An unforgettable luncheon
5 May 2024
*Superintendent Chalmers rings the doorbell at Principal Skinner's house, to which Skinner opens the door*

Chalmers: Well Seymour, I made it. Despite your directions.

Skinner: Ah, Superintendent Chalmers, welcome! I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!

Chalmers: *sarcastically* Yeah...

*He enters the dining room, sits down and places a wine bottle in an ice bucket. Meanwhile, Skinner goes into the kitchen, only to find out his roast is burnt as he gasps in horror*

Skinner: Oh, YE GODS!! My roast is RUINED!!

*Skinner then looks outside the window to the nearby Krusty Burger restaurant as he begins to plot a scheme*

Skinner: But, what if... I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking? *chuckles* Delightfully devilish, Seymour!

*Skinner tries to escape through the window, until the Superintendent walks in and catches him in the act*

Chalmers: Uh?!

*cue the 'Skinner and the Superintendent' theme song, as a montage of their scenes from previous episodes is shown*

"Skinner with his crazy explanations, The superintendent's gonna need his medication, When he hears Skinner's lame exaggerations, There'll be trouble in town tonight!"


*Cuts back to Skinner's kitchen*

Skinner: Superintendent! I was just... Uh... Jus- just stretching my calves on the windowsill! Isometric exercise! Care to join me?

Chalmers: Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Seymour?

Skinner: Um... oh! That isn't smoke, it's steam! Steam from the Steamed clams we're having! *rubs his belly* Mmmm... Steamed clams!

*A suspicious Superintendent leaves the kitchen. Skinner breathes a sigh of relief, before exiting the window and running across the road to Krusty Burger, where he buys hamburgers and French fries to make up for his burnt roast*

*Scene cuts to Skinner returning to the dining room, with the fast food presented on a silver tray*

Skinner: Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouth-watering hamburgers!

Chalmers: I thought we were having Steamed clams.

Skinner: D'oh, no! I said steamed hams! That's what I call hamburgers.

Chalmers: You call hamburgers steamed hams?

Skinner: Yes! It's a regional dialect.

Chalmers: Uh-huh. Uh, what region?

Skinner: Um... upstate New York?

Chalmers: Really? Well, I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'steamed hams'.

Skinner: Oh, not in Utica, no! It's an Albany expression.

Chalmers: I see.

*The superintendent takes a bite of one of the hamburgers while Skinner sips his drink*

Chalmers: You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger.

Skinner: Ohohohohoho, no! Patented Skinner burgers! Old family recipe!

Chalmers: For steamed hams?

Skinner: Yes.

Chalmers: Yes, and you call them 'steamed hams' despite the fact they are obviously grilled?

*With his secret exposed, Skinner must come up with a distraction*

Skinner: Y.... Ye-... You know the-.... One thing I should-... Excuse me for one second.

Chalmers: Of course.

*Skinner steps back into the flaming kitchen and immediately back out, seeing as it is now on fire*

Skinner: *pretends to yawn* Well, that was wonderful! A good time was had by all, I'm pooped.

Chalmers: Yes, I should be- *notices the light coming from the burning kitchen* GOOD LORD! WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THERE?!

Skinner: Aurora Borealis?

Chalmers: Ah-... Aurora Borealis?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localised entirely within your kitchen?!

Skinner: Yes!

Chalmers: ....May I see it?

Skinner: .... No.

*Both of them exit the house as the fire continues to spread. Skinner's mom is heard yelling to him off-camera*


Skinner (looking up): No, mother! It's just the Northern lights!

Chalmers: Well Seymour, you are an odd fellow. But I must say... you steam a good ham.

*As the Superintendent begins heading home, Agnes starts screaming for help, causing a concerned Chalmers to look back at the house. Skinner gives him a thumbs up accompanied with a fake smile, causing him to walk away. With Chalmers now out of sight, Skinner rushes back inside to deal with the fire*

Agnes (voice): HEEELP!! HEEEELP!!!
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