Track of the Moon Beast (1976) Poster

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'California Laaaadeeee, Won't you shorten your dress for me???" - Tom Servo
lemon_magic24 April 2005
My mom used to say, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". She said this approximately 356 times a week, which helped make me the man I am today. (Thanks, Mom!) So I'll start out with some nice things to say about TOTMB.

Paul and Kathy are a nice looking couple. Paul looks good with his shirt off, kind of a Chippendale dancer physique, and Kathy has spectacular legs. The director realizes this and exploits it for everything he can get.

The guy who plays "Johnny Longbow" has a nice screen presence and a good, sonorous voice. Even saddled with a lugubrious, windy character who makes long, boring speeches, he is the most watchable thing in the film.

The script tries to work in some potentially interesting Indian stories and myths into the film - in real life, Indian lore does exist about the trickster god "Coyote", and some of it is funny as hell. Plus, the idea that there was another moon beast sometime in pre-history whose presence was recorded in ancient scrolls adds just the least little bit of resonance to the story.

Oops. That's about all the good things there are to say.

On the other hand, the blonde is a massive sinkhole of suck. She's not a bad actress, she's the "Anti-Actress". She only delivers effective readings of her lines by accident. 60-70% of her lines are stiff, flat, stilted, or just plain jarring to the ear. You can't believe the director let her get away with these takes, or worse, that these were the best takes they could get from her. She barely sounds like a human being. And there are times when the director, makeup people, and costumers conspire to make her look like a total skank on camera. It makes me wonder: how did she get this part and who did she anger during the course of the film? Did she stop sleeping with someone, and part of their revenge was to make her look like a 45 year old Las Vegas hooker?

"Paul" isn't much better. He's a chunk of beefcake who looks good with his shirt off, but he can't carry a film because he speaks in a dull monotone and shows absolutely no facial expressions that I can see. In a more modern era, with different lighting and film stock and camera angles, he might come across better, but here he's just a Ken doll who goes through the motions. See Malibu Action Ken ride his motor cycle! See Ken pose shirtless! See Ken clutch his head and act dizzy! See Ken wear pajamas and lie on a diagnostic ironing board! See Ken turn into a walking lizard and tear people apart like bread sticks!

And as usual with films like this, no one has any idea of how to pace a scene, or carry the story forward. My favorite example of this is the 2nd scene, where Johnny Longbow and Kathy explain and explain and explain and explain and explain their unfunny practical joke to Paul for what seems like the entire afternoon, while the camera stays frozen like a Jim Jarmusch master shot and all the actors stay rooted to the ground in an awkward chorus line as if they were tent pegs. The whole movie is like this.

There are even more bizarre story-telling choices in other spots. For instance, take the scene where Paul goes to a folk music concert with his new girlfriend and Johnny, only to come down with a case of the vapors. The rest of the scene is a montage alternating between the three folkies on stage singing their drab little stripped-down Eagles song, and Kathy and Johnny putting Paul to bed to the strains of "California Laaaaaadeeeee". This makes no sense at all. What are you trying to tell us, Mr. Director? That the band kept on playing even when Paul had to go home sick? (I think we all assumed that would be the case). That Kathy is Paul's "California Lady?" (But we know literally nothing about her history or origins, and the whole movie takes place in New Mexico). That you filmed some concert footage of some unknown band and got the rights to use their song and by GOD you were going to get your money's worth? (Then why not have Paul get sick near the end of the song, or have something interesting happen at the concert while the song plays, and let the frigging band have their little moment in the sun?) To top things off, Kathy wears the most alarmingly skimpy dress in the history of cinema for this scene, along with a completely different hair style - she displays so many acres of flesh that it completely distracts the viewer from whatever the heck the film is trying to say during the scene.

In summary: Ugly, dull, badly paced, badly shot, badly constructed story, with a mostly talentless cast playing cardboard characters. But I've seen worse. It gets a couple of points for Johnny Longbow, for the great legs on the blonde, for trying to add some depth and mood to the story with Indian lore, and for not trying to be anything more than a drive-in style B movie.
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Bad acting; bad plot; bad hair, you're soaking in them
eichelbergersports15 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, a Cinema Shares International Television, Ltd released directed, if one could use that term, by Richard Ashe and starring such untalented hacks as Chase Cordell, Donna Leigh Drake, Gregorio Sala, and Patrick Wright, among others, makes "Stay" seem coherent and "The Lake House" seem downright rousing by comparison.

