Choujin Sentai Jetman (TV Series 1991–1992) Poster


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Best Sentai Show
g23e8 August 2002
Chojin Sentai Jetman (The Review)

Chojin Sentai Jetman is the 1991-1992-sentai presentation of Toei Production. It has 51 episodes. Jetman is the best sentai series Toei has ever produced as far. Jetman is the live action version of Tatsunoko's Production's Gatchaman. Hence, instead of being just a plain imitation of the said anime, Toei presented Jetman in a way that it could capture the hearts of all ages (not just little kids). And though, Jetman had been dubbed for different languages, some dubbing were not exactly its meaning, the story is still stunning and firmed. You can still appreciate the story and the over all presentation. Jetman also is a mixture of novel, epic, and soap opera genre. And only Jetman has done this so far.

The Story

A lot should be considered in order to make a conclusion that a thing stands-out from its contemporaries. And Jetman proves why it is called the Best Sentai. The way this sentai presents its plot is indeed incomparable among others. From the 1st episode alone, this sentai presents a series of climatic scenes that would make one think what will happen next? Unlike with others, Jetman members become heroes by accident. (Well, every accident has a reason). And as these climatic scenes reach its end, another peak is introduced making you continue watching the series and never let to miss a single episode.

In spite of having good story, Jetman didn't go in details on why this or that happened? Most especially in introducing of a new weapon or a new robot. One particular episode is the Jet Striker is converted into Fire Bazooka in order to save a trap teammate. The conversion is done out of necessity (actually out of intense love also). That's how Fire Bazooka is introduced. Hmmm, simple enough!

Jetman introduces their second robot, Jet Garuda, in a usual way. The dimensian group from an invaded planet brings Jet Garuda to the team. But Jet Icarus and Jet Garuda can't fight the giant monster, Sikada Kid. So the two groups decide to make a program that will unite the two robots, and Great Icarus is born. Well, this one is good enough unlike Tetra Boy's first appearance.

The only impact Tetra Boy's introduction gives, is the hyperactive and automatic way of fighting. Thus, it can be converted also into Tetra Bazooka.

Last weapon that is introduced is the beak smasher. It's not that great either. But the story is a touching one. Proving that Jetman is done to captivate every individual's heart. Well, I guess the writers realized that violence should be lessened and focus more on giving moral lessons and humanity.

The story for each episode just only speaks on what character and attitude the writers have. Musicality is one. Most of the characters (the heroes and the villains) are involve in Music; Gai plays saxophone, Kaori plays keto, piano, and violin, Ako is a member of school's choral group, Grey plays guitar and piano and loves listening classical music, Toran plays flute, and Maria plays piano.

This series presents family relationship episodes as well. It shows a father-daughter relationship twice also relationship between sisters. The series also presents a great story of friendship most especially between Gai and Ryu who at first have a `mutual annoyance' to each other. And as story flows and different circumstances come, they develop a strong bonding. All these episodes are deeply presented.

But what really stands out throughout the series is the romantic flow of the show. I'm talking about, Jetman's love story episodes. It is normal, that Toei came out with a love story sentai, because the characters are young adults who have feelings and know how to love. Thus, this is the most appreciating part of the series. Each love story episode is presented with light romantic flow but with intense emotions.

The Actors

The actors didn't give enough effort to their acting. Well, It's better to under act than to over act. Good thing the whole scenario covered-up the whole series. I think the main characters just acted naturally. And in fairness, they were able to give justice to the characters they were portraying although they were inconsistent with that. But, It would've been much effective if they did their best most especially on drama scenes.

The Music/Costumes/Weapons

The entry of musical scoring is important to introduce fight scenes, drama scenes, hilarious scenes, and romantic scenes, Jetman did it well.

Jetman also benefited for having the best costume among sentai heroes. Some might disagree. Well, this just a personal opinion. They based the color of each costume on a bird-type. And instead of linking the team's individual name to Jetman, they came out with Red Hawk, Black Condor, Yellow Owl, White Swan and Blue Swallow.

Jetman has several attacks in destroying Vyram monsters such as Jetman Cannon (combination of bird blaster and bringer sword), Jet Striker, and Smash Bomber (combination of Jetman Canon and Beak Smasher). Not counting the individual attack.

What makes this sentai the best?

A lot of sentai fans all over the world, I believe, has watched almost all sentai presentations and has their own favorites. Jetman among other sentai, is the only one which gives moral lessons not just for each episode but generally as a sentai series. This also is the only sentai that sticks on the `series' thing because you couldn't miss a single episode. As I've mentioned, this is a fast-phased story and you won't get bored in watching this show. Unlike with other sentai, after introducing the main story, the succeeding episodes are kinda far from the original one and would just go back to the original plot once the series is coming to its finale.

