Night Vision (1997) Poster


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culwin21 November 1998
The sheer awfulness of this movie is difficult to fathom. To start with, the plot is almost non-dimensional: a skid row cop teams up with a tough female rookie to catch a serial killer who video tapes his victims. The killer rides around in space-age comfort in a night-black van, and tasers his victims so that he never has to leave his TV monitors which can seemingly see into any bedroom in the city. In an attempt to expand this tiny plotline, we discover that the killer has an accomplice on the police force! Who could it be??

It is difficult to find the entire point of this movie: It's not a sex movie, as there is about 20 seconds of bosom in the whole film. It's not a fighting movie, as Cynthia Rothrock (famous for various Jackie Chan-style films throughout the 80's and 90's) delivers about 5 kicks throughout the whole movie. The acting in this film is awful, so I suppose it's a good thing that no-one attempted to develop any of the characters. The technical aspects and realism of the film fall flat in so many places, from Cynthia's "computer knowledge", to the killer's video monitoring system, to the 40-bullet shootouts where no-one gets hit or runs out of ammo.

Oh, and one more thing: what does anything in this movie have to do with "night vision"??

It is truly difficult to believe that a movie this bad was made in 1998 - it is remniscent of the bad cop movies of 20 years ago. I would recommend watching water evaporate before I would recommend this movie to anyone. I gave it (barely) 3 out of 10.
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Couldn't be any worse
gridoon19 August 2005
Fred Williamson, one of the two or three top blaxploitation stars. Cynthia Rothrock, one of the two or three top American female action stars. Imagine a film with these two together for the first time! Now imagine THE WORST film that could possibly be made with these two together for the first time. Welcome to "Night Vision". Of course, this movie was made in 1997 and they were both past their prime, but that doesn't mean they didn't have what it takes anymore - they just needed the help of good writing and direction. They got neither here. Rothrock does get to throw a couple of kicks near the end, but this film is so atrocious that you probably won't be awake to see them. (*)
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Dakota Smith...whattaguy!
torrascotia24 November 2018
Fred Williamson is back in another B movie action flick but this time its along with fellow B movie behemoth Cynthia Rothrock and for the rap fans Bushwick Bill of the Geto Boys. If you hadn't already guessed its a B-movie, with B-movie actors, production budget and values. If you don't like B-movies or were expecting Silence Of The Lambs from this team you are barking up the wrong tree, which seems to be common imdb when these movies are reviewed. This is not so much a revenge movie more of a hunt for a killer who is abducting women and couples who are having affairs. Its also a buddy cop movie with Fred being the main character while Cynthia is a the side kick. This is another of her movies where the martial arts is secondary to her acting, so don't expect Hong Kong style action sequences. Sure its easy to pick holes in the story or action however the standard of this movie is not to bad for its genre. The cast had a few surprises and it was entertaining enough. Its the kind of movie you can just switch off to as its not too taxing or violent to watch. Sometimes you just want something that isn't too emotionally draining and fun and this was fine on both counts.
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In sum, the cast is strong but the movie itself is not.
tarbosh2200024 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When a sadistic serial killer starts stalking the streets of Dallas, Texas, only one man can stop the madness: Dakota "Dak" Smith (Williamson). But before he can fight this antagonist, he must fight his inner demons: he's been living in a sober house and going to AA meetings. His alcoholism even got him demoted from detective to motorcycle cop working the graveyard shift. But his Commanding Officer, Teak Taylor (Forster) believes in him, so Teak teams Dak up with the enthusiastic Kristin O'Connor (Rothrock). Despite his initial misgivings, they forge a solid relationship. Dak's buddy Newt (Bushwick Bill) also is supportive. Can Dak turn his life around and catch The Video Stalker (Prentiss) - so named because he videotapes all his murders - at the same time? The presence and charisma of Fred Williamson completely carries this movie. In his first go as the recurring character Dakota Smith (later to be reprised in On the Edge, among others), Fred gains your sympathy as the hard-working guy who loves Twinkies and root beer. Inexplicably, there are multiple scenes where he appears pantsless, but maybe that was to underline his slide from hero detective to living on the skids - the media even gives him the nickname "The Skid Row Cop". He even gets his own, ultra-catchy theme song, "Dakota Smith - You're 12 Steps Away", which was co-written by music legend Andre Williams of all people (assuming it's the same Andre Williams whose career goes back to the 50's).

