3 Body Problem (2024– )
inaccurate premise?
5 May 2024
The premise here is the premise we have in most of the productions we see these days it is to do with fear and how much we should fear and how much we should be paranoid about invaders plagues attacks of any sort keep the population in a state of constant adrenalization

Of course this kind of desire to make us fear in this case as in many others is based on a premise that is moronic at a deep level. A civilisation four light-years away which could get to us would probably have no interest whatsoever in our wretched little planet full of poverty hunger war inequality they will deem us a dimwitted planet one should stay away from

If they have the kind of technology shown here in the Sophon They really would not be interested and as the elderly Chinese lady posited quite rightly the only guys who might want to come here would come here to help this extremely retarded people known as humans but even that is doubtful so to me the premise is silly profoundly silly

As regards the story here it is really well put together every episode really flows well no dead time never boring And we are very much entertained by this motley Crew of actors

A Chinese girl from New Zealand who has this most interesting accent a mixture of Antipodean English and quite a few Chinese tones in there she probably moved to New Zealand when already over the age of 10 would be my guess; then we have the impossibly beautiful Mexican actress who sounds 100% American as she went to bilingual school; and for me the most interesting face the Chinaman actor from Salford in the North of England you could not get more English sounding than him but then you look at his face and you could not look more Chinese than he does; fantastic combination and a really good actor. Then we have the Irishman the elderly Irishman who feels you should "save the planet"; from invaders; although he goes about it with the subtlety of a bull in a China shop.

There is plenty of humour in this piece which is interesting to see who the producers are many famous names obviously put money upfront thinking this would do well and it has done very very well.

It is way better than the vast majority of current productions and I too would highly recommend it although as I said at the top the story is based on a false premise but hey we are in the realm of fiction here it does not really matter; it is entertainment; and do not fear they are NEVER coming...
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