Feedback (2002) Poster


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Well directed, rational flow.
zeketazi10 March 2004
I agree with the comments I read about this film. I rented it on a whim, and wasn't disappointed. It has an interesting premise that doesn't ever get silly or weighed down with ridiculous special effects. The acting was a bit rough around the edges, but I see that more as a budget problem than anything. The directing is what I was most impressed with. Never did I find myself saying "No way! That was so fake!", or "This makes no sense!". Instead, the plot followed along in a rational manner, which couldn't have been easy considering the potentially confusing subject matter of communicating through time. I am anxious to see what else this director has in store for the future.
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Solid low budget sci-fi action
djbills9 February 2004
I'm a big fan of underground films, and I had heard a buzz on this one from a friend who saw it at some film festival. I have to admit, this little flick is better and more original than the majority of big budget blockbusters that have unlimited resources out there.

I keep seeing this sort of concept rehashed in current movies. Most recently, it was the "Butterfly Effect" and before that "Final Destination" that flirted with this plot line. From what little info there is on the net about this movie, it seems that Feedback was conceived and shot way before these others. That scores points with me - it's just cool to see an indie production being one step ahead of Hollywood.

As an aspiring filmmaker myself, I really was impressed with the level of production on this film. I'm not sure what the budget was, but my guess is that it was a "maxing out a credit card" affair, like Kevin Smith did with Clerks. And for whatever they paid for this movie, they got solid production and pretty decent acting in return. What really struck me as good was the soundtrack work. Lots of Ministry meets Nine Inch Nails techno laden stomps, but then the instruments know when to quiet down during the more dramatic moments. That was impressive. Also, the "real punch" sound effects made my stomach churn. I could feel the fists hitting flesh!

I also really liked the low tech approach, on the whole. I mean, this movie throws out the big retarded effects. Geez, the "flux capacitor" is replaced with a phone so huge, it looks like a joke someone picked up from some 70 year old grandma's garage sale! Seriously, I like this low-fi approach, and halfway wish Hollywood would focus on the script (for once) and not on spending money aimlessly.

Feedback is solid. I thought it was worth the time.
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Great for a homemade movie
smoothtooth29 January 2004
But otherwise, it really can't hold a candle to what's out there. It's obviously a college project. I would not recommend wasting your time, and ESPECIALLY your money. Poor acting, shoddy direction and cinematography (I shouldn't even call it that.) However, the one thing it has going for it is an interesting concept. Good idea, too bad, so sad.
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sprimeau1 January 2004
Up until now, I've never taken the time and bothered to write my own review of a film because there has always been enough varied opinions for viewers to make up their own minds. However, for this one, I felt I had to step in and say something. At this time there are four other reviews of the film all calling it superb, incredible, unbelievable, etc. Obviously an attempt by the makers of this film to get people to see it. Joke's on me! This movie is awful. The acting, the script, the story. Just awful. I kept at it, forcing myself to watch, hoping the story would turn out so brilliant to make up for it's incredible boredom. Naw, it never happened. Notice three of the other comments are first time posts. (But then again so is this one! haha) Seriously, don't watch this.
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Impressive Debut!!!
bradydoyle28 November 2005
This is an impressive film!

FEEDBACK sets itself up to cover a ton of ground from the opening scene where the main character lays gut-shot and dying in an alley.

Where do you go from there that is not contrived or clichéd? FEEDBACK takes on this challenge and holds it together without retreading familiar ground.

The structure of this narrative is inspired!

There are smarts behind this film that show serious promise!

All the set-ups and pay-offs in the film work. The filmmakers have a good handle on story structure.

I'm anxious to see what's next from this group!
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Truly Dreadful
Gabblerdictum2 March 2013
Think of a movie made by teenagers for a school project based on a wacky idea but with no real plot, incompetent acting and lousy sound and you have this movie.

The first time I watched it on DVD I fell asleep, so I finished it the next day and wished I hadn't. There are so many plot holes you can feel the breeze and if the magic time machine was so good why couldn't they dial back a bit further and fix all the trouble?

I'm pretty tolerant of silly mistakes and have seen some pretty poor films over the years but I think 'Feedback' takes poll position as possibly the worst film I've ever seen.

I have no idea what most of the other reviewers were watching, but it can't have been this rubbish.
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Much of the story seems to have been lifted from "Run Lola Run" *spoiler alert*
Tomasz_R14 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Hasn't anyone noticed how much of the story was taken from the plot of "Run Lola Run"?