What there is of a plot has mineralogist Paul Carlson (Chase) and his idiotic friends Johnny Longbone (Professor Salinas-Sala), Butt Healer and some dopey chick, on an archaeological dig somewhere in New Mexico when photographer, Cathy Nolan (Drake), who dresses like a hooker (but without the good fashion taste), comes into their midst.

Naturally, Paul and Cathy fall for each other and the story follows the same old pattern of boy-meets-girl, boy-and-girl-spend-night-on-mountain top, boy-gets-hit-in-head-with-meteorite, boy-goes-crazy-and-becomes lizard-monster, boy-kills-several-homely-extras-and-finally-dies. We've seen it all before.

We know SOMETHING is going to happen to Paul, because after he's conked on the coconut with a moon rock, the Kleenex he used to wipe off the blood begins to glow. That's a pretty good indication of trouble, friends.

There's also a cliché cracker sheriff, a drunk bowler, some old farts playing cards, a bow and arrow contest, and Johnny Longbone, who, when not pontificating about the old Indian legend of how a lizard and a coyote created the Earth, bores everyone to tears about his stew.

But the real weirdness of this film occurs with the musical interlude of "California Lady," sung by a Robin Gibb-looking guy and his two lame back-ups. Why the director felt the need to include this untalented goofball in the film can probably be explained thusly: 1) The guy was his brother-in-law, 2) He owed the guy a favor, 3) The guy was his homosexual lover. You decide.

Meanwhile, Carson spends most of the film without a shirt, but his hairless pink chest wouldn't even turn on the most unattractive woman or loneliest gay guy in the free world. In the end, though, even his bare chest cannot prevent him from glowing bright red (after Johnny Longbone shots him with an arrow made from another moon rock) as the picture comes to a welcome and merciful conclusion.
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Track of the Moon Beast: Bad, but hardly the worst
Platypuschow13 January 2018
I didn't realise when I put this on that at time of writing it's presently down as IMDB's 60th worst movie ever and that's quite a feat.

This 1970's b-movie sci-fi tells the story of a man hit in the head by a moon rock, this causes him to become the titular moon beast when the moon rises. Once changed he each time goes off on a killing spree and it's up to the authorities to stop him.

As you can imagine this is deeply cheesy stuff and the monster looks like it was made by the crew of Blue Peter, the effects are naff and the whole thing couldn't be anymore hammy.

I can confidently say that this isn't in my bottom 100 movies, likely wouldn't be in my bottom 250. Yes it's bad, but there is a lot worse out there.

This creature feature is one for big fans of the genre only.

The Good:

Neat cover art

The Bad:

Monster looks dire

Daft premise

SFX at the end are laughable

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

People need to see more movies if they think this is one of the worst, want bad? Watch Zombinator (2012)
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It Has It All
Hitchcoc23 January 2007
This is a delightful mess. I enjoyed the premise of it. The characters were all relatively bad actors, but it had kind of an interesting sense about it. People were likable. The outdoor scenes were good. The poor guy just wants to get it on with the blonde with the long legs, but he turns into a lizard. That puts the blight on it pretty well. I wonder how long these movies would be if the characters didn't speak in long drawling sentences. There are pauses between each of their speeches, as they wait for the next line. The sheriff is nonplussed in this whole thing. He isn't one of those horror show sheriffs who won't believe people till it's too late. This reminded me a little of the Giant Gila Monster, an equally bad movie. There's even one of them in the film. There's the folky music, a signature song which has nothing to do with anything, and that dramatic music as the characters made their ways through the plot. If you just want to have fun, this is OK.
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Ok idea. But NOTHING happens
gortx24 June 1999
An Okay idea for a low-budget horror movie. Some mediocre, but adequate, acting. A neat monster (especially for the budget). Still, almost nothing happens. A lot is talked about or alluded to, but the film is mainly pure tedium.
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And what a cheesy track it is!
Nightman8513 October 2005
Fragment of meteorite gets lodged in young man's head, causing him to turn into a monstrous lizard-man when the moon rises.

Track of the Moon Beast is a fine example of drive-in B movie schlock! The movie consists of a thin story line, hokey dialog, less than impressive cast, and an all around look of 'we filmed this scene in my back yard'. It's a wonder the movie managed to hide from the people at Mystery Science Theater 3000 for ten years.

