Mare of Easttown: Enter Number Two (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Enter Number Two
17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mare of Easttown (2021)


1st Season

Episode Three - Enter Number Two

Why is Mare covering for Wilson Fisk's mother's neighbor (oh sorry, the first thing I saw when I saw her was: "I've seen this old woman", it's from DareDevil)

Everyone uses Mare's son's death to attack her.

The biggest suspects are: The two priests (I think it's too early for them to have shown so much suspicion towards them, if it were them, they would hold back a few more episodes to show it), the character of Guy Pearce (because they were focusing too much in the priests, suspicion towards this character increased) and the character of Evan Peters (just based on the history of his characters, 0.0001% chance of it being him, but I don't rule it out).

I'm also thinking it's a girl, because whoever did this to Erin wanted to make it look like it was a case of rape, but I wouldn't know who this girl was, Erin's best friend, perhaps, if by chance the Dylan is the child's father, I'm going to suspect her.

They tried to make me feel sorry for Dylan, but I couldn't.

Episode three of the first season of the Mare of Easttown Miniseries watched on May 17, 2024.

Rating: 9/10.
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