's initial introduction to the drug, how great the first time was & how she becomes hopelessly addicted which eventually destroys her, her life & her friends lives. It's never explained where she keeps getting this drug from as Renfield only gives her a little bit during their initial meeting but hey, who cares? The first twenty odd minutes of Bled are really boring & dull, the following hour or so aren't much better before a mess of a final ten minutes which involve a Vampiric monster & Renfield making a reappearance. The moral elements are patronising, the fantasy elements seem like an afterthought & the horror is none existent. There's also the dialogue which is awful, every sentence tries to be profound, have loads of hidden depth & just tries to have so much meaning that it becomes tiresome to listen to.

The concept of the film is terrible & so is the execution as there's absolutely no gore or violence to speak of & the entire thing is set inside an apartment that doesn't appear to have any lights. The fantasy setting looks a little better but it's sparsely seen & underused. There are no scares here, no atmosphere & to make matters even worse the makers have decided to used muted very faded colours which I just hate & find annoying, what's wrong with a nice colourful image? It seems to me to be a fad with current filmmakers who seem to think that it automatically makes a film cool or adds atmosphere which it most certainly doesn't, more often than not it just makes your film look dull & drab as evidenced here with Bled.

This probably had a low budget & was shot in Los Angeles & it has reasonable production values but it's all so dull. The acting didn't impress me, I didn't care for or about anyone which is never a good sign.

Bled is a terrible Vampire film that goes for psychological horror as well as physical with all sorts of parallels to real life dug addiction & what it can do to little or no effect because the whole thing is so dull. There might be an audience for a film such as this but considering the other comments not that big a one.
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An American reviewing an American film: OH THE HORROR
chinarider911 April 2009
As Americans, we have come to expect crapiness as "par for the course" when it comes to HORROR and unknown directors directing unknown actors acting for unknown writers. We truly expect this to suck & when they don't suck,it becomes an over night success.

This is NOT an over night success, nor is it an over the weekend or over the month success. This blows from start to finish and my only recommendation is this: GO INTO THIS KNOWING IT SUCKS, enjoy it for what it is, for what it isn't & if you have something better to do, keep this on the back WAY BACK burner. It's entertaining in the way watching the elderly cross a busy street during rush hour, but don't expect much-they almost never get hit by an actual car, its just a lot of hoopla.
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This movie is crap but Sarah Farooqi is awesome!!!,
the_bichu3 April 2009
simply i just watched this movie just because of Sarah & am also giving these 4 stars just because of her,on the other side This movie was easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Theacting was horrible. The script was uninspired. This was a movie that kept contradicting itself. The film was sloppy and unoriginal. its not like I was expecting a good film. Just something to give me a jump or two. This did not even do that.

he worst thing is that, the more I think about the overall plot, the less sense it actually makes and the more holes we keep finding. A real shame really, as I'm fairly sure that there was a good idea lurking in there somewhere...

I'm perhaps being a bit harsh giving the film a 4/10 but given the actors involved and again SARA obvious writing talent, this film really should have delivered far more.

This movie is just crap, I cant put it differently. Since the very beginning one knows is going to be crap.

The story, dialogue, acting, special effects, make-up, pretty much EVERYTHING sucks. I like vampire movies and I know they will never be Oscar winning movies but this one is not even worth seeing, I can't believe how somebody produced this thing.

It's not even about vampires, it's more about a dream/reality experience. The development of the movie is incoherent, the motivation of the characters is... Doesn't exist, everything seems like a big joke. Maybe that's what they tried to do, but I sincerely doubt it. I wish I knew what they tried to pull but it just backfired, it's definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life (and I've seen many bad movies, but nothing compared to this) Please, make yourselves a favor and do NOT watch this.