Yet despite all its campy trappings, I can't really say that I dislike this movie! Being a lover of B cinema it's rather enjoyable in a non-serious kind of way. I do give the film kudos for its surprisingly decent horror makeup, it's not surprising that this was early work from Rick Baker. The moon beast should have gotten more screen time though. Star Chase Cordell makes for an OK hero/victim and Gregorio Sala is memorable as a long-winded native American expert. Alas the rest of the cast is pretty weak, especially the wooden Donna Leigh Drake who doesn't have a believable line in the whole film! Still the tongue-in-cheek qualities keep it entertaining.

So, for those who enjoy their horror on the cheesy B movie side, you just might like this amusing monster flick.

** 1/2 out of ****
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Unintentionally funny 70's
lanechaffin19 June 2006
It is awful, I agree, although arguably it does (sort of) come together near the end of the flick. The Track of the Moonbeast was an inclusion on a DVD trilogy I ordered for the movie Snowbeast, starring Bo Svenson, that's how I ran across it. What an unexpected bonus Moonbeast turned out to be! Assuming, of course that you are into making fun of the 70's. The movie plays like an episode of Barnaby Jones, with elements of the Brady Bunch and Chips and Star Trek and the Incredible Hulk mixed in. The girl is pretty hot, too, in a definite amateur way. The script is poor and forced, and the characters are highly cartoonesque. I love the scene where the Indian professor and the police chief investigate the scene of our first Moonbeast victim. Pure 70's, baby! Great fun! Enjoy!
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Childhood movie memories meets dust-bin dwellers.
Captain_Couth5 October 2003
Track of the Moon Beast (1976), aww, this movie brings back memories of watching movies late at night when I was a child. I would stay up late watching horrible movies on UHF channels on an old black and white TV. Curiosity killed the cat they say. These movies are like car wrecks. You know they're bad but something compels you to watch them.

Track of the Moon Beast is one of those. Everything about this movie is bad. The acting, budget and script. The low budget f/x wasn't bad.But there's absolutely nothing to recommend about this film. A young man is bonked in the head by a space rock. Soon he turns into a space creature who maims innocent night owls. His Indian buddy knows all about the curse because it happened to his tribe many moons ago. Can the Indian help his buddy before it's too late? I don't know and don't ask. But if you must, catch it on a re-run of MST3k.

No fun.
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"I need to throw up here... California lady" *SPOILERS*
icehole415 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This film is definitely amongst the worst of 1970's trash. It's loosely based on a late 1960's Spider-Man plotline. Basically someone finds a rock that fell to earth, then every time a full moon shows, he turns into a murderous beast. The whole thing is pretty dumb and frankly shouldn't have been made in the first place. Add to it one of the worst songs and a showing of the band that drags the plot to a screeching halt for no good reason, and you've got this turkey.

Avoid if possible.
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the wolf man meets the blob
videodead1-110 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
they should have called this one the Wolf Man meets the Blob. You definitely feel the influence of both films, with a little bit of Creature From The Black Lagoon in there. To bad Track Of The Moon Beast does'nt have the impact of any of those movies. A meteor comes down to earth and explodes just before impact, sending shrapnel like bits of moon rock everywhere. Some how a microscopic piece is in lodged in an archaeologists brain. Turning him into a blood thirsty reptile when the moon is full. (bizzare i know) Well the majority of the film is loaded with old Indian myths on human lizards and science facts, Bad acting and the boring lives of a couple who just fell in love. Aside from all that nonsense the body-count is extremely low. One man gets cut up by the monster outside of his house and his wife has a heart attack. One man gets his arm ripped off (which is the best scene in the whole movie) and then we have the two police officers who get head-butted to death. thats about it for the murders in the film, aside from the monsters schlocky end. Ill let you see the end for yourself if your ever unfortunate enough to see it.
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No where near as bad.
Zeegrade3 February 2010
Paul's Native American friend, Prof. Johnny "Longbow" Salinas introduces him to Kathy, a dirty dishwater blond with legs for days who also happens to wear outfits that end just below her pubis bone. Lucky for him that she's also fairly easy as he steals her away to his private getaway spot to watch the moonrock shower caused by a lunar collision. Don't know how many times I used that excuse before. Sadly all fun and games come to an end when Paul is grazed by a piece of the space debris that for some inexplicable reason turns him into a lizardman. Wouldn't a moonrock monster make more sense? Whatever. When Paul morphs into the lizard he becomes a killing machine with a penchant for drunk bowlers and male campers. When the local police Captain McCabe becomes stumped at one of the monster's crime scenes who does he call first? Why the local anthropologist of course! Johnny Longbow becomes the only competent person who can help his stupid paleface friend as the local Indian legend tells a similar story which ends with the lizardman exploding. Can he get to Paul in time? Is McCabe capable of anything besides tucking his hands into his belt? How much would I pay to have Kathy's legs wrapped around me?

