Excellent Psychological Horror
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Massive Spoilers!!!

This is an excellent character driven psychological horror. The two main performances are terrific and the story makes you second guess what is happening, what might happen, and who is tormenting who with the card game being a particularly brilliant piece of film making.

Here is my take.

The less than positive reviews I have read criticise is of the final third and how some people think this is weak, but to me it isn't. Very little of this film is actually happening. The only thing in this film that is happening is the first minute (before the knock) and the last couple of minutes (from the knock with the taunting kids). The rest of the film is purely in Patrick's head as he is committing suicide because as the film title tells us, "You'll never find me".

Patrick is a serial killer who has tried his best to keep away from people in order to stop killing but as he says the dead woman in his trailer came to him. No matter what he does someone always ends up falling in his lap, so to speak.

The visitor doesn't exist as she is a combination of all of his victims which is why her story and jewellery constantly changes throughout the film. Why items move around, why blood appears and disappears.

The chaos of the final third is Patrick's suicide note to us.

My wife and I loved this film. Very smart and a well made use of a single location and a minute cast. It was like watching a brilliant play and I commend the cast and crew.
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