Rubber's Lover (1996) Poster

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A muscle monster??
movieman_kev20 February 2005
Scientists use a brain-altering drug to conduct experiments, after one such project goes astray, they need to find another test subject in this Japanese splatter-punk film. On it's surface Rubber's Lover can be compared to Tetsuo: the Iron Man (shot in black and white, weird, kinetic, and machine driven), but it's different enough to stand on it's own merits, even if it's not nearly as good as the aforementioned film. Good for a viewing or two, but it's not one of the films that you'll return to over and over again. Still for an obviously low-budget film it IS entertaining.

My Grade: C+

DVD Extras: "Gerorisuto" short film; Interview with Shozin Fukui; Photo gallery; Theatrical Trailer; Trailers for "Electric Dragon 80000V", and "Junk"
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Cyberpunk assault on the senses is form over content
dbborroughs3 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
From the man who made Pinocchio 984 comes another cyberpunk story filmed in black and white industrial. This is the story of the DDD which is a device which researchers hope will turn into some sort of super weapon. The test subjects are strapped to a chair and the DDD is turned on inducing a weird trance and trip. It also induces insanity and death. Chalk this up as another Japanese assault on our senses with the use of disjointed soundtracks and jarring fetishistic images. Not as lacking in story as Pinocchio, this film does have a plot, but its more an excuse to hang button pushing images together. As a collection of images or as a button pusher its gangbusters. As anything that resembles a real movie its lacking. A fine example of form over content...if you like that sort of a thing
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Weird, as only the Japanese can make.
Boba_Fett113813 May 2011
Really I can appreciate an artistic movie, especially if its Japanese but it still needs to serve a clear purpose or point all in order for me to fully appreciate and enjoy.

And no, "Rubber's Lover" doesn't really seem to have a clear point about what it is trying to do or say. It's like a psychedelic trip, that isn't even necessarily surreal. It doesn't really feature a clear storyline in it and I won't pretend as if I understood everything about this movie. Honestly, more than half of the time I had no idea what I was watching and what was going on all.

But this is OK really. I can also like and enjoy a movie for other reasons, when it's trying to be more of an artistic one. And from an artistic viewpoint this movie does definitely has its qualities. But still I can only take so much of it. Turning this into an 90 minutes just probably wasn't a very good idea, since the movie is just not an easy one to watch and follow. I'm sure I would had really liked this movie so much better if it got done as an 30 minutes short.

But still I didn't regret watching this movie and it wasn't an horrible waste of time or anything like that. It still was a nice visual experience to have to go through. I'm actually fond of modern movies shot in black & white, like this movie was. The movie does feature some nice looking and interesting moments in it, which makes it obvious that director Shozin Fukui felt at ease with the material and really knew what he was doing. I only wish I could understand as well though.

Obviously not a movie for just everyone.

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Psychic bloodbath
Food28 February 2002
This does for corporate research science what 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' does for inbred hillbillies. It is a film about psychic warfare that makes David Cronenberg's 'Scanners' seem ineffectual. Tho I don't like Rubber's Lover as much as Fukui's other feature, '964 Pinocchio,' it is certainly remarkable. What makes this film chilling to the bone is not the strange technology depicted or the spooky black & white cinematography or the creepy narrative ambiguities, tho this all adds. It is the screaming, hysterical, overblown performances by the actors which really gives the impression of terrible violence. Tho there is a decent amount of physical splatter in this film, the real gore is psychological. Try this film. you'll feel like a rhesus monkey in a head trauma experiment, and you'll like it!
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Plays like a film school experiment
bassplace8821 May 2012
If Rubber's Lover was meant to be understood and fully appreciated, It fell short. I was intrigued by the camera angles, technological props, and trying to find the storyline. This cyberpunk, art house, music video type spectacle, tired me out and seemed a lot longer than the posted 91 minutes. After considerable attempts to understand this movie, I surrendered. If I was at the theater, I would have left early. This movie brings up memories of David Lynch's Eraserhead and Croenenberg's Scanners. If this was a film school assignment in which the assignment was to make the weirdest movie you can think up, this was probably the winner. Not my thing, maybe yours.
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Gruesome, kinetic, bizarre. Brilliant!!
madevilbeats23 December 2001
Rubber's lover is Fukui's second movie, a prequel to Pinnochio 964. The plot (from what I can gather from reading other reviews and summaries of the movie off the internet as well as my visual interpretation of the movie since I don't speak Japanese and my copy isn't subtitled) concerns a group of scientists working to unleash the psychic potential of human beings. For some reason this involves injecting them repeatedly with a drug dispensed by a huge cannonlike needle, and then strapping a device to their heads similar to a VR helmet. The company they work for decides the project is a loss and sends a secretary to tell them the news of the project's shutdown. The poor scientists react rather badly to the news, and in a desperate attempt to make a final breakthrough, subject one of their own ranks to the drug and device. He responds well so they put him in an isolating rubber suit that deprives him of all sensory input but that which is governed by the experiment. The results are succesful and much mayhem ensues. Thus begins Rubber's Lover.