Maybe I've become a little hardened in my years of Z-grade movie watching but Track of the Moonbeast is nowhere near as bad of a film as it's ranked on this site. Worse than Troll 2? War of the Robots? The Executioner part II? Come on people! Just because it was on "Mystery Science Theater" doesn't automatically make it one of the worst of all time. There are plenty of bad films out there that hardly anybody knows about if you just take the time to find them. Besides, Kathy's gorgeous legs are at least worth a star apiece. Yes, both Paul and Kathy turn in graceless performances as each "actor" constantly...pauses...between...sentences but this is a monster movie not "A Streetcar Named Desire". Johnny Longbow does a credible job as the conflicted professor as his character really becomes the focus of the movie after Paul's transformation. The monster by the way is fairly adequate as it was one of Rick Baker's earliest works. Compare this lizard outfit to the one used in "Metamorphosis" which was made fifteen years later and you'll see what I mean. Not the howler I thought it would be which, for once, was a pleasant surprise. Kinda like Kathy's outfits.
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rabid_dingoes12 February 2003
I remember seeing this little beauty at the Ranch Drive-In back in 1977. I believe it was the late late show that weekend. The hot babe in the short shorts always stuck out in my mind. This girl alone was worth the price of admission. Track of the Moon Beast is your typical 1970's mutant monster flick. Not bad, but not good either. Definate cheese to say the least. The creature is cool. The acting lame. But that is what B movies are all about. I do recommend this one. I won't give anything away, just in case someone reads this who hasn't seen it. This flick is available on DVD! I got my copy as part of a triple feature. Track Of The Moon Beast, Snowbeast, and Creature. All three cheesy classics on one DVD. And for the low price of $8.99! What a deal. So pop up some corn and have a good time! I gave this one 8 out of 10.
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It's easy to dislike this!
chaypher12 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Quite a few other reviewers are understandably laying into this seemingly traditional monster movie, After all, it is very easy to dislike something with very little to offer in the way of redeeming qualities. I totally agree that it is hampered by a poor script, bad directing, terrible performances and generally awful production value. I also cannot stress enough how rubbish the musical interlude actually is - I wouldn't torture my worst enemy with it. At this point, you'll be sensing a "however" looming on the horizon - and you would be correct!

This movie has a ropey blend of sci-fi and horror, and given a Native American historical connection which neither makes sense or gives any greater understanding to the very shallow plot. But it's this connection, mostly delivered by the equally likable Johnny Longbone, which gives the whole film any originality at all. As most monster movies are, so this is too, rather silly and any attempt to inject "scientific" explanations appears futile. I believe at some point it is even suggested the monster is somehow related to a T.Rex!

Despite all of it's many failings, I somehow enjoyed this movie. Perhaps that says more about me than it does about the film itself! It kind of reminds me of the sort of stories I used to read when I was a kid and used to attempt to copy them when having to do essays at school. My teachers always seemed to like them! But that was because I was 8 or 9 or 10. Maybe this underlines part of the problem with Track Of The Moonbeast - it looks like it was written by a young kid!
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Gafke16 January 2005
Minerologist Paul likes rocks and stones a lot. This explains why he hooks up with Kathy, a stoned looking blond girl with the personality of a boulder. It may also explain why a tiny fragment of moon rock strikes him in the head during a meteor shower. The damage inflicted by the moon rock isn't immediately obvious; it just looks like a minor scratch. But Paul soon becomes terribly ill, plagued by sleeplessness, headaches and dizzy spells. As if that weren't enough, he's also exposed to bad rock bands and Kathy's terribly slutty wardrobe. Soon, people are turning up dead all around town; limbs pulled off, bodies mutilated, claw marks left behind by some huge and hideous beast. As far as the condescending sheriff and smug Professor Johnny Longbow can tell, it's some kind of giant lizard. Native American legend speaks of such a beast, created by a fire which came from the sky. Soon, the obvious becomes quite clear: the monster is Paul, and he must be stopped.

