29 March 2024
Herbie rides again 1974 Even dough they had success with the first movie, they could address the story gaps from the first, instead they opted for a new storyline witch has nothing to do with Herbie and his racing dream, as an idea the story and script on the second movie is not bad and presents the good vs evil saga witch was and still is popular at Disney but it needs more.

For the that script in particular to work they needed a good cast and the decision to add new actors and cuple that with a average performance the movie has started to go down the drain.

When you have a movie that is struggling to keep an interesting script up but is brought down by the performance of the actors what do you do? You try and fix it with practical effects, after all Herbie movies are a good opportunity for that. And at the time it may have looked inovative but today it looks terrible, from the rolling screen in the background to the poor hidden drivers shown in scenes where Herbie drives alone, those could and should have been spotted by the Director even back then, in the first movie they did a better job.

Overall the potential for a great sequel was lost to average acting and poor practical effects with a low effort at hiding movie magic effects and stunts.

The only reason I would recommend this movie is to watch it with light-minded people and to comment on it's quality and presentation.

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