Dangerous Men (2005) Poster


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Should Only Be Watched Via RiffTrax
RSP-4311 December 2021
I guess Jahangir Salehi Yeganehrad, a.k.a. "John Rad" or "John S. Rad" was overly ambitious with this movie (e.g., Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Music, Cinematographer, etc.). He stretched himself too thin, and everything got scrambled in the process. In addition to the poor acting, the film has no continuity and makes little sense. However, the RiffTrax guys take full advantage of this nonsense, and have a blast with it! The RiffTrax version actually rates 10 stars, so the 5 stars above is kind of a compromise.
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Cult classic?
skullfire-4801216 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert : this movie is horrendous. If you are a connoisseur of bad movies, then you have found gold. John S. Rad made this as an apparent homage to himself. Jump-style editing, a script that somehow keeps getting lost and then rewritten throughout the movie. Finally, the climax, Stan Lee chases down Dog the bountyhunter, while he's fighting with a blind woman over a gun, freeze frame, roll credits.
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Has to be seen to be believed
TheLastPersonStanding1 August 2016
I didn't know about this movie until I came across a negative review of it on rogerebert.com. I read the review and became curious. Well, I've now seen the movie twice. "Dangerous Men" is one of those movies that's so bad it's good, like "The Room" (2003) and "Troll 2". It's a movie that you watch with your friends and talk. Maybe get some snacks, some booze, and some weed.

The movie was made by Jahangir Salehi, but I guess he preferred to use the pseudonym John Rad. Yes, Rad. John Rad is almost the only name in the opening credits and it amusingly appears multiple times along with music that might get stuck in your head. What's the movie about? Good question. It's partly about a woman who's fiancé is murdered by a biker on a beach. She goes with the biker to a motel to have sex, I guess, but she literally pulls a knife out of her ass and kills him. I am not kidding. While in a desert, she hitchhikes with a man who happens to have a gun in his vehicle. He drives off-road and attempts to rape her, but she ends up stealing his vehicle and leaving him in the desert naked. Now, for some reason, the movie keeps following him and, for some reason, he talks to his penis and, for some reason, he sings and dances. Again, I am not kidding. The woman becomes a serial killer who kills men. I guess these men are dangerous, but I'm not entirely sure.

The movie's quite a mess. It jumps around a lot and it's not well edited. There are moments when the movie will just cut to something else, but the editing can be funny. There's a scene with a man talking on the phone and the movie just cuts to him making out with a woman who I think he was talking to on the phone. It's just so odd and surprising that you might as well laugh. There are jump cuts during a sex scene with a man named Black Pepper that I just don't understand. Why is the scene edited this way? It's not stylish. It's amateurish. Well, the whole movie is amateurish. The acting is pretty bad. The fight scenes are incredibly unconvincing. "Miami Connection" has better fighting. Someone in "Dangerous Men" says that Black Pepper has killed more people than the Vietnam War. Um, what? He's killed more people than the people who died in the Vietnam War? Apparently, over a million people died in that war. It would be incredible (and horrible) if someone single-handedly killed over a million people. You might be thinking that the guy who said that is exaggerating, but with this movie, I'm not so sure. When I first saw the movie, the ending confused me. The movie ends abruptly on a rather awkward freeze frame. Not a good way to end your movie.

"Dangerous Men" is entertaining trash. I enjoyed it when I saw it on my own and I enjoyed it more when I saw it with a couple of friends. It's quite amusing. The fighting's amusing, the music's amusing, the naked man in the desert's amusing, etc. I wanna see it again and again.
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It's No Samurai Cop...
Scott_Mercer9 April 2016
This is one of the worst films I have seen. Not good. Not "bad good." Not "so bad it's good." Just bad. Not quite as bad as The Creeping Terror, Monster-A-Go-Go or The Guy From Harlem, but right up there as one of the premiere entries in the hall of amateurishness.

Unlike in something like Samurai Cop, which has a light tone and jokes in spite of (or more accurately, probably because of) its status as a low budget Lethal Weapon ripoff, Dangerous Men doesn't have any intentional humor (except for maybe the naked guy covering himself up with tree branches) and is trying to be the next Death Wish. Only it fails so miserably on all accounts, it makes Ed Wood look like David Lean.

