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Don't thank me. Thank science!
Hey_Sweden2 June 2017
Eddie Tor Swenson (Johan Rudebeck) is a mild mannered film technician who is one day transferred to the Splatter and Gore Department at his company. His new job is to go through the MILES of gore footage assembled for a slasher series called "Loose Limbs", and edit it for distribution. Within a short time, the task has driven him insane and made him murderous. As Eddie suffers various hallucinations, one of his would be victims (Per Lofberg) realizes that he will have to play the hero role.

This viewer went into this one totally blind, not sure what to expect. What he got was basically what the ad copy asserted: an effectively gory love letter to some of the nastiest horror films of the 1980s and early 1990s. "The Evil Dead", "Re-Animator", Peter Jacksons' early output, etc. Horror fans are certain to be delighted, at least for a while. The movie has a refreshingly unpredictable quality (for the most part), and it does mix a healthy amount of surrealism into its outrageousness. After a while, though, it does lose a little steam, with the best material (like a WTF sequence with a hungry imp in a refrigerator) over and done with. In true slasher fashion, Eddie becomes a one man wrecking crew, making mincemeat out of the majority of the people who would foil him.

The makeup effects are quite fun. While it's never as truly over the top splattery as, say, Jacksons' "Braindead", it dishes out some choice brutality. On his way to becoming the hero, Lofberg takes more than his fair share of punishment.

Some of the performances are pretty straight-faced, if the characters call for it, but the ones who have the most fun are the ones who go the broadest. Rudebeck looks like he's having a ball as a horror-comedy heavy. And there's a respectable bevy of very sexy female cast members.

Pretty funny, overall, if never quite uproarious.

Director Anders Jacobsson plays a car driver; American genre star Bill Moseley is billed as giving a special guest star vocal performance.

Seven out of 10.
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A Trip to the Video Store
kirbylee70-599-52617910 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Back in the age of video, when VHS was the method of weekend movie viewing, the mom and pop stores competed with major chains by offering some off the beaten track movies. These were mostly made for video features but on occasion there were movies that hadn't fared all that well at the box office but seemed to do major business on tape. Most of these were horror films and in fact a number of directors making major movies today cut their teeth on these films. Those stores were packed with box art that caught the eye and helped to develop a cult following for a number of films. EVIL ED was one such movie.

The plot isn't overly developed. Money hungry film executive Sam Campbell has his hands on series of slasher films called the LOOSE LIMBS series. The problem is overexposure to the films leads to homicidal tendencies. His last editor locked himself up and eventually had to be killed to get his hands back on the print. In an effort to have them toned down enough to pass censorship inspection Sam transfers mild mannered Ed Swenson to his department, Splatter & Gore, to edit the films.

Ed is sent to a home Sam has set up just for this project with the first film in hand. The more Ed watches the weirder things get. He begins hallucinating, seeing a tiny demon running around the house. With each successive film Ed watches his darker side emerges, a violent psychopathic side that comes out when people stop by and interrupt his project. The question is will he edit the film as instructed? Will it eventually drive him completely mad? And will his homicidal tendencies erupt on an unsuspecting town, including his wife and daughter? While it sounds simple, and in a way it is, the film puts on display all of those things that helped it develop the cult following that it has. The box art may have garnered the interest of gore hounds but not all movies with great cover art delivered. EVIL ED delivers on all levels. The story holds your interest and the gore level is about a 9 on a 10 scale, something gore hounds reveled in at the time and still do.

Here's the kicker. The movie may have been released on VHS but it happened about the time that video stores were beginning to die out. This may be part of the reason that fans were scouring to find it for such a long time, rarity. Made in Sweden while there was still a censorship board at the time it was intended to make fun of that board. The film makers were ridiculed by the board at the time. It seems they've had the last laugh as the film has now been given a superb treatment by Arrow Video and found its way to blu-ray.

The release of this film by Arrow was greeted with glee by the horror community. Message boards and Facebook posts were agog that they now had a chance to own this film in the best way possible. Honestly Arrow Video has provided this film with so many goodies and in such great shape that it makes you wonder why major studios don't offer as good a product on mainstream titles as they do on theirs.

