Review of The Jester

The Jester (II) (2023)
It had potential but left me wanting. Poor.
22 April 2024
I like true idea. Although not massively original the mask and costume looked interesting. Not sure why called it Jester though as no real connection and not very comedic at all.

The film is well shot, lit, edited and the acting is good.

But the script is just aimless and has nowhere to go. The final third seemed like making it up as went along.

It wasn't as deep or meaningful as I think they believed it to be.

The characters weren't that likelable really and it all felt rushed and not very well thought out.

It would have worked better as a short film, say 30 mins maybe.

In fact I seem to remember someone saying it was a short film so maybe that would be better as didn't work here.

Also. It is far too tame. Zero gore and the deaths were boring. It really would have saved the film if it had a few more kills and upped the gore. But it was tame and I just didn't care about the constant sob story about the dad being absent. Boo hoo.

The end was predictable and really not as good as they probably thought it was. It wasn't clever. It wasn't some deep metaphor for mental illness it was just daft.

She just said. I'll ignore you and that was it smh.

Shame. Had potential with the character. It was similar to many others in horror but lacked any menace due to lazy kills and not many of them.
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