Jetman has a very serious villain, the Vyram. They're not that funny unlike with other sentai villain. But, it doesn't mean that there's no laughing moment once you watch this show. Probably, Jetman is one of those tearjerker sentai. But, Vyram monsters take over being the hilarious thing of this series most especially the talking monsters. Great thing if the dubber is a creative in making ad-libs.

But, I believe what really makes this sentai the best, is the way it separates the real world from the world of imagination. Jetman may lack action-packed scenes that every sentai fans follow. But Jetman focuses instead on reality of life not on what sentai series is all about. It gives emphasis on what is the human side of a hero. It's pretty much better, especially to younger ones for them to be enlightened that life is a struggle. They should know where to stand. This is a sentai of hope, faith and trust. Some may say that the ending episode is a tragic one, but objectively speaking, it has sense. It was done with reason/s. And even the last episode brings a climatic scene the reason why after three years, Toei came out with a sequel novel of Jetman
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Gatchaman + Super Sentai = Jetman
emasterslake18 August 2010
A lot of Sentai fans would regard this to be a remake of Gatchaman. Which I do acknowledge the fact they acquire some of the ideas from that anime to create this series. While at the same time it also has the elements you would see in the earlier Super Sentai shows. Including fully masked heroes with unique powers. Costume monsters to fight and giant Mechas to take on giant monsters.

The story takes place in an untold time period in the 90s. Where an air force group is developing a bird energy device that would make any normal human gain powers and be able to transform into a bird man. However a trans-dimensional group called the Vyram has made themselves known to the human race. Threaten them they will destroy all of man kind.

To stop them, five selected young people with bird energy powers form the Jetman team. Together they must learn to set their differences aside and fight the Vyram before they could succeed in world domination.

This is a good series while at time it could get weird like some Sentai shows like the designs of the dimensional beasts. And it also has some morbid and mature moments that would never be released as a Power Rangers series in America despite it being a kids show in Japan.

It's worth watching if you like Super Sentai, but I don't have the heart to say it's the best one.
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Flying Heroes
hellraiser722 November 2018
This is my seventh favorite Super Seatai show, I really like this entry because it was one of the first that really made the Super Sentai genre gain some extra altitude by flying away from some of the all too familiar and becoming a more well-rounded TV show that of course became something for a lot of other Super Sentai shows afterward.

One fun fact, this was going to be the final Super Sentai show as the genre was suffering as some of their last outings didn't turn out very good. Since this show maybe the last and since was about on the anniversary mark for the genre they decided to give it their all and absolute best. And they did and surprising they we're able to save the genre and afterward has both kept itself flying in the air but continues to gain altitude. I also feel this show is one of the prime examples on how to do a finale or should I say possible finale right, it's a shame that most final seasons to shows like "Once Upon a Time", "Castle" and others don't follow suit whenever a final season arrives the show seems like all of its energy and creative juice has been sucked dry.

The action is awesome, the choreography is on par really like it when they use the weapons or even the flying ability with their suits they have. Mech battles are also cool I really like the designs of them, from the jets but mainly the big combined robots are the most impressive, I really that sub robot Teteroboy whom is this kick boxing robot which might seem silly but turned to be cool. The guy in that costume was a real kickboxing champion, it was really cooling seeing how he moved in it, suppringly very fluid for someone in a bulky costume and this guy just guy just has some of the best punch combos I've seen just how fast and how many punches he's able to deliver in seconds; which is why to me it's always a treat to seeing this mecha in action.

Music is also great really love that theme song which is catchy, it's one of my favorite theme songs of all time, as it just blasts with excitement it's another song to download and play on my iPod list. Including the end theme one of my favorite end themes of all time as it just bittersweet and touching as it's a song that perfectly reflects Ryuu's ongoing dilemma of loss and his struggle to find a way to continue on with his life.

Characters are also good as their all three dimensional and develop throughout. Three of my favorites are Ryuu is great, he's one of my favorite Red Rangers as he's is the most emotionally afflicted. He's a character that's the most sympathetic as he is dealing with the loss of his love Rie and is finding a way to move on, this of course is a prime motivator for Ryuu to fight hard, not so much to save the world but revenge against the enemies that took her away from him. I also like the fact this guy isn't looking to be the pillar that everyone wants him to be, he doesn't have the desire for it nor even believe in it which I like because even I don't believe in that cliché save the world crap, or becoming an idol that's impossible. This guy just simply wants to do his job and he is honest about himself and to others, I like how he says in his way he's saying in episodes, look guys I know you want me to be this or that, but I'm not that guy he doesn't exist, I'm a human being that can only do the best I can.

