Mighty Like a Moose (1926) Poster

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Mighty unlikely story!
wmorrow5912 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Mighty Like a Moose ranks as one of Charley Chase's most satisfying and well crafted farce comedies, and happens to be my personal favorite. This memorably titled short offers twenty minutes of clever sight gags, deftly choreographed physical comedy, and amusing quips (rendered via title card, of course), all based on a wacky and wildly implausible premise. We're told up top that this is "a story of homely people -- a wife with a face that would stop a clock -- and her husband with a face that would start it again." Soon we meet buck-toothed Charley Moose and his wife Vivien, who has an enormous nose. What follows is a tale of irony worthy of O. Henry. Plausibility flies out the window when a plot hinges on such a patently dubious series of interconnected coincidences: i.e., first, that Charley would have his overbite corrected the very day his wife would have her nose fixed, second, that each spouse would keep their respective cosmetic surgeries secret from the other, and third, that when bumping into each other in public afterward, Charley and Vivien wouldn't recognize each other. Sounds like a bit of a stretch, doesn't it? Multiple stretches is more like it. Clearly, we're in the world of farce comedy here, and as long as you can relax and forget about realism you're likely to enjoy the ride.

Our story gets off to a leisurely start as the various plot points are established, but things pick up once the newly refurbished Charley and Vivien have "met" and made a date to attend a party together at the home of Charley's dentist. They each rush home excitedly, enter separately and are initially unaware of each other's presence. (Mr. & Mrs. Moose appear to be quite wealthy, incidentally, as they appear to live in a mansion the size of a luxury hotel.) There follows a beautifully timed sequence reminiscent of Buster Keaton's The Navigator, during which husband and wife dash about the house without ever quite meeting up face-to-face. And once they arrive at the party the comedy really kicks into high gear, when Charley is compelled to dance with gawky Gale Henry. Henry, an estimable player in her own right in short comedies dating from 1914, is hilarious as the dance partner who brings great vigor but little grace to her dancing. Director Leo McCarey provides an elegant cinematic touch during this sequence, when the camera pans down to show us only the shoes of Charley, Gale, Vivien and Vivien's dance partner, yet we're able to follow precisely what's happening between the principles by observing the way they position their feet.

Unfortunately for Charley and Vivien the party they're attending is raided by police, and from there on the complications multiply, even after they manage to escape the dragnet and return home. When Charley realizes that his newly beautified wife was attempting to step out with another man he resolves to each her a lesson . . . while conveniently forgetting, of course, that he was attempting to do the very same thing. The last few minutes of this film offer some of Chase's funniest physical comedy, capped with a great sight gag for the punchline. Mighty Like a Moose leaves the viewer with a warm glow, and surely ranks with the most amusing comedies produced by the prolific, sadly underrated Charley Chase.
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Not Bullwinkle but Moose Just The Same
DKosty12329 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The often overshadowed Charley Chase of the silent era stars with Viven Oakland in a 3 reel feature about a married couple who are stuck in the marital rut. One has a huge nose, & the other hideous false teeth. Both on the same day get their looks altered. With the nose job & new teeth, they become a different couple. They meet each other without knowing & fall into a renewed love.

Then there is a lot of comedy. Charley & Viven show a lot of energy in this script as both are required to move around a lot. There is a sequence where both are in their house trying not to get caught with the other one looking. Chase does a classic fight sequence with his other self to defend himself against advances on his wife by his altered self. Chase shows lots of energy in this fight.

Both of them find out about their new selves & there is little more to come by but laughter. Director Leo Macarey works well with this cast & he is one of the better comedy directors in the history of films. This one has lots of panels to read early on but as the action takes over, the titles become rarer in the latter half of the film. An enjoyable piece of comedy to be sure.
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Excellent Plot
gavin694226 January 2016
After a homely married couple separately undergo plastic surgery, they unwittingly plan an extramarital affair with each other.

This was directed by Leo McCarey, who really did not come into his own until the 1940s, making films along the same lines as Frank Capra. I had no idea he was involved in the silent comedy business.

