Executions (Video 1995) Poster

(1995 Video)

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An interesting documentary
Afracious15 June 2001
This is an interesting documentary focusing on the subject of the death penalty and the execution of human beings. The program begins by showing us the guillotine from France, a century ago, and then moves to the current day. We are shown the various forms of execution from shootings, stonings and decapitations to electrocutions, gassings and lethal-injections. World War Two is looked at, with the Nazi's mass genocide of the Jews. Other atrocities are also shown in Bosnia, China, Iraq, Rwanda and South America. An executioner in a Virginia, USA prison shows us the procedure of an execution by electric chair. Some of the images are quite graphic, especially the shooting of a man in Beirut at the end, but overall it isn't too disturbing. The program is narrated well and is engaging enough, although it only runs for 57 minutes. Worth a look.
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Horrifying beyond belief,but...
blondJasper10 January 2007
The makers of this film have very strongly held opinions on the subject of capital punishment,and I respect their right to express such opinions.However,they have thrown the baby out with the bath-water by claiming that execution is never appropriate in any circumstances.While it is undoubtedly true that many regimes have,over the centuries,misused capital punishment either by killing innocent people or by using harsh and cruel methods of execution,this is more of a reflection on these regimes and their leaders.Like many people throughout the world,I believe that for very serious crimes such as acts of terrorism,murder of children or so-called 'serial killing',a quick and humane execution should be one of the options available to a judge and his colleagues.The people who commit such acts were largely ignored in the film,with the emphasis being on mass executions to serve political or religious agendas,which is an unforgivable atrocity but has little to do with selective and humane judicial execution.
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Most people seem to be missing the point!
I cannot believe some people on here! They post their comments going 'its a sick film, it should never have been released, the film makers are sick' etc etc etc. THATS THE WHOLE POINT!!! This film is REAL LIFE, not some footage that the film makers have created. Of course its sick, this is a film showing that the death penalty is barbaric and wrong by using images that say just that. The film makers are showing their disgust! They challenge you to look into the subjects eyes. Heres the problem with it all you see? These people who say 'its sick, it should never have been released' SUPPORT the ideas of the film makers, in that the death penalty is barbaric, and yet, try to blame THEM for what they have shown???!! Am I the only one who finds that ridiculous? They are hiding behind the issue, dismissing it as the film makers being sick, just because they are not capable of looking real life issues straight in the face and thinking 'is this what our race has become?' No, its just some people who wanted to 'gross people out' with archive footage; so what you're saying is the death penalty isn't to blame? Its just 'sick film makers' who are responsible for it all? All you guys so obviously support the views this film trys to put across, yet then contradict yourselves completely. Think it through next time! Anyway, the film itself is masterful.

The makers get their views across loudly and effectively, to an extent that it may even change the minds of some of those in favour of execution, or at least bring up the kind of discussion you can see from some of the more sensible comments posted here. The fact that the background of any of the criminals is not filled in is also irrelevant to their case. Its not important to the film what the guy did to end up being sentenced to death, its the fact that, by killing him, all we do is sink to their level. We are breeding a society who think death is the answer to all problems, and that is awful! So yes, the images are sick and provocative, but aint that the whole point? Its not the film makers fault, its human kind. We should support this kind of view, and yes, it should be used for educational purposes. Then maybe the next generation will not miss the point at all.
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Painfully moving documentary.
HumanoidOfFlesh11 March 2003
"Executions" is one of the most disturbing documentaries ever made.Broken down into chapters,the film tells about the major forms of execution-stoning,hanging,shooting,decapitation,lethal injection etc.It is certainly interesting and very moving discussion about capital punishment.The film has no fake scenes-it's certainly real.The final scene of the execution of Mohamadine Salar is so painfully moving and disturbing that I have a tears in my eyes during this scene-these shocking images will haunt you forever.They provide a chilling proof that most of these executions are not quick,clean or humane.The film may be extremely hard to take for some,but if you're not easily offended give this one a look.
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Executions (1995) - Censorship?
God_Guns_and_Country17 February 2006
I haven't yet seen this text and at present, have no desire to do so, but I must register disagreement with the appalling comment which says that the public should be stopped from seeing the film. CENSORSHIP IS WRONG! Film is a form of creative expression just like any other art form. Art in history, has depicted many forms of death and violence(Shakespeare wrote some of the most elaborate murders to date), because art is about evoking human reaction, and judging by the comments made, this film has been very successful at doing just that. The right to see a film such as this should not be in the hands of other people. As long as the film sufficiently warns audiences of what they can expect to see, and treats the material in a mature manner, there is absolutely no reason why it should be stopped. Just to remind everyone, Censorship was prevalent in the Nazi and Communist regimes!
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Everyone should see this movie
abel-1623 June 2003
I think this movie should be showed in schools all across the world. Look at the people that are being stoned for religious misconduct or the ppl that are shot for being junkies, and ask yourself if you really think that the death penalty is something that humanity needs in the 21 century.
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Great film for the uneducated, those who can't read and snuff enthusiasts.
equalizer515013 May 2011
Great film for the uneducated and those who can't read. Many reviews here reflect the first one I read that said I don't understand why people say this film is sick. "THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!!! This film is REAL LIFE, not some footage that the film makers have created. Of course its sick, this is a film showing that the death penalty is barbaric and wrong by using images that say just that." Rubbish! Do you need to see people decapitated to learn that is practiced as a form of capital punishment? Do you need to see someone being stoned to death to realize that it is horrible? Did you know that is still common in the Middle East? If not, you can read a book or two and learn much more about the subject. In fact, you can learn more from a 2 page article tha you can from this movie.