We all love Cynthia Rothrock, and we were definitely happy to see her here, but she seems miscast as O'Connor. Her martial arts talents are severely underused. This part could have been played by many people - this movie doesn't highlight her particular talents and abilities. Even still, it was nice to see her alongside Fred and Robert Forster (whose part is pretty minimal but still does a competent job). Bushwick Bill, of Geto Boys fame, basically steals the movie as Newt. You really like Newt and Bushwick does a great job.

The great cast notwithstanding, this is still late-90's DTV crud. It's ultra-low budget, and the mixture of simplistic plot - a cop drama/serial killer chase - means it gets a bit slow at times. It really seems like it could have been made in the 80's, thanks mainly to the cast. It was directed by Gil Bettman, the same man who directed Never Too Young To Die (1986). How far the mighty have fallen. What would Stargrove think? The DVD contains the trailer, which we would advise watching after the movie because it gives away pretty much everything. That's why we always watch the trailer after the movie. In order to hook the potential viewer in, they have to give away all the best parts. Too many spoilers.

In sum, the cast is strong but the movie itself is not. So it's kind of a wash, but Fred and Rothrock fans still might find this entry worthwhile, if not ideal.

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Contender for the Worst Movie Ever Made!
Carrigon7 December 1999
This can't even be called a movie, it was so bad. First of all, it was BORING. I was so bored, I kept waiting for something to happen and it didn't! The music was awful, like something out of a 70's porn flick. The acting sucked. Everything about the whole thing sucked. There wasn't one redeeming quality to this movie. Not even the last five minutes with Cynthia Rothrock doing the usual martial arts bit. Run from this movie!
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Watch it, if you must, for Williamson
Leofwine_draca21 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
NIGHT VISION is a cheapo thriller starring two dependable names of the 1990s, Fred Williamson and Cynthia Rothrock. The former plays a typically bad-ass cop, down on his luck and partnered with Rothrock's youthful shining star in order to track down a serial killer who enjoys spying on and videotaping his victims. Low rent action is the order of the day here, but it's a pity that Rothrock's fighting skills weren't called into play more. The villain is notably weak but there are a fair few gratuitous sex scenes shoehorned into the narrative in a bid to attract audiences.
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Never mind the quality,feel the porn.
timmoss-2638722 March 2022
This B movie has a distinctly 70's feel about it,belying the fact it was made in 1997,and too often resembles soft porn,(due to the de rigeur shots of bare tits,which gave it it's 18 certificate.) It was entertaining enough but I couldn't help feeling that the story had the potential to me made much more of,if it had had a bigger budget and better actors.

Still,it will please those who enjoy such fluff.
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hahahahahaha what a waste of time
alucifer7 September 2005
the only reason i bought this DVD is because cynthia rothrock is in everybody knows she is the queen of martial arts b movies.the trouble is this is not a martial arts movie.cynthia rothrock has about a minute or so of fight scenes in this stupid if you were a film maker and you had cynthia rothrock in your movie would'nt you want to have a lot of martial arts action? all she does in this movie is walk around looking bored just like i was when i watched this pile of crap.i own a lot of her movies and they are all b movies but at least they had some cool fight scenes in them.if you are a martial arts fan avoid this no matter what.i'm still mad i wasted 4 dollars to buy this DVD
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Boy did this movie suck eggs.
warlorde18 March 2002
Trying to catch a serial killer, did they ever think of tracking the license plate number of the black van or fingerprint the video tapes he sent? Oh brother the plot of this movie was so full of holes it was pathetic. Now I know why there are bad movies in the world. This one however was one of the worst.
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Enjoyasble enough for me
bannonanthony25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to say at the outset that even though I was disappointed that Cynthia Rothrock doesn't do more of her martial arts stuff in this film and I did think it a bit preposterous how indestructible Dakota Smith, played by Fred Williamson, appears to be, I enjoyed NIGHT VISION and am glad that it is a part of my DVD collection.

I was surprised that Robert Prentiss, who plays the 'Video Stalker' bad guy wasn't listed further up in the credits (his name isn't in the opening credits) as his character is very prominent. Prentiss can be a bit of a cartoon villain at times in this film but is very convincing as a psycho. In the lead roles as a pair of disgraced cops trying to get their acts together, Williamson and Rothrock are very good. Support is given to them by the excellent Robert Forster, but unfortunately he doesn't have much to do in this picture. I was a bit sad to see Forster here actually. Although I do like NIGHT VISION, it is very much a 'B' movie and after Forster appeared in Quentin Tarantino's JACKIE BROWN a lot of people, me included, thought QT would resurrect Forster's career the same way he had done for John Travolta and Bruce Willis when they appeared in PULP FICTION. But Forster is brilliant any time he's on screen.

