Street Girl (1929)
Earliest RKO
27 March 2024
Betty Compson's 4 boys are a successful jazz band with awesome music also from Gus Arnheim. Jack Oakie is quite the dancer. From Wesley Ruggles this has some sound problems and can hear the camera but wouldn't change that. Compson easily drives this highly successful hit for RKO, a true star. Ned Sparks to Compson regarding her break up,"when they're jealous they always come back." Nothing better than a twenties musical based on a jazz band and here with a mushy love story. The piano player is the prime mover. A New York night club floor show with wonderful jazz dancing and proto- Busby Berkeley camera. If you don't like early jazz not so special. Thank Pre-Code for giving us a beautiful Snow White street-wise Aregonian homeless violinist who moves into a spacious one room apartment with four jazz guys and winds up wearing furs and jewels and gives the piano player his rightful romantic expression. For a remake would have had Streisand and Ryan O'Neal.
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