There is really nothing to recommend it. The writing and directing are horrible. The actors are all painful to look at. Segments shot 20 years apart mean suddenly we're back in 1982, oops no wait, we jumped forward again. The story construction is abysmal and makes no sense, since segments shot decades apart were attempted to be stitched together into a single story (hackmeister Al Adamson was famous for doing this, but at least his movies weren't shot 20 years apart!). The sex scenes are not sexy. And that MUSIC! Not since Mesa of Lost Women has there been a more repetitive, annoying soundtrack. At least that wasn't composed on a Casio keyboard bought on lay-away from Sam Ash Music, like this piece of tripe.

When you're treated to an opening credit sequence promising one person as writer, producer, director, editor, composer, art director and costume designer (at least he didn't make himself the lead actor), you know you're in for trouble. I didn't heed the warning, and I paid the price. Please heed my warning. Unless you are the most masochistic consumer of z-grade film atrocities imaginable, please stay away from DANGEROUS MEN.
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TheWIDOWMAKER974 April 2022
The beginning of this movie & the end do not correspond. Everything in between is not better. Horrible & awful. Stupid & dumb. Awful dialogue. The WORST musical score in any movie EVER! Every bad guy for unknown reasons all want to assault every strange woman. This is a example of how NOT TO MAKE A MOVIE. Zero story. Badly acted. Watch this drunk or at a party.
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How do you rate garbage?
jellopuke23 March 2020
This isn't one of those fun bad movies, it's just bad. BUT, it's bad in a way that you can't look away from. Almost no internal logic, time shifting, nonsensical editing changes and a plot that shifts completely 2/3's of the way through. It's like an alien tried to make a movie and failed miserably. See it, but only with people of like minds.
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Completely inchoherent, the film kind of lacks a point...
Aaron137516 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this thing was shot over many decades, but that is sort of evident in the movie itself as you see different eras of police vehicles. It was shot by a man who had a vision, but he really needed glasses because his vision is very unfocused. I have seen adult films with better and more interesting stories than this thing, it does almost have the look of an adult film, but cheaper... The thing apparently is some sort of film that is considered so bad its good, but really, it is just bad and should not be sporting a rating over 4 on this site. This thing makes the infamous Manos: The Hands of Fate look good because at least that has a definable plot.

The story, well, this is the tricky part. There legitimately is not one that is discernible and when one sort of starts forming they literally pan away and go in an entirely different direction. The best I can come up with a woman is nearly raped and her fiance is killed so she begins killing while the brother of guy killed goes after people though the people that killed his brother are dead and a sheriff that we are introduced to when the film is nearly over takes down a dude who looks like Chris Elliot in an 80's glam wig while the girl who seemed to be the star just kind of vanished and the cop whose brother is killed gets his butt kicked by Black Pepper (Chris Elliot dude).

You give me money and a camera and I may not make the best movie ever seen, but I guarantee it will at least have a definable plot. Definitely was not working from any type of script, at times it just seemed like some stitched together porno where all the hardcore sex was edited out. Characters are introduced quickly and disappear just as fast and there is no real 'star' present as the 'heroes' we follow for most of the film are just gone at the end.

So I would say this is a very bad film and I am not giving it a pass because it was filmed over a long course of time. I believe David Lynch crafted Eraserhead having to only shoot when he could manage to and that film was done very well. Peter Jackson's Bad Taste was also done like this as Peter could only shoot during the weekends and that film still managed to be coherent. No, I am not giving this any more points than a one just because there is some entertainment value in making fun of the film. Especially since it has one of the most god awful soundtracks in the history of cinema, I mean this thing is probably the second worst behind Rollergator, it would be number one, but at least they changed it up here in there.
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Truly awfully great.
vitalogst29 January 2006
I, like most people I assume, wandered into a screening of this film because it fit the time slot and was totally obscure. I went with four other buddies and I must say we were blow away by how unbelievably terrible it was and how much fun we had at the same time. Saw it again on Saturday at the Lamelle Sunset and it was even better the second time. We spoke with John S. Rad, he's taking Dangerous Men on tour and putting out a DVD, Dangerous Men even has a myspace address, everyone should look it up, he also has a dozen more movies and some music and poetry. If anyone you know has seen this movie you will have the keen ability of telling inside jokes at the expense of Dangerous Men for a life time, which is worth it's weight in gold. To sum up, this movie is terrible and obviously John Rad had a tough time figuring out what he really wanted to do, but I feel that future projects, hopefully, can only be better and Dangerous Men is a great time at the theatre even if it's an atrociously awful film.
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Contrived and impossible to take seriously...although very entertaining
dorsiaslut15 November 2005
What is there to say about Dangerous Men that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan? The filmmaker, John S. Rad, clearly set out to make the worst movie of all time, but it ended up entertaining me more than most films I've seen. When watching it, I felt I was the butt of some sort of Emperor's-New-Clothes joke, but I couldn't help but laugh. The acting and cinematography are reminiscent of the worst After School Special ever made.