The action is all handled brilliantly by Gil Bettman and the script by Michael Montgomery (who wrote another great overlooked action movie, EYE OF THE TIGER) has fantastic twists and turns in it. My only problem with the movie is actually the two jerk cops Bigelow and Johnson, who mock both our heroes. But at least they turn good in the end when they help the two nail the Video Stalker's crooked cop partner. I thought the black Dodge van which the Stalker travels in looks very menacing as well, and found it creepy how he seems to find out every intimate detail of his victims' lives. I think more could have been done with the plot line about the Stalker's mob connections, but overall, I rate NIGHT VISION as a brilliant action movie, and well worth spending 90 minutes of your life watching.
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Darkness makes for better 'Night Vision'
poohbearski9 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
What is night vision? Well according to the star (Williamson) let's package store owner says to him 'it's getting dark outside' to which he replies 'it makes for better.........'night vision.' What in the hell does that mean? In fact what in the hell is this movie trying to say? It has plot holes that you could drive the killer's van through. Not to mention a cop on duty drinking, Robert Forster sleepwalking through this bizarre attempt at cashing in on the serial killer craze, and a killer who videos his murders. That's actually all I remember.

The film took place in Texas, had a few car chases, and a clichéd ending. Perhaps if one watches this film with their eyes closed - it might be good? After all, without being able to see would make for better.....night vision. Did that make sense? Nope. And neither does this film.
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Cynthia Rothrock...what else do you need?
loveandmarriage10 June 2004
Low budget action movie that tries hard to have some substance (but doesn't leave out gratuitous breast shots). While they scored some once successful actors for this one,the real draw is kick butt Cynthia Rothrock. Rothrock has done some movies that make this look big budget but she never fails to please...her acting is actually fairly good this time around and her martial arts skills top notch. Two major actors from Jackie Brown might seem to be a draw for renters looking for a good movie but be warned; this type of film is an acquired taste. For Rothrock fans, take a look through her filmography and you'll find a number of films where she's more prominently featured as well as early work she did in China.
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ajack-1978310 October 2020
A truly awful movie. I gave up at one point then went back a couple of days later to see if it got any better, it didn't in fact it seemed to get worse. Acting is terrible, the story line is terrible, the special effects are terrible and the only reason I gave the film 2 stars is because of Cynthia Rothrock but even she couldn't save the film. It did do one thing for me it made me realise that I could probably write a better film script than tis.
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Pretty bad, but it could have been worse
Wizard-86 February 2010
The first clue that should tell you that "Night Vision" is not a good movie is that it was made by Texas filmmakers - Texas has made more than its share of bad movies. The second clue is that it has Cynthia Rothrock in its cast, and no (American) movie with Cynthia Rothrock is any good. The third clue is with Fred Williamson producing this movie, whose Po' Boy production company has made a string of bad movies. Yes, "Night Vision" is indeed a bad movie. In fairness, I will say that for a VERY low budget, the movie looks good. The colors are strong and there is some decent night shooting. And there are at least SOME production values, something you can't say for all Fred Williamson movies (such as with Williamson's "Black Cobra".) But most of the rest of the movie is pretty pitiful. It's a slow, sluggish movie, even in the action scenes. (And speaking of action, why cast martial arts actress Cynthia Rothrock when she gets to do almost no martial arts?) The atmosphere is sterile. Scenes seem to be missing. And Fred is seen in his underwear twice! And Robert Forster is wasted; he made this the same time that he made "Jackie Brown", and I hope he worked on this mess before making the Tarantino movie.
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movieman_kev17 April 2006
Unlike most of the reviewers of this particular movie, I'm really not the much of a Cynthia Rothrock fan, to say the least. However when I saw that the movie had Fred Williamson and Robert Forster (both great actors), I just had to watch the film. Williamson is a Dakota Smith, an alcoholic cop who is demoted to scrubbing toilets with a toothbrush and even worse having to team up with Cynthia at the behest of the captain (Robert Forster). Forster is always watchable, it's just a crying shame that the movie itself is so damn trite and clichéd. It also features one of the least terrifying villains ever to be committed to celluloid. Williamson would return to the Dakota character in a few more films, the next one being "Down N Dirty"

