It's in the Water (1997) Poster

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Gentle comedy with its heart in the right place
birchn26 February 2005
This isn't the best gay and lesbian comedy around, but it certainly isn't the stinker that some of the other IMDb user comments claim it to be.

It's camp and extravagantly acted -- okay, maybe a bit overacted -- in the way, say, "But I'm A Cheerleader" is. But it more than makes up for that in its upbeat and affirming ending and particularly through its gentle treatment of the two main characters. It's very unusual that these two are a gay and a lesbian. Most LGBT movies stick to one group; "It's In The Water" shows a lesbian discovering what she is from out of a loveless marriage and a "cured" gay guy finding love with an unashamed gay decorator. If only more LGBT movies were as inclusive...

Sure, this isn't one of those LGBT movies that could be claimed to be in the same league as mainstream Hollywood movies. But frankly, even so, I'm happy to give this one a "7". And hell, I'd watch this anytime rather than some of the "gay" tripe that the "mainstream" serve us up, such as "In & Out" or "Three To Tango".

Don't expect a masterpiece, and don't expect the raving farce that the blurb promises. But do sit back and enjoy a good-hearted, sweet, story.
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I guess I first realized I was gay when I put together some fabulous throw pillows that matched the curtains in the breakfast nook of my tree house.
lastliberal25 July 2009
After living nine years in Texas, I don't find, as some others, that the people in the film are caricatures. There are really people that shallow in society - especially at the top.

All of the AIDS myths are exposed, and rumors are floating around town that it's the water that makes you gay. Spencer (John Hallum), who is gay, got a little drunk and started it at a party. It spread like wildfire.

In the meantime, Spencer's friend, Alex (Keri Jo Chapman) is reconnecting with her best friend from high school, Grace (Teresa Garrett), and finds that her marriage broke up because of a lesbian affair.

The local reverend (John Addington), who runs an ex-gay ministry, is leading protest against an AIDS hospice. When Alex isn't helping Spencer fight them, she rents a stack of lesbian films to watch. Soon, she is in the supply closet at the hospice with Grace.

Mark Anderson (Derrick Sanders), who works at his father's paper, meets a new friend at the ex-gay ministry, who came to the meeting by mistake. Soon, he faces his father and states he will not hide anymore.

The surprise is that all ended well. There may have been too many stories to fit into the time, but it all worked, and it was an enjoyable film.
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a good film.
michellelocke00712 September 2010
i've read some reviews where people just detest this film which deserves a wider audience. i thought it was a well-made film that had some interesting characters and a storyline that had something to say about tolerance, love and acceptance. while i agree that the whole 'something in the water makes you gay' storyline didn't play out too well, the rest of the plot was great. i enjoyed the developing relationship between Alex and grace. i just wished the love scene was longer and a little more explicit as the two lead actresses are gorgeous and easy on the eyes. a film that stays true to it's heart by not taking it's subject matter too seriously and being funny.
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relies largely on caricature
nunki725 September 2000
This enjoyable movie relies largely on caricature to achieve its comedic ends and it does so quite well. Lots of good lines here especially for the Spenser character. I thought the love scenes were handled tastefully if somewhat conventionally. I give it 7 out of 10.
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The Good the Bad and the Ugly
robertg-921 May 2000
This is a very strange amalgamation of brutally embarrassing stereotypes mixed with insights and issues that I can't remember having seen addressed by a gay-related film before.

The main lesbian relationship is handled in a satisfying and balanced manner and the secondary gay relationship has some nice elements as well. Worth seeing.

But these are surrounded with such jaw-dropping stereotypes -- both gay and straight -- that I was left wondering how these could be co-existing in the same film, written and directed by the same person. The difference is so extreme you could get whip-lash.

Performance quality is all over the map, characters are given prime placement in the story but nothing comes of them. The best thing the film has going for it is the central lesbian and gay characters; the worst thing is that they are given cartoon characters to interact with.
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Juvenile attempt at social statement
dwr2468 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The friend who rented this thought the story line was that something actually WAS in the water which turned everyone in town gay for a short period of time. That would have been an interesting idea for a film. Unfortunately, this benighted offering gets its title from a joke told by one of the characters about a third of the way through the film. Sadly, the film is as lame as the joke.