Charley Chase (1893–1940) was an American comedian, actor, screenwriter and film director, best known for his work in Hal Roach short film comedies. He was the older brother of comedian/director James Parrott. Somehow I had never heard of Charley Chase before... he just does not get listed with Lloyd, Keaton, Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy... but maybe he should be. This concept was revolutionary and there is even a gigolo!
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Very Enjoyable
Snow Leopard12 February 2004
For all its silliness, "Mighty Like A Moose" is a very enjoyable feature, and has almost everything you could ask for in a short silent comedy. The premise, beginning with a mix-up between a married couple played by Charley Chase and Vivien Oakland, is goofy, but it's amusing and has potential. From there, the script makes good use of the possibilities, the two stars bring it off well, and Gale Henry also helps out in one funny scene. There's lots of activity, very little of it plausible, but all of it paced nicely, with a number of entertaining details.

The climactic sequence is very good. There are other movies from the era that tried something similar, but this one is especially well-crafted and humorous. It all fits together well, and is well worth watching if you enjoy silent comedies.
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Mighty Funny Charley Chase
CitizenCaine8 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Mighty Like A Moose is one of many short films Director Leo McCarey did starring Charley Chase. What a dandy it is! Charlie and his wife both undergo plastic surgery to improve their hideous appearances unbeknown-est to each other. They then meet at a party and become smitten with each other. Now they can't allow each other to find out they're cheating. That's the preposterous premise of this frantic farce. Vivien Oakland, one of the few comic short leads to have a flourishing career long after the silents, is perfect as Charley's long of nose wife. Charley has an awful case of buck teeth, which are quickly dispatched at the dentist's. After a party is raided by police for no other reason then to practice raids, Charley and his wife frantically try avoiding each other at home for fear the alterations in appearances become known. Both have been photographed with their new features at the party. The hilarity back home culminates in Charley trying to teach the no-good-nick cheating with his wife a lesson. The no-good-nick of course is the new Charley, which his wife comes to realize long before Charley teaches a lesson in faithfulness. This is one of Charley Chase's better efforts. *** of 4 stars.
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One of the TEN funniest silent two reel comedies ever made!
Stan16mm14 September 1999
From start to finish, this 1926 classic two reeler from the Hal Roach Studios seems to sum up what was fun about the 20's. It stars the now forgotten comic genius, Charley Chase and was directed by the legendary Leo McCarey, who was unknown then but would earn his keep with Roach and graduate to greener pastures in the 30's and 40's. Recently released onto video and disc, this is one of the ten best examples of silent screen comedy and should be seen by audiences of all ages. Although today his star has virtually diminished, Charley Chase was considered the leader in the short subject comedy field in the waning years of the silents. He helped the careers of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy before they were brought together as a team, Leo McCarey and a host of other talents. It is a shame that he is all but remembered today. Check out this little gem of a film. Once you do, you will be seeking out other films from this classic comic. He had his hand in over 300 films and many of them survive. Rediscover this lost giant of a film from a bygone era and its giant star.
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The 31 Year Old Vivien Oakland
richardchatten11 March 2018
Vivien Oakland today is best remembered as the judge's wife who ends up drunkenly cavorting in her bedroom with Laurel & Hardy in their classic 1932 short 'Scram!'; but Charley Chase's legendary generosity to his fellow actors is once again in evidence in how sexy and funny she is allowed to be in this preposterous but hilarious silent classic which also takes a very relaxed pre-Code attitude to a pair of would-be adulterers.
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if you can ignore the glaring problem with the plot, it's great
planktonrules20 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. To enjoy this silent comedy short you MUST suspend disbelief concerning the major starting point for the film. If you can't then you'll probably be more likely to score this film a lot lower. Charlie Chase has a HUGE overbite and his wife has a nose large enough to have its own area code. Unknown to each other, they have both been saving to have surgery to correct these defects. Apparently, plastic and dental surgery was better back in the 1920s because neither seemed to have any need to recuperate from these major surgeries and they looked just dandy right away!! Okay, remember I said to ignore this, right?! Okay, well you also have to then ignore the difficult to believe idea that both could then meet and have no idea the other is their spouse. Okay,...now that you allowed yourself to accept these two silly premises, the film gets really, really good.

