My Sweet Killer (1999) Poster

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A Solid C
doctor1330 November 2001
It's always tough watching and judging low-budget, independent films. You can tell that the people behind the cameras had a lot of heart and energy going into this film. Unfortunately, it's not enough here. Nicely shot and competently directed, it's the script and the performance of the lead actor that causes the film's shortcomings; and since both come directly from Kirk Harris, it's ultimately with him my problems lie.

The script, detailing the psychological deterioration of an ex-mental patient, is full of cliches: the loner, sympathetic yet brooding with barely-hidden psychosis; the other loner, another outcast from society who's trying to make friends; the gang-bangers/drug dealers/street urchins who harass the lead character; the delusional character who only the lead character can see, who continually spurs him on to commit acts of violence, which he eventually does, and then...the list goes on.

Kirk Harris is best performing this character when he plays him shy and introverted, as he is at the beginning of the film. I can actually believe that he is Charlie, which is the goal of any good method actor. But it's in the moments when Charlie begins to lose control, when the little smile cracks across his face or he tosses his head in disbelief that Charlie disappears and you can see Kirk Harris "acting". And once you see that, the illusion is destroyed, Charlie disappears and Kirk cannot bring him back.

I applaud the efforts of everyone involved. I think, however, that time and future films will help hone their crafts, resulting in better productions.
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A boring wannabe psychodrama
srjgpctmfd112 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this film on at a DVD Shop: 3 Films 5€. I started watching this movie and after 10 minutes I was already bored. The movie tries to be an mystical and psychological drama, but the movie can't achieve it because of the worse acting skills of the mainactor (the Mexican Gangster, too) and the boring story, the whole film is setted in:Day-going to work, aftenoon-some boring talks to people or buying food/drugs, evening-nightmares of this woman. The end of the movie tries to be kind of cool, but the it's just disappointing and bad.

All in all watching this movie is wasting time. But it isn't the worst film I saw so:

22/100 -> 2/10
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One of the worst films I've ever seen, absolute crap.
poolandrews13 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
My Sweet Killer tells the story of a man named Charlie Cavenaugh (Kirk Harris who also wrote this crap), Charlie is an ex mental patient who now lives in a local community, has a decent job but has to report to Dr. Resner (Jonathon Chaus) every once in a while. During their latest little chat Charlie tells Resner that he likes & talks with Pasqua (Stephanie Knight), the attractive woman who used to live in his flat before him, live there that is until she committed suicide. Clearly this 'care in the community' crap isn't working too well. Anyway, a new guy at work named Dave 'Buck' Bucker (co-producer Jack Rubio) tries to befriend Charlie but doesn't get very far as Charlie hardly ever says anything, probably because he's always doped up. Erm, to be honest I'm struggling now as not much else actually happens. Eventually Charlie loses it completely & kills a couple of drug dealers, Quote (associate producer Art Chudabala) & Jerry (Luis Guizar) who appear to live in his doorway & that's just about it, look next to nothing even remotely interesting happens in My Sweet Killer & I can't believe I gave it such a detailed plot synopsis...

Co-executive produced & directed by Justin Dossetti I hated My Swwet Killer with a passion. The script by star Harris is so slow & boring that I actually fell asleep watching it (don't worry I caught up on what I had missed), the film tries to raise certain issues like the treatment of the mentally ill, drug addiction, being on time for work(!) & isolation but none of these things have any impact in such an awful script & lame film. It has no discernible story or narrative, quite simply virtually nothing happens, well nothing that could be even remotely called entertainment & the whole purpose of a film is to entertain, right? I honestly don't know what to say as very little happens, the character's are awful with Charlie spending most of the film walking around ignoring everyone. You know, this really is worth mentioning again as I sat there waiting for something to happen, for Charlie to completely lose it & go on a killing spree or just anything to alleviate the tedium, unfortunately I'd still be sat there now if not for the fact that I had more fun things to do, like go to work. My Sweet Killer is the absolute pits, it has no entertainment value whatsoever & don't rent this atrocity out thinking that it is a horror film because it most certainly isn't.

Director Dossetti brings absolutely nothing to the film, no style, no visual flair, tension, atmosphere or excitement. My Sweet Killer is a real chore to sit through, I mean really dull & frustrating. The music was rubbish, the cheap shot on videotape cinematography was below that of the average soap-opera & is that meant to be a Doctor's surgery? The production values are real bottom-of-the-barrel stuff all round, yes I know it's an Indie film & probably had a minuscule budget but that doesn't excuse it from being total crap, does it? Forget about any violence or gore as only two people die during it's excruciatingly long 80 odd minutes, a few splashes of blood & it's most graphic scene when someone is killed by being hit over the back of their head with a frying pan! The acting is uniformly awful from everyone involved.

