Seen one, seen them all
3 May 2024
They are all the same, Martell in her short skirts.

Dialogue identical, tempting people into capitalism under the guise of developing homes of multiple occupancy aka HMOs. Probably to be inhabited by students or immigrants.

A tired format, preceding the daily news, endlessly recycled if you look at the credits and Roman numerals carefully before the news.

But what happens when it goes wrong and people lose money? Where is that show?

The music background, lyrics accompanying the narrative is annoying, as is the narration.

It's just a feel good show, but does not show the graft and emotion that goes into houses, stripping them back and having new owners. Homes that families grew up in.

The estate agents, they look around every time - they know nothing, as I am currently selling, I can attest to this.

We pay our licence fee to feed Dion etc. For this. Money that could be better spent elsewhere. I know some love it, not me - call it personal opinion. The format is tired now and needs to be retired along with Salomon.
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