First off there are two versions of the film included here. Then we get to the extras. Wow. Included is a reversible sleeve with newly commissioned artwork by Graham Humphreys, a collector's booklet with writing by film critic James Oliver, the world premiere of the newly-extended version of the feature, the "Keep Em Heads Rolling" making of documentary, a featurette on the creation of the Special Edition cut, deleted scenes, bloopers, teasers and trailers, a still gallery and "Lost in Brainland" a never before seen extended 3 hour version of the making of documentary. Yes, a 3 hour making of which means it's nearly twice as long as the movie itself! Let's face it, this is not Oscar material here folks. It is plain and simple a gore filled horror film for fans of both horror and gore. It is a tribute to the movies that came from the eighties and lined the shelves of video stores everywhere. It is a poke in the eye at censors both in content and commentary in the story. For fans it will be something to sit with friends and have a good laugh over. For non-fans it will be a horror film that will test their limits. And, as always, it is more proof that Arrow Video is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to releasing films not quite mainstream but with the effort put behind it as if it were CITIZEN KANE. Kudos once more to them and their quest to be a favorite with fans.
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Twenty Years Later, Still One of the Best Horror Films Out There
gavin694215 May 2007
Ed (coincidentally an editor) is hired to cut horror films down to be favorable in Europe (where standards are much more rigorous). But he finds the films very mind-destroying and starts going a little bit mad. Okay, "a little bit" might be an understatement.

When you think of horror films, you may not think of Sweden. And if you are thinking of the goriest ones, maybe even less so. Which is all the more reason why "Evil Ed" exists and why it is both a great gore film and a brilliant satire. Sweden's State Cinema Bureau existed from 1911 until 1996, not officially disbanding until 2011. This made it the oldest film censoring organization in the world. Which explains Ed. While the film takes place in the United States, the job Ed has is clearly a reflection of what censors in Sweden actually did. (The United States has never had an official censorship bureau, though it feels that way sometimes if you want your film to get a R rating rather than an NC-17.)

Regarding the film itself, let it just be said first of all: best. opening. scene. ever. A man in an office who blows up his head with a grenade. His boss then says -- with a straight face -- "you're fired". The entire film does not keep up this level of intensity, but it certainly tries. And anyone who likes their gore with a heaping spoonful of comedy will be enamored.

Take the shotgun scenes, the decapitation, the clips from fictional film-within-a-film "Lost Limbs" (which one wishes were a real film). The writer-director of "Evil Ed" (Anders Jacobsson) thought up the idea of a woman who gets raped by a beaver and then immediately after gets shot in the face with a bazooka. That is something you won't find in any other movie (at least, unless there is a scene in "Zombeavers" that escapes the memory).

This film's biggest flaw is the quality. The picture is not as crisp as a 1995 film should be, and the sound could be touched up (though it is not bad). Because of the production value, you might feel like you are watching a 1980s film. Although, this criticism may also be one of the film's strengths -- "Evil Ed" also has the 1980s style of writing and directing in it: a sense of fun and giving the audience a little something extra over the top. We all miss those days.

The 3-disc Arrow Video Blu-ray is ridiculous, but this is the sort of title that deserves it. We have an introduction by writer/director Anders Jacobsson and editor Doc. An extensive making-of documentary featuring interviews with cast and crew, a featurette looking at the early filmmaking endeavors of the Evil Ed crew and a companion piece where the filmmakers discuss their careers following Evil Ed. There are deleted scenes and bloopers...

But the real gem here (other than the new, extended cut of the film) is "Lost in Brainland", a never-before-seen extended three-hour making-of documentary. Holy smokes, could there possibly be anything left to say about this film after all these interviews and three hours of investigation?
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Swedish splatter movie
martymaster9 August 2001
This movie is like nothing before in the Swedish movie making business. This is the first and maybe the last swedish splatter movie and therefor a must have for splatter fans.

This movie is not as gory as Peter Jackson's Bad Taste and Braindead,but this one also got some gory scenes. This is a low budget movie and that explains why there isn't so much gore and spesial fx. The budget was actually only 250 000 swedish kroner. Even though the budget was low they have still managed to make a good splatter/horror movie.