Eye Candy: Nina Richardson shows some T&A; Mary Kapper goes topless

My Grade: D

Where I saw it: Showtime Extreme
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what a great cast but ...
kostin126 February 2008
cynthia rothrock is a good actress but she can't save a movie with a budget that is almost equal with 0.robert forster joines her but he has just a minor role.if the movie had been rounded on her moves and more robert foster's acting ability i think this movie would have been the best from her's a shame that American directors don't know how to put in light cynthia rothrock's talent.the movie has a little potential because of cynthia and forster but the others killed it.all in all i think this movie deserve ** out of *****.now i just can watch her best movies from 80's and early 90's cause i don't think there will appear a good cynthia rothrock movie
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Film vision
kosmasp12 September 2022
You may wonder why - but on the other hand with a main cast like that, does it really matter? Fred Williamson and Cynthia Rothrock .. that sounds amazing in and of itself. Of course as other already have pointed out: do not get your hopes up. On paper or rather the idea of those two sounds awesome - what you get in the end though ... well maybe not so awesome after all.

That being said, it is not like this is a bad movie alltogether. Not bad in the sense of not good - no pun intended. No the movie is mediocre - it has some highlights but also feels like it is dragging on at times. The two main actors seem to have fun though, so maybe that helps you enjoy the movie too. Action/stunts are decent I'd say, nothing to get too excited about either.
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A listless, impassive, poor excuse for an action-crime thriller
I_Ailurophile3 May 2022
Interminably long opening credits, misogyny and horrific violence against women, gratuitous nudity, uninspiring music, a weakly paced and dull action scene, incompetent cops, crass and unfunny tough-talking dialogue, overcooked acting and delivery, a predatory news crew, and imbalanced sound design. These are the first twenty-one minutes of 'Night vision,' and they are far less than encouraging.

The movie carries itself with the air of a straightforward crime thriller, and adopts decidedly dark overtones and no few tropes along the way. Yet in its mostly failed attempts at levity or humor it fashions a clashing unserious vibe, and there are many scenes that plainly struggle with authenticity. When around the 35-minute mark the plot becomes more of a "buddy cop" scenario it seems like there's potential for more fun, but martial arts B star Cynthia Rothrock is rather wasted in a movie where more action-oriented scenes tend toward guns or low-level street fight slugging instead of careful disciplines. More than that, there are definite indelicacies in how that partnership is written that threaten our engagement.

By the time one hour has passed, the narrative hasn't spent much effort on advancing, and not one element of the story has piqued our interest. Characters have a few quirks or complexities, but not across the board, and not enough to make them really stand out. Dialogue broadly fluctuates between flat and boorish, with only an occasional quip or one-liner briefly offering a spark, and scene writing at large is so tepid as to mirror that dichotomy. There are possibilities in the story as written, but the threads don't convincingly connect, and considerable portions are so outlandish or unrealistic as to simply break suspension of disbelief. Meanwhile, those issues that presented themselves so immediately as 'Night vision' began absolutely have not gone away. If this feature were created with any measure of tongue-in-cheek playfulness the miasma may have been at least passable - even including a theme song written for Fred Williamson's protagonist, Dakota "Dak" Smith - but instead it only comes across as halfhearted, insincere, and/or otherwise dubious.

Michael Thomas Montgomery's screenplay is questionable enough, with a nonfunctional mix of ideas; Gil Bettman's direction is truly no better. In their guidance of the cast, the orchestration of shots and scenes, and indeed in the very oversight of the production, Bettman's contribution feels indifferent, and unbothered. There's an astounding nonchalance to the film such that apart from the most repugnant instances of misogynist violence, almost nothing here is able to elicit a reaction, least of all any thrills - and that includes the climax. All the component parts are here for what could be an enjoyable action-thriller, but instead 'Night vision' is bereft of both fun, and earnestness.

I had jumbled expectations when I began, but high hopes. Both have been dashed on very blunt, unremarkable rocks. There's no subtlety here, no real detail, no excitement, no hooks, no cleverness, no excitement. To some extent this is movie-making by numbers, but the person drawing lines between those numbers has gone about it so lazily that the pencil marks just trail off imprecisely. There was a chance this could have been an entertaining movie. It's not. Even if you're an especial fan of someone involved, 'Night vision' is so thoroughly spiritless and lackluster that it's just not worth the time it takes to watch. It's not the worst movie I've ever watched, but so what?
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"He's like a pit bull with a hard-on."
Hey_Sweden22 August 2016
Silly, routine, Texas filmed B action picture stars Fred "The Hammer" Williamson as Dakota "Dak" Smith, an ex-detective who's ended up as a motorcycle cop, thanks to his problems with the bottle. One day he's pursuing a serial killer known as "The Video Stalker" (Robert Prentiss), a crafty sicko who delves into the lives of his victims and films his crimes. Dak screws up big time, so what happens to him is that he must switch a motorcycle for a car and be partnered with a young female cop, Kristin O'Connor (Cynthia Rothrock), who's also in hot water.