There are some things that can't be unseen and it's not healthy to watch death after death. Snuff enthusiasts might like this but all footage is heavily edited, grainy and black and white.

Read a book like 'The Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective' or a similar book or watch The Stoning of Soraya M. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1277737/ Watching movies like this is just as unhealthy as getting into porn. Don't let your curiosity get the better of you.
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A convincing argument against the feminization of western society
ericolsen195321 November 2007
Such excellent objective documentaries on the death penalty never affect my stand on employing it in American jurisprudence. It is still a wise and effective practice when the crime of murder is cruelly executed or premeditated. We won't have Ted Bundy to worry about anymore. Having spent long hours researching the crimes which have led up to the executions carried out in the U.S. since 1962, I'd gladly throw the switch, release the pellets or spring the gallows-trap on people who have tortured, raped and murdered little girls, or shot small children to death in full view of their parents, or murdered people on basis of their racial background in either the U.S. or in Nazi Europe. Too many citizens in the U.S. and other countries these days go into hysterics when we put loathsome characters to death, even in a painless civilized manner, which if usually far more consideration than those murderers gave their innocent victims. This is because our boys are now raised as girls in Western society and all they know is to "reach out with their feelings". Thereby, "men" in the U.S. and western Europe (among other countries) no longer think, they just emote. What is particularly laughable among the anti-death-penalty people these days is their psychic equation of the death penalty as practiced in the U.S. with the stoning-to-death public executions of supposedly-adulterous women in the 14th-century backward, loser countries of North Africa and Southern Asia. Our society, thankfully, does not equal their society.
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Highly disturbing
tubester24 July 1999
One of those 'documentaries' about death. Apparently meant to show how awful and brutal people sometimes treat each other, but you have to wonder if its not just pure nasty exploitation. One thing is for sure, if it doesn't affect you get to a shrink fast.
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A disturbing and very thought provoking film into executions
andycrane130 September 2003
I saw this thinking that i have seen a lot and nothing could shock me anymore, I was wrong. The final execution of the man in Beirut over came everything i have seen before. For those who say that more attention should be payed to the victims, they completely lose sight of the fact that the film is saying that the vast majority of people who have been executed in the 20th Century have never committed any 'Real Crime' and have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am a staunch opposer of capital punishment and i have read a lot of books and seen lots of movies with executions in them but i had to see this because it showed the reality of executions, that whether or not these people have committed crimes they are still human beings. At the beginning of the film they tell us to look into the eyes of people about to be executed. While they are being executed they are wearing blindfolds, which is more for the executioners than for the prisoners. By putting a blindfold over a person you effectively remove the humanity from their faces. I for one could never kill a person, regardles of what they've done because in the end they are the same as me. A great film 10/10
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Think you are pro capital punishment? Watch this one and then make up your mind.
cuddlycheerful8 May 2007
This movie depicts human executions, genocide and other human atrocities. What makes it so special is how nothing is sugar coated the way that is common these days. Instead the issue is presented with graphic footage of real killings. Indeed, extremely brutal and shocking but extremely convincing as far as the invalidity of capital punishment concerns.

