The Ministry Of Realistic War Scenes
20 April 2024

Very Smart Writing

Love The Classier Comedy

Acting is Fine

Decent Pace

Combat Is Rather Contained


Summary: Like the title, this movie is very much about smart and "elevated" writing, with a style that feels very realistic in its approach to a mission. It's classy and planned out, using espionage, tactics, and strategy to obtain intel and carry out the mission. There are fantastic dialogue exchanges with quips, planning, and immersive strategizing to help you feel like you are in the 1900s again planning a battle. Alongside this is a comedy that matches the elegance of the movie, very well-timed, reference-filled, and cultural warfare that is very much as deadly as a gun. This means a drier sort of rambling compared to most movies, but there were several times that I chuckled during the film. Good acting helps establish the theme well, with presentation and mannerisms very endearing and proper to this special op group. Each character may not be the most memorable in terms of a unique story or look, but they all come together to be a very elegant and suave band of fighters. Cavill in particular is quite charming, with James Bond qualities that are tongue in cheek and yet deadly when we need it. His supporting cast each has their own personalities that are different, yet not so extreme to stand out too much. This is great for constancy, if not a little drab compared to other movies. Eiza González was my particular favorite, such attitude and charisma tied into one role.

Outside of good acting and classy writing, the movie moves at a balanced pace giving plenty of time for details and yet not dragging us too far into details that we are fighting sleep. This translates into a movie that gives you a decent build-up to action scenes that culminate into a semi-engaging action scene. This warfare is much more contained than in other movies. Much of the choreography is far more sedated, taking on the stealth ops of simplified shots than the full-blown warfare. The scenes are a bit simpler, but again hold the realistic feel that the movie upholds and keeps the cinema in line with the theme they establish early on. The result is something a bit down to earth and I believe that this will be appreciated by fans who like war movies without the spectacle of gore that some of these movies get too caught up in.


More talking than action

Needed A Bit More Dive into Other Characters

Wanted More Intense Action Scenes/Movie Magic

Summary: Sadly, if you went in here (like I did) with the hopes of combining war movies into an action spectacle, then you might be ab it put off by the approach of this film. More of a spy thriller than an action-war movie, you're going to get a lot more intel and sabotage for much of the film as our agents collect data and change their plans to incorporate my people or speed up their sailing. This part is intriguing and cool, but I would have liked for all the planning to amass in a spectacle that was engaging, close calls, and holding that more movie magic flair. Sure, their stories and skills are important, but in a movie with this much promotion... I would have liked to have a bit more bite to match that intensity and scratch that adrenaline itch. Throw in that some of the other characters needed more investment, personality, and coordination into the story, and You get the primary dislikes I had with the film.

THE VERDICT For this movie, I can say it's a more balanced and down-to-earth war story that feels at home in a history classroom. The fascinating portrayals and the planning are fantastic, with smart writing that helps give you a taste of the intelligence side of warfare. Our crew is well-ingrained into the movie and keeps everyone a part of the action as they battle the Nazis, led by some solid acting. And with an engaging pace and realistic action, you really get something that should not overwhelm and still give you that war-story bite. Yet, the movie's toned-down approach may also be a weakness for those wanting that engaging, nail-biting choreography with boom, bang, and blood. You do have some cool moves, and the comedy does make it more bearable to help cut through the drier tones of the movie. Throw in a little better character balance and some Hollywood magic and perhaps this movie would have scored higher for me, but again a very engaging spy thriller that is worth a watch if you have the time and intrigue yourself.

My scores are:

Action/Drama/War: 7.5 Movie Overall: 7.0.
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