*spoiler alert*

A courier/runner for a smuggler/dealer loses his boss's money/property and is given the ultimatum to make it good in a short amount of time. The guy is desperate, and the devoted girl friend expends great effort to try and come up with the necessary money to get him out of trouble, involving along the way placing a bet at a roulette wheel, and multiple time loops, with some gained information being passed on between time loops. And much running around.

Instead of the changing of events in the time looping being an exotic ability of the girl as in Lola, in Feedback they bring in a third character with a stolen prototype time device.

There is even an occasional hint of the driving techno beat in the background music of Feedback that dominated Lola.
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Memento meets the Matrix
rdvljunk30 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
well, that is what this DVD box says...What a pretentioud crap for this cheap waste of time.... All participants seem to be selected from the worst schools they could find. The acting is very, at some times very very bad (the beating of Sarah), the styling boring, the storyline so full of unbelievable twists it is laughable (a taxi-driver having lunch in the worst neighborhood of town, Mickey sees the couple make the bet but Sarah doesn't see the corrected bet. And the actors all look wrong in a way, too young, too alternative (well build but not really attractive). It all looks so cheap it looks like a failed film academy project. Even the blood looks ridiculous.

I do not mind cheap movies, but they can be good like THX1138, bad taste etc. This is not worth a minute of your time
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High production value with flair and content
JohnnyV22 July 2005
This highly underrated treat was a refreshing reminder of what a filmmaker can really do if he is determined to get the best results in telling a great story possessing some cool and intriguing ideas and with only a 1/100th of the cash usually necessary to pull it off.

The results are inspirational in the way that El Mariachi was before anyone knew Rodriguez. And it brings with it the flair and trip that The Terminator took us on before anyone knew who Cameron was. I would like to believe that one day we will see this production team turn something out that does hit at least the slightly off-mainstream.

I highly recommend this innovative treatment of time travel issues. I'd watch this again before Butterfly Effect, before Terminator and certainly before Time Machine. Its a real treat!
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Top of the game indie film
slash3r6626 February 2004
FEEDBACK begins with the main character dying in the opening scene...or does he? From there, the relentless pace never lets up. There are no flashbacks and the story is entirely linear, taking place in just over 24 hours. This is one helluva ride.

FEEDBACK is a compelling piece of sci-fi noir, with a completely unique take on the concept of time manipulation. The storyline is carefully worked out, and the pacing is quick; each time a question arises, it is answered by the events that follow. The device used to alter time is totally plausible, and doesn't require as big a leap of faith as some other films in the genre. The acting is consistently solid, and the characters are likable despite their motivations. One aspect of the story that was especially interesting, and a bit more real, was the fact that these people focused on personal gain over some sort of higher cause. Which is most likely what would really happen, if this device actually did exist. A bit more character development would have been nice, but this is a minor issue and did not prevent me from being drawn into the story.

Production value? Phenomenal. This film appears to have been shot on location, in and around the Los Angeles area. Considering that it was made for less than the first BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, there's no comparison here--FEEDBACK looks so much better. The music is the film's other secret weapon. Finally, a film score that takes an aggressive approach from start to finish, without ever lapsing into the same old orchestral stuff that has all been done before. There are elements of drum n bass, industrial, techno, grindcore, and ambient music here. The bangin' mix of dissonant sonic textures is a refreshing change from the norm, and totally drives the picture, with the subway chase sequence being one of the high points.

FEEDBACK is easily one of the best truly independent films that I've seen, for several reasons. First off, the film itself, in the areas discussed above. Second, this is total DIY guerilla filmmaking, which can quickly be determined by following the `external reviews' link right here on imdb. This was not a studio backed, 7-figure `indie' designed to get street cred for a bunch of suits. The phrase `independent film' gets thrown around a lot, but this film is a true representation of the term. The filmmakers here have accomplished the damn near impossible task of not only making the film, but also getting multiple festival awards and actually following through to get distribution--all apparently on their own. Those who have any knowledge of filmmaking will recognize what an achievement that is.

This film really challenges the audience, and much like MEMENTO, requires that the viewer pay total attention as the story unfolds. Ironically, this aspect will most likely polarize opinions of the film: those who are able to follow the story will be rewarded by the unexpectedly complex plot twists; those who do not follow the story will end up completely confused and lose the plot entirely. Cool by me, as there's plenty of other entertainment that's geared to the LCD.