Another commenter, who had not even seen the movie, claimed the movie to be biased due to not telling about the crime of Robert Alton Harris who was the last man to be killed by gas in the USA. I beg to differ a whole lot. First, that killing is not representative for the movie considering how a large part of it is focused around war and genocide by ethnic, political or racial reasons throughout the world. Second, the issue is not about how criminals should be left unpunished but that the capital punishment is an unjust one and has no place in modern societies. It is illogical to grant the state the right to kill while it is looked upon as a horrendous crime when committed by a citizen. Third, the specific execution of Robert Alton Harris made the cup runneth over as what maintaining capital punishment by gassing concerned. An official who after the execution got questioned about the killing of Alton to have been "cruel and unusual" considering it lasted some 20 minutes responded: "That would be a valid judgment I don't know if I can make. It's not a clean, quick, humane way of killing somebody." For anyone wanting to make up his/her mind about the capital punishment I fully recommend this movie to be watched.
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How did it get a certificate?
kev-coyne26 March 2004
First and foremost, I find it incredible that back in 1995 this film got an 18 cert in the U.K, and films like Straw Dogs or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre were still being refused.

I saw this film in 1995. It is a film I would never choose to watch today, but as a 15 year old I was curious about its content, and was constantly in search of shocking horror films. This is not a horror film. It is not a documentary. It is a collage of gross video footage of people having their lives ended in brutal fashion. The people behind the cameras are probably as sick as the people conducting the executions.

Maybe some of the people who were executed had been fairly tried and found guilty of terrible crimes, but this is not explained in the 'film'. And even if it was, would it really make any difference?

I have read some of the other comments on this film, and find it laughable that people have praised its content, and have even suggested it be used for educational purposes! This film tries to justify itself as exposing mans inhumanity to man. No, this film is for shock value only, and I suspect that most people who seek it out are naïve thrill seekers, or just plain sick. I was a member of the former group!

If you want sick blood and guts, get your kicks from a horror film, and when you leave the cinema you can be safe in the knowledge that you have just been shocked and exhilarated by the skill and genius of a special effects and make up team.
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A graphic campaigning documentary against capital punishment.
somafilms5 May 2000
A critically acclaimed, 'must see' film for all those who believe in capital punishment. For the first time the use of executions as a means of punishment is thoroughly examined in all its forms and is shown to be cruel and inhumane. The film documents how capital punishment has been misused over the past 100 years and how governments and dictators have used it as a means of social control rather than for any judicial purpose.
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Executions (1995)
scottlandrover25 March 2006
This documentary is badly edited to the point it is a complete failure. To say that it should be shown in schools is lunacy. It is not for the children. Adults only. It is disgusting. I accidentally watched it in 1998. The footage should be held and used by the police, army, medical services, security services and forensic departments. Some of the footage casts serious question upon certain actions that may have historical political relevance in war crimes which should be studied by the appropriate authorities who are responsible for investigating such atrocities. It is clear that other footage may give truthful accounts of history not commonly upheld as a common truth by many communities, therefore these instances should be separated and studied in there self so that realistic conclusions may be arrived at and actions taken to educate the public about what is really happening in the world. It is a sick and very emotive to the level it can make you sick. There are some specific points that are definitely important to be aware of in a democracy that may be inserted either to shock or to educate by drawing on the shock level of other included footage, the effective educational value of these particular diatribes becomes diluted by the rest of the documentary. I see this collection of footage as counter-productive to itself due to the idealistic idiocy demonstrated by the editors who have most probably either been in shock by the footage or have assembled the film in such a fashion as to deconstruct the viewers mind in such a way that they may question their own countries values and ethics to the level of becoming isolated in ones own beliefs. The footage gives a serious look at what many do not know and what many turn a blind eye to, it should only be viewed by those experienced in such areas as the unexperienced could well find themselves with a subconscious ticket to an asylum. It is a sad day when footage from a film like this becomes public, an even sadder day when people want to watch it. It is not nice and to be quite honest it makes me a bit angry, unfortunately it is as real as it gets. Watch it and say goodbye to a priceless piece of your own mind. You have been warned! They say you get more feeling from reading a book before you watch a film, if Executions was a text I doubt you would want to ever see a film of it as you would then understand that sometimes the graphic components ARE stronger than written text. It is somewhat interesting from a historical context if you are a criminal investigator or anyone involved in the study of serious psychological / neurological disorders or any areas of research that may involve violent dictatorships without any remorse to humanity. Don't burn your soul, please. At least watch Cannibal Ferox first!
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the most shocking I have seen so far
trashgang28 April 2012
Now that everybody knows how fake Faces Of Death (1978) was it was a big hunt to catch some other tapes concerning atrocities of the world, around the eighties a lot of those tapes popped up and where shocking back than all based on Faces Of Death but most of the so-called drama's were fake.