P.S. It's also full of clichés! P.S. 2 Bad Script, Bad directing, Bad cinematography. P.S. 3 I bothered commenting on this as a favor to everyone.
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Unusual Take on Vampire Mythos
Gore-Girl9 November 2009
I caught this movie on the Horror Channel and was quite impressed by the film's Gothic atmosphere and tone. As a big fan of all things vampire related, I am always happy to see a new variation of the vampire mythos, in this case, a ghoul-like creature residing in a Lovecraftian other dimension. The director has done a brilliant job of conveying the dark mood of the subject, using the decadent art scene as a backdrop to what is essentially a tale of love spanning time and space- the pure love of friendship opposed to the lust for blood and life by the vampires in the story. The characters in the story are transported to another dimension by the means of a mind-altering substance, where a shape-shifting vampire creature appears to grant them their hearts desires, whilst draining them of their life essence. There are some analogies to drug addiction and loss of control, and how this affects a group of friends in an artistic circle. I enjoyed watching the 2 main male characters in the story, Chris Ivan Cevic and Alex Petrovich, who were very attractive hunks, always a plus point in a vampire story for the female viewers! The special effects make up and creature effects were well done, and the set design of the vampire's dimension was very effective. All in all, an enjoyable take on vampire myths, and recommended for anyone who likes their vampires with some intelligence and not just action. The only thing missing to make it even better would have been a bit more eroticism and nudity, as it would have suited the plot and themes.
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A Good Year For "B" Horror Movies
DSP91913 April 2010
While this movie does not have high production values by today's standards, it is about a subject that few filmmakers broach so openly--the hallucinatory effects of drugs. Many famous historical personalities had experiences with drugs, notably poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the painter Modigliani, whom Picasso admired greatly. I enjoyed this "B" movie as a thrill ride, because, like Coleridge's poem Kubla Khan, it was the product of a drug-induced state. The protagonist is an artist whose whose work appears to be enhanced by the drug experience, despite its other more frightening aspects which include turning her into a vampire. Like many other horror movies released in the past year, "Bled" fills a gap now that was filled by Stephen King, and a few others, 20 years ago, and previous to that, by The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. "B" horror movies come in many different forms but they are a distinct genre, just as gangster/crime films form a (usually) distinct genre, and war movies, and comedies.

I use the B label to distinguish it from A movies, which have higher production values and are more profound: in my opinion, A movies from last year include Star Trek,The Hurt Locker,The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3 (remake), and Brothers.

While last year may not have been the greatest year for "B" horror movies, I did watch quite a few, and I liked them all at least some, for various reasons. Some fall more in the sci fi category, and some are better considered in both categories. Many were poorly reviewed, and some were only reviewed by horror film aficionados. Some were clearly made only to make money, and are not that good, particularly those that have already been explored previously. The best film I have seen in the past year, in this category, is "Shutter Island." It may end up with some Oscar nominations, and if it doesn't, it should. Second, perhaps, is "Drag Me To Hell" in which Sam Raimi piles on the supernatural special effects in a story of a gypsy's curse. The others include, "The Wolfman", "The Crazies", "The Graves", "Pandorum", "The Thaw","Pandemic", "Hardwired", "The Butterfly Effect: Revelations", End Game (2009),"The Devil's Tomb", "Deadline" and "The Train" (both with Thora Birch),"Mirrors","The Uninvited" "My Bloody Valentine", "Hard Candy" (actually from 2-3 years ago and with a younger Ellen Page), "Farmhouse", "The Last House on the Left" (remake), "The Strangers" (stands out to me, despite a mediocre review from Rogert Ebert), "The Horsemen", "The Box", "Final Destination 3-D" "Dark Country", "Hydra", "The Killing Room", "The Fourth Kind", "Children Of The Corn" (remake) and "District 9". This is a selective list.
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Pretentious and dull
dbborroughs19 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Pretentious horror film that looks like a soap opera gone goth about a drug that send you to a fantasy world where strange creatures lurk. The film has some good imagery but its odd mix of whats real and whats not doesn't go anywhere. Worse are the vague pronouncements in voice over from one of the characters. It seems to herald a more serious, more meaningful film, but I don't think they even got into the serious or meaningful territory to begin with so trying to over sell the meaning comes off silly. There isn't a great deal to say, people talk, take drugs have visions...they talks some more. Its not bad so much as pointless and dull. The dull is the sin here and the reason you'll want to avoid this.
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I felt like I bled out watching this...
paul_haakonsen21 February 2023
I remember having stumbled upon this movie some years ago, as I recall the movie's cover. I just didn't pick the movie up back then, so I actually never have watched "Bled" before now in 2023. I had the opportunity to sit down and watch it, and of course I did so, since I had not seen it before.

While the movie's cover was interesting, the contents of the storyline was a whole different story. I found the script and storyline, as written by Sxv'leithan Essex, to fall short of entertaining me. The movie felt like an artsy, surrealistic dream, as if the writer had been spaced out on something and watched one too many vampire movies whilst riding that high.

The acting performances in the movie were probably fair enough. I can't say that I cared much really, because the storyline was just utter rubbish.

Visually then "Bled" was an adequate enough movie. Though you shouldn't expect to be blown away by anything spectacular.

My rating of director Christopher Hutson's 2009 horror movie "Bled" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Worth Watching. People criticize this because it's not commercial. Gimme a break!!!!
AvicusUK8 May 2011
What's wrong with you people... So you're criticizing a film because it doesn't fit a genre???? This film is great because it doesn't feature some old man in a cape, or a beautiful young vampire that every girl finds sexy... come on!!! This film is good simply because it's a complete new approach... In fact it makes a lot of sense since we are not talking about full fledged vampire, we are talking about a Succubus which is slightly different from the average vampire...