The things that make it funny is that it parodies many famous horror movies like The evil dead,Gremlins and many more It starts of like a normal movie and it takes a while before it really gets entertaining. And at the end is the best gore scenes.

This is a good contribute to the splatter genre,and a milestone in the swedish movie history.
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There's something about Edward
espa27 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The glorious Edward gets to move up in the world when his supervisor tells him that he can drop those filthy Swedish drama movies and head up stairs to the splatter and gore department. Excited along with his big anticipations for the new type of movies he soon will be going to edit, he asks all sorts of questions, about the wage, his workspace and lunch brake. Well, not really. Edward is maybe quite the opposite. Calm, stuttering guy, on top of that, he got glasses. With the exception when he's insane. I guess that created a much creepier atmosphere.

Evil Ed is with all reason a Swedish movie, but somehow a magical force came across the good actors and turned their lovely Swedish accents into stereotypical American voices. I guess that's some of the expertise an actor needs these days. The acting is very….wooden, as in they are inflexible, not bendable (well hey, what did you actually expect?). On top of that the movie has a jamming techno theme song, sounds like its E-Type. In any case, this only makes the movie experience worse. Since I'm fairly harsh against this movie so far, there will usually be a breaking point where I tone the level of happiness up. But there's really not much to say. The blueprints look good, but somehow 'Hanz' spelt coffee over it and partially destroyed it. That's how I look at this movie. If the movie ended where Edward is taken to a mental institute and they refurnished the parts from where he goes insane and kills people, the result would have been much better, but that's just my radical view. I would also like to see more footage from the lose limbs movies.

There are also illogical things to discover in this piece of movie. Let's to say that the actors really are American, living in America, why would they then work on a Swedish movie, like Edward did? And also, that delivery man, why is it that he never uses the doorbell which is located directly beside him? Instead he goes away with tapping softly at the door. Good old Edward really got some good ears to hear all that while he is editing.

Anyway, this movie had its moments, it's just a shame there were not that many. But that doesn't mean I would not recommend it. It's a rather cheap movie, go ahead and buy. It's almost like I see a pattern for the price and the movie. On the other side; if you like watching dubbed movies getting crappier by the second this might be IT. My verdict would then be a rock solid 4.
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It's a splatter fest, of Swedish decent.
tacomunky30314 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Ever hear of the Splatter and Gore Department? I wish I could work there.

So this movie comes from Sweden. I really wish more like this came from there, because this movie had my sides splitting from laughter. There's in-jokes, ridiculous characters, gore, goofy dialogue, and some of the creepiest film reels you'll ever see.

Ed works as a film editor, but after a previous editor for the Splatter and Gore Department goes nuts and is killed while working, Sam Campbell (get it?) puts Ed in charge in his place. He puts Ed up in a nice secluded house, where the movies he edits begin to mess with Ed's head. He starts seeing body parts in place of food and monsters in the refrigerator. So he tries to tell Campbell that he doesn't want the job anymore.

The scene with Ed in Campbell's office is outrageous, due mostly to the sound effects that Campbell has running in the background all day long. My favorite line from this sound collage? "It's molestin' time!" Wow. What the hell movie was that? Not to mention the "Beaver Rape Scene" that Ed cut from the movie, which Campbell demands stays in, claiming it's not offensive. Well, I mean, I've never seen or heard of a beaver rape scene, so I don't know if it would be or not. But probably, yeah.

So Ed goes progressively crazier, killing people who deliver film to the house, or pretty much anyone who comes to the house. He even goes after his wife and kid, before finally tracking down Campbell, and well, Ed loses his head. In more ways than one.

This movie is completely nuts. It's tongue in cheek, it's funny as hell, and it needs to be seen by more people. So yeah, watch it, then spread the word. It deserves viewers.
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You don't have to be insane to enjoy Evil Ed...but it helps
Coventry11 September 2003
Calling this film a decent or enjoyable horror tribute is far too optimistic. Heck, you can't even refer to it as a nice spoof of the genre because it's way below average ( it's funny, but not "haha-funny, you know). But still I'd say to give it a look. If only for the huge amount of trivia elements in it. By the way, all those people who're complaining about this movie here in their comments have only themselves to blame. When you see the DVD-cover of this film, you should already know that it's not going to be on the same level as "The Piano" for example, so don't come complaining afterwards...