True Gore (1987) was up next and was the most shocking for it's days but it didn't invite you to watch it, there was a bit too much talking in it and the speech of Jim Jones was too long without seeing any footage.

Suddenly those tapes concerning real mayhem did pop up again in Japan under the label MAD known for extreme gore and bondage. The so-called Death Files. But there was also this tape, which I liked a lot because it was more of a documentary. It started with explaining how the first guillotine was build and what it means for society. Slowly we move further with picture and slowly towards real footage from the beginning of 1900. They are shocking but didn't feel nasty because they were shot in black and white without a sound. It moves forward to China and World War 2. Before you know it the footage becomes gruesome. Made in the nineties it focuses on the genocide from that era, Yugoslavia is the first time I was in shock, heads being smashed with hammers, it's not nice to see. Further we go to Rwanda where machetes hack into the flesh of the living. Some pictures I recognise from then and were already burned into my brains, not nice to see again but the shot in Arabia with the execution in close-up is surely not for the squeamish, I have seen a lot but this is the most gruesome footage I have ever seen. I won't go into detail but you just see the man living after being shot and he has to be shot again...We are now a few days further after watching and still that picture is coming up again.

Gory as hell, the most vicious I have seen so far.

Gore 5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0/5 Story 4/5 Comedy 0/5
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sick snuff don't watch it!!!.
fairytree23 March 2004
I was amazed by reading some of the comments made by other viewers of this documentary. One said it should be shown in schools and another said interesting viewing. For whatever reason this documentary was filmed for lets not forget one thing this is snuff. You are watching people being killed and tortured in various ways, why any sane human being would want to watch these images is beyond me. Even more disturbing is that this is not the only film that has been released in the series of executions that was to follow the first. I have seen this film and i watched it a good few years ago and i had almost forgotten all the hype about the film when it was first relased. The first day it had hit the shops all the videos had been removed from the shelves because of public outcry and disgust and for a good cause as well. Anyway a few years on from then i was in my local video store looking through a section and there in a black cover was executions, i could not believe it. I am not sure if it was banned but a lot of shops in England refused to sell any copies. I took the film to the counter and rented it, at the time i was about 23. Me and my girlfriend sat down that Sunday evening and began to watch the film. What started off to be very interesting, talking about capital punishment through out history world wide, but by about halfway through the film it had gone from a normal documentary to a full on snuff film. Executions is the most disturbing and dark film material i have ever seen. I wish i had never watched the film. What you need to try and understand about this film is once you have watched it these images of death are burned into your mind and there is no turning back. This film is horrifying and there should be worldwide laws to stop these sort of films being able to come into the hands of the general public, sure we may live in a society of freedom and speech but some things we all need protecting from.Do not view this film if you are sane!!!!!!!!.
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Not seen it but...
diablogeege25 October 2005
I haven't actually seen this film but was searching for peoples comments towards it as I was thinking of renting it. The reason I'm posting a comment about it is because Houmatt made a very interesting and true point about capital punishment.

quote:- "What they do not tell you is why he was given the death penalty in the first place. He was sentenced to die for the murders of two teenage kids. He wanted the car they were in to commit a robbery, so he chased after them and shot them, later bragging to a fellow cellmate that he told one of the boys, who was crying and begging for his life, to "Shut up and die like a man."