The story follows the residents of Azalea Springs, a small, Southern town, as they deal with an AIDS hospice opening in their midst. Most who live in the town are unhappy about the idea, and more than a few are downright hostile. However, Alex Stratton (Keri Jo Chapman) thinks it's a good idea, and despite the objection of her overbearing mother (Barbara Lasater), and wimpy, uncaring husband (Matthew Tompkins), she goes to work there. Once employed she reunites with Grace Miller (Teresa Garrett), her best friend from high school. Meanwhile, Mark Anderson (Derrick Sanders), son of the owner of the local paper, wants to cover the story in a light sympathetic to the hospice, but his father (Tommy Townsend) is only interested in sensationalistic news. And Mark has a few secrets of his own, which he shares with those who attend Brother Daniel's (John Addington) weekly meetings to cure those with homosexual tendencies. And Spencer (John Hallum), the requisite wise old queen with great style and wit, is busy overseeing the death of his unacknowledged lover. However, when Alex and Grace's friendship turns to romance, and Mark finds happiness in the arms of Tomas, a Latin house painter, the whole town is turned upside down. Will these couples be happy together, or will the forces of prejudice keep them apart?

It's hard to know where to begin with this film. Just about everything in it was poorly done. The writing was atrocious. Characters are merely stereotypes who are not developed at all. Their actions make little sense because they seem to have little motivation. And the dialogue was either painfully wooden, or ridiculously clichéd. Even the production values weren't very good, as the cinematography was rather uninspired.

The acting was equally bad. Lasater is so over the top, that you stop listening to her tirades (and that seems to be all she has in the way of lines) pretty early on. Sanders and Townsend are both wooden, and show no sense of any kind of father-son relationship. Tompkins' jilted husband is merely ridiculous and annoying. Garrett attempts to breathe some life into her character, but doesn't succeed terribly well. The only one who does reasonably well is Chapman, and it's not enough to carry the film.

Sad to say, I think there was a good premise here, but the execution was so poor that it just doesn't manage to generate a film that is either entertaining or thought provoking. In the end, it's just a curiosity piece, which fails to engage the viewer. You win some, you lose some...
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Makes you feel good
rstanley6 March 2001
If you grew up in the South, especially if you are gay, you will see people you know or knew in all of these characters - even the ones that seem a little extreme. I have even recommended it to my Mom -- and Alex can eat crackers in my bed any time! This movie made me feel good!
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An awful movie!!!!!!!
res07lla27 June 2002
This is one of the worst Gay or Lesbian movies I have ever seen!One cliche after another right down to horribly offensive stereotypes of both gay male and African Americans. The gay male characters are Badly acted, simpering wimpering, the black maid is right out of an Amos and Andy TV show. The only characters that seem even remotely believeable are the Lesbian characters, and even they are a stretch. The end of course features a simply awful black church choir (How's that for a stereotype in a movie)singing one of dem good ol gopel songs. Do not rent this movie!
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Delightful Camp
ham3l21 April 2005
I would have never seen (or heard of) this film without having met and studied under Kelli at SMU. Seeing her reaction as she told us that in 6 years she'd never shown in at school made me begin to understand how exposed we are putting not only our 'projects' but our entire life in front of people for the sake of art.

"It's in the Water" is lots of fun. The character of Spencer is HILARIOUS, but not drawn up as a caricature like most of the straight people in the film. His lines are fabulous and delightfully droll, but human. One of the truest pleasures of the film.

Otherwise, the previous reviewer was right--the love making scenes are tasteful and...pretty for lack of a better word. It helps, of course, that the two leading couples (Alex and Grace, and Mark and Tomas) are absolutely gorgeous, but the characters individually just light up from the inside out.

Witty, excellent visual design and touching, this is certainly a film that I would recommend. As a huge fan of all things Texas, this is going up as one of my favorite films.
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AryeDirect12 November 2009
Flat, inept dialog and worse direction. Stereotypes all. Every character spoke in the same, overacted voice. Each and everyone was stilted in performance, except for the singer near the end.

Overall execution was poor. Camera and lighting were as flat as the dialog. Everyone represented a 'type'. There was no reality to the characters, nor was there and tone of clever.

The film only came to life for about three minutes, when a gifted Gospel singer sang words not written by the writer/director.