Evil Ed could've been something but the totally screwed it up. I suppose the main idea behind this film is criticism towards the growing 'cutting-committee' in horror nowadays. It shows an editor named Edward who's slowly (well,not too slowly) going nuts by seeing all the violence and gore in the movies produced by his company produced. The big boss is named Sam Campbell...Funny, isn't it ? Personally I also expected a character named Bruce Raimi, but to my surprise there wasn't. Anyway, this guy became rich by making movies called "Loose Limbs". They feature ( and I'm not kidding you! ) scenes in which a girl is getting raped by a BEAVER (?) and then gets shot in the head by a bazooka !!! Now, who says horror isn't original anymore ?

With all the gore and the 'loose limbs', it's hard to believe it but it really gets boring very quick. After a decent first 25 minutes, Evil Ed turns into complete boredom and never recovers from that. The only think left to do then ( besides pushing the eject-button, of course ) is look for the obvious amount of references to other, much better horror films. I saw scenes obviously stolen from The Evil Dead, Silence of the Lambs, Braindead and several others.And there's a huge amount of classic horror posters on the walls to admire as well.

Evil Ed finds it origin in Sweden. I'm convinced there's a lot up talent there, far North ( take the Danish "Nattevagten" as an example )...but none of them talents joined the cast or crew of Evil Ed. Only to see if you're in a dumb mood and you don't want to use your brain at all.
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...In the mode of the psychological dramas of the 50s
k01295713 June 2000
The filming is cheesy. Some of the actors overact. Some of the actions are unexplained and unexplainable. But...

This movie is in the mode of the psychological dramas of the 50s.

It is a morality play. Similar to the movie in which a "method" actor becomes the evil character he portrays on stage, Ed is forced to watch slasher movies because he is the film editor. It gives him a nervous breakdown which leads to a complete psychotic break.
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levi-moniz11 March 2022
I guess Evil Ed is gore/comedy, but it isn't that gory or funny. The first half hour is somewhat interesting, thanks probably to the two nice pairs of boobs therein. I couldn't wait for it to end.
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B-Horror Parody at its best
delbruk4 July 2003
First off, to rent or watch this film you are expecting something in the B-horror range. What this film delivers for the astute fan of this genre is quite a hilarious romp via nordic flavor. At times reminding me of the humor of Jackson's Dead Alive and others of a Stuart Gordon flick this little find should have most chuckling throughout.

The f/x reach a few highs of truly spooky (the first time Ed meets his nemesis) but generally have the feel that this film was put together by a f/x team that decided to use any and all props at their disposal from other films...gremlins, devils, slasher films, etc. to pretty good effect and worked in thru the use of hallucinations.

The gem of the film is the humor. The gore works most of the time but more for laughs. At its heart its a parody and a fun one at that.
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Good? Bad? I didn't like it
very_doubtful25 March 2000
This Swedish splatter movie tries to parody/imitate American horror films such as "The Evil Dead", "Gremlins" and others. Writer/director/actor/cinematographer Anders Jacobsson and writer/producer/actor/makeup effects supervisor Göran Lundström (did I miss something?) were obviously inspired by Sam Raimi. But the camera work is a bad copy of what can be seen in "The Evil Dead" and elsewhere. Some other users have written that they enjoyed the humor of this film but I didn't.

The film rather disturbed than entertained me. It tries to combine suspense and comedy and the final product just left me with a feeling of oppressiveness although it wasn't scary or shocking at all. The combination of different genre elements made this film very strange. I was never sure if it was meant to be scary or funny.

The story is quite inventive except for the showdown at the hospital but I didn't like the way it was staged for the reasons mentioned above. The gore & make up effects are considerably good and at least the "Loose Limbs" sequences were quite entertaining because in these scenes the film-makers didn't try to mix scares and jokes.

All in all a strange film that you will either hate or love. Rest in pieces, Evil Ed.