I hated every painful second of My Sweet Killer, it is one of the few films that I can honestly say was totally devoid of any sort of entertainment value whatsoever, harsh but true I'm afraid. One more thing, forget about the good sounding & very, very generous IMDb score, those users who voted My Sweet Killer a 9 or 10 (& there are a suspiciously high amount of them) are obviously masochists. Avoid at all costs & don't say you weren't warned!
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Mentally unstable drug addict kills himself after long plot-less movie
jmanis223 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the last reviewer I cannot bring myself to find the good in this movie such as saying how impressed I wasn't with how they filled the hollowness with sounds and words. This movie was truly bad and not worth your time. The low budgetness of the movie leaves you yearning for a old school slasher movie that never comes. At any moment you hope the main character will go berserk and provide you some entertainment. Instead you witness a boring mentally unstable individual become more unstable climaxing in a suicide via wrist slashing in a bathtub. Shocking. Highly recommend that you stay away. On a side note my girlfriend rented this movie in Germany because it is called 7th Sense. Needless to say its nothing like the 6th Sense. Also, this was so bad it drover me to making my first ever IMDb comment.
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Does anyone have a copy of this?
texaslawdog10 February 2007
I have made it my life goal to collect every known copy of this movie. I honestly feel that after watching this movie your IQ will have dropped. I will take my collection of the total of the 10 movies that were actually sold and burn them so as to not cause anymore pain to the movie gods. Myself and the other 25 people who might have stomached this movie for the entire duration have spent countless waking hours fearing that a squeal would be made.

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Not the worst movie ever, but in the bottom 10
Jacques-Kinnaer30 October 2005
#3 on the list of worst movies I have ever seen, this movie came in a box of 4 DVDs. Now, quite often when you have several movies propped into one box, there's only one good movie among them.

Not having seen the three others yet, I am hoping that this one is not it. The acting isn't bad but that's mainly because there isn't much for the actors to do.

The story is fairly basic: a guy has mental problems, sees a beautiful girl in his dreams that wants him to commit suicide ... and towards the middle of the movie, you find yourself actually hoping that he will, so that he puts you out of his misery. The main character is always looking for pills that can help him sleep. He could watch this movie instead.

If the other movie on the same disk turns out as bad as this one, I'll use it as a frisbee.
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Charlie and Pasqua
SoapboxQuantez0825 August 2014
It is believed that a young man named Charlie offed his father to avenge his mother and sister as a boy. He's been in and out of institutions, and is crazy for sleeping pills. He eventually has a confrontation with his boss, losing his job, and runs out of a house when he's about to get laid. He's clearly losing control, and is apparently in love with Pasqua, the apartment's previous tenant. Pasqua is his daily fantasy, and other than the thugs in front of his residence, is the only person he communicates with. Charlie has been a machinist, and on the job, he meets a co-worker who's concerned enough to act as an adviser. Charlie's co-worker is his only hope of ever returning to reality.
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nogodnomasters22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie (Kirk Harris) is at a half way house and works at a machine shop. He gets psychiatric help but has trouble sleeping. He dreams and imagines about a girl (Stephanie Knight) who is both his killer and lover. The film centers on Charlie to the exclusion of everything else. I got bored with his act about 20 minutes into the film as things go nowhere.

I don't understand the praise worthy reviews as the film lacked entertainment value, acting, dialogue, and plot. A concept film? Not really, just a bad film looking for an excuse.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, brief male nudity (Kirk Harris)
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Stunning film despite the obvious lousy photography
hello-828 June 2002
Just saw this obscure film. I almost turned it off during the first ten minutes. I must say it isn't particularly well shot. However isn't about that. It is a character study of what goes on inside a disturbed person's mind as he valiantly tries to return to society. Kirk Harris' performance in this film is downright chilling. Somehow you feel for a guy that is headed for mass murder. Strange little flick that is much better than most other over hyped independent films. The use of sound ads another creepy layer to the film.
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I love cult type films
laura-20526 August 2003
What a strange little movie. Very dark and at times oddly funny. Loved the performances, namely the lead character in the film. The score is also a huge plus and something you won't often find with low budget films. All in all a great surprise.
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strange little film
2sillygirl10 June 2003
This film really should be a midnight cult film. It features one of the best performances in film today by its lead character and yet has other far less developed performances. The lead actor exudes a Brando like mystery. The film is painfully low budget but I do like how they used the voices and sounds to fill the lack of visuals. The film is really a case study in watching a person deal with madness and feeling sympathy for someone who is, well a killer.
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Creepy little film
joey-7824 May 2002
I found My Sweet Killer to be a creepy little film. The sound effects are very important in this film. Voices in the head (or are they?) sprinkle through the film. Starts a bit slow, but builds towards something most indies don't - a real story and conclusion. Best thing about the film and the reason without doubt to watch it is the performance of the lead actor Kirk Harris. Only way to describe it is Taxi Driver-ish. I've not seen him in another film yet, however he appears to be a young DeNiro like actor in the making. Also, enjoyed most of the rest of the actors as well. Which is a huge surprise on a low budget film. There where however a few obvious non-actors in the film which pull the viewer out a bit. All in all very disturbing.
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Better than expected
jared67ca10 December 2004
My one line summary should explain it all. I've been on a run of low budget horror films of late and ran across this one at my local video store. The box lists a good deal of great reviews and even an award of some sort. So many bad films do. Not this one - it is good. Very well acted. Especially the lead good/guy bad guy. Is he crazy or isn't he? What a terrific actor. Can't remember his name right now. Very similar to "The Machinist" in many ways.