I agree fully with Houmatts views on capital punishment, I've read a few posts of people saying "watch this if you agree on capital punishment, it will change your mind" and I seriously doubt this. These people are sentenced to death as they have committed heinous crimes and are a severe danger to the public or they are very unlikely of being rehabilitated. Before people start saying how awful it is that we use these measures against criminals, perhaps we should look at the crimes committed first. A few names to look out for:

Albert Fish, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, John Venables and Robert Thompson, Al-Zarqawi, John Travers, Mick Murdoch, Murphy brothers

After finding some information on the list of people above, and taking into consideration the horrible possibility of some of these acts being forced unto some of our own loved ones, would people still disagree with capital punishment. If you ask me, some animals are too wild to be caged and should be dealt with appropriately. An eye for an eye - Bible, book of something :dada:dada:yaddayadda
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Brilliant, Hard-to-Watch Documentary.
kedarguru2 April 2011
A documentary film should present and examine a sensitive subject in its raw, unedited form. To that end, Executions is a masterpiece. This film opens a dialogue for the controversial topic of the Death Penalty.

This film consists of graphic footage, along with a very insightful narrative history of execution methods and statistics.

I do not agree that this is a so-called "snuff film" - it does not intend to portray violence for the sake of profit. Rather, it intends to reveal the barbaric nature of execution, and question its place in a civil society. And, I believe this to be persuasive.

Although the film is "objective", it clearly suggests an anti-execution slant. A documentary should consider ALL sides of an issue, no matter how sensitive, and this film seems one-dimensional in that aspect.

For instance, capital punishment is shown alongside ethnic cleansing. The execution of a guilty mass-murderer is clearly more justifiable than the murder of an innocent person without trial! And yet, the film focuses completely on the criminal victim's suffering, while ignoring the nature of his crime. Is human suffering ever justified, and when? Is one human's suffering equal in value to another's? Does every human have infinite value? The film brackets these serious questions, offering instead an argument that emerges almost completely from grotesque footage. And, what is this argument? "BOO EXECUTION!"

I am not saying that execution can be ethical in any circumstance - I am saying that execution is and should be a complex sociological subject, and that an objective documentary MUST examine the pro-execution perspective.

Taking everything into consideration, I'm happy to have come across this film, as it opened my eyes to a world that I have never seen. Please do not eat before watching this.
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S James M6 April 2002
This documentary should never have been released,it is sick,vile,horrific,shocking and disturbing.The film should have been banned in the UK as it shows real-life images of people being shot by firing squads,it shows a man executed in the electric chair and shows a man have his jaw blown off by a gun.I can't understand why this was released or even made, who would want to watch real-life footage of people dying in such horrific ways?This film is a very disturbing documentary and should never have been released to the public.
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Faces of death got there first but this is the better film
I remember how controversial this documentary was on its release upon buying a VHS copy I was surprised to find how well this documentary was put together it shocked and sickened but most of all it was educational.
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Executingly effective doco, comes reccommended
videorama-759-85939118 July 2018
This notorious film, which I've just come to watch, I was repelled by it, when it's arrived on video shelves back in 1995. At the time, judging it's frank cover, I just passed it off as a bunch of executions, strung together, one after the other, it's purpose, a sheer shock fest, and one of course one which evidently shock. So I steered away. Has Executions shocked me? A little, nowhere as near as I thought. Am I glad I watched it? A big part or me says "Yes", and little says "No". It wasn't the frank cheap shocker, I expected it to be. I've judged way off course, with this one. The filmmaker has not made this for sheer shock value. He's done his research, and you'll be alarmed by some of the human statistics in a large pool of various style executions, where in it's end, endless victim's names scroll slowly and forgettably, avoidingly up the left side of the screen. This comes off as a better quality, and carefully applied product, which I undersold. I was brought on a heavy comedown, with this factor, as I do like to be visually and confrontingly challenged, not to say this film, doeasn't do that. A few images will play or be etched in your mind, after viewing this. One scene involving many pits of bodies, surrounded by short scattered palm trees was an identical Full Metal Jacket for me, it was freaky The film goes into quite a bit of history with much earlier executions, a few centuries back, and the barbarity of the executioners and the executed, just as shockingly merciless, if more, quite took me aback. The uncompromising and haunting music score, is unforgettable, as is the last scene, the most shocking, saving itself for the finale, our last executed. I must say, this scene, provided some unnerving close ups, which successfully shock and perturb. I had to partially turn away a little, but the director of this fine doco, modestly accomplishes, what he sets out to do, to make an incisive and effectively affecting film, with many graphic images, where even the old black and white footage, equally shock too, in part.
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Lies! Lies! I can't believe a word you say!
Houmatt21 July 2001
This so-called objective documentary is precisely that. In fact, in the disclaimer before the film, they tell you exactly why the film was made in the first place: To change your mind on the death penalty. Unfortunately, they are not going to do it this way. This program is filled with lies about the death penalty in general, and especially about the practice of it in the United States. The best part of this is a look at the execution of Robert Alton Harris in California's gas chamber. They specifcally talk about what others had seen during his execution. What they do not tell you is why he was given the death penalty in the first place. He was sentenced to die for the murders of two teenage kids. He wanted the car they were in to commit a robbery, so he chased after them and shot them, later bragging to a fellow cellmate that he told one of the boys, who was crying and begging for his life, to "Shut up and die like a man." None of that is mentioned. In fact, the victims are never mentioned at all. Not even once. And they have the audacity to called this film objective. Uh-uh. Nope. Avoid this film at all costs. You will thank me later.
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Shocking Reality - Worth Watching!
vampusmoon4 October 2008
This documentary really hits hard with the reality of what is going in our world today. Broken down into chapters: Hanging, Stoning, Beheading, Chemical Gas, Lethal injection, Electrocution, Shooting etc etc It shows graphic detail of how people are put to death, not just for punishment but just because they were part of the wrong religion, race or political regime.