My rating: 3/10 (made me stick to American productions)
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The best awful film in the world
simon_tyers2 June 2006
You know those films that are blatantly awful but you can't help but love them? Well that's what Evil Ed is, possibly the best awful film in the world. The sound is rubbish, the dubbing is crap, the screenplay is nonsense and the special effects are pap. However, I can't help but love this film dearly and I have recommended it to at least 50 people over the years. Sam Campbell (or the guy who plays him) should be featured on the Actor's Studio series as he is that memorable. Possibly the greatest movie villain not named Tony Montana. Seriously, if you don't expect a lot then you won't be disappointed. Keep a light-hearted approach to watching this film and you'll soon rate it a ten afterwards.
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OakTownAs7716 September 2004
Man this movie was way better then I thought it would have been.It was hella funny,Evil Ed was hella funny especially.Hella good effects also better then I thought it would have been.It was kinda creepy too.Overall Evil Ed was a big surprise.If you like funny,gory,horror movies you will like this one.It has everything in it comedy,nudity,gore,all a man needs lol.some things i found kinda fake like when the grenade blew up the pieces would have flew and cracked his skull,but it's just a low-budget movie i can't get on them for that.I gave this movie 6/10 stars.If your a fan of Evil Dead 2 you should really check out this video you won't be disappointed.Even though this movie doesn't compare to Evil Dead 2 it's really a must get.
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Comic gore fest from Sweden is nothing special
Leofwine_draca9 July 2016
An interesting look into the world of the BBFC? A study of James Ferman's daily life? No such luck. However, EVIL ED remains strangely topical, especially for UK viewers who will no doubt find themselves intrigued by the story of a censor who is driven insane by the films he views.

Films like this make me wonder about the future of horror. I mean, where is it going? Jaded audiences are so used to seeing gore effects in mainstream movies today that another pint of blood won't hurt, or another, or another. It seems to me that nothing is ever going to be remotely scary anymore.

EVIL ED is a perfect example of this. Whereas 10 years earlier we laughed at an eyeball flying into an open mouth, we're now supposed to laugh at someone getting repeatedly punched in the face and bleeding heavily from the beating. There is a violence overload in this film. To distinguish it from all of the other horror films coming out these days, this one is actually foreign, a Swedish movie.

It's got a simple plot, which is little more than an excuse for lots of bad overacting, nudity, and gore. The acting ranges from atrocious to pretty average, at least everyone realises they're in a comedy film here. The actor playing Sam Campbell (get it?) is fairly efficient, while the EVIL ED character isn't bad, especially as he slowly becomes insane (shown by his hair getting wilder, and getting covered in more and more blood). The horror takes a back seat to the comedy, and it's what you would expect from a foreign film of this type (i.e. pretty spaced out humour, ranging from extremely dark to extremely childish in form). There's a lot of gore in the film to enjoy, and which keeps you watching, but it's very rubbery, much like the gore in BRAINDEAD (no doubt an inspiration). It's mildly entertaining, if not exactly intellectual.

Apart from that, watch out for plot discrepancies and lots of general silliness which may or may not be to your liking. The makers of this film were obviously big horror fans, as loads of references to the EVIL DEAD series have been included, as well as 'homages' to stuff like GREMLINS which gets annoying after a while (where's the originality these days?). Yep, I just knew they would have a camera rushing through murky corridors, a la Mr Raimi. EVIL ED is nothing special but it does pass the time if you're VERY desperate or if you want to take a look at foreign cinema.
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Intellectual? No. Funny? Yes!
m0rg1621 January 2003
I didn't really rent this movie expecting a intellectual, philosophical movie. I expected a funny, gory splatter film, and I got just what I asked for.

Edward works for some television studio and cuts out violent stuff from movies and such. That's his job. But when he gets to watch an entire film series of "Loose Limbs" and cut out blood and gore. But after awhile he can't handle it anymore and simply goes insane. He starts to see visions of monsters and persons from the films, and in his dreams a bandaged figure tells him to start killing off the "unpure". It just so happens that everyone seems to be unpure. After this Ed goes after several persons in his murderous rampage, including his wife, his daughter, a delivery guy, two thieves and a SWAT team.