Kinda wonder of Brad Anderson didn't watch this film... I also dug the cinematography. Strange angles. Only thing I wasn't crazy about was the way the dreams looked. I definitely recommend it.

Not a normal horror film by any means. More of a psychological horror film I suppose.
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my idea of horror
righteous-212 October 2003
This film is my idea of a real horror film. Most of all because it could and does happening. Watching a young man with mental problems disenigrate into murder is something we've all read about. I really like the POV of the film which is so much through the characters view and view point. It is his world and you are just a visitor.
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weird but compelling
kirk_bones25 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a weird but compelling low budget shocker that I found by chance on the Horror Channel early one morning.They often put on a lot of rubbish but sometimes in the dross you find a pearl such as this. Charlie Cavenaugh is a strange young man who works in a factory and is visited in his dreams by the dead girl that lived in the flat before him. The film is about Charlies slow but inevitable decent into madness.His deteriorating mental state is portrayed by dream sequences that become more frequent the more disturbed Charlie becomes. As the film develops you feel more and more sympathy for poor Charlie and at the inevitable sad ending,after Charlies killing spree,you feel sympathy for Charlie and not for his victims as they basically asked for what they got.You feel the sorrow of Charlies friend Buck who finds him and genuine grief for Charlie who had trouble sleeping and was finally pushed over the edge. I warn you that this is a sad and disturbing film that could well stay with you far beyond the closing credits. 8/10
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a gem found in a pile of junk
cpburrowes12 January 2007
I was searching through a local bargain bin and found a single copy of this film. I purchased it on the strength of the Filmthreat review and was pleasantly surprised that it lived up to the review. Sure it is a low budget film that relies more on the actors than the action but the cast hold their own. The script has a few moments that are hard to follow but the plot comes through if you pay attention and in my humble opinion it is worth the effort. A slow dark thriller. Some of the action at the end could have been choreographed better but i know from experience on sets of B-movies that choreographing action can be tough so I'll let that slide.

This cheap film grabbed me and kept me interested and there was definitely a lot of heart behind the scenes and it shows on screen. If you ever get the chance to see this movie i recommend you watch. Good stuff!
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dark strange little film
oldblueeyes7319 September 2002
Very creepy little horror type film. Horror like reality - not horror like a horror film. Rough production values mare the film somewhat however the intensity of the Charlie character is worth watching this film. I found myself rooting for what is essentially a bad, scary guy.
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A great performance by Kirk Harris.
info-2425 July 2000
Saw the film at the Laemmle Sunset 5 in Los Angeles a few months back. The lead actor/writer Kirk Harris gives one of the best performances I've seen. The film is hardly perfect and decidedly low budget, but his portrayal of a mental patient is positively hypnotic. The film crept up on me, first seeming to be strictly a character study and then towards the end becoming quiet scary. Not for everyone, but all in all I dug it.
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Not sure I liked this film...but
Katie-9917 June 2002
I'm still not sure I really like this film. It is creepy, like real life kind of creepy. The lead actor is a little too, well, real. He reminds me of the kind of people you hear about going on a killing spree. I know the guy is an actor, but either he is really good OR he is really a scary individual. Other parts of this film were not as effective. If you are in the mood for a real horror film this is it.
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I was surprised by the film
Hayden-1010 November 2002
I rented this film not expecting much. Just looking for something different. Wow, very intense performance by the lead actor Kirk Harris. Not an exceptional film by any means but the journey the character goes on is worth a watch. Kind of like a no budget Taxi Driver with a bit more horror thrown in. Some the performances and camera direction was mediocre but all in all well worth a watch. Even just to see a guy sell destructing into mass murder. Scary in a real way.
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