Great Cinematography, Not Such a Great Argument
9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The title of said film is posed as a question, but the discourse that unfolds offers no debate as the creationist/intelligent design theory is the one that is argued to be true from the outset. This is so because the only experts in the film all espouse the Genesis explanation and state that the Earth is not millions of years old but is young. At one level, this is all very interesting, but without a counter view it doesn't really mean anything and clearly the claims can be argued against, with some considerable weight. As such, we hear that the Grand Canyon was formed in no time at all by the rushing deluge of the Great Flood, and that the T-Rex was punished by said Great Flood because it was violent. Now, I'm not a dinosaur expert, but the aggressive nature of creatures like said T-Rex was due entirely to their predator/carnivore nature and they killed to consume, so I doubt that there were organized gangs of T-Rex putting the shakedown on Stegosaurus businesses for protection money, Peaky Blinders style, and thus incurring divine punishment. Of course, this implies that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries, and both faced the terror of the Flood, but if so, then surely the mighty Megalodon would have been quite happy in a flooded world, and so still be with us, taking big bites out of the shipping lanes. Later, an astronomer explains that a spiral galaxy is millions of light years away, which kind of ends the debate in terms of the age of the universe, but somehow this isn't an issue and is explained away in terms of the power of God (I think, I couldn't really get the gist of the rationale). At another point, a starfish and a sea cucumber are plucked from a pool to demonstrate how they categorically debunk evolution, but again, I'm not quite sure exactly how they do this. So, while the film looks great, with sweeping panoramas of canyons and lush landscapes and some really excellent cinematography, it badly needed balance as the film simply concludes that there is no debate concerning the status of Genesis as the be-all-and-end-all history of the universe, but of course, there is.
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