There could have been a good comedy with the premise, but it never surfaced.
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Excellent film
nat_041016 August 2003
This is a really touching film. I saw it when it was originally released and i still love it now. Although it may not be for everyone's taste I think that you just have to go see it with an open mind! For those of you who come from a small town out in the sticks where everyone knows everyone elses business this is for you! If you don't want to buy it then rent it, at the very least you'll laugh once and be entertained for 100 minutes of your life!!
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dellavines12 April 2006
As a member of the gay community I can justifiably comment that this movie was SUPERFICIAL at best: It only TOUCHED on the idiosyncrasies of the gay lifestyle and DID NOT delve into any real issues concerning the gay culture. This was an attempt at a facade of a film. Kerri Jo Chapman was the only thing worth viewing in the movie as the remainder of the "actors" and extras looked like something dug out of a southern swamp. Light, fluffy, and inconsequential. As a reviewer recently wrote "This film is so unbelievably terrible. So painfully bad. Total pants... if a film was to be measured in pants, this film would be the pants found at the bottom of your laundry basket you thought you threw out at least 3 boyfriends ago." Do not waste your time unless you're especially bored and need a good laugh at terrible acting.
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Simply "BAD."
scaffjohn22 November 2004
Its been a long time since I've seen acting this BAD. The story certainly had potential but the overall quality is worse than a B movie. Bad editing, bad lighting, bad sets certainly contributed to an overall bad movie. I'm totally amazed at the people that gave it a score better than a one, the one would be for a story with potential, nothing else in this movie deserved a point. I painfully made it through the movie hoping for an ending that could redeem the movie. I waited for a love story to develop in this movie as a point of redemption but all I got at the end could be called a childish same sex experiment. I'm glad I borrowed it from the library and didn't have to pay rental fee.
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gay in the water...Priceless
mikothy6925 July 2006
I worked on "It's in the Water" back in '96, '97. It was one of the funnest projects I've worked on. I can tell you that Kelli Herd is a brilliant, bold story-teller with a great sense of timing. The casting was great. Regarding the actors, I was impressed at the effortless risk taking that took place not only in the auditions, but more over, on the big screen. Barbara Lassiter (mom) is too much, I remember when they were shooting the scene where she is lecturing her daughter Alex about her gay kiss,noting "Couldn't you have done something like this on the weekend?" The scene when shot, was very moving, dramatic, powerful. Once edited, I was amazed that they turned that scene into its own mini-melodrama with a comic twist. The whole cast and crew was very friendly. One of the more outstanding moments in the making of the movie was when we were filming in the hospital. In the middle of a scene, one of the 1K lights set off the building alarm and sprinkler system, made for a short delay, but all was well. Kelli provided some of the best craft service food I've ever had much! All behjind the scenes stuff aside, The plot is outrageous. Who'd think It's in the Water? Can't say I don't relate though. For whatever reason, this is truly one of my favorite movies, very smart.
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This water in not potable
RochNYguy14 August 2002
So I settle myself down for a great gay movie from the distribution company that brought me "Defying Gravity" and the wonderful "Big Edin" and I had to struggle to make it through, hoping for a redeeming moment. It never came.

The scenes that were supposed to be funny weren't, the one that were supposed to be touching weren't. I just never cared about a person, animal or plant in this movie. Maybe it was because it was poorly directed, acted, edited and written. Maybe it was just ill conceived,

If anyone tries to convince you it is "in the water," ask for a different glass.
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Very Funny Film
chaserok29 July 2005
The person who reviewed this film from L.A obviously has some issues. Does that surprise us of an L.A. person? How can you down a church choir. Get a life. I thought the film was very funny and has a lot of great scenes. Rent the film its good. I thought the "water" issue was not played out very well. This film has some very good characters,especially the scene with the mother finding out about her daughter being a lesbian,very Cruella DeVille,I laugh until it hurts when I saw this scene. The film was shot in Texas "George Bush Country" I can only imagine that some people here in Texas would think the water could cause people to become gay.You should really check out this film it has some great laughs.
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Just too stereotypical to be funny
frequency-228 March 2008
There are a lot of very serious works about homosexuality that bravely comment on the human condition. I can't think of many that are from the gay perspective that try to be funny. Which is probably a bad thing.

This movie tries to be funny. It wants to be funny. It does have it's moments. But mostly it's just trying.

I am from the South and perhaps that makes it a lot harder for me to like this movie. Gay life in the South can produce some outlandish characters that were hinted at in the movie but were colorless and forced. The real life characters I grew up with were/are much funnier and smarter.

But hey, I give Kelli Herd and her group 3 stars for trying. I think they were brave and hope they didn't lose too much money on it. She just needs to recruit less of her actors from dinner theater next time.

I think we need more movies that from a gay perspective that are funny. Hopefully funnier than this one, but still as "nice".

I think my favorite character was the knitter in the mens "hetero is good" group.
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Good attempt
lostintwinpeaks10 September 2002
An odd little movie, with many unknown actors. The comedy/drama in the film is mostly unfunny and undramatic, but some scenes do contain real impact. And one scene is very funny - when the main character goes to the video store for lesbian movies. What a hoot! Otherwise, a good attempt at creating a gay and lesbian movie. This is probably best described as a lightweight and interesting failure - but still worth a look.
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Bait and Switch
gteatr15 December 2004
This was rather a disappointment for me. The title and the promotional copy pushed the movie as a farce, but the film shied away from really exploring the grotesquery and silliness of the situation. The paranoia such a situation should unleash was seriously underplayed. The film should have been about the fluidity of gender identity as people question each other's sexual orientation based on superficial behaviors and the rumor-mill demand that something must be happening, and even in some cases question their own orientation because of the mass hysteria. Instead we saw a rather conventional coming-out story -- not the worst of its kind, but nothing memorable either. I felt like the victim of a bait and switch. This was not the movie I was promised.