The film can be pretty damn gory at times, yet hilarious beyond boundries. Like the doctor scene! Holy crap, that scene is so damn hilarious its just... Hilarious! Its sick too, by the way.

Edwards boss (Samuel Campbell is his name, a homage to Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi) is also pretty funny with some funny lines. But Edward is the one with the real one-liners! THey are truly unforgivable!

Anyway, I cannot praise this hilarious movie enough. It gets 8 out of 10 from me!
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Special Ed
blurnieghey28 December 2022
It has been suggested that this film is sort of a commentary on the boilerplate, generic horror films Hollywood has been cranking out over the years, but in 1995? Heck, those guys hadn't seen nuthin', yet. Aside from that, how is it commentary when the film itself is about as boring and generic as the stuff it is criticizing? After about 30 minutes this thing gets to be pretty tiring and, to be perfectly honest, watching some chick get raped by a beaver and have her head blown off by a bazooka would have breathed some life into it, had they bothered to show that scene. The whole concept of Ed losing his mind from watching violent movies doesn't work at all, especially how it is portrayed in this film and, for some reason, the way the dialogue and lame humor comes across made me think of Ren & Stimpy, possibly because that show was still part of pop culture in 1995 and was also lame and I hated it. It's a decent time-killer and I've seen worse but, like the generic Hollywood crapola it attempts to parody, I'll probably never watch it again.
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My 1000th movie review ......The true meaning behind "Evil Ed" .....
merklekranz3 December 2013
"Evil Ed" is a warning sent to the American film industry from Sweden of all places. If you do no stop churning out repetitive, boring, horror movies, we will unleash our secret weapon on the cinema world. This weapon will come in the form of an over the top "black comedy", with a mean spirited script, adequate acting, and outlandish special effects. This will bury your "slasher in the woods" parade of trash horror films, and create a whole new genre for generations of fans yet unborn. From the grenade in the mouth exploding head beginning, to the flying limbs conclusion, movie goers will be mesmerized by Ed's evilness. Creativity lives, and it comes from Sweden. - MERK
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boring ed
djmexx2 March 2001
Once in a while i like a good horror movie, so i thought this would be a splatter and gore movie. but it was a boring boring movie, maybe because i have seen a cut version, because there where only two things that where a little splatter, one time where some ones cuts someone arm of and where some one shots an arm of, but that where the only things. Wismaster for example had more cool senes then evil ed, its more a boring ed than a evil ed. and some actors where lousy to.o
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Doesn't keep what it promises.
ChoiceCuts9 March 2004
A swedish splatter movie? Has the world gone insane?

Probably not, but it's still not a common sight in these days with swedish gore-flicks, the b-movie business in Sweden seems to have troubles these days, long gone are the golden days of "Rymdinvasion i lappland". And this movie seems to have some troubles on its own: it's just too much talk in it, it still manages to be somewhat amusing mainly for the good FX, which are great for a b-movie. The script and most of the acting is still pretty bad though, but that actually don't matter that much, it's supposed to be a gore flick and nothing more, that's where it goes a bit wrong for some reason. There's is simply not enough blood to fill the void.

Every person who know about Gert Fylking will have a good laugh over his role as a sgt. though. I nearly laughed my ass off. It's really that hilariously bad.

Besides the good parts I've listed there's really nothing else to recommend here unless you're starved for swedish B-movies.