If you are willing to put aside the horrible cuts, dubbing, acting, and film-making technique in general, you might enjoy this surreal and absurd piece of work. I found myself forgetting the finished product and instead wondered how Rad convinced these people (especially the women) to take part in such ludicrous and graphic sex scenes, considering there is no chance that anyone ever dreamed that this movie could make any money.

I am glad to see that it is now on IMDb, after a direct challenge from LA Weekly. Even though the attempt to make it so was contrived, it deserves to be a cult classic shown at midnight on screens across the country.
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In the words of MST3K, "Not so much a movie as a movie loaf"
lemon_magic12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a "piecemeal vanity project" feel, although I give the director credit for not acting in the movie as well as doing everything else. That's just about the only good decision he made, alas.

"Dangerous Men" isn't as technically inept as some of the lesser "direct to video/DVD/cable" efforts out there. In fact I think that if you put "Rad" in charge of a project by a studio like "Full Moon" or "The Asylum", with an actual budget and support system, the results would be as good as anything those worthies pump out. But as it is, Rad really, really, really needed to collaborate with a 2nd or third party to help him realize what scenes and plot threads and performances simply did not work. If he'd dropped half of the annoying crap that went on too long in this movie, he'd have a brisk little 30-40 minute feature for an anthology film or TV series. Nobody would want to watch it, but it would at least make sense and be over before it exhausted the audience's patience.

Some scenes remind me of setups for soft-core porn, only with terrible makeup and lighting that rob them of any cheesecake value. Some scenes belong in a 70s biker film, but with worse characters and dialog. (BTW, Rad has absolutely no ear for dialog. The non-sequiturs come so thick and fast it's hard to tell sometimes when one is done and the next one is being launched.) There are fight scenes that make "The Guy From Harlem" look like "Enter The Dragon", with a kind of weird, misplaced emphasis on strangling and choking people.

I should also mention that the plot starts about being about one thing (a young woman seeking revenge on all rapists - or eventually men in general, I think)...and loses interest in that and becomes about bringing a drug dealer to justice somehow, which happens through a series of events that make no sense.

And then the movie just kind of....stops. Like a Road Runner cartoon, only without any humor or energy.

I feel a little bad poking so much fun at this inept piece of would-be cinema. It wants to be a movie, it tries to be a movie, it probably took over the director's life for months at a time as he kept trying to turn it into an actual movie...but this isn't even a "so bad it's good" movie because the feeling behind it is so slapdash and cynical.

You can miss this one. Or you can watch it drunk, or with friends while drunk, or with film fans who enjoying demolishing inept films.
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The Greatest Film Ever Made...
Fritz-the-Cat26 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have found religion. Dangerous Men has filled the hole in my soul. This is the sort of absurdist film that would be praised beyond all belief if only it were the director's true intention to make the film that Dangerous Men actually turned out to be. No matter how much you hear about this film, nothing can compare to the actual experience. Even if I tell you that mountains explode, people grow beards in 3 seconds, men read from scripts that are plainly visible in the shot, bad guys get knocked out by scalp massages, women transport knives in the cracks of their buttocks, plots are abandoned ten minutes after being formed, title sequences contain no other name than "John S. Rad," nude men dance with cedar leaves in the desert, or that the same "punch...ah!" sound effect is used 24 times in a 30 second period, NOTHING will compare to seeing it all on the big screen. With a soundtrack that I can only describe as "THE Christ IN MUSICAL FORM," Dangerous Men is proof that there is a God. His name is John S. Rad. You deserve all that "special thanks" you gave yourself.
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Fluctuating scale of stars between one and six point nine.
barton-company11 March 2023
Well some of the music is a positive point, I tried to Shazam it, no such luck, it's like funky porn music stuff.

Jahangir Rad is iIm sure of Indian descent: and the movie definitely has an old Bollywood feel about it.

He probably looked a lot at these type of movie, but shot on Super 8? OK.

Another plus is the locations picked to make the movie,.they are quite beautiful, another Bollywood style.

Balls to the acting, a super backdrop will easily distract.