I'm upset due to the fact that you guys criticize a film because of being different and it doesn't fit your cliché commercial style... Get real... this is why this is an Indie release

This is a really good film indeed, good acting, quite graphic and well written. Definitely worth watching. Unlike most vampire films this flick is a more spiritual, introspective and personal way of looking at this subject. I Recommend it to people who are into low budget Indie releases, but make not mistake, this is a hight standard Indie release.
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not as awful as expected
kittenlis22 June 2010
The acting left much to be desired, the special effects were dark and artsy (which was the theme of the movie and made sense), and the vampires were at least not shimmery and all happy shiny people... thank goodness.

My feeling is that vampires have been so dumbed down and made to be adorable for today's teenage girls, that true vampire stories are being lost and not being made available b/c of the ridiculous recent trend of happy-shiny vampires. Vampires are NOT adorable or sweet. They are dark, moody, undead and desire human blood to live... love is an after thought.

But, one thing I will give this movie... I loved the score. The music was beautiful, dark, Gothic and erotic.
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I watched this movie so you don't have to...
mlecuru-41-14126230 April 2011
I was hoping I could give this movie a negative star review, but I'll have to settle for a one-star rating. I'm sure the director wanted to make this Gothic-tinged succubus/vampire movie that was a metaphor for addiction. Instead, the characters were unlikable and unbelievable, the script was laughable, and the acting was awful. No, I take that back. The entire movie was awful. Not, gee, this is obviously low-budget awful. Not, I see they're going for campy horror movie awful. No, this movie was made with such a pretentious air of incompetence that it made the crap Uwe Boll makes look like ground-breaking cinema. If you liked this movie, you need to watch a better grade of movie.

To balance this review, I guess I should say something nice about my viewing experience. The sofa I sat on was soft...
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Unintentionally Funny Trash Fails I.Q Test
Bill35716 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The thing that's truly terrifying about this is that the filmmakers thought they were making something intelligent and sexy. Instead they made probably the stupidest horror picture of the year!

This movie starts with a bunch of art snob friends at a gallery. This trashy European weirdo walks up and starts talking pretentious fruitiness to the main character, sounding like he just walked out of an episode of Dark Shadows. He then offers her up some stick to smoke(yes, a freakin' stick), which she eagerly agrees! He picks off some red crap and puts it in a spoon for her to freebase! If this ever happens to you in real life, don't do it!

She's transported to some weird wannabe Jean Rollin netherworld that's supposed to be sexy but isn't, where there's this thing that looks like a rotted creature from the black lagoon!

Soon she turns all her artsy sleazeball friends onto her new form of supernatural crack. No matter how much these idiots freak out and turn blue they can't leave it the hell alone. At one point she even makes out with the rotten creature!

After the final battle and the stupid woman is vaporized or whatever, the so called hero is left alone to pack up his copy of Michael Moore's Dude Where's My Country and can't resist smoking that stick one more time to try to rescue his moron lady friend. What a dope.

Rates four stars for sheer unintentional humor.
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Bad, Bad Movie
blueangel927-19 June 2009
What can you expect from a direct to DVD film? You know what you are getting yourself into when you rent this. The quality of the cinematography reminds me of reality TV shows.

Why are they shots always up so close to the actors!? And why are they always centered? There isn't anything to look at. (And the actors are that great looking, so that blows.)

The writing and dialogue is just plain awful. That intro scene, with the British Guy is hilarious. Just try and listen this words, they hardly make any sense, just goes around in circles. The lines in the rest of the movie sounds like they were pull out of romance and sci-fi novels, as if the writers had no idea what they were doing. The characters definitely sound like they have no idea what they're saying.