Commander Aya Odagiri, her character and the actress Mikiko Miki I really have a crush on as she is fraking hot and has the persona to boot, shame the actress didn't have more. And I'll admit there is always something about women in uniforms with that tough commanding personal that is just a turn on for me. She's an awesome commander as she's not some cliché blowhole commander archetype/stereotype, she's is nice to the team but not too nice as she not just helps keep them in line but teaches them to be better than before. I also like that she can kick some ass, from using a gun and a mecha on her own, she also isn't afraid to step in and help her team shows she not just has integrity but guts also.

Gai, his character is cool as he's a loner type. I can emphasize with him on that but also the fact he's a person that just wants to always do his thing, just live life his way. He enjoys smoking and drinking, motorcycles, playing jazz, etc. But guy has one Achilles heel is that he has commitment issues as he is always going out with multiple women but never really having a real relationship with one, this sort of correlates to working for the team as he doesn't really want to be a part of it but is whether he want to be or not. He's a person that really doesn't want to do the right thing but does it anyway as there is no one else or simply shut people up; and there are times when he can change his mind about things and for the better. Though his character can be a little uneven sometimes though that's not the fault of the character it's really in the writing which I'll get to latter.

The main villains are cool, each are unique and well-rounded what's interesting is that it's not the typical one guy or girl running the show cliché, but here it's a whole group that are doing it. They are working together and against each other. Each of them has their own agenda and are each fighting for the position to be the ruler of the Earth once conquered, much like in "Game of Thrones" kind of. I can't help but feel they all could have won and taken over the Earth easily if only they stop sabatoshing the other's efforts or swallow their petty egos.

My favorite is Grey whom is true to his name. Really like the design of him as he' s an awesome robot that has the weaponry to kick plenty of ass. But I also like how well rounded a character he is, he could be one of the robot characters in Isaac Asimov's Foundation book series as we see he has actual wants and need making him human. From his need to smoke cigars, taste for classical music, but also his feelings for Maria/Rie I found myself caring about.

But one of the things that really give this show altitude the story which is really strong. It's the typical alien invader format like in most Sentai shows but it's always in it's execution that makes them stand out, and this show is one of them. I like that the show is a little dark as we see how people actually do die, but also the emotion and dilemmas that one and others have to face, but also sometimes the Jetman don't always win and bad guys sometimes get the upper hand on them. But what I like is how the show has a sense of maturity as it does take itself seriously most of the time despite still possessing its sense of fun; as it has a sense of depth and development in plot and character.

There are love triangles which at the time was uncommon in Super Sentai show as there never was much to any romance which I always found strange. There is one with Ryuu, Gai, and Kaori which I'll admit is the weakest one as it feels a little forced as Ryuu doesn't feel the same way about her, and personally I didn't feel Kaori was a good match for either of them as she doesn't really doesn't know what real love is, maybe also because she's not my type.

But it's really the one with Ryuu, Grey and Rie/Maria which is the strongest in my book. It's a very interesting one as we see this dynamic has a dilemma in which Ryuu is in love with Rie and Grey is in love with Maria but both personas inhabit the same body. Which makes how to resolve it a real head scratcher, well almost I don't know why the heck a female robot couldn't have been made for the Maria persona, wouldn't that have made more sense, let alone fair? Oh well.

Really like the format of the show as it has its developing arcs as well as stand-alone episodes which not just progress the plotline along but also really help bring some depth and development to some of the characters.

But this show does run into some turbulence which really holds the show back a little for me putting it higher on the list let alone a higher rating. Most of the monsters they fight aren't memorable, some of them are either silly looking or just seem stock. There just come off as one-dimensional passable villains you can blow though and throw out like Kleenex.

Some of the writing can be a little wobbly sometimes, as it can really lack a certain amount of cohesion even continuity in places, almost as if someone forgot to write an episode or just failed to take notes. Like Rie/Maria we never really get an episode where we know how she was captured, why they made her into one of them, and if Maria is either an artificial persona or someone alien entity that possesses her. But there are also some lost opportunities in places like the Commander and Grey, despite how awesome they are is we never get much depth on their characters, I personally thought they'd be an episode based on her, but it doesn't happen.

Kaori/White Swan this character I just really dislike this character just as much as I dislike Minmei on "Macross" and is clearly the weak link in the bunch. I also didn't like the actress's performance, it's a little too suruppy, her character is so spoiled, sweetie, and a little stupid it's disgusting. However, the character does have a redemptive quality as we do see in the other half of the show, the character develops in some episodes show some backbone which makes her decent, but like I said decent doesn't make the cut in my favorite's list.

