Review of Exhuma

Exhuma (2024)
Not worth the hype
3 May 2024
"Exhuma" promised to breathe new life into the tired tropes of exorcism horror, especially when Choi Min Sik is in it, but instead, it stumbled into the graveyard of mediocrity, failing to resurrect anything remotely interesting or engaging. From its uninspired characters to its lackluster plot, "Exhuma" is a film that feels like a missed opportunity from start to finish.

The film opens with the familiar setting of a graveyard, where everything appears peaceful and serene on the surface. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that there are dark secrets lurking beneath the soil. It's a setup that has been done to death in horror cinema, and "Exhuma" does little to distinguish itself from the countless other films that have explored similar territory.

One of the biggest issues with "Exhuma" is its characters, who feel like cardboard cutouts rather than flesh-and-blood people. As a result, it's hard to care about their fates when they're faced with the horrors that unfold.

The pacing of "Exhuma" is another major stumbling block, with the film meandering aimlessly from one scene to the next without any real sense of purpose or direction. Instead of building tension gradually, the film feels disjointed and unfocused, leaving viewers wondering when, if ever, something interesting is going to happen. Even when the scares do finally arrive, they feel forced and predictable, failing to elicit any genuine fear or excitement. Like monster turns into a flying fireball. Really....?

One of the few bright spots in "Exhuma" is its visual style, which manages to capture the eerie atmosphere of suburban life effectively. From the shadowy streets to the dimly lit interiors of the characters' homes, the film does a commendable job of creating a sense of unease and dread. However, this visual flair is ultimately wasted on a story that fails to deliver any real scares or surprises.

In the end, "Exhuma" is a forgettable entry in the horror genre that fails to leave a lasting impression. With its bland characters, sluggish pacing, and lackluster scares, it's a film that will leave audiences feeling more bored than frightened. Save your time and seek out more worthwhile horror offerings - "Exhuma" is one resurrection that should have been left buried.
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