FEEDBACK gets my highest recommendation. If you're a sci-fi fan, by all means check out this movie, and you'll be challenged as well as entertained. The storyline is intriguing, the acting is solid, and the music and production are top of the game.
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More bang for your buck...
soupkid30 January 2004
From the first scene I was hooked. This is a sci-fi adventure that lives and breathes in reality. It is one of the most impressive achievements in independent film history. The story just plain grabbed me and kept me running the entire film. Before you go see another huge budget p.o.s. which isn't worth the price of the film, find FEEDBACK. It is smart, complex and as fun as sci-fi gets.
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Nice film
pesie4 May 2005
I watched Feedback yesterday on DVD. Despite of the bad transfer to PAL DVD (strange frame-rate conversion/stuttering effect) and the low budget type of movie (which is noticeable in the audio mix), the movie has a thrilling story, good acting, nice photography plus color correction and a smart usage of locations and styling to create a dark near-future world. There are a lot of SF-movies with bigger budgets that have a crap story or are stereotypic about the way they develop their story during the movie. Feedback has surprises for you and does it a lot better. Too bad to see on this website that the director hasn't made any new production after Feedback. Hope he'll do that the coming time, he has talent for writing and directing.
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If only I was smarter....
runemesa16 November 2005
I LIKED this film a lot. I'm sure I would have LOVED it if I could've understood it completely. I'm not a smart guy. I run into problems in a majority of any movies I watch.

I really like time manipulation/possibility movies, but I rarely can grasp them completely. This movie is cool and very interesting. I guess the reason I'm commenting on this movie is so that I can let anyone else out there know that it is worth checking out and you'll enjoy it, even if you are someone like myself, who is a bit slow-minded and rarely "get" these movies.

I didn't get all of it, but I enjoyed it anyway.
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Cool little movie
buddyluv6712 February 2004
I found this film through an add on Filmthreat and I have to say that this a cool little movie. It is very low budget but doesn't look like it. The ADR is iffy in places but it more than makes up for it in other aspects. The concept is awesome and kept me thinking which is what I like in a film. It reminded me of Memento in a lot of ways, that movie kept me thinking as well. If you are into time travel movies this is a must see.
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Unexpected treat
I_Troll_The_Living12 February 2008
I'm heartened to see how many people were impressed by this unknown gem. It's so hard to add to the other reviewers' posts. I rate movies by how close they come to making me forget I'm watching a movie and absorb me into the experience. I rate movies by how well they pin me to the screen. I rate movies by how much they look like a 'real movie' instead of a camcorder project. I rate movies by whether the actors have that chemistry that makes you care about them instead of wishing them dead. This movie is an unexpected treat on all counts and more, right down to the music. Even putting the red 5 on the menu screen was brilliant, though you don't know it until the movie is over and you see the menu screen a second time. The actors were actually likable. There is no stupid dialogue. The sense of danger is convincing. The ramifications of the events keep calculating in your brain all day after you've seen it, a VERY good indicator. In short it is unique and absolutely worthy of your time.

It ain't 'Session 9', but it's more satisfying than 'Pi'.
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A great science fiction thriller
AMS-45 November 2003
Winner at Slamdunk festival 2002 for best editing and script, Teo Konuralp's first feature film shows a great new talent at work here. Having first heard about the film from Ain't It Cool News' highly positive review, I waited for two years to see this on DVD, and I must say that my expectations were fully met.

Presenting an engaging, unpredictable storyline, Feedback is a refreshing change from all the shallow fluff Hollywood produces. This is great sci-fi built not on special effects and explosions but an intelligent script with an interesting concept, twists and thrills and characters you care about.