Overall this is another vintage Seatai series to check out, Jetman flies high.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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Jetto jetto Jettoman!!!
euroasiangenetic16 August 2018
One of my best childhood memories was to wake up early in the morning and watch Chojin sentai Jettoman, this my favorite sentai series, specially for the characters.

Commander Ryu is volunteer to the jetman project, he successfully get hero energy in him but for the next volunteer, an earthquake break lose, the rest of the four energy spread to civilian people, one noble woman, one farmer, one sport student, and one gangster type, together when they join forces they become the jetman squadron.

The sentai has been made since 1960s, this series was made in 1991, and I must say this is my favorite series because of the characters, all five of them are likable and related. And I do believe it's the first time it's five different characters with five different personalities, one girl is a rich family type, girl number two is a sport type, the main hero ryu is a mix of a hero type but also comical, and then the other two guys, one overweight farmer and the other one is a cocky lowlife type but still do things right. This on is my favorite sentai.
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BuldakNoodles2826 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating on "THE BEST ONE OF ALL", but it's definitely top five. The characters are amazing. The love triangle between Ryu, Kaori, and Gai is fun and amazing. The story between Ryu and his own love interest, Rie, who became one of the villains called Vyram. The villains were also great as well, especially since they're battling against each other while also fighting the same enemies. I wished there were more episodes focused on Ako and Raita, but I can see where the show was more heading towards. I highly recommend this show to anyone wanting to see Super Sentai.
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Another very good series from Inoue Sensei!
Yup, this is another very good series from a screenwriter who could give some interesting ideas to overrated people in hollywood business on how to take a material from all spectrums and budget (from the most humble and low-cost to the most serious and filled to the brim with money) and make it impactful, provided of course you have a talent behind the camera screen like the director of this series. And the way inject a lot of stuff taken from classic with a capital C anime shoujos like Versailles No Bara, Candy Candy, Mahou Tsukai Sally, The first Disney Princess movies etc. Etc. Etc., stuff that not only is directly quoted in the series by scenes, music and characters (for example Gai being mostly an impression of Terry from Candy Candy) but apparently people like me love with all themselves so it's a plus. The only real "problem" of this series in respect to my previous experience with Kamen Rider Kiva is the typical tokusatsu tendency to lose a bit of steam towards the end, something Kiva managed to avoid IMHO but unfortunately it didn't happen here, but again it's not a problem of anyone involved in the production of this series (not just the writer) but simply a tendency of all tokusatus series in general. All in all, highly recommended.
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Cross Changer!!!!
gabrielbastosgadelha22 July 2020
He is in my top 10. The season has very good and charismatic characters, cool visuals and good filler episodes. The final battle is very good and has an incredible ending.
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The first Super Sentai series without an Power Rangers counterpart that I have watched
aditbiju14 August 2023
Super Sentai Jetman is a great series despite not having an Power Rangers counterpart like one year before Zyuranger that eventually launched Mighty Morphing Power Rangers that is the start of the Power Rangers franchise.

It is a really good enjoyable series that is aimed for all ages just with Power Rangers. It felt like Power Rangers RPM, but with the military aspect in Jetman, which some ideas of the government aspect did make it to Power Rangers that is RPM. Honestly there were some inspiration from Jetman that made it into Power Rangers RPM that is adaption of Super Sentai Go-Onger.

Overall, Super Sentai Jetman has good storytelling with more-matured themes into it with the complex relationship of our lead characters.
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As a Newbie, I thought it was Fun!
dwfcjj17 October 2021
Never seen a series of Super Sentai before (or even a season of Power Rangers) but a friend recommend that this was a good one to start with, so here I am! While not perfect, I found the show to be super enjoyable. It wasn't high art or anything, but it did offer up some deeper characters than I would have first expected, as well as a fairly gripping story. There are a lot of filler episodes, but the ones where the plot moves along are really worth it.
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Changeable Characters and a Drama for nothing ending
biggestspiderfan24 May 2018
The series was enjoyable for the most part. It was more violent than recent Sentai shows and it was definetly more serious for a majority of the time.

I liked the suit and mecha designs and the characters were likeable for the most part.

But here are my problems with this show:

  • the love triangle plot gets annoying very fast
  • the goals of the villans are not really understandable most of the time. they just want to kill the Jetman because that gets them to elect their leader? Guys how about simply voting or throwing a coin or something?
  • Ako and Reita are not contributing anything to the plot. Most of the time they are only there so that Kaori has someone to talk to or that Gai and Ryu can be seperated from another if they try to punch each other again
  • The ending (i mean the last few minutes) were drama for the sake of drama. Nothing more
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