Review of Coming Home

Star Trek: Discovery: Coming Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
10-C: Strangest aliens ever, in any franchise
10 May 2024
This is exactly what Star Trek is all about, presenting an alien race so strange, so unlike the usual humanoids, where do you start to communicate?

And they seemingly have technology so powerful, do we even dare go in there with phasers blasting?

Or do we figure out some way of talking to them?

But then you remember that there is a time limit, how are you supposed to get any of this done before whole solar systems are gobbled up?

Remember something that Mr. Spock said when a gigantic trashcan was on its way to earth with a dampening field so powerful it sent every starship to the side of the road, and when it got to earth it started "waporizing" The earths oceans?

"I find it unlikely that their intent is hostile".

To which bones replied, "oh, you think that this is its way of saying **hello** to the people of Earth?"

But we never got to see anything about that race, or why that it was interested in the songs sung by humpback whales, and what was inside of that gargantuan trashcan. But interestingly enough, humpback whales had actually gotten trapped in the San Francisco Bay during the time that they were thinking about that film. So, as well as a science fiction story, there is also some kind of contemporary message.

And that message for today is, how do people that are completely diametrically opposed politically ever supposed to communicate with each other and live with each other?

Which seems impossible when you visit any social website, but if you stop visiting the social websites and start walking around your neighborhoods, then you begin to see people as people and communication can begin.

And I believe that this message is working, people that I could not talk to four years ago are talking to me today.

All because Star Trek puts on shows, not just this show, but everything else in their entire franchise which offers us alternate ways of dealing with these issues. By transposing our issues into science fiction issues, and then showing how it could be solved within that framework, it gives us a way to solve it on old mundane earth.

This series and this particular episode also shows us how one obsessed individual could get put into a position of power where he could literally destroy everything, all for selfish personal desires.

We already gave such a person that kind of power and we were very lucky that it was ended, but we face that same threat again this year.

And Discovery is literally providing another storyline, what happens when absolute power gets given to the wrong person or entities? And are we willing to do that again after suffering through it previously?

So the overall purpose of the messaging of Star Trek is for us to start using Grey matter. And, to start making the future happen, now.

But which future do you want? Do you want the Terran empire, or do you want Starfleet? Do you want to live in fear, or in peace? Because it could tip either way.

Once again, we find that Discovery has a bar somewhere on the ship run by a Ferengi officer, ("Red") and that there is an alien sitting on a barstool who is of the same race as Morn.

And what did Quark say about things like this? "The more things change, the more they stay, the same".

Ironically, the president of the Federation is partially Cardassian, partially Bajoran, and partially human. And the president of earth is...
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