Scenes include that of a women being stripped of her clothing before being stoned by street gangs, mass genocide of the holocaust in Africa, many Jewish POWs who were sadly exterminated just because of their place in society and men shot to death for murder, plus much much more.

Some scenes of be-headings are quite interesting as much they are gruesome - due to the fact a scientist proved that the human brain could still function up to 30 seconds after the head was decapitated and finally starved of oxygen.

Ending the story is a man in Beirut named Mohammedine Salar who is accused of a car bombing and finally caught by villagers. They decide to send him to death, again this is by his own people (and not by Jury or Court). He is tied up, blind-folded portrayed in front of the camera and then literally shot to bits - one bullet actually seen 'close up' blowing half his face apart as he continues to struggle for life and fight to take his last breath. Do we feel sorry for him, or the people he killed with a car bomb?

The fact about this documentary is to decide whether execution is humane - you make up your own mind? Worth watching for an educational look at the brutal way of punishment and racial political hatred.
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Cheap Exploitation
Michael_Elliott28 April 2016
Executions (1995)

** (out of 4)

This "documentary" comes with a warning that you're about to view very graphic footage of executions. We then hear from the filmmakers who say that they are showing these graphic images to show that the death penalty is wrong. Throughout the 57 minute running time we learn about the history of executions as well as see many examples.

EXECUTIONS tries to pass itself off as some sort of serious documentary with a message but something just didn't sit right with me. For the life of me I couldn't help but think the message was just a way to get the exploitation out there and it really wasn't any different than filmmakers in the 1930s who snuck nudity, sex and violence into their films by saying it was for some sort of educational purpose. To me, this film is just one of many knock-offs in the FACES OF DEATH aftermath.

As a documentary the film just doesn't work because I found it to be extremely unfair to the death penalty. I mean, they seem to suggest that the death penalty is inhuman. Okay, I can see their point. However, they try to compare the Holocaust to a death penalty and I'm really not sure that's fair. What Hitler did is a lot different than some mass murderer being executed or at least I think so. The documentary never really covers people who might just deserve what they get.

There are many scenes where we see heads cut away from their bodies and there are several photographs covering shootings, stonings and various other forms of death. As with FACES OF DEATH, the film leads up to the final death, which of course is the most graphic. I'm sorry but I just found this to be exploitation at the highest level.
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