This is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen. No one in this mess can act, least of all Donna Leigh Drake as Kathy. The scares are silly, the performances stiff, the script awful and Paul is such a dorky, unemotional dweeb that it's almost a relief to see him turn into a giant lizard. Unintentional laughs and cheap special effects make this kind of amusing, but if you're looking for a good scare, look elsewhere. This really is awful.
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Reminds me of the moon - no atmosphere.
sebpopcorn21 September 2008
Track of the Moon Beast has a simple story to tell you, a meteor falls turning a man into a lizard beast when the moon is full.

At the start some jokers make a howling noise in the hills to mildly surprise their friends. When they emerge after this merry jape they gobble up about ten minutes of screen time explaining the whys and wherefores of this little gag. But it doesn't end there, the entire film is littered with explanations of things you neither care about nor really need to know. Oh remember when you did this? What about the time this happened? Show it, or shut up about it! Most of it isn't relevant anyway.

The acting in this one is just horrible and the script is full of moments where they all laugh and share a warm moment that excludes the audience because what they are laughing about isn't funny and what's going on is really drab and boring. The monster is a joke, day turns to night and night to day randomly and the whole thing alternately looks like it was filmed about six inches from the sun or inside a black hole depending on whether or not they remembered to turn the lighting on before shooting a scene.

This is one boring pointless movie, so little happens that within fifteen minutes of it ending you'll be hard pressed to remember one significant scene. Even bad movie fans will struggle to find anything entertaining with this one.
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There are times I miss commercials and station breaks this is one of them.
dbborroughs19 April 2006
This is the story of a man who is hit in the head with a meteor and there after turns into a lizard like killer when the moon comes out. The authorities are stumped however the Indians may have an answer that will save the man and the mankind.

Before cable and the take over of local TV by pretend TV networks this movie was on New York in what seemed like eternal rotation. It played pretty much at anytime of day depending upon when the programmers had a whole in their schedule. I saw this more times than I care to imagine as a result. It always struck me a clunky monster film that would make more sense if there we're cuts and commercials. Well thanks to DVDs I can honestly say I wish that I had the commercials back.

Seeing this film in its uncut glory is a test of endurance. Not a whole heck of a lot happens and what does happen isn't that interesting. Sure there is a monster, but thats about all this film has going for it as people tend to talk more than they do. Its painful viewing thats sure to put you to sleep.

Unless you need to see every rubber suited monster or are in need of sleep this is a movie you can pass on.
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now I understand
geoffrey30011 June 2005
I finally understand where the Power Rangers got their monsters from, from movies like these. I actually think this one appeared in one of the episodes as well.

My god, the movie was horrible. I felt asleep, even with the comment of the MST3K guys, which makes the movie more amusing. Picture got a blond haired trained guy, a stereotype blond chick with the lowest IQ possible, but with a nice body. 5 minutes after they met, they act like they have been lovers for years (I am quite jealous on that ;-)). Now, here it comes.....on a beautiful night there is a meteor shower with rocks from the moon. Magnets cause rays, rays cause wonder where it is going? You have to see it to believe it.......or not ;-)
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Man, what a suckfest!
NateW26 June 1999
I never thought I'd see a movie as completely boring as Blood Waters of Dr. Z, but this one comes awfully close. Basically, it's about a guy who gets hit by a piece of meteorite and turns into a fake looking monster on a full moon(why I have no idea) and goes on a killing spree. He finally gets killed at the end when he nearly kills his idiotic girlfriend who was about as convincing as a rock. There's a lame song number at the beginning, and that's about all I remember.
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One of the worst movies I have seen. But, hey-it's showbusiness!
jadewood11 May 2002
The only value to this movie is watching Donna Leigh Drake. Though all of the acting is horrible and the plot is almost impossible to follow, it was a laugher to watch. I love to watch movies that are played as though they are great classics. On checking the actors most are only in this movie, duh, some are in a few more.
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Perhaps Johnny Longbow can save us
Aaron137520 September 2001
This rather low budget horror film appeared on the cult television riffing show Mystery Science Theater 3000. Kind of does the same thing as others movies have done over the years as it has a person turning into a monster as the night time darkens the day. It also does the whole thing from space turning a person into a monster too as the catalyst for the transformation is a meteor fragment lodged in a young man's head. That being said it is a bit different in that if features a beautiful romance that is born in less time than it takes to do a load of laundry, it has a strange musical interlude featuring a very bad and kind of whiny band and it features a sheriff who has to have his thumbs tucked into his belt at all times. The film has some kills, but a lot of the scenes that feature killings are too brief and the monster itself is not the best looking creature ever put to film so all in all it is a rather bad film. Still, it is one of those bad films that make for a good episode of Mystery Science Theater so it does have that going for it.

