Eternal Blood (2002) Poster


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Goth losers play an RPG and become vampires along the way in this stylish yet bad, foreign horror film.
Ghost the Lost Soul22 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(Note: This review is based on the English-dubbed VHS version of the film.)

Pros: Has a decent budget for a B-grade horror movie; the dubbed-over voices are decent

Cons: Lame acting; lame special effects; painfully bad senseless violence; the story disappears about an hour into the film

Plot summary(WARNING: MINOR SPOILERS!): Eternal Blood is a movie about a girl named Carmilla, a college student studying journalism. She befriends a group of Gothic students who are playing a role-playing game named after the film. She becomes interested in the game through M, the leader of the group she met in her class. During a strange party at an abandoned house, the group meets Dahmer(What a name, LOL!), a weird guy that introduces them to vampiric rituals. M realizes that Dahmer and his thugs are vampires that are changing his friends into vampires, and it's up to M to use ancient texts as a way make tham human again before it's too late.

Review: Compared to The Zombie Chronicles and Frost: Portrait of a Vampire, Eternal Blood is Academy Award winner. On a general scale, though, EB is pure s***. Seriously, this movie is a waste of money. To it's credit, though, it did have a decent budget. Too bad the writer of this movie didn't sit down and make a decent script. EB actually LOST its story about a hour into the film. After that, it seemed like the director just made stuff up as the movie went along. Oh, and I think American anime voice actress Wendee Lee does the dubbed-over voices of the 2 lead female characters. Personally, I really don't give a damn. If you like gore, Goth, vampires with HORRIBLE hairlstyles, and gun-toting preists, then this movie is for you.

My rating: 3 out of 10
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Entertaining vampire flick for a change!
Katatonia25 June 2003
I was surprised at how much I really liked this movie. The story has a very original twist on the typical vampire script idea. It has a truly dark and brooding atmosphere about it throughout the film. The cinematography was amazingly professional and has a shocking style all it's own. The use of blue-tinted lighting throughout the movie helped the atmosphere greatly. The special effects make-up and prosthetics were better than most "A" Hollywood films...they didn't look so cheesy like in so many vampire films. Quirky characters make many of the scenes quite memorable.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that this film was shot in Chile, and I usually enjoy foreign films. I'm not really sure if I've ever seen a film from Chile before this. I would indeed like to see more if they are generally of this high quality.

Compared to the last few vampire direct-to-video films I've seen...this is far superior in many aspects. I feel the urge to view it again in the near future......
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Total crap.
poolandrews15 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sangre Eterna is set in Chile where three Goth friends M (Juan Pablo Ogalde), Elizabeth (Patricia López) & Martin (Claudio Espinoza) are heavily into a Vampire role-playing game, a bit like Dungeons & Dragons. Meanwhile high school student Carmila (Blance Lewin) has to interview an 'interesting' person for a class project, for some reason she ask's M if he will be her interviewee. M introduces Carmila to the Vampire role-playing game & they, erm, play it. Then, while at a party, M believes that the host Dahmer (Carlos Borquez) is a real life Vampire & is trying to steal his friends away from him...

Known to English audiences as Eternal Blood this Chilean production was co-written & directed by Jorge Olguín & one has to say that I thought it was crap & it's as simple & straight forward as that. The script by Olguín & Carolina García is a complete mess, it tries to do something a little bit different but as a near two hour feature film it is incredibly painful to sit through in one go. While watching this it felt like it lasted two days rather than two hours. The character's are awful, the dialogue is awful & I am not sure what the film was trying to do or who it was trying to appeal to. Is this meant to be pro or anti Goth culture? The story is a total mess, there are two horrible, horrible twists in Sangre Eterna which left me both frustrated & annoyed. The twists also have the unwanted consequence of ruining everything that has gone before, the events of Sangre Eterna is either down to a lunar eclipse, Goth Vampire role-playing freaks, drugs, hallucinations, parental neglect or all of the above! You can take your pick because the film never explains itself or gives any real motivation or reason for anything that happens. Then there's the final twist ending in which a supposedly dead person open their eyes which again just contradicts everything, & I mean everything that has gone before including a big twist mere minutes before. This film is a really boring mess that will leave most sane people frustrated, irritated, annoyed & if they are lucky asleep.