I had it on in the background and I got drawn in, there are some parts that make you laugh aloud, only because of their badness-: it must be up there with Plan 9 as a total turd to be honest, but was I entertained? Yes I was.

Don't expect actors who can deliver lines, I'm sure most of them are delivering pizza now.

Are the actors among the worse to grace a screen? Yes they are, but (Doctor) Melody Wiggins is sure stunning enough to carry the plot, if there ever was one.

Someone between one and seven stars, going up and down that scale.

Don't try the suffocating headlock at home. It won't work.
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Funny Time Waster
amosduncan_200015 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film has been developing a bit of a cult rep in the area of "so bad it's good" films. The fact that "John Rad" was a bit of an eccentric weirdo seems to have helped the cause. Indeed, the stagijng of the attempted rape/murder is the funniest part. Yes, there are funny bits, and you can't help but giggle a bit at the terrible score. On the whole, though, it's not that different than many a Crown International stinker of a slightly earlier time and not as much fun as many (the great "Death Machines" comes to mind) of them. It could well be that a certain nostalgia for this kiind of terrible film is what propels this cult. The triumph of the film being in one theater for a week seems to what has sparked a lot of interest. in the end, funny, but forgettable.
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Yes... its worst than Tommy Wiseau's "The Room"
mrMoogShoes4 December 2005
What is to be said about the movie that would make Ed Wood vomit with rage? This film did not just blindside me, it actually blinded me. The "Dangerous Men" poster boasts itself as an "Unforgettable Suspense, Mystery Drama" (yes "mystery drama" what is it about!?) with pictures of actors who do not occupy more than 20 minutes of screen time! Over half the names of the actors and crew (when not credited to John Rad) are pseudonyms which means this film is fortunate to house or cage such great talent as Melody Wiggins, Paul Arnold, Honey Goldberg, Hunter Person, Gil Gex, Elle Squadrito, and the prestigious Lawrence McNeal III to name too many. People this film is literally inches away from being "Deep Throat" at least thank god it limps out before it can even get that far. Okay bare with me... Filming began in 1985 only to be shut down because of lack of funding or too many actor/actress suicides (we should at least assume so) then in 1995 to be refinanced and reshot in a desperate attempt to resolve the "story" with different characters of no logical connection! Filled with belly button fetishes, nonsensical storytelling and repetitious music that would upstages its pornographic mentors "Dangerous Men" is by far the worst film I have ever seen and trust me, I LOVE "The Room" but Jesus Christ there is only so far a man can go. I've seen it three times to prove to my friends that such a film exists and have vowed never to go again. I mean it. It hurts. I am not writing this review to praise but rather to WARN. Stay away! Trust me. This movie is good for a laugh but really at what cost?
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Loud Score and Woeful Editing
saint_brett10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Look what I was handed while loitering in a public toilet - it's an unused ticket that permits one to watch 'Dangerous Men.' They were handing them out like hot cakes.

(To watch this movie you need a regurgitated toilet ticket in shady selected public washrooms.)

You can tell how "rad" this movie already is with the exploding title credit and jive, mellow, music.

Can we kill the Herbie Hancock music already?

A Cuban drug lord, in a cheap Dollar Store suit, proposes marriage to Paula Abdul. They go out to celebrate at Denny's and what have we got here? Horrible voice-overs that sound awfully similar to the ones from 'Birdemic.' "Is this a menu?" The sound edits are atrocious. And they're more concerned about fitting this acoustic guitar score in the movie than the actor's lines.

A convenience store robbery goes down, then South, as a kung fu beginner interferes and she displays death chops that wouldn't even harm a fly. (It's as bad as the martial arts displayed by the bikini chick at the end.) Everyone's shot but the viewer doesn't invest interest in their well-being. Whoever these people are who are robbing the store has no bearing on the story. It's a wasted avenue.

Purchasing the music rights, to a now defunct furniture store, the movie uses some upbeat tune as some biker's tussle with the Night Stalker on a beach.

We now find ourselves in the changeroom trying on different pants as snazzy music tries to influence my mood what color to opt for.

What's with all the music?

Now Julie Andrews is singing her "Hills Have Eyes" 'Sound of Music' song as this movie can't anchor any stability, or basic foundation, to launch off of. It's jumping all over the place.

The music is drowning out any vocals.

The editing is like the broken commandment pieces all jigsawed back together again like that wall egg creature, who fell on hard times, and pavement.

Again with the Herbie Hancock music? This is nuts.