The story has a guy digging up some stuff in the middle of nowhere when he hears a couple of screams before his old friend Johnny Longbow, two of his students and a woman who seems to want to immediately date the guy who was doing the digging. Seriously, she just sees him there and gets him to go eat dinner at Johnny's and then they are driving to the middle of nowhere so they can see the meteors in private. Well, poor Paul gets hit with a chunk of meteor before they head back to his place. Everything is fine at first, but when the new couple make their way into a museum the meteor in Paul's head reacts to the meteor on display and now Paul begins to exhibit strange symptoms such as nausea, illness and general sickness. Of course, that could be from hearing the song California Lady; however, he also turns into a big lizard and kills a guy who was bowling. Soon he is causing terror across the town, though not really all that much and NASA is called in and may be able to help him and soon we have a really stretched out ending!

This made for a very humorous episode of MST3K as it is one of those films that is just perfect for the show. The strange prank that opened the film is perfectly parodied by the show during the first bump and the whole California Lady moment is also ridiculed by them perfectly. The end section begins to drag a bit as you can tell the filmmakers were just trying to extend the film's run time as watching Paul climb rocks got to be a bit boring, but it livens up again once it finally turns to night again and he once again becomes Super Paul!

So this film is not very good at all. It may have worked with some tweaks here and there though. Well, maybe a whole lot of tweaks to it. Some better actors and actresses would have helped, a slightly better looking monster would also have helped and some more kills too. The one where the monster killed the old guys was just too comedic to be very good as the monster rips off one of the old guys' arm and proceeds to hold it while the guy who got his arm ripped off does not react at all! The whole relationship angle was a bit too over the top as well. The two who got together did not know each other long and they were already madly in love by movie's end in what had to be the span of three or four days. All in all it was just a bit of a bad movie, but it did make for a great episode of MST3K.
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sethn17221 April 2006
Wow. This is creepy, this is dark, this is headache-inducing, this is awful!

"Track of the Moon Beast" is a movie that is bad when you watch the original version, but good when you watch the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" version. A lot of movies on that great show are like that. I mean, would you rather bore yourself to death with those low budget effects without any assistance from the Bots of MST3K, or would you do the opposite of what I just said? I'm saying, watch this with the Bots on the Satellite of Love! That's a much better way to watch this dung ball of a film!

Remember, do not watch "Track of the Moon Beast" without any assistance from the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" team!
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Keep on Tracking, Beastie...
Coventry23 August 2006
Imagine yourself to be in this situation. You're out for a nightly walk, minding your own business and just when you're about to score with that blond chick you picked up earlier that day… BANG! You get hit on the head by a freaking meteorite! Well, that just sucks! Especially when it turns out that this meteorite is an authentic piece of moon rock, capable of turning you into a prowling, bloodthirsty lizard-creature at night. Okay, I suppose it obvious that "Track of the Moon Beast" is quite a stupid movie; poorly written and not the least bit suspenseful. The first half is still more or less endurable, thanks to some cheesy meteor effects and a particularly nasty killing sequence, then it becomes a dull and clichéd mess. The Lizardman's girlfriend and best friend (the obligatory wise Indian guy) try everything they can to cure poor Paul, but he's doomed… End of story. The camera-work is hideous and the lizard-transformation effects are downright ridiculous. The acting's pretty bad too, but at least main actress Leigh Drake's gorgeous legs distract you a bit. It looks like it was forbidden for her to wear anything other than a mini-skirt! She even goes on mountain expeditions wearing a minuscule skirt that is only just long enough to cover her crotch. Oh, and good luck trying to sit through that Godawful "California Lady" country song! Bad 70's drive-in horror, avoid like you would avoid skin cancer.
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This so-awful-it's-downright-awesome 70's Grade Z creature feature schlocker quite simply rocks (pun intended)
Woodyanders18 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Loner mineralogist Paul Carlson (drably played by the singularly dry and uncharismatic Chase Cordell, who alas never acted in another film) gets a piece of moon rock lodged in his skull during a meteorite shower. The decidedly lethal chunk of green cheese has a severely bad effect on Paul come nightfall: He transforms into a hilariously cruddy-looking humanoid lunar lizard that ravages the dark, desolate New Mexico countryside, leaving a trail of bloody, mutilated corpses in its deadly wake. It's up to Paul's wise old Native American buddy Johnny Longbow (poker-faced, more-wooden-than-a-giant-oak stiff Gregorio Sala, who gets to say all this funky mystical prophecy mumbo jumbo about how the murderous reptilian creature is really an ancient Indian god come to life so it can bring about the end of the world), aided by Paul's leggy bimbo photographer squeeze Cathy Noland and clueless, stolid local yokel Sheriff Mack (glumly essayed by Patrick Wright, a beefy, curly-haired perennial co-star in numerous 70's exploitation films who played similar dippy cop roles in "Caged Heat," "Revenge of the Cheerleaders," and "Roller Boogie"), to stop the scaly, sanguinary, nefarious nocturnal were-lizard beast.