Director Olguín does nothing special, the film is so tedious, about thirty or forty minutes too long & doesn't make any sense. Seriously if you sit down & think about it, consider all the twists & Sangre Eterna falls apart as it simply doesn't make any sort of sense. As the end credits roll I felt nothing but anger & annoyance as well as being glad that it had finished. Forget about any gore, there's a decent ripped-off head in a fantasy sequence but nothing else & the lack of horror, scares & atmosphere kills the film deader than a stone. It's some sort of horrible cross between a teen Goth soap opera & a horror film. Even the Chilean locations aren't used to any great effect.

With a supposed budget of about $25,000 the makers of Sangre Eterna were obviously working on a low budget which accounts for the lack of action, horror, special effects or gore but it's still no excuse for such a poor script & such a bad film. Shot in Spanish Sangre Eterna was dubbed into English, very badly. In fact I haven't seen such a bad dub job on a film since they heyday of the Italian gore film during the late 70's & early 80's which is saying something.

Sangre Eterna is a terrible film, if you like watching low budget boring horrible poorly scripted confusing messes then by all means give it a go. If you are looking for an entertaining horror film with some good dramatic incident, a story that makes sense & doesn't bore you to death then avoid Sangre Eterna at all costs.
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sebastiengerber5 July 2003
This vampire's movie is one of the worst I've ever seen.

Every thing in this movie is awful.

there is nothing to remember in Sangre Eterna.

It's really sad, because, I'd liked to see the vampire's mythology revisited.
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Although Having a Confused Beginning, a Good Vampire Movie
claudio_carvalho20 April 2006
Carmilla (Blanca Lewin) is a student of Journalism, who has relationship problems with her stepmother. She needs to interview a person for her homework of philosophy class, and she meets M (Juan Pablo Ogalde), a vampire lover that plays a RPG called "Eternal Blood" with his Gothic friends Elizabeth (Patricia Lopez) and Martin (Claudio Espinoza), in a seminar. After the interview, she is invited to participate in the game and dates M in a party in a house owned by the weird Dahmer (Carlos Borquez). The group uses drugs, and M is convinced that Dahmer is a vampire and is transforming his friends also in vampires. He decides to use the content of the philosophy classes to save Carmilla and his friends from the claws of Dahmer.

Although having a confused beginning, "Sangre Eterna" is a good vampire movie. In the beginning, the development of the characters is very weak and it is difficult to understand what is happening. After some fifteen minutes, there is a clarification, and the story becomes dramatic regarding the relationship of Carmilla and M with their families. Then the gore and Gothic story becomes very intriguing and has a great conclusion. The dark cinematography and music score fits very well to this simple, but efficient film. My only remark is the exaggerated merchandising. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Sangue Eterno" ("Eternal Blood")