Charlie makes a pass at her and she makes a pass at him. Both are shocked and thrilled because no one has ever really considered them attractive. So, because of this new vanity they agree to go on a date. But, they both sneak back home--not wanting their spouses to know! Anyway, they meet later and are quite attracted to each other. But what about the poor spouses supposedly at home? Well, they both learn that the other is married and both anticipate their marriages will result in divorce because they really want to be with each other! Late in the film, Charlie figures out that the woman really is his wife and he goes through a very funny sequence where he plays both the boyfriend and the old husband--by changing his clothes and putting in false teeth when he plays the hubby! It really is a laugh riot to see him bouncing in and out of the room as he appears to be fighting with another person! You really have to see it to believe it. However, the wife sees an ad with Charlie's before and after photos and knows what's happening. In the end, they both feel pretty foolish!
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Great comedy
rigoletto33921 January 2011
We saw it the other day on the big screen, with theater organ accompaniment.

You all know the plot and the outcome, from the other reviews. Chase is great in this one. In one big scene, he's both the aggrieved husband and the "other guy" trying to cut in on Mrs Moose. The two of him duke it out in a hallway behind a door. He's in a house-robe, and the other he's in a suit, with a hat. (Ever notice how many men wore hats in those days?).

You might have missed the line near the end, where the dog recognizes Mr Moose when he puts the fake teeth back in - and the screen caption reads "Ah! His master's teeth".

One of the most well-known advertising line was RCA Victrola's "His Master's Voice".
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Story good enough for 10 minutes max
Horst_In_Translation30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Mighty Like a Moose" is a 22-minute short film from 1926, so this one already has its 90th anniversary this year. Nobody should be surprised that this is a black-and-white silent movie. The director is Leo McCarey and he was as successful a filmmaker as writer H.M. Walker. The star for the audience is lead actor Charley Chase, the other Charley, and this is one of his most known works I believe. Sadly, at least I hope that for him, it is not one of his best. The story of a husband and wife who don't recognize each other again after minor cosmetic surgeries never makes sense and the jokes this results into aren't much better either. Chase definitely elevates the material, but I found his co-lead Vivien Oakland fairly forgettable. The film's title is a reference to the characters' last name, but it's very strange and has basically no real reference to the story other than going for a not too smart or funny play on words. I have to give this one a thumbs-down. Don't watch.
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Not credible!
JohnHowardReid14 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Getting back to the hilarious Charley Chase shorts on Alpha's Silent Comedy Classics DVD, Mighty Like a Moose (1926) is often cited as one Chase's best, but I find the central situation too incredible to swallow.

Both the central characters are also far too easily recognizable, with or without buck teeth in Charley's case, and with a bobbed versus a Roman nose in Miss Oakland's footage.

In fact, Miss Oakland particularly stands out from all the other characters in the movie because of her most unusual cropped hair style.

The fact that her screen husband in the story fails to tumble to her identity is just too stupid for words. Even a blind man would recognize her, and hubblie is NOT blind at all! Why on earth didn't she opt for a wig as well? That would have made a bit more sense. Not much, I'll admit, but at least it would bring a mild bit of credibity to the story.
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Silly like a goose
thinbeach25 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The idea for this film is a humorous one - that after undergoing facial surgery, a husband and wife, no longer being able recognise each other, do not realise it is their spouse they are flirting with. The execution however makes is too implausible to suspend disbelief - the wife's surgery is on her nose, and the man's on his teeth - but both are far too easily recognisable post surgery for who they were before.

If you can go along with it however, the upbeat plot is full of twists and turns and quite a bit of fun. There is also a memorable sequence towards the end where Charley Chase fights himself in the closet, pretending to be two different people to try and fool his wife.

Anyone not concerned with the opening flaws should enjoy this quite a bit more.
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