Thanks to such tried'n'true so-bad-that-they're-perversely-beautiful ingredients as rank community theater level acting (although Donna Leigh Drake as Cathy almost compensates for her woeful lack of thespic prowess by wearing these drastically cut blue denim hot pants which show off a lot of her long, shapely, well-tanned stems throughout the entire picture), Joe ("Ilsa") Blasco's horrendously chintzy and unconvincing make-up f/x (Joe also plays the titular butt-ugly critter), Bob ("Ginger") Orpin's corny score, a memorably ridiculous creature that was designed by a young, unknown, just starting out up-and-coming Rick Baker (I'm sure he still lists this baby on his resume), a horrifically bad aspiring folkie singer/songwriter who briefly appears on-screen to bleat out the unforgettably insipid folk-pop ditty "California Lady" in a dreadfully slight, nasal, off-key tenor voice, uproariously godawful dialogue (favorite line: "If I'm gonna die, I wanna die looking like a man -- NOT like a monster!"), painfully gradual molasses going uphill in the wintertime sluggish pacing, several very amusing, dimly lit nighttime attack scenes (the best-ever assault occurs when Moonie rips open a tent so he can make grisly hash out of a bunch of redneck card players; one poor guy has his arm torn clean out of its socket and not a single drop of blood gushes forth from the gaping wound!), and poor (mis)direction by Dick Ashe (who oddly enough never helmed another feature), "Track of the Moonbeast" makes for an unsparingly ludicrous, often risible and hence quite entertaining so-shoddy-it's-strangely-sublime low-budget horror flick howler.
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Entertaining with a great feel for the 70's
Rich35922 July 2021
Although this is an extremely low budget film, I found it entertaining and certainly better than the current superhero fare that you could not pay me to see. It has a certain 70's charm to it. It was silly, badly acted, and did not make much sense, but I felt this was made by a bunch of ambitious friends with some filmmaking skills, and I wanted to like it. It captures the feel of the 70's well, including the band which may have been performing in any local pub during that era. The female lead also has had some very revealing clothes that distracted me during the film, but I did not mind! It appears this film was made to showcase the talents of the make-up artist, but much of the gore effects were cut from this version. Overall a strangely appealing and likeable film.
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"Moon" rock...OH, WOW!
Mister-628 August 2000
Some films earn all the accolades they receive. Some will live forever in the hearts and minds of film lovers the world over. Some films inspire creative minds to create their own variations and further enrich the lives of the movie-going public.

This film isn't one of them.

"Track of the Moon Beast" is not simply a bad film - it's a dull and stupid one; one that makes the viewer angry that it's so cheap, so poorly-written and acted and so indifferent-looking when it should be exciting. What a waste.

In fact, the only thing good about it is the way it was so deliciously roasted to a burnt cinder by "Mystery Science Theatre 3000". Mike and the robots made sure no possible arrow was left un-slung at this baddie. And if you insist on watching this movie, do yourself a favor and make it the "MST3K" version. Where else will you learn about "JC Penny HookerWear"?

One more thing: if you watch it at all, you'll no doubt have the song "California Lady" running through your head FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. And that's not a good thing.

No stars for "Track of the Moon Beast". Ten stars, though, for the "MST3K" version.

Wanna hear what goes into a really good Indian stew? Man, so do I.
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