Dennis Weaver picks up a murderous prostitute and is held to ransom by a blade to his manhood. No wonder that truck went after him in 'Duel.' He's a creep in this. He tries to take advantage of the murderous hitchhiker but it backfires and leaves him naked and destitute.

I wish a rattlesnake would bite this naked guy with the tree branches. I can't understand one word he is saying. An attempt at comedy sees him dancing off in the distance singing a lullaby.

Oh man, why is the director so concerned with laying over this intense music score? Let me guess - it was him playing the instruments, correct? Or someone he knows, right? The director's best friend was responsible for the overly-loud music in this, right?

Why is the music so important?

Am I supposed to read into the music to find the movie's hidden key?

40-minutes in and it's still not making any sense.

The murderous beach prostitute is mentored by a fellow seasoned prostitute and starts killing Tom, Dick, and Harry like she's Ms .45.

Why she's killing complete strangers is anybody's guess. You don't just become a serial killer overnight because your fiancé was murdered on the beach. (Dahmer said that it was a long process that doesn't happen overnight.)

Sports store music lets us know that we're now in the shoe section as what's-her-name pulls a little "Hillsong Strangler" action and leaves one sucker burning alive on the Hollywood Hills with the greatest explosion in cinema history ensuing.

Airy 70's book section music accompanies this bar scene as nothing happens elsewhere.

What looks like the guy that was killed earlier in the movie on the beach is now a detective sleuthing for bike gang members? Um?

A sea cow in a bikini tries her hand at finding balance, Karate Kid style, before being attacked by Gerald Okamura from 'The Pink Angels.'

Movie then turns into some weird forbidden Iraqi lap dance as Jake Busey is revealed as the big boss in this. He has a taste for making love to women with their clothes on.

Was that Charlton Heston?

How is this guy, with the sheep's wig, even associated with any of this?

Here's the end fight scene and the wrestler from nWo, sporting the peruke, is in a fist fight and wearing sunglasses, that stay on the entire time, as hip Paula Abdul music lets us know we're in the music section of the department store.

The music's on a looped replay that's what it is! And it's beyond annoying.

Anyone remember that song "Freeze Frame?" That's exactly what happens when this trash ends!

They discarded the whole Ms .45 killer prostitute storyline then went in a completely different direction about biker gangs and a surfer boy in a sheep's wig. He wasn't even a player in the movie.

'Dangerous Men' is absolutely stupid. Its goal was probably to attain cult status. If so, then it failed at that. It should have been called 'Uneducated Men.' I'm giving this crap 1/10 only because the trailer for 'Ms .45' was on the disc.

The only person who will understand this movie is the guy who made it. It's like his own personal fantasy, which sees him as the lead, revelling in all this criminality, depravity, and rape. Pervert.


PS - this was a 2005 release? What? It looks like it was filmed in the mid-70's.
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Totally Rad...JOHN RAD
Arielg243 December 2005
I've had the pleasure of seeing this opening night, and again a couple weeks later. I can truly see this as the next cult classic. it had me laughing from start to finish. Everything was perfect. Some parts drag a bit, but it is truly an experience. The plot is mind bending, there's really no use of trying to follow it. Throughout the movie you question yourself whether this John Rad guy is for real, or its just a joke. The soundtrack, composed by John Rad himself on an 80s Casio keyboard, is astoundingly genius. I couldn't help but snap my fingers to the rhythm. If you are light-hearted and can easily accept the film for what it is, then you will enjoy watching Dangerous Men.
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Should be bigger than "The Room"
anakrid18 February 2019
Like Tommy Wiseau's THE ROOM, John S Rad's DANGEROYS MEN seems to exist in it's own world, completely devoid of self-awareness. This lack of self-awareness, in both cases results in cinema which isn't afraid to break the rules (mostly because it isn't aware of the rules), which is at the same time completely "authentic" in its ineptitude. THE ROOM has gone on to become a household name while DANGEROUS MEN is still very much a cult title. DANGEROUS MEN is certainly the more entertaining of the two films and the John S Rad story is as deserving of a Hollywood treatment a'la THE DISASTER ARTIST. I saw this movie when I received a review copy of the DVD from Drafthouse. I went into it knowing nothing about it. It is the first time I ever finished a movie and then started it over and rewatched it immediately a second time because I couldn't believe what I had just seen. It was a huge inspiration, especially after hearing John Rad's story. I dedicated my first film, THE THETA GIRL, to John S Rad in the end credits.
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