It's unnecessary scare tactics for those that don't have experience
29 April 2024
Take Your Pills: Xanax

Netflix followed up the original Take Your Pills documentary on Adderall, and pivoted to another overprescribed set of drugs: Xanax and the other benzodiazepines such as Klonopin or Valium. Anxiety happens to all of us. The documentary really pushes forth the theory that instant communication through cell phones has forced anxiety on the world. I call bull on that as it seems like an excuse for people to ask for drugs.

I have never taken Xanax, especially since everything in this documentary has been known for years. The interviews of people who used the drug, the ones still alive anyway, are striking. Folks: medication can be useful and appropriate. Don't go buy street benzos, possibly laced with Fentanyl, just because you can't handle anxiety.

The worst part of the information given is how deadly these drugs can be. Like the Adderall documentary, uneducated young people follow their celebrity heroes, and take these drugs thinking it's the wonder drug that'll fix everything.

I write what I want in these essays, so here's my soapbox. Anxiety is real. ADHD is real. Mental health issues are real. Medication, meditation and mindfulness together are very helpful tools that can be used with therapy to help be functional and peaceful. We don't need to be a culture that pops pills, sometimes way above prescribed, in order to cope with every day life. This leads to addiction, health problems and even death.

Regardless, the documentary is well done, going into the history of benzos and how they were originally used, morphing into the epidemic today. There was a lot I didn't know, and since I've used Klonopin and Valium before, I'm more upset by the folks that don't know what they're doing, versus someone watching the documentary who's never used these before.

This writer is happy to listen if anyone wants to talk about mental health awareness. There's alternatives to abusing drugs. Please be careful out there.
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