"Blackadder Goes Forth" Private Plane (TV Episode 1989) Poster

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Private Plane - a complete riot of an episode!
general-melchett8 November 2006
Private Plane is easily the funniest episode of the entire Blackadder legacy. Yes, the plot is weak and the script has been written better in other episodes, but what makes this episode so great is that it throws the concepts of plot and complex writing out of the window and instead replaces it with a simple plot and a riotous new character, Squadron Commander Flashheart, played by Rik Mayall. And be honest, it's easy to watch Mayall make his riotous comments and actions for hours. The episode is once again predictable, and there is no extremely intelligent humour in it, but it is made great by hilarious one-liners, (Blackadder insults Baron von Richthoven's rank of "the greatest living German" - "Which, considering his competition consists of very fat men in leather shorts burping to the tune of "She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain", is no great achievement.") and rough, gritty Flashheart, and those two things alone make Private Plane a great episode to watch.

One other good thing about this episode is that we actually do get to see Baldrick and Blackadder in the air - the flight scene was obviously filmed in the sky, using authentic-looking WWI planes. I found this great because it shows that Blackadder has not been confined to the studio only, after the slight flop of Series 1. Not even Blackadder's plane getting shot down was done badly - it actually looked relatively well-done. Though this scene won't be winning any Oscars any time soon, it is good to see that Blackadder has once again made it beyond the studio boundaries, and while the flight scene is only one minute or-so long, it is relatively well-done and a credit to this episode - if this were like previous episodes, then there would have never been a flight scene, and Blackadder would have updated us by speech once again. A huge thumbs-up to the Blackadder crew for once again filming outdoors. Studios in the late 80s/early 90s would have not been able to do the flight scene like it was, especially for a low-budget comedy production, so I am fully sure it WAS done outdoors. Anyway, enough of this banter...

What is good about this episode is that Blackadder actually reveals a truth about himself in the prison cell - he wants to get out of the trenches and the war, and live a cushy life once more. Even if it means spending the rest of the war in Germany teaching convents how to cook. This, and the following 2 episodes, will start to reveal truths about Blackadder, truths that he himself would be ashamed to admit. But Flashheart's appearance keeps things wild again.

Adrian "Vyvyan" Edmondson (I say "Vyvyan" because that was his character in "The Young Ones", and possibly the biggest role of his life) stars as the Baron von Richthoven, German flying ace, who was made out to be a bit of a poof in this episode who couldn't stomach death. ("You are ze two English flying aces responsible for ze spilling of ze precious German blood of many of my finest, and my blondest, friends," was possibly his best line.) It would have been better to have seen more of him, but his performance was memorable, well played, and with a very funny German accent. Flashheart's best bit was when he bullied Darling towards the end of the episode: ("Captain Darling! Funny name for a guy, isn't it?! Last person I called Darling was pregnant 20 seconds later!"). A hugely hilarious and witty line. And this basically sums Private Plane up - rude, hilarious, and rough.

On the whole - Private Plane is easily the funniest of the Blackadder episodes, but it isn't the most meaningful - get a couple of your mates around and pop it on is my advice. A spiffing job, and another hilarious Blackadder addition. Bravo! 10/10
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Rik Mayall steals this one in another great episode
snoozejonc10 February 2021
Blackadder, George and Baldrick join the Royal Flying Corps.

I love this episode for the great dialogue, character moments and most of all the two cameo performances.

The plot is reminiscent of previous incarnations of Blackadder going on a mission and ending up captured, but it works very well for the World War I setting. As ever the dialogue is sharp and features Blackadder's trademark wit and cynicism.

What makes it great is the satire of the glamour associated with Flying Corps and the lifestyle of the pilots. In doing so Curtis and Elton resurrect the Lord Flashheart character that worked so well in the series two episode 'Bells' and also his German counterpart, who is naturally a caricature of the real life Barron Von Richthofen.

All the main characters have great moments with Blackadder, as always, scheming to get out of the trenches, George as blindly devoted to duty and loyalty as ever and Darling as much of a jobsworth as you'll ever see.

All performances are excellent with Rowan Atkinson as entertaining as ever, Hugh Laurie on superb form and Tony Robinson chipping in with some great lines and visual gags. Tim McInnerny is brilliantly antagonistic as he does smugness and pomposity effortlessly.

The stars of this one for me are the great Rik Mayall and his long time comedy partner Adrian Edmondson. When Mayall has centre stage he dominates it with incredible energy, charisma and wonderful physical and verbal expression. Edmondson plays Richthofen as a hilarious German stereotype that would probably not see the light of day in the modern comedy world.