Shot in black and white, primarily in one location, this is a perfect example of low or no budget but high concept film making. A feeling of isolation permeates thoughout, perfectly controlled by the director's choice of angles and locations. The outdated technology the scientists are using isolates the movie from any specific date in time. The character's reactions to the events happening around them only amplify the feeling of isolation. The effects are gruesome, the editing is kinetic, the story is bizarre. Fans of Tetsuo: The Iron Man will love it as both can easily be compared at the most shallow levels. It is, however, an amazing film that stands on it's own strange island in cyberspace, far removed from Tsukamoto's film. Highly recommended, not for the squeamish.
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Another Japanese pseudo-surrealist waste of time
Der_Schnibbler2 June 2007
This is another one in a long line of typical Japanese black-and-white film-student-project-gone-wrong pretentious wannabe-deep-but-it's-not pseudo-surrealistic piece of crap masquerading as "disturbing horror." A never-ending bout of morons screaming for no reason and just "freaking out" is what you are in for with this film.

Of course, any movie like this will attract countless reviews speaking of how "briliant" the director is, how "disturbing" the film's "message" was (bwhahaha!) and a long string of steamy nuggets of self-delusional insight, but what it comes down to is this: low budget black and white boring inanity with lots of stupid screaming that will bore you to the verge of tears.

If you're looking for an actual movie with plot that will entertain you, this is not it.
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A Shinya Tsukamoto-esquire film
Onibaka26 February 2006
Much of this movie has the feel of a Tsukamoto (Tetsuo,Vital,A Snake of June) film, but the differences in story and plot have great distinctions. To save time and for the sake of your interest I will not re-summarize the film, but tell you what to expect. This film is almost as vivid and has as many common traits as Tetsuo, though with a different theme. For all of my friends, the sheer amount of screaming was unbearable, but it really is necessary. Effects weren't flashy, but they suited well. Acting was fantastic (only a real actor will wear one of those rubber suits). Overall, a great movie that will certainly make you perceive many things in a new way from now on, which I think is a goal that more films should strive to achieve. Not for the faint of heart, so watch at your own risk. If you enjoyed Rubber, you may like 964 Pinocchio, also by Shozin Fukui.
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I don't know about this one
Jeremy_Urquhart9 May 2024
Look, while there's a lot that could be said about the content of this film, all I'll say is that it was surprising to find it uploaded on YouTube, even if the upload was age-restricted.

I was lucky to even find the time today to watch something feature-length, but I was unlucky that the film I picked was Rubber's Lover. It had been on my watchlist for ages, and it was directed by the filmmaker who did 964 Pinocchio (Shozin Fukui), which is a divisive and confronting film that I ended up appreciating more than I anticipated. I might even feel like calling that one a good movie, in some ways.

I can appreciate Rubber's Lover a little, but not nearly as much. It's stripped down and low-budget as a horror movie, and tries to work within its limitations. To some extent, it works, because I think it kind of sets out what it wanted to do. I more feel that what it wanted to do wasn't enough for something that was an hour and a half long; that or it did actually have loftier aspirations that weren't well explored or communicated.

Option B or C or whatever is, of course, that I'm a dummy, but I think Rubber's Lover was actually a bit dumb instead. I can't muster up hate when it's got the kind of atmosphere it does, and when some of the gross moments are effectively gross, but it all felt a little meandering and maybe even just the tiniest bit lazy, at the end of the day.
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Such a
KarolJozef_II24 August 2021
Surprising result. Such a surprising result. Such a surprising result. Such a surprising result.
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