Highly recommended.
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A gripping new film!
ophelia17424 November 2003
I've been hearing people talk about this film lately and I thought that it was time to take a break from the mainstream Hollywood over-budgeted blockbusters to check out a smaller, quality film. This sci-fi thriller has your mind spinning into a flurry of "what-if's" as three compelling characters attempt to change their history as well as their fate. This film is carried by its good acting and extremely strong and original script instead of an overload of special effects and CGI. If you are ready to check out a unique film that is the buzz of the independent world, go rent Feedback as soon as you can.
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Highly original movie -- highly recommend!
dave-hanson6 October 2003
This was an awesome movie. I first heard about it on "Ain't It Cool" and I didn't think it could live up to the raves but it totally did. It had a completely original story -- I never knew what was coming next. I won't give away the key element (hint -- 6 hours; hint -- mindf***) but after my friends and I saw it we were talking about it for days. I totally recommend it!
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Great Film!!
ackronomicon16 March 2004
I found this film in Best Buy, picked it up on a whim and was very impressed. The production values are superb even though it was shot on a very low budget. Don't listen to the last guys post, this film delivers and will exceed expectations. Director, Teo Konuralp's shots are all beautiful, no doubt in association with a great cinematographer. The actors are very solid, which is rare in most independant films. It's their performances that make this time warped idea believable. I would love to have a device to call my friend back in time and tell him the winning lottery numbers. If only life were like the movies! I hope to see more of the talent here move forward to bigger things. Somebody give this director a few million and see what he can do!
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an amazing independent film that everyone should see
jkon8915 October 2003
This movie was great! What a creative concept and story. One of the best independent films I have ever seen. I read the story on Teo the director/Writer/Producer and it was amazing that he made this movie on his own. He is definately one to watch for the big screen. Can't wait to see more of his movies! Rent this one for sure.
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Surprisingly very good
TheLittleSongbird20 January 2013
The concept was highly intriguing to begin with, but the low rating made me somewhat nervous as well. But I am glad that I saw Feedback anyway, because although there are a couple of(big emphasis on couple) predictable moments and it could have been a tad longer, Feedback is actually a very good movie. You'd never guess that this was low-budget, as it does look stylish and atmospheric and is very well shot. The effects are minimal apart from some bloody ones, and all the better for it, as Feedback didn't come across to me as a movie that needed to be effects-heavy. The music score fits wonderfully with the style of the movie, and is both cleverly orchestrated and hard-hitting without being obvious. The sound effects are very good, while the dialogue never falls into being cheesy or awkward and the story is suspenseful and always diverting. The characters are well-incorporated into the story, and none are the sort of characters that you wish ill-being on. The direction is very resourceful especially for a first-time director doing an independent movie, the pacing is crisp and the acting is good with great chemistry between Joe Taballena and Melissa Purley, who both give likable performances in flawed but easy to root for roles. Jesse Harper sets Mick apart very nicely, and Jerry Giordano makes a fine impression as the villain with the scene in the back of the car very chilling. Overall, very good and surprising, one of the better independent films I've seen. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Well Fed
NoDakTatum6 November 2023
Don't you just love when a shot in the dark DVD rental turns out to be a great surprise? Lenny (Joe Tabbanella) is ready to make a drug deal at a nightclub. He has the dope, and is looking for his buyer. He gets a call from a friend of his, Mick (Jesse Harper), who gives him a phone number and a message. Lenny makes the call, says the message, and hangs up. He gets beat up in the bathroom, and is out both drugs and money. Things do not get much better. Mick called Lenny, and left a message while he lay bleeding on a sidewalk, and expired after hanging up. The problem is Mick was relaying a message to himself. Mick was doing some work at a computer company. They invented a phone that can call six hours into the past. Mick was warning himself of his impending doom. Kubota (Jerry Giordano) was none to happy that Lenny lost his drugs, and threatens his life. Mick has an idea: do a little illegal gambling, and Mick will call Lenny in the past with a winning roulette number. Of course things get complicated as Lenny's girlfriend Sarah (Melissa Pursley) goes to Kubota for seed money, some characters begin dying, and the time phone is put to good use.

"Feedback" is a small film, and this works to its advantage. There are no obnoxious computer generated special effects drowning out the human characters. The only effects are bloody, and some great sound effects involving the time phone. What cowriter and director Konuralp must do is strengthen his characters and story, and he picks a winning cast to do it. Tabbanella as Lenny is great. He is a flawed hero, since we don't like to cheer for drug dealers, but you immediately like him. He has great chemistry with Melissa Pursley as Sarah. She never turns into Linda Hamilton from the "Terminator" films, she delivers a fragile performance of a fragile character. Jesse Harper could have played second banana to all the goings-on, but does a great job setting Mick apart. He is also another character hard to cheer for, but he rides the fence well. Jerry Giordano reminded me of a menacing Eric Roberts as Kubota. His few scenes are incredible. He does not play a generic villain, his scene in the back seat of the car with Sarah is a standout. Konuralp's direction is very fresh. I never became confused about what was going on, the basic story had a certain logic to it that worked. I kind of knew what would happen here and there, but that feeling was offset by a few genuine surprises along the way. Konuralp uses split screen and time captions to full affect, and there is more than enough suspense. The music was somewhat generic in all the scenes except the nightclub's. The science in this science fiction is iffy, but luckily the screenwriters do not dwell on it too much, so you won't have time to question it. Being a small film, the cast is small as are some of the action sequences. Great ending, though. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by "Feedback." Almost everything here worked very well.
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