Cold Squad (1998–2005)
Time Frame : 23JAN1998 (1997 filming) - PRE CSI!!!!
20 April 2024
The bad reviews are due to the fact that the reviewers are not factoring in the time frame. The show is 26 years old people. This series PRE DATES CSI (2000); and Cold Case (2003) was a direct rip off of this series, right down to Lily Rush's hair style. On top of that this is set in Vancouver BC for Vancouver BC audiences and based on real cases from Van. US audiences would not be familiar with the authenticity. The fact that there were many character changes through out gave it a more realistic vibe. The only character that should have stayed besides McCormick was Logozzo, however, Michael Hogan left when he was offered the role of Colonel Saul Tigh. The other reason for bad reviews is that when the series went into syndication/ streaming for the US market 11 minutes were shaved off each episode, so there are key parts of every episode missing every time it runs/ streams in the US. Julie Stewart is Brilliant portraying a Sergeant that, as with real life detectives, devolves with the wear and tear of homicides on the soul. She also does a Brilliant job of portraying what it's like to be a top female homicide detective in a misogynist system. It also showcases Van at the time and the very real issues of the day. Much like NYPD Blue and Cagney and Lacey in the US, this was a groundbreaking show and most people watching the show now did not see it when it originally aired. Michael Hogan was absolutely stellar as Logozzo; much like Dennis Franz as Sipowicz; a veteran cop that has to learn to adapt to technological advances as well as changing police procedures. The on screen chemistry between him and Julie is palpable and all with proper BC English, which sadly, you don't hear in Van anymore. I was lucky enough to watch it when it first aired, in its entirety, rather than the cut up US syndicate version that airs nowadays.
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