4 stars out of 10
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awerling21 May 2001
A few witty one-liners, an okay plot, mostly terrible acting, and loads of potential. At least the message is a positive one. Nothing harmful about this film unless your expectations are too high. To be fair, I saw this movie with a group of five or six people, and we were about evenly split.
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Great movie. A hilarious look at some issues out their that can affect all of us.
turtle-526 September 2000
This movie pokes fun at society and how narrow minded people can really be, you can actually see some of these things happening, maybe not all in the same town, but happening still. The issues are portrayed in a great light, humor. If messages wanted to be sent, they would be understood in this movie. A definite must see.
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Its in the Toilet
Creative19 October 2001
While the film begins with a tremendous amount of potetial (based upon intriguing subject matter along with interesting characters), the film goes south, and quickly. The story line becomes increasingly pretentious, clearly to prove a point, but contradicts itself later on (perhaps to emphasize a state of confusion which bears at least the comparison to the subject matter in a film about sexual orientation). The viewers are presented with a few interesting scenes (although VERY "film-student-esque") and the unwarranted sense of professionalism with which this film was approached, did more to insult the intelligence of the audience than to make any statement about any social issues. Quite simply, if its in the water, then I will have to stay thirsty.
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Fun and Well Done
jmatrixrenegade4 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I first caught this movie on the "HERE" movie package and bought the DVD to see it again and for the commentary provided. Much recommended, both.

Though unpolished at spots, this is overall a very good indie film. What strikes me, and might explain why repeated viewing occurred in my case, is the quality of the performances. The female leads by their IMDb profiles are rather thin resumes. One currently is on a syndicated home improvement show, the other appears not have had work for years. But, they are great.

The clueless socialite -- who of all things recently played a nurse (available free at her IMDb page; a very good performance) in an AIDS hospital -- was also wonderful. Various supporting characters were also very good. For instance, the husband ... a thankless role, sure, but well done. See, e.g., the scene before the ball where the problems the couple has is subtly shown. The gay couple gets less play, but they are nice too. Great cast.

The writing is good as well. It has some rough patches -- honestly, one highlight scene seemed a bit rushed in a way -- but it was equally amusing and heartfelt. The fact the writer/director was writing from experience (up to a pt) shined thru. I also am not sure if the "water" thing totally worked. It ultimately was a bit silly and the true focus of the movie are the two couples.

The commentary is also recommended -- the w/d and the two female leads take part. It addresses some concerns. For instance, yes, as a satire there are caricatures. Second, yes, Kelli Herd herself experienced the gospel choir, which is why she used it in the funeral scene. She also notes she knows a couple who met in a "no mo homo" meeting. More info can be found on the website, which is available online. (The website is now defunct; sadly so, since it had photos and so forth). I'm sure other concerns were addressed as well. It wasn't as deep as some commentary tracks, but overall, it was fun to hear the three discuss the movie.

Someone noted that the dying guy didn't really look sick. I didn't really think about that, but I guess that might be an issue. The decline also happened rather suddenly ... one moment he looks pretty healthy, next he is ready to die. Well, it is a hospice, but still ... but, honestly, it didn't upset me too much.

Another comment noted some characters were mean. Such is life, surely in a conservative little town in Texas, and it should be pointed out that even the mother did hire the gay decorator. And, deep down, we see many in the town are good people.

Finally, I love the expressions on the characters' faces ... were they told to overact in that regard? I don't know, but it is quite funny. This includes various expressions of Teresa Garrett (Grace) in which she looks like she wants to punch Sloan.
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A Good-Effort, Campy B-Movie
d5witkow_9914 January 2001
Although a big hit at gay and lesbian film festivals nation-wide, It's In the Water lacks in artistic merit and quality acting. The acting is flat and the direction is muddled at best. If you just want a fun little movie then this is the flick for you. However, if you really want to see a quality film that breaks boundaries and reinvents Queer Cinema, this is not it. Try Fire, Get Real, or But I'm A Cheerleader if you're looking for something that is not only more entertaining, but is more inventive and compelling.
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Absoultly Fabulous!!
emeraldmist14 July 2003
This is a wonderful movie of discovery. One of my first expirences with lesbians in film and I love it. The Texas drawl is a bit thick but most of the characters are dynamically portrayed. This movie is on my Top Ten list of Coming Out Movies of all time.
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