Note: On 23 May 2010 I saw this film again.
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I absolutely love this move!
chelsea66622 September 2005
I popped this disk in not expecting much, I only bought it because it was dirt cheap and I'm a fanatic about vampire movies. I was *very* pleasantly surprised that the movie takes place within the "goth" subculture, and even more so at how authentic the subculture was represented. You'd think more horror movies, especially vampire ones, would have more of this influence. I may be a bit prejudiced about liking this movie so much because I love a movie in which I can relate to the characters, who, might I add, are absolutely beautiful, I could stare at them for hours. The plot is original, I've never seen the whole role-playing game scenario used in a vampire movie before. I loved how it kept you guessing...are the vampires real, or is M just delusional. Obviously, with the limited budget, some things are left to be desired, but that just goes with the independent film territory...especially with horror movies that require makeup and special effects. The soundtrack is also exceptional. I have been desperately trying to find the soundtrack, but unfortunately it's out of print and impossible to find. This is definitely in my top 10 of favorite vampire movies!
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a must see vampire movie
eliandkelly19 September 2006
this is one of the best vampire movies I've seen in a long time. now days it seems like people are running out of ideas for good and original movies, especially in the horror genre. its nice to see one that takes a fresh view from something as universal as role-playing as the storytelling engine that drives the movie. it also leaves the movie more to interpretation of the audience rather than spoon feeding you every small detail. overall, i loved this film. i accidentally ran across this at the video store, and had to watch it cause i thought it would be a "B" rated horror flick, but i was pleasantly surprised to find out that the plot was good, the acting was good, the music was awesome, and the DP work was good. the only thing not top notch was the cover art, but that may have been on purpose to get people like me to pick it up. everyone needs to find this movie at a local video store, or just go buy the thing, its worth it.
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Vampires & goth
Eduardo_Payne6 February 2017
I really liked this movie. The work contains three subjects always appreciated in a movie: vampirism, psychopathology and underground/Gothic scene. In the first ten minutes you'd probably think it is an ugly film about guns, vampires-zombies and religious persecution, but very soon the story grows to another point very interesting... based on the role games. I definitely would watch this movie again, and that is a sweet flattery to say about this chilean film. You better don't expect a "masterpiece", but it is a good work, def. Mostly for the lovers of the "genre". One of the intentions of the director was to focus more on the human reaction to fear, this is a plus in the movie... the nervous, the shake, the breath, the trembling voice of the character in panic. The "goth" bar environment is decently done.
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This Latin film is really amazing!
paulofx9 January 2007
This Latin film is really amazing. A group of young people has a singular game on vampires. But they need another member and they look for a girl dressed black, nothing badly for the occasion. But they without knowledge that really is happening, begin to confuse the thin line of the reality. At the outset it can seem a simple film of vampires, but soon this begins to transform itself into very dark nightmare, with good special effects, but with good actors, something very rare for this type of films… I don't tell much about the plot to ruin the surprise. This film does not have million of the American industry, but it has much creativity, well-taken care of line of vision. I did not know that it was a Latin film (from Chile) until seeing an exhibition here in Mexico. Is brilliant to see an original work!
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Dockelektro6 March 2003
In the old spirit of gore, this movie from Chile centers on some goth youngsters that play a dungeons and dragons-style game, where they become vampires. You can imagine the sequences where they "incarnate" their players - just think of a shootout where priests and nuns are the baddies. Anyway, they start realizing that the game is not that fictional - or is it? Lead by young charismatic characters, the movie's triumph is its cinematography and style. Too bad that I saw it with no subtitles, though, it made me miss a lot of the movie.
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Perfect mixture of horror and drama
angelnegrofilm25 February 2004
Without a doubt the film is of low budget but more than it surprises is its perfect mixture of horror and drama. It is a film of vampires very different from which we are customary to see. The first part is horror, action and Gore. But the second part is a dark and violent drama. It is really a refreshment for the abused genre the vampire. The special effects well are done and the powerful Spanish bands of rock are brilliant. Another great point to its favor is its great description of real the gothic world, not like in other films where everything is false, here the gothic world is very well represented. Its narrative proposal is to lose the notion of the reality or rather what is the real thing? for that reason the resource of the roll games (very similar to the masquarada one) is a success.
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Bunch of Goth kids make a fraudulent non-movie
Dr. Gore26 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I waited 100 minutes for this movie to start and it never did. There should be a flashing warning sign on the front of the video box: WARNING: THIS IS NOT A HORROR MOVIE! Since there isn't I'll warn you now: THIS IS NOT A HORROR MOVIE! Oh sure, there are two bad beasties on the cover looking all blood thirsty. And yes, there is a girl with two long fingers of death giving you the evil eye. It's all a mirage. She's actually giving you her middle finger. It's all smoke and mirrors. "Eternal Blood" is a fraudulent, cold blooded LIE. This movie is not a movie. It is 100 minutes of nothing. If it wasn't a rental, I would have bashed it into little bitty pieces and thrown it out my car window.

The worst part is that this movie had potential. There were some interesting scenes at the beginning which seemed to be building up to something. The Goth kids are playing their vampire role-playing game and priests are wielding shotguns. Anything that was remotely interesting in this movie was all in someone's imagination. The imagination of drug taking Goth losers. I deliberately avoided renting a similar straight to video movie called "Vampire Clan" because I knew the "twist" to the story. I thought this movie was going to dip over into the horror genre. Nope. It's a total lie. Waste of time, energy and space.

Screw this movie and all it stands for.
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An eye-popping-blood-spilling horror film till now.
baktatank20 January 2003
Sangre Eterna (Eternal Blood) is not just a great horror-vampire film. To look at it that way would be not only shallow but unsubstancial. Chilean young Writer/Director not only displays a quantum leap from his first feature film Angel Negro (Black Angel)but also gives a contemporary look to the everlasting theme of vampires. The plot is basically the story of M (Juan Pablo Ogalde) and friends who devote their time mostly playing a role game of vampires called Sangre Eterna, then Carmilla (Blanca Levin)comes into M's world not only as a lover but as a new player of the game too.As time goes by they encounter a dark and mysterious owner of a semi-demolished goth house who invites them to assist their parties and gatherings. Soon M finds out that these people are not only goth freaks like them but somthing more terriffing and ancient and that vampires not only exist in their role game but in real life too. Jorge Olguin brings new airs to the chilean cinema scene with a 'pure blood' genre movie which was never done before, adding to the mix state-of-the-art special fx and prosthetics (also never done before in these latitudes)with great performances (specially the one that displays J.P. Ogalde as M)and sound design (made by Chilefilms with 3d dolby surround systems) a result you get a real good-blood shedding modern vampire tale, that revists the theme in a unique way with low budget and high visuals. A MUST-SEE for gore/vampire lovers, although it is not a film that is among the masters Dario Argento or the late-gone-million dollar budget, Sam Raimi.