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dark comedy
trashgang12 December 2010
Made in Sweden in 1995, 3 years after Peter Jackson's Braindead, it surely shows were the director (Anders Jacobsson) took his inspiration. It was his first film but it doesn't show. He uses his camera in the same way Peter did, wide angle shots and close ups also being used with wide angle. In the first 5 minutes I already smiled an laughed a lot with it. Not because it's bad but because it's of course a dark comedy. It's all about a notorious editor, Edward, being transferred from 'normal' flicks to the sex and gore department. He doesn't like those gory flicks and asks to get his old job back, refused, he edits other films and slowly becomes bonkers. There is some nudity in it but the main fact is the gore. The blood flows frequently, and sometimes becomes really gory, especially in the final. It's also an ode to the horrors from the 80's. Try to see all those posters on the wall, See Halloween playing on a television. I guess Anders also liked Evil Dead. The use of a demon, seen from the camera, moving quickly through some corridors with that typical Evil dead sound. The demonic face of the nurse, another example from Evil Dead. Really enjoyable.
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What a great splatter movie!
zombiesnake1719 June 2001
The box at my video store is why I rented this one. It looked cool from the guys face axed in half so of course I had to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised when I actually watched it being an "Evil Dead" fan. The Swedish makers must of been fans as well as they included lots of references in this masterpiece. A criminal tries to break into the house Evil Ed was editing the movies that ultimately drive him insane in and says "groovy" as he looks at his weapon quite like Bruce Campbell does when he finishes his chainsaw hand in Evil Dead 2. There is also many posters of that movie scattered around the house and office in the movie. They don't just spoof Evil Dead, as there is a Gremlin style puppet monster that cusses at Ed in his refrigerator. My personal favorite is when he chases his wife around the house and says "I'm coming to get you Barbra" which in case you did'nt know is Barbra's brothers main line in "Night of the Living Dead". This movie pretty much has it all good plot, cool characters, funny stuff (Gremlin puppet),scary stuff (demon doctor), excellent effects (exploding head) and a fair amount of female nudity. I only gave it a 9 because its kind of slow before Ed goes insane but its well worth the wait. So if you liked "Evil Dead 2" or any of the other movies I mentioned above you gotta rent and watch it with a freind, and when your done try "Brain Dead" because I hear it is similiar to this masterpiece.
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Pretty good cult horror comedy/splatter flick
Groverdox30 October 2023
"Evil Ed" is a good horror comedy flick that is reminiscent of the kind of movies Peter Jackson was making a few years before it came out.

The deliberately silly plot is about a mild-mannered film editor who goes crazy after being exposed to the fictional "Loose Limbs" series of slasher films. We see bits and pieces of these movies, but nothing as intriguing as a scene described in the movie but not shown, where a "beaver rapes a woman and then blows off her head with a bazooka".

In fact, "Evil Ed" is not really that violent or gory, especially for a splatter movie. The only really gory scene is right at the end.

The movie is entertaining, but I wanted to like it more. I like cult horror flicks, especially when they're made with a low budget by people with a clear love of the genre.

This one has some impressive visual effects for its reputed low budget. There's a scene where the titular Ed hallucinates a hideously deformed human who looks like Frank looked in "Hellraiser" in the famous "Jesus wept" scene.

Some of the effects, and direction, make it look like other horror movies from the same decade, but with better budgets, ie. There's a demon that looks like the Wishmaster, and contact lenses, camera shots and voice effects reminded me of "Sleepwalkers" and "Warlock".

"Evil Ed" was entertaining, though kind of lost me at the end where it turned into more of an action movie. I probably won't remember much about it.
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Horrorifily So-So
jamhorner13 July 2007
This Swedish mad film was sort of scary, but more a horror tribute film with a splash of comedy with it. The premise is of an editor that has edited one too many slasher movies and slowly goes insane and kills people. First off the great thing about this movie is its movie connections with other great classics. The green monster in the fridge closely resembles The Gremlins. The director of the slasher movie in this movie is named Sam Campbell, a tribute to Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi from Evil Dead. There are many posters of b-movies on the walls that make this movie what it is. The movie alone is titled Evil Ed in reference to Evil Dead.

The humor in this movie is not over done, but at times uncalled for. The Boss of Edward has some great lines and some of the wacky things that Ed says is also pretty funny. The movie does get pretty gory at some points, like the hospital scene.

However, despite these connections, the movie had bad acting, bad lighting and very bad voice-overs. The plot is pretty schmaltzy and sometimes flawed. If they could have improved on these aspects they could have had something going.

Overall, if your looking for a good gore-time and a funny spoof, but not a real horror film, than this is a movie for you.
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ash311110 March 2001
When i rented this movie I expected it to be a horrible boring movie, but boy was i ever wrong. This was very entertaining. Parts of it freaked me out a little while others made me laugh like hell. If you ever get a chance watch this movie.
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