12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book so this review is based on movie only. First of all the characters in this movie are so bland and are both annoying and lack any sort story/depth. The amount of potholes in this movie were actually distracting and made it so hard to follow the story. It didn't help that the scenes just cut to each other with no detail of the things happening. Also no sense of time in this movie it could have spanned a whole year or just a month who knows?

The main character Sienna lectures the other characters for the whole movie like she's some sort of therapist, comes of really ingenuine and is just boring to listen to. She for some reason is the best fighter in the movie beating guys twice her size and weight easily (their supposed to be pro fighters) with no formal training and doesn't fight at all until the end. Her constant voice over made me wanna die. I felt like I was listening to an audio diary of some chick. She tells us a sad backstory about her hard life with no family but it is never shown or literally anything to do with it. She's supposed to be strong willed and a feminist icon but she constantly talks about how easily the men control her throughout the movie. The "feminist" dialogue was awful and made me not want to be a woman anymore. She also talks a lot about how happy she is that she's no longer with her ex Jax and about how horrible he was but constantly thinks about him and is lowkey still obsessed with him even after "moving on". So far to the point she has a dream about her, the ex and the love interest having a threesome. Was very random ngl.

The apparent "best friend" and brother???? Of the love interest is the most pointless character. The main chick knows nothing about him including that he even has a brother and has never met his fiancé until the first underground fight. Not to mention why were they even there. At the best friends wedding her ex starts a fight with her new bf and ruins the entire thing. It is never brought up after besides a half assed comment by Sienna at the final fight where its forgiven instantly and never brought up again. Also at the end when she's in the hospital the newlyweds miss their honeymoon just to see her wake up only to leave immediately. He is the dumbest character i think I've ever seen . A waste of space.

The sister... First of all she's sleeps with Sienna's bf at the start of the movie and feels absolutely no remorse and tells Sienna she doesn't understand what's she's going through (she's trying to find herself??) also keeps popping up and being super insufferable. She never apologizes and at the end they are just suddenly on good terms again.

Jax the ex boyfriend was probably the most interesting character only because he was emotionally unstable (no reason given) and that made him somewhat interesting to watch. Total douche though. Kept trying to get back with Sienna even after everything he did, didn't understand the concept of no.

Kayden wasn't all that bad just a bit boring and pretty much no chemistry with Sienna.

The Plot holes were insane Kayden's sad backstory is that his mother dies and he feels its his fault. But he's also adopted and his brother the best friend never mention this mother at all. Also for some reason Jax knows about this even though Kayden never tells anyone anything because he is scarred and very private.

At the start of the movie Jax and Sienna relationship obviously has its ups and downs but it is overall very loving and they care for each other a lot. After he cheats she suddenly starts saying he was an abusive gas lighter and controlled her. This is never hinted or showed to us until halfway through the movies when she just starts bringing it up.

There is so many more but I'm losing my mind just thinking about these ones.

In conclusion don't watch this movie and save yourself the frustration and pain. Thanks for nothing Castille Landon.
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