Karel Jorge Bosaans.
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scared yet loved it
avocadofreak41 April 2004
I loved the film. I thought it was really cool. I watched it when I went to Chile on vacation. My cousin picked it out. Honestly I thought it was really cool, besides the fact I kinda didnt understand like a word or two. I loved the ending! it was unexpected and I thought it was the best. I love vampire tales and this was a great one, in my view. the fact that chile doesnt have the best economy situation shocks me. They did the best they could and I thought it was the coolest. After studying film making, I thought it was a really good film. Oh I know it was NO "Anne Rice's Interview with a Vampire", but it was TOTALLY a great movie that I would love to own. Yes, it was gory and kinda scary and weird on parts, but its a vampire kinda have to expect that.

out of 10? id rate it a 10+
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Gothic and violence!!!
gccaro7 September 2006
It is a film of low budget, but its Gothic and dark atmosphere is very well obtained. It hurts the lack of money, nevertheless, Gore is very effective. Sangre Eterna(eternal blood) mixture two situations, the fantasy, where the protagonists soon play like vampires and the horror, when the protagonists really discover vampires. The intention is obtained, although the plot becomes something slow, but their better moments are very attractive. Without a doubt this film is better than many other films of vampires of Hollywood. The film is elegant, remembers the style of Dario Argento and has much of psychological horror. Soundtrack is incredible, pure Gothic rock in Spanish!
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Very Cool, Very Gothic!!!
jessyduran3328 December 2006
I'm a fan of horror films and of vampires, my favorite is an old film called Near Dark, for that reason when I could obtain a copy of this films was amazing! It's a film that is centered in the drama of a group of young people disillusioned of the life and they become jumbled in a subworld of urban vampires. I have seen much garbage of Hollywood with greater budget and this film it's a breathing and demonstrates that the budget is not everything. My favorite scene is when the protagonists it has very particular a loving encounter… to Marilyn Manson had liked to be there. It has interesting a sound track of bands of rock in Spanish, but apparently he is hard to find, in any case in DVD American you can find some videos. It's very Gothic, there is good make-up type "Buffy" and far very entertained, with a surprising end
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Eternal blood is a New and Fascinating blood !!!
rmarcianowar27 December 2006
I had the luck to see it's film in a cultural event in Ciudad de Mexico. And it was really a very pleasing surprise. It's not common to find a film of fantastic genre in Latin America and coverall films South American of this type. I saw in the screen was formidable!! battles in the streets between, armed nuns and vampires, soon an unexpected turn, Gothic parties, subrealistic scenes, a dark and solitary city, a tormented and confused hero, much blood and ultraviolence, FXs, etc… This is Latin American cinema? Where was I? was fascinating, only I remember "Cronos" of Guillermo del Toro, like a new innovation in the sort of the vampire by these sides. Eternal blood is a new blood for the Latin American fantastic. I wait for with anxieties new films of this Latin director!
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Great movie for it's time
delanographicart17 June 2022
The esthetic of this movie is beautiful. If you're a goth that likes vampire movies, this is one worth watching. I personally enjoyed it. Practical effects were used, which is much appreciated. I find the camera effects to be quite interesting and much different from any other vampire movie.
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Not a bad vampire film for being extremely low-budget and being from Chile
badgirlkane28 July 2003
First off this is this director's 2nd film and before everyone rips it pieces could you do better had you been the director with their budget? I really enjoyed this Spanish-version vampire film as it's was done not in a style reminscent of American,Asian,or European horror films that we've all seen before. Juan Olgade is a very good actor and a drop-dead lookalike of Robert Downey jr. The version I saw was unrated and very gory and I apperciate the ending where dumb people will go "Huh" and those of us who actually paid attention will be like where there's 2 ways to explain whether or not they were vampires at all? Very good foregin horror film compared to others that I've seen. ** out of *****
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USA Remake
mroccos31 March 2004
One of the comments who surprise me gratefully is the notice that this movie is (at this time) filmed in USA as a Remake. Historically is the first Chilean movie that's been filmed in USA from an original Chilean idea. Probably (we don't know yet) the film director will be Jorge Olgin, the same director of the original Sangre Eterna but with more FX and all the foreigner technology.

Personally I recommend this movie.
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