Die hard fans of the stars and the genre may be forgiving towards this ridiculous movie, which is funny often enough to make one think that producer / star Williamson, screenwriter Michael Thomas Montgomery, and director Gil Bettman had their tongues in their cheeks to some degree. Still, this is pretty inept, overall. The action is uninspired, and those viewers hoping to see Rothrock doing what she does best will have to wait until the story is almost over. A mild sex quotient, mostly consisting of bare breasts, might satisfy some people, but as for the violence, this isn't all that graphic.

Williamson and Rothrock do seem to get along alright. Robert Forster, the third star attraction, is typically likable and adds some much appreciated levity to the proceedings. Two other performers that one might recognize are veteran character actor Frank Pesce, as one of Daks' colleagues, and Rodger Boyce, who later turned up in "No Country for Old Men". Prentiss is an amusing villain and gives the best performance in this thing.

If you're like this viewer, and watched this on the basis of the star trio, you're advised to keep your expectations VERY low.

Four out of 10.
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Pot holes and plot holes ............
merklekranz17 September 2010
Amazingly awful plot holes, zero character development, and at least a bunch of clichéd stale jokes, permeate this stinker. A repetitive anti alcohol message is both redundant, boring, and likely to drive one to drink. Cynthia Rothrock gets in a few kicks, and Fred Williamson gets to smoke a few cigars, but what is in between is pure garbage. Rothrock, after Williamson blows a guy's head off "I got brains all over me". Unfortunately whoever slapped together this mess thought the audience would lack brains and common sense. Even the chase scene, which is totally devoid of downtown traffic is stale. Avoid this for sure. - MERK
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Night what?
Everum16 November 1998
I have no idea how the title and the movie can make any connection. I think they are referring to the audience. No one but the night is watching. The movie is bad. I mean like some other movies, the action sequences were ridiculously pitiful, and the main villain looked like a pitiful reversion of Frank Nitty played by Bill Drago. I saw this at around 3 in the morning, about the time where there is usually nothing else, and even then it was pitiful enough for me to cry.
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Action at its finest
Jedi-243 September 1999
This movie is great for the brilliantly choreographed chase scenes and the invigorating soundtrack. What Gil Bettman has here is a cinematic masterpiece. The sex scenes in this movie are not gratuitous like other films, but are important to the storyline. The classic one-liners will go down in history as some of the greatest ever, especially the "holy f***" line in the church. Cynthia Rothrock shows off her incredible rear end and also her finely tuned acting chops, comparable to the late Audrey Hepburn. A highly underrated classic for the ages.
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I couldn't finish it!
icocleric30 March 2022
I couldn't finish it. The cheese, and the bad got too much for me. The opening scene the music was awful, it lasted a really long time, and was a really repetitive music that was the cheesiest, and considering how serious the film was trying to be. It just didn't work.

I could see the plot holes opening up, and honestly with the overall bad quality. I doubt they closed them. I'm normally stubborn, but I just couldn't watch it to the end.
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dworldeater2 August 2021
Night Vision is a decent enough B grade action thriller with a fantastic cast. In fact the cast of Fred Williamson, Cynthia Rothrock and Robert Foster is the best thing about the movie and to sweeten the deal Bushwick Bill from The Geto Boys is also in this. With that cast alone, this should be the best movie ever. Night Vision is obviously not that, but there is enough action and trash talking from Fred Williamson to keep me occupied for the duration of the film. Our heroes are cops that are working on a case of a serial killer. This is not on the same level as something Clint Eastwood would star in. Keep that in mind and you will think this is alright. Also, don't expect much martial arts from Cynthia Rothrock. Night Vision is not the best movie of its type, but for it's budget level it could have been much worst. Overall, I thought this was alright. Just keep your expectations low on this one.
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You gotta love The Hammer!
sbunc92-326 November 2001
Fred "The Hammer" Williamson delivers another cheaply made movie. He might have set a new standard for himself. Look for the painfully obvious special effects mortar cannon that is visible in the street during a chase scene. You don't see it just once, you see it several times. Look for the out of focus shot in one scene and the camera operator try to fix it as the scene rolls on. Watch this with a group of people and make your own Mystery Science Theater!
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