Change in time and outcome
6 May 2024
The latest and most recent Terminator film sees this film in somewhat of a different direction. The visuals, special effects and scenery look great and are well polished.

The plot has very little differences nor set itself apart from the previous sequels . It goes full circle to the early Terminator sequels. As it is apparently a direct sequel to T2.

It would have made some difference if we saw another character or main character become enhanced with the future technology but this is just a pallette swap of the John Connor story. The character of Grace is incredibly unlikeable as we are meant to root for her.

Now Arnold's character mainly plays a cameo and reliving certain moments shown in previous films. He really makes his appearance around an hour eight minutes into the film.

Overall Dark Fate does something enjoyable but for the most part is more so average and overly confusing.
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