weird but compelling
25 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a weird but compelling low budget shocker that I found by chance on the Horror Channel early one morning.They often put on a lot of rubbish but sometimes in the dross you find a pearl such as this. Charlie Cavenaugh is a strange young man who works in a factory and is visited in his dreams by the dead girl that lived in the flat before him. The film is about Charlies slow but inevitable decent into madness.His deteriorating mental state is portrayed by dream sequences that become more frequent the more disturbed Charlie becomes. As the film develops you feel more and more sympathy for poor Charlie and at the inevitable sad ending,after Charlies killing spree,you feel sympathy for Charlie and not for his victims as they basically asked for what they got.You feel the sorrow of Charlies friend Buck who finds him and genuine grief for Charlie who had trouble sleeping and was finally pushed over the edge. I warn you that this is a sad and disturbing film that could well stay with you far beyond the closing credits. 8/10
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