In fact there is a substantial amount of sexism and homophobia on display in this episode, but it comes from such certifiably mad characters it's hard to disapprove too much. The one sane character of Blackadder holds none of them in very high regard.
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Flashheart Strike Again!
zacpetch3 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Lord Flashheart is a fan-favourite character and this time he's back only with a bigger role to play. More of Flashheart with his woofs and innuendos and unbelievably big ego can only be a good thing. Naturally this is all enough for Edmund to hate him and after one too many insults Flashheart just decides to shut him up and knock him down. It gets a huge cheer from the audience, and rightfully so. It's nice to see comeuppance for people who go round insulting others in his uniquely Blackadderish way.

Flashheart talks Edmund and co. into joining the Royal Flying Squadron to get months of training only to drop out afterwards when your ears go pop. Darling turns down the request at first but Melchett soon forces him to let Edmund in. "THERE'S NOTHING CUSHY ABOUT LIFE IN THE WOMENS' AUXILIARY BALLOON CORPS!!!" Darling finally snaps. Excellent line, delivered perfectly: It's great to see Tim McInnerny prove his versatility as a comic actor with a character totally opposite to Percy and he displays another great performance here.

Things go wrong (as always) when Edmund and Baldrick land behind enemy lines and are locked up in prison. The Baron arrives and threatens to make them teach Home Economics in Germany until the war ends and thus, the war is over for them both! Until George recruits Flashheart to 'rescue' them. It's good to see Edmund's more human side as he pretends to be unable to leave: He really wants to receive the Baron's punishment and get away from the war for good and is so disappointed when he can't get out after all.

Melchett and Darling are wonderful when George goes to them and gets shown how much land they've reclaimed (a 1:1 scale piece of grass, complete with an Earthworm - Genius piece of writing!). Then Melchett's efforts to cheer up George with a story of how he once shot George's beloved childhood pet rabbit. Suddenly any remorse we might have still felt over Speckled Jim in "Corporal Punishment" is gone.

The ending when Flashheart gives Darling his comeuppance (Silly name for a guy! Last person I called Darling was pregnant thirty seconds later!) and knocks him out cold. Then we see Flashheart and Bob go off together which is a nice throwback to "Bells" and rewarding to see after Bob's return in the previous episode.

A wonderful return of series two's greatest one-off characters and a brilliant episode all round. If only the flying scenes had been done better this would be worthy of ten instead it only gets 9/10. That's only a minor issue mind you. This is still a fantastic outing for the show and another absolute must-see.
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So much comedy talent on display.
Sleepin_Dragon25 April 2022
Blackadder seizes the opportunity to escape the trenches, and join the flying corps, thoughts of a five month training plan are soon quashed.

The writing continues to be on point, a hilarious script, absurd setting, but just enough to make you think what life really would have been like.

It's an absolute riot of an episode, totally off the wall, and different to the previous three episodes. Hilariously funny, with some incredible one liners, but there is a little bit of sadness attached to this one, we see more of Blackadder's fears of life in the trenches.

Great to see the comedy duo of Mayall and Edmondson reunited, and of course it's great to see the return of Lord Flasheart. The pair are wonderfully big and brash, both so funny.

Once again every scene with Darling is painfully funny, and he finally gets his just desserts.

Super funny, 9/10.
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bevo-136782 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great fighting scenes. I like it when he shot the baron
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Aside from some sloppy use of stock footage, a funny episode...thanks to Lord Flasheart!
planktonrules7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Like the last episode, this one features a nice cameo from a star from the first episode ("Bells") from "Blackadder II". Early on, Squadron Commander Flasheart is forced to crash his plane and lands at the British front lines. He is EXACTLY like he was in the previous show--all swagger and sex drive! And, just like the last episode, Bob shows up for a bit of a tongue-lashing from Flasheart.

As a result of the visit, the usual three idiots (Blackadder, George and Baldrick) all get air corps fever--all thinking it will be glorious AND safer than staying in the trenches. Plus, Blackadder thinks the duty will be soft--with lots of girls and booze. Unfortunately, when they arrive at flight training, it's taught by the idiot Flasheart--who mostly makes sexual innuendos and does practically no teaching at all! And, in the only REAL teaching he does is explain that the life expectancy of a pilot is about 20 minutes!

Fortunately, the two are shot down but survive--and are taken to a German prison. Unfortunately, the idiot George wants to go behind enemy lines to rescue him! With help like that, Edmund might as well just shoot himself.

By the way, I know they took clips from another TV series, but they didn't even bother finding clips involving a two-person airplane--just a single-seat model. Which, is a bit of a cock-up, as Baldrick AND Edmund are supposed to be in the plane TOGETHER.
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