This is a terrible movie. I feel bad for the actors tied to this project. Embarrassing!
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ShyJay21 March 2010
worst. movie. ever made. EVER. I have no words to say about it.. other then it truly had no point, no plot, no... anything. sheer crap!!! I don't know how everyone in the movie didn't shoot them shelves after watching it.... .... .... ... .. I love vampire flicks and mysteries, and alternate abstract outside the box films, and.... this was non of those. I mean what the crap!!! I cant even tell you what the film was about cuz I still don't know, and I just wasted an hour and ahalf of my life watching it... bottom line.. I think the maker of this film just wants everyone to do drugs. thats the only thing I got from this film. please don't watch this... I mean for a " sultry sensual vampire flick" there wasn't even the to be expected nudity you'd get from a vamp flick. anyway back to my point.... this movie blows. go set yourself on fire instead.... .. ..
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I really liked it!
LadyBeth1010 June 2010
As a vampire aficionado, I always like to check out a new film in the genre. I saw Bled last night on Comcast on demand for free, and I was pleasantly surprised. This film had a new take on it that was fresh and interesting. I just watched it for the third time and really love the direction by Hutson, the screenplay by Essex, and the production by Allard. For a B movie this was excellent. I can't even make it through most B movies once, so three times is quite a record. I have to say that the addiction subtext, the "Lovecraftian" parallel universe, and the question of demonic possession, and the tragic love story definitely elevated the film. This was a Jungian nightmare! It also has something I have missed from many recent vampire films: eroticism. True eroticism is one of the reasons I love vampire stories so much because of my early exposure to Dark Shadows and of course Dracula. I guess you could say the first time I read Dracula it also coincided with my own sexual awakening so this movie definitely filled the bill for me! So many recent vampire films are just gore and soft porn without a substantial plot or even passable acting. This had them all. The acting, direction, production, editing and score were great considering the low budget they had to work with! This is definitely an A1 B movie for the more cerebral horror fans!!!

But I don't think I would have enjoyed this movie quite as much without Chris Ivan Cevic!!! A STAR is BORN! This guy just lights up the screen! Not only is he incredibly handsome, sexy as hell, and drop dead gorgeous: He's also a good actor! If anyone in Hollywood actually reads this: HIRE THIS GUY!!! I can see him in romantic comedies, action flicks and anything in between! This guy has got that indefinable "IT," and he makes the movie immensely more enjoyable. Trust me....
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Good movie if you get the story.
Jschmitt8215 April 2009
I gave this movies a 7 out of 10. I think the general dislike of this movie is due to people not really understanding the plot. If you think about the story line this movie actually makes perfect sense, it just doesn't ever give you a dumbed-down explanation. Its true that the special effects are sub-par and it appears semi low budget, but I think the originality of the plot keeps you drawn in. People say that the vampire genre is overdone and clichéd out, But with Bled, what you get is not your conventional vampire flick. Its a dream/alternate reality story- line with a vampire/eternal life spin on it. I loved it. The only thing that kept me from giving it a higher rating was the lack of special effects and that I personally dislike movies where most of the people have accents. But like I said earlier, if you really get the plot this is not a bad movie..
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Don't bother
kristenall10 January 2013
Honestly the worst movie I have ever seen. As soon as it begins you just know that it's going to be painfully boring.It was unbelievably repetitive and it seemed to go no where at all, and it just as if you were watching the same thing over and over. The whole movie you feel as if it's building up for something to happen, and when something finally does happen, it is it always very expected and not in anyway something worth building up to at all. The story line so sketchy and rough. I did understand the story behind the movie, but I didn't feel like it was portrayed very well. At the end of the movie, it was kind of like, 'oh here's what the whole movie meant by the way, even though it's really not that exciting.' I suggest you don't bother with it.
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Suck the color out of it
kosmasp18 August 2010
I only found about this movie, because I read something about it, in the Fangoria magazine. And I remember it was something positive about it. After watching it, I think they meant the way it was shot (for a low budget movie, the cinematography is really good and it's a shame the Dop is not in on the audio commentary, which I haven't listened to yet) and the story overall.

This is not your usual American ("and other places") horror movie. Of course you could dismiss it from the start as "artsy-fartsy". But I think you wouldn't be fair to the movie or the filmmakers. They tried hard and depending on your will (and taste), you might even really like it. Of course you have to have some patience first, before the story gets going.

But Mr. Renfield (the filmmakers doing their homework, look it up) does what he is supposed to. And while other characters seem to be bland, they're to be convincing in portraying the odd cliché here and there.
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Not as horrible as I thought
childofkorn1320 April 2009
I watched this movie thinking it was going to be absolutely horrible and was ready for all the corniness, bad special effects, etc. But, I was pleasantly surprised. Not to say that it's the best vampire movie I have ever seen, but it certainly isn't the worst. I liked the whole alternate reality/dream state that played into the movie. The graphics were quite well for a straight to DVD movie and I liked the overall look of the film. I enjoyed the main character Sai. I usually end up hating the female leads but there was something about her that kept me interested. Yes, she does make some bad decisions, but that was to be expected. Yes, the other characters were stereotypical, but I was expecting that too. I don't know if I'd highly recommend this movie, but give it a chance and you might be pleasantly surprised. I'm putting this one on my guilty pleasures list.
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