You know exactly what you're going in for, It's a Zack Snyder movie.
20 April 2024
It seems that Zack Snyder's modus operandi now is to release a fair to middling take of the movie at PG-13 (though funnily enough, the first film had a 15 rating slapped onto it by the BBFC after Netflix had already rated it as a 12. I'm guessing the same will happen to this due to the dark tone of it) Then release the Snyder Cut, which is not only longer, but darker, more violent, with profanity and sexual scenes that wouldn't pass at PG-13. These cuts end up being the definitive versions of the film, and vastly superior to the one the studio put out initially.

I don't know why the studios don't trust in Zack Snyder's original vision, as he's proved time and time again that his vision is the better movie.

Justice League was infinitely better than the Joss Whedon debacle that was initially released, as it restored whole deleted sub-plots. Got rid of the cheesy(and sometimes sleazy) humour, and introduced a whole new big bad, which due to the poor reception of the studio butchered cinema release, has just been left hanging.

Batman Vs Superman explored more of the story as a whole, went deeper into each characters psyche, and introduced more story threads that would be picked up in Zack Snyder's Justice League.

Watchmen, the directors cut actually gave justice to it's original inspiration. The seminal comic book Watchmen. It was long thought to be unfilmable, but Zack Snyder pulled it off, and apart from one very uncomfortable sex scene, should be up thee with the best comic book adaptations ever made.

I'm guessing you've got my point by now, and I know this time it was a marketing ploy by Netflix to have the two different version. One that's more family friendly and one that's a Hard R rated, adults only version. But please reserve judgement on this duology of movies until you've seen what is Zack Snyder's original vision. The man is a masterful filmmaker when he's let off a leash and encouraged to do what he wants to do. I for one can't wait to see a bloody, violent, sweary, and jet black version of both of these films, and they deserve